MatchMeet Documentation
MatchMeet Documentation
MatchMeet Documentation
Submitted to
Submitted By:
Sakshi Tiwari(0302CS191065)
Shivam Sharma(0302CS191073)
Shubham Kumar Chaurasiya(0302CS191078)
Sonam Singh(0302CS191082)
This is to certify that the Major Project on
“MatchMeet” which has been completed &
submitted by Sakshi Tiwari, Shivam
Sharma, Shubham Kumar Chaurasiya
and Sonam Singh in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science &
Engineering for the session 2019-2023 is a
bonafied work by them and has been completed
under my guidance and supervision.
H.O.D Guided By
Mr.B.P.Singh Mr.D.P.Singh
(HOD CSE Department) (Asst. Prof. CSE Department)
Dr. P.K.Shukla
This is to certify that the Major Project on
“MatchMeet” which has been completed &
submitted by Sakshi Tiwari, Shivam Sharma,
Shubham Kumar Chaurasiya and Sonam Singh
in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology
in Computer Science & Engineering for the
session 2019-2023.
Project Associate
Sakshi Tiwari (0302CS191065)
Shivam Sharma(0302CS191073)
Shubham Kumar Chaurasiya(0302CS191078)
Sonam Singh(0302CS191082)
A project like this one involves many people and would be incomplete without
the mention of all those people whose guidance and encouragement helped in the
successful completion of this project.
I would like to express my sincere and deep sense of gratitude from my heart to
my guide and project coordinator Mr.D.P.Singh, Assistant Professor, VITS, Satna
(M.P.), for his help supervision and encouragement as a guide throughout the course of
this investigation.
With great pleasure and deep sense of gratitude I would like to express my special
thank to Mr.B.P.Singh, Head of Department of Computer Science & Engineering, VITS,
Satna, for his erudite guidance, affectionate encouragement and wholehearted
involvement in my thesis, without which it would have been difficult for me to complete
this work. I am fortunate to be his student.
I would like to take this opportunity to offer my special thank to Mr. Sunil Senani,
Chairman, VITS, Satna for his constant encouragement and bearing with me and light up
my path. I express my deepest gratitude to Dr.P.K.Shukla, Principal of the VITS, Satna
for encouragement, useful suggestions and inspiration for completing my thesis. I would
like to express the special thanks to all faculty members and the staff of the Department
of Computer Science. They are excellent teacher and have inspired me to continue
learning with an open and positive mind. I express my heartfelt gratitude to my friends
and also to each and every individual who was associated with my work, including those
whom I may have inadvertently failed to mention.
Finally, I am highly obliged to all my family members for their support and blessings.
Sakshi Tiwari(0302CS191065)
Shivam Sharma(0302CS191073)
Shubham Chaurasiya(0302CS191078)
Sonam Singh(0302CS191082)
Table of Content
1.1 Evaluation of System 3
1.2 Problem definition 3
1.3 Proposed System 3-4
1.4 Scope of work/project 4
2.1Presently available system 5
2.2 Title/ Article 5-6
3.1 Requirement Analysis 7
3.2 Use-Case Diagram 7
Appendix A Software Requirement Specification (SRS) 19
Appendix B Screenshots 19-20
The dating application developed using Angular and Dotnet Web API is a comprehensive
platform that allows users to communicate with each other and like each other's photos.
The system's functionality was thoroughly tested, and it was found to be working
efficiently. Users can create profiles, upload photos, search for other users, and
communicate with each other using the messaging feature. The system also provides a
seamless experience for users to like each other's photos.
The user interface of the dating application is user-friendly, intuitive, and easy to
navigate. The design is simple and straightforward, with clear instructions for each
feature. The messaging feature is particularly impressive, as it allows users to
communicate with each other seamlessly. The response time of the system is quick, and
the pages load smoothly without any lag, providing a seamless user experience.
The application provides users with a seamless experience, allowing them to easily
search for and connect with other users. The app also includes features like chat, push
notifications, and location-based search, which enhances the user experience and makes it
easier to find potential matches.
The overall idea behind the project is to connect people and increase the social interaction
among the adults. The application is designed and is loaded with the astonishing features
like live one-on-one chat, like profile, updating profile information etc.
The proposed work for MatchMeet includes the development and implementation of key
features such as live one-on-one chat, user profile creation and updating, liking profiles,
and robust security measures. Additionally, we plan to integrate MongoDB for seamless
data management and scalability. Our goal is to provide a user-friendly and secure dating
application that meets the needs and expectations of modern dating app users.
Currently, there are several dating applications available that allow users to communicate
with each other and like each other's photos. Some popular examples include Tinder,
Bumble, Hinge, OkCupid, and Match. These platforms use various technologies,
including Angular and Dotnet Web API. Each platform has unique features and
functionalities that cater to different user preferences. However, the core functionality of
these platforms remains the same, which is to connect people looking for romantic
relationships online.
Data Privacy: Highlight the significance of data privacy in online dating platforms,
examining the measures employed by MatchMeet to ensure user confidentiality, secure
data storage, and protection against fraudulent activities.
User Safety: Address the issue of user safety, including the implementation of
verification processes, reporting mechanisms, and moderation systems to mitigate risks
associated with online interactions.
3.1Requirement Analysis
These features were informed by research on user behavior and preferences, which
showed that users appreciate the ability to connect and interact with others in a dating
Additionally, the survey highlighted the importance of using the latest technologies and
tools in app development. As a result, MatchMeet was built using Angular, Razor,
HTML, CSS, JS, MVC, SQLite, and MongoDB. These technologies were chosen
for their ability to provide a seamless user experience and enable scalability and
By conducting a literature survey, our team was able to gain insights into best practices
and key factors that contribute to the success of a dating app. These insights informed the
development of MatchMeet and ensured that it meets users' needs and expectations.
Sign Up or Login
Live chatting
Profile Creating/
Profile Liking
Actor: User
Description: The user can communicate with other users on the platform through a
messaging feature.
Pre-conditions: The user has installed the application and created an account, and has
identified another user they would like to communicate with.
Basic Flow:
The user finds the profile of the user they want to communicate with.
The user clicks on the messaging icon on the user's profile page.
The user types in their message and sends it to the other user.
The other user receives the message and can respond.
Alternate Flow:
If the other user is not interested in communicating, they can choose to ignore or block
the user.
Post-conditions: The user has communicated with another user on the platform and can
continue the conversation as desired. The messaging feature facilitates communication
between users and allows them to get to know each other better before deciding to meet
in person.
Changing DP
Editing Bio
Login End
Liking photo
Search new
Class Hierarchy:
User Class: Represents a user in the MatchMeet system and contains properties such as
name, age, interests, and photos. It encapsulates user-related functionality like profile
management, messaging, and interactions.
Match Class: Represents a potential match between two users and includes properties like
compatibility score and common interests. It encapsulates the logic for determining
match compatibility.
Chat Class: Represents a chat session between two users and includes properties like
participants, messages, and timestamps. It encapsulates the functionality for real-time
messaging and chat interactions.
User Class Inheritance: The User class serves as a base class for different user types, such
as Basic User and Premium User. The derived classes inherit common properties and
methods from the User class while allowing for additional features specific to each user
Chat Class Inheritance: The Chat class may have derived classes for different types of
chats, such as Private Chat and Group Chat, inheriting common chat functionalities and
extending them as needed.
User Profile Encapsulation: The User class encapsulates profile-related data and
functionality, ensuring that profile information is properly stored, retrieved, and updated.
It provides methods for accessing and modifying user attributes while enforcing data
integrity and privacy.
Relationships and Associations:
Association between User and Match: The User class maintains associations with
potential matches through the Match class. It allows users to view their matches and
interact with them based on the match compatibility information stored in the Match
Association between User and Chat: The User class is associated with chat sessions
through the Chat class. It enables users to engage in real-time conversations and access
their chat history.
The object-oriented design of MatchMeet promotes modularity, reusability, and
maintainability. It allows for extensibility and flexibility in adding new features and user
types in the future. By following established design principles and leveraging the power
of object-oriented programming, MatchMeet achieves a scalable and well-structured
User Class
Photo Class
Chat Class
Photo URL
The class diagram in MatchMeet provides a visual representation of the system's static
structure, illustrating the classes, their relationships, and key attributes and methods. It
helps in understanding the organization and interactions between different classes in the
application. Here's a description of the main classes and their associations in the
MatchMeet class diagram:
User Class:
Description: The User class represents a user in the MatchMeet system. It encapsulates
user information, such as name, age, interests, and photos.
Chat Class:
Description: The Chat class represents a chat session between two users. It facilitates
real-time messaging and communication.
participants: The users participating in the chat (array of User objects)
messages: A collection of messages exchanged in the chat (array of message objects)
sendMessage(): Sends a message in the chat.
getChatHistory(): Retrieves the chat history between the participants.
Photo Class:
Description: The Photo class represents a user photo in MatchMeet. It includes attributes
like the photo URL and metadata.
url: The URL of the photo (string)
metadata: Additional metadata associated with the photo (string)
These are the main classes depicted in the class diagram, showcasing their attributes and
methods. The relationships between these classes, such as associations between User and
Match, User and Chat, and the composition between User and Photo, contribute to the
overall functionality of the MatchMeet system. The class diagram provides a clear
understanding of the system's structure and aids in the development and maintenance of
the MatchMeet application.
Matchmeet utilizes a comprehensive data model to organize and manage the application's
data. The data model represents the structure, relationships, and constraints of the
database entities.
Home page
Connection Services
Level 0 DFD
Update Profile
Profile Services
Update Bio
Level 1 DFD
Liking Photo
Connection Services
Level 2 DFD
chat_id P1
chat_id P2
o s
content Message
Unit Testing:
Description: Unit testing focuses on testing individual components or functions in
isolation to ensure they work correctly.
Approach: We have developed unit tests for critical functions and methods within our
project. These tests verify the expected behavior of specific components, helping us
identify and fix any bugs or issues early in the development process.
Integration Testing:
Description: Integration testing validates the proper interaction and communication
between different modules of the project.
Approach: We have conducted integration tests to verify that the different modules of our
project work together seamlessly. These tests ensure that data flows correctly and that the
modules communicate and integrate as intended.
System Testing:
Description: System testing evaluates the overall functionality and performance of the
complete project.
Approach: We have conducted comprehensive system tests to assess the overall
functionality, performance, and reliability of our project. These tests simulate real-world
usage scenarios to identify and address any issues or bugs that may arise in the entire
System testing plays a critical role in ensuring the overall functionality, performance, and
reliability of the MatchMeet application. The following testing activities have been
conducted as part of our system testing strategy:
Functional Testing:
Approach: We have executed comprehensive functional tests that cover all the features
and functionalities of MatchMeet. These tests verify that users can successfully perform
actions such as creating profiles, liking other profiles, initiating chats, and updating their
information. We ensure that all functions work as intended and produce the expected
Performance Testing:
6.1 References
1.Visual Studio
2. MongoDB Compass
3. VS code
Appendix B Screenshots
Register Form
Profile Page