Class 5 SST
Class 5 SST
Class 5 SST
. What is a democracy?
7. Name two types of climates found in India.
8. What is the importance of the Constitution?
9. List two sources of water.
10. Name the continent where the Sahara Desert is located.
1. Describe the journey of a river from its source to its mouth, highlighting important features
along the way.
22. Explain the importance of freedom fighters in the struggle for India's independence. Name
any two prominent freedom fighters.
23. Compare rural and urban lifestyles, mentioning at least three differences.
24. Discuss the role of the United Nations in promoting peace and security around the world.
25. Describe the seasonal changes in India and their impact on agriculture.
26. Explain the concept of 'global warming' and its effects on the environment.
27. Write a short note on the importance of preserving cultural heritage.
28. Discuss the importance of education in a democracy.
29. Explain the process of making a product from raw materials, using an example.
30. Describe any one major environmental issue faced by the world today and suggest possible