International Accounting Standardes: Dr. Eid Fathy Shaaban Shoaaib
International Accounting Standardes: Dr. Eid Fathy Shaaban Shoaaib
International Accounting Standardes: Dr. Eid Fathy Shaaban Shoaaib
The United States doesn’t mandate using the IFRS. Instead, the United States has
the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), which issues standards known
as generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The US currently mandates
following GAAP. However, the FASB and IASB are working on harmonizing the
accounting standards; many IASB standards are similar to FASB ones. The United
States is moving toward adopting the IFRS but hasn’t committed to a specific time
The primary reason for adopting one standard internationally is that if different
accounting standards are used, it’s difficult for investors or lenders to compare the
financial health of two companies. In addition, if a single international standard is
used, multinational firms won’t have to prepare different reports for the different
countries in which they operate.
Chapter One
It should be noted that the US GAAP has evolved over the past 30 years to
become rule-based in response to increasingly complex business transactions
and structures. But while it aimed to provide rules for most business events it
cannot reasonably address every conceivable mode of business structure and
transaction type. Thus, even in the Enron and WorldCom cases, the US GAAP
failed to become effective. This led to the ―rules vs. principles debate‖ back
on center stage.
IASB. The life of the IASB can be categorized into four phases: (a) the Early
Years from 1973 to 1989; (b) the Comparability Project Phase from 1989 to
1995; (c) the International Organization of Securities Commission (IOSCO) Years
from 1995 to 1998; and (d) the Current IASB Years. This body was founded as the
IASC in June 1973 to develop and promulgate IAS. It was a result of an agreement
by accountancy bodies in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico,
Netherlands, United Kingdom, Ireland, and the USA.
The various events in the first phase of IASC are shown in Table 1. It should be
noted that during the first phase, the IASC attempted to establish a common body of
standards on major accounting topics by making an inventory of the mainstream
methods used in major nations of the world. That was called the ―lowest
common denominator‖ approach, which resulted in the promulgation of standards
permitting diverse accounting methods for similar fact situations. In 1987, the IASC
published the first bound set of IAS.
The second phase started in 1989 when IASC published Exposure Draft (ED) 32
on the comparability of financial statements. Because of the desire for
comparability, ED 32 proposed the elimination of certain treatments in particular
IAS and the expression of a clear reference for one particular treatment, even if two
alternatives were still regarded as accepted. The objective of the comparability
project was to narrow the range of acceptable accounting treatments. However, too
many alternatives still remained, an indication that they were not narrowed down as
The third phase of IASC can be aptly described as the IOSCO Years. It started
in 1995 when IASC entered agreement with the IOSCO for the former to complete
a core set of standards by 1999. IOSCO, which was founded in 1983, is a
committee of government bodies with regulatory powers over stock exchanges.
In 1997, IASC formed the Strategy Working Party (SWP) to study its strategy
and structure when it completed the ―Core Standards‖ work program. Finally, the
IASC finished the core standards in December 1998. These core standards
represent the necessary components of a reasonably complete set of accounting
standards that would comprise a comprehensive body of principles for enterprises
undertaking cross border offerings and listings. In May 2000, that is, after over
four years, IOSCO formally accepted IASC’s core standards as a basis for cross
border securities listing purposes worldwide.
The fourth stage covers the time since a plan to restructure the IASC was
made in 1999 until the present condition of the IASB. Table 2 shows the significant
events during this period.
It should be noted that upon its inception, the IASB adopted the body of IASs
issued as of April 2001 by its predecessor, IASC, together with all the interpretations
of the SIC.
- 10 -
In June 2000, the EU adopted the Financial Reporting Strategy thru the
European Financial Reporting Advisory Groups, which concluded that IAS came
closest to EU-wide accounting standards, but recognized that IAS could not be
introduced for all EU companies immediately.
In September 2001, the EU introduced the Fair Value Directive, which took
account of developments in markets, business, and IAS. The adoption of IAS
Regulation followed in July 2002. This required all EU companies listed in a
regulated market to prepare accounts in accordance with IAS that are adopted for
application within the EU. However, it did not require that all IAS be applied.
Finally, in May 2003, the EU endorsed all existing IAS except IAS 32 and 39,
which were under review. Recently, the EU has decided to abandon its effort to
establish harmonized European accounting standards and to support the IASB. Such
is due to the lack of recognition by capital markets of financial statements
prepared in compliance with European Directives, forcing companies to prepare two
sets of accounts.
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variance with those of national tax policy. Rules that have developed are largely
of private sector established by practitioners as well as academicians over time.
Countries with code law, like the Napoleonic Code, tend to formally
prescribe accounting and financial reporting. They tend to prescribe what must be
done and actions can only be done if specifically allowed under the law.
Financial reporting has been made subservient to the taxing system.
1. Degree of centralization in the economy, that is, from state control to free
enterprise. Centrally planned economies, like the Communist economic system,
had less reasons to focus on development of financial reporting models since
production quotas, not enterprise economic performance, were of greater concern to
central planners. On the other hand, free enterprise countries, like England and the
Netherlands, had early needs for meaningful financial reporting.
2. Nature of economic activity, that is, from simple agrarian societies to the most
sophisticated and complex business enterprises;
4. Pattern and rate of economic growth, which may range from stagnation to
explosive economic growth; and
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1. Relative importance of law. For the Anglo-Saxon countries, the law specifies
general principles only, whereas, in the Roman law tradition, the law tends to
include more detail.
- 13 -
The new constitution of the IASC Foundation, which was revised in July 2002
has expanded the objectives to bring convergence of national accounting standards
and IAS to higher quality solutions.
Convergence means that all standard setters should agree on a single set of
high quality international accounting standards to be used by all preparers of
financial statements. It refers to getting the act together, thereby, eliminating the
remaining significant difference between two sets of standards. In the case of the
US GAAP and IAS, convergence is a two-way street.
- 14 -
Historically, the adoption of IAS has been slow in the 1970s and even in the
1980s. While the national standard setters supported IAS, none have delegated
their power to the IASC. National setters continued to set national standards some
of which were at variance with IAS. It was also noticeable that IASs were based on
existing standards and disclosure rules of developed countries, but there was little or
no representation of developing countries on the committee.
The IASs are receiving more attention now than ever. In May 2000 the
IOSCO formally accepted IASC’s 30 core standards (called IASC 2000 Standards)
and recommended their use for cross border listings and offerings. IOSCO,
however, could only recommend since it has no authority to mandate the actions
of the sovereign bodies of which it is composed. Similarly, for those adopting
the IASC 2000 Standards, there are supplemental treatments at the local
jurisdictions in the nature of reconciliation, disclosure, and interpretation.
- 15 -
Early converts to IAS include Germany, Belgium, France, and Italy. The long
list includes Hongkong, Malta, Korea, Zimbabwe, Turkey, Mongolia, and a lot more.
Greece has adopted IAS for financial statements effective January 1, 2003. Russia
started in January 1, 2004 while Australia will adopt starting January 1 of 2005.
Indeed, there is a growing list of nations either formally adopting IAS or basing
national standards on them.
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(b) accounting and auditing standards are elements of effective global financial
reporting, and
(c) there is a close link between accounting standards and corporate finance.
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- 18 -
The Concept Release 2002 of the U. S. SEC considered the following elements
to constitute effective global financial reporting infrastructure:
High quality accounting standards are those that must result in relevant,
reliable information that is useful for investors, lenders, creditors and others
who make capital allocation decisions. To that end, the standards must: (a) result
in a consistent application that will allow investors to make a meaningful comparison
of performance across time periods and among companies; (b) provide for
transparency, so that the nature and the accounting treatment of the underlying
transactions are apparent to the user; (c) provide full disclosure, which includes
information that supplements the basic financial statements, puts the presented
- 19 -
corporate finance (also called business finance) focuses on the decisions related
to finding sources and uses of funds. It is a key support function to the business
production of goods and services. Through finance, the business could be linked to
the external market for capital. The business can finance its expansion by issuing
capital stock to the public. In fact, the growth of business in a modern economy
depends on the ailment of financing from external suppliers of capital.
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Chapter Two
It is important to know though, that IAS has been replaced by the newer
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
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Both sets of standards were issued by the International Accounting Standards Board
(IASB), an independent body based in London. The United States does not follow
IFRS. Instead, the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission requires public
companies in the U.S. to follow Generally Accepted Accounting Standards
(GAAP). China and Japan also declined to adopt IFRS.
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History of IAS:
Over time, the IASB updated and expanded the IAS to keep pace with
changes in the global economy, reflecting the need for more
comprehensive and consistent financial reporting standards.
IAS allowed for the use of estimates and assumptions in the preparation
of financial statements, but required that these be reasonable and
IAS Adoption:
IAS were mandatory for listed companies in many countries around the
world, including the European Union and Australia.
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The transition from IAS to IFRS was a challenging process for many
organizations, but the long-term benefits of IFRS adoption were
typically significant.
IFRS currently has complete profiles for 167 jurisdictions, including those in
the European Union. The United States uses a different system, the generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
- 25 -
History of IFRS
IFRS originated in the European Union with the intention of making business
affairs and accounts accessible across the continent. It was quickly adopted as a
common accounting language.
Although the U.S. and some other countries don't use IFRS, currently 167
jurisdictions do, making IFRS the most-used set of standards globally.1
- 26 -
The two systems have the same goal: clarity and honesty in financial reporting
by publicly-traded companies.
Although most of the world uses IFRS standards, it is still not part of the U.S.
financial accounting world. The SEC continues to review switching to the IFRS but
has yet to do so.
Several methodological differences exist between the two systems. For instance,
GAAP allows a company to use either of two inventory cost methods: First in, First
out (FIFO) or Last in, First out (LIFO). LIFO, however, is banned under IFRS.
IFRS fosters transparency and trust in the global financial markets and the
companies that list their shares on them. If such standards did not exist, investors
would be more reluctant to believe the financial statements and other information
presented to them by companies. Without that trust, we might see fewer transactions
and a less robust economy.
- 27 -
The following are the Extract of the International Accounting Standards and
International Financial Reporting Standards, prepared by IASC Foundation staff
(The same has not been approved by the IASB. For the requirements reference must
be made to International Financial Reporting Standards.)
- 28 -
- 29 -
- 30 -
- 31 -
- 32 -
This Standard prescribes the basis for presentation of general purpose financial
statements to ensure comparability both with the entity’s financial statements of
Previous periods and with the financial statements of other entities. It sets out overall
requirements for the presentation of financial statements, guidelines for their
structure and minimum requirements for their content.
An entity shall apply this Standard in preparing and presenting general purpose
financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
- 33 -
redundancies and conflicts within the Standards, to deal with some convergence
issues and to make other improvements. For IAS 2 the Board’s main objective was
a limited revision to reduce alternatives for the measurement of inventories. The
Board did not reconsider the fundamental approach to accounting for inventories
contained in IAS 2.
The objective and scope paragraphs of IAS 2 were amended by removing the
words ‘held under the historical cost system’, to clarify that the Standard applies to
all inventories that are not specifically excluded from its scope.
Scope clarification:
IN6 The Standard clarifies that some types of inventories are outside its scope
while certain other types of inventories are exempted only from the measurement
requirements in the Standard. Paragraph 3 establishes a clear distinction between
those inventories that are entirely outside the scope of the Standard (described in
paragraph 2) and those inventories that are outside the scope of the measurement
requirements but within the scope of the other requirements in the Standard.
- 34 -
Users of an entity’s financial statements are interested in how the entity generates
and uses cash and cash equivalents. This is the case regardless of the nature of the
entity’s activities and irrespective of whether cash can be viewed as the product of
the entity, as may be the case with a financial institution. Entities need cash for
essentially the same reasons however different their principal revenue-producing
activities might be. They need cash to conduct their operations, to pay their
obligations, and to provide returns to their investors. Accordingly, this Standard
requires all entities to present a statement of cash flows.
The objective of this Standard is to prescribe the criteria for selecting and
changing accounting policies, together with the accounting treatment and disclosure
of changes in accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and corrections
of errors. The Standard is intended to enhance the relevance and reliability of an
entity’s financial statements, and the comparability of those financial statements
over time and with the financial statements of other entities.
- 35 -
This Standard shall be applied in selecting and applying accounting policies, and
accounting for changes in accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and
corrections of prior period errors. The tax effects of corrections of prior period errors
and of retrospective adjustments made to apply changes in accounting policies are
accounted for and disclosed in accordance with IAS 12 Income Taxes.
(a) when an entity should adjust its financial statements for events after the reporting
(b) the disclosures that an entity should give about the date when the financial
statements were authorized for issue and about events after the reporting period.
The Standard also requires that an entity should not prepare its financial
statements on a going concern basis if events after the reporting period indicate that
the going concern assumption is not appropriate.
This Standard shall be applied in the accounting for, and disclosure of, events
after the reporting period.
- 36 -
Construction Contracts
The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified:
- 37 -
Income Taxes
The objective of this Standard is to prescribe the accounting treatment for income
taxes. The principal issue in accounting for income taxes is how to account for the
current and future tax consequences of:
(a) The future recovery (settlement) of the carrying amount of assets (liabilities) that
are recognized in an entity’s statement of financial position.
(b) Transactions and other events of the current period that are recognized in an
entity’s financial statements.
- 38 -
This Standard shall be applied in accounting for property, plant and equipment
except when another Standard requires or permits a different accounting treatment.
The objective of this Standard is to prescribe, for lessees and lessors, the
appropriate accounting policies and disclosure to apply in relation to leases. Scope
This Standard shall be applied in accounting for all leases other than:
(a) leases to explore for or use minerals, oil, natural gas and similar non-regenerative
(b) licensing agreements for such items as motion picture films, video recordings,
plays, manuscripts, patents and copyrights.
- 39 -
However, this Standard shall not be applied as the basis of measurement for:
(a) property held by lessees that is accounted for as investment property (see IAS 40
Investment Property).
(b) investment property provided by lessors under operating leases (see IAS 40).
(c) biological assets held by lessees under finance leases (see IAS 41 Agriculture).
(d) biological assets provided by lessors under operating leases (see IAS 41).
- 40 -
This Standard shall be applied in accounting for revenue arising from the
following transactions and events:
(c) the use by others of entity assets yielding interest, royalties and dividends.
Employee Benefits
The objective of this Standard is to prescribe the accounting and disclosure for
employee benefits. The Standard requires an entity to recognize:
(a) a liability when an employee has provided service in exchange for employee
benefits to be paid in the future.
(b) an expense when the entity consumes the economic benefit arising from service
provided by an employee in exchange for employee benefits.
- 41 -
This Standard shall be applied in accounting for, and in the disclosure of,
government grants and in the disclosure of other forms of government assistance.
(a) the special problems arising in accounting for government grants in financial
statements reflecting the effects of changing prices or in supplementary information
of a similar nature.
(b) government assistance that is provided for an entity in the form of benefits that
are available in determining taxable income or are determined or limited on the basis
of income tax liability (such as income tax holidays, investment tax credits,
accelerated depreciation allowances and reduced income tax rates).
- 42 -
IN5 The Standard excludes from its scope foreign currency derivatives that are
within the scope of IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement.
Similarly, the material on hedge accounting has been moved to IAS 39.
Borrowing Costs
An entity shall apply this Standard in accounting for borrowing costs. The
Standard does not deal with the actual or imputed cost of equity, including preferred
capital not classified as a liability.
(a) a qualifying asset measured at fair value, for example a biological asset; or
- 43 -
This Standard uses the following terms with the meanings specified:
Borrowing costs: are interest and other costs that an entity incurs in connection
with the borrowing of funds.
(d) finance charges in respect of finance leases recognized in accordance with IAS
17 Leases.
(e) exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings to the extent that
they are regarded as an adjustment to interest costs.
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(b) identifying outstanding balances between an entity and its related parties.
(c) identifying the circumstances in which disclosure of the items in (a) and (b) is
Related party transactions and outstanding balances with other entities in a group
are disclosed in an entity’s financial statements. Intragroup related party transactions
and outstanding balances are eliminated in the preparation of consolidated financial
statements of the group.
The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified:
- 45 -
Retirement benefit plans are arrangements whereby an entity provides benefits for
employees on or after termination of service (either in the form of an annual income
or as a lump sum) when such benefits, or the contributions towards them, can be
determined or estimated in advance of retirement from the provisions of a document
or from the entity’s practices. Defined contribution plans are retirement benefit plans
under which amounts to be paid as retirement benefits are determined by
contributions to a fund together with investment earnings thereon.
Defined benefit plans are retirement benefit plans under which amounts to be paid
as retirement benefits are determined by reference to a formula usually based on
employees’ earnings and/or years of service. Funding is the transfer of assets to an
entity (the fund) separate from the employer’s entity to meet future obligations for
the payment of retirement benefits.
For the purposes of this Standard the following terms are also used:
Participants are the members of a retirement benefit plan and others who are entitled
to benefits under the plan.
Net assets available for benefits are the assets of a plan less liabilities other than
the actuarial present value of promised retirement benefits.
Actuarial present value of promised retirement benefits is the present value of the
expected payments by a retirement benefit plan to existing and past employees,
attributable to the service already rendered. Vested benefits are benefits, the rights
to which, under the conditions of a retirement benefit plan, are not conditional on
continued employment.
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(a) the circumstances in which an entity must consolidate the financial statements of
another entity (being a subsidiary);
(b) the accounting for changes in the level of ownership interest in a subsidiary;
(d) the information that an entity must disclose to enable users of the financial
statements to evaluate the nature of the relationship between the entity and its
Investment in Associates
- 47 -
The Standard does not apply to investments that would otherwise be associates or
interests of ventures in jointly controlled entities held by venture capital
organizations, mutual funds, unit trusts and similar entities when those investments
are classified as held for trading and accounted for in accordance with IAS 39
Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. Those investments are
measured at fair value, with changes in fair value recognized in profit or loss in the
period in which they occur.
- 48 -
The Standard does not apply to investments that would otherwise be interests of
ventures in jointly controlled entities held by venture capital organizations, mutual
funds, unit trusts and similar entities when those investments are classified as held
for trading and accounted for in accordance with IAS 39 Financial Instruments:
Recognition and Measurement. Those investments are measured at fair value, with
changes in fair value being recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they
occur. Furthermore, the Standard provides exemptions from application of
proportionate consolidation or the equity method similar to those provided for
certain parents not to prepare consolidated financial statements. These exemptions
include when the investor is also a parent exempt in accordance with IAS 27
Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements from preparing consolidated
financial statements, and when the investor, though not such a parent, can satisfy the
same type of conditions that exempt such parents.
- 49 -
Financial Instruments
The principles in this Standard complement the principles for recognizing and
measuring financial assets and financial liabilities in IAS 39 Financial Instruments:
Recognition and Measurement, and for disclosing information about them in IFRS
7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures. Scope This Standard shall be applied by all
entities to all types of financial instruments except:
(a) those interests in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures that are accounted
for in accordance with IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial
Statements, IAS 28 Investments in Associates or IAS 31 Interests in Joint
Ventures. However, in some cases, IAS 27, IAS 28 or IAS 31 permits an entity
to account for an interest in a subsidiary, associate or joint venture using IAS
39; in those cases, entities shall apply the disclosure requirements in IAS 27,
IAS 28 or IAS 31 in addition to those in this Standard. Entities shall also apply
this Standard to all derivatives linked to interests in subsidiaries, associates or
joint ventures.
(b) (b) employers’ rights and obligations under employee benefit plans, to which
IAS 19 Employee Benefits applies.
- 50 -
(e) financial instruments that are within the scope of IFRS 4 because they contain
a discretionary participation feature. The issuer of these instruments is
exempt from applying to these features paragraphs 15–32 and AG25–AG35
of this Standard regarding the distinction between financial liabilities and
equity instruments. However, these instruments are subject to all other
requirements of this Standard. Furthermore, this Standard applies to
derivatives that are embedded in these instruments (see IAS 39).
(i) contracts within the scope of paragraphs 8–10 of this Standard, to which
this Standard applies, (ii) paragraphs 33 and 34 of this Standard, which shall
be applied to treasury shares purchased, sold, issued or cancelled in
connection with employee share option plans, employee share purchase
plans, and all other share-based payment arrangements.
- 51 -
There are various ways in which a contract to buy or sell a non-financial item
can be settled net in cash or another financial instrument or by exchanging
financial instruments. These include:
(a) when the terms of the contract permit either party to settle it net in cash or
another financial instrument or by exchanging financial instruments;
(b) when the ability to settle net in cash or another financial instrument, or by
exchanging financial instruments, is not explicit in the terms of the contract,
but the entity has a practice of settling similar contracts net in cash or another
financial instrument, or by exchanging financial instruments (whether with
the counterparty, by entering into offsetting contracts or by selling the
contract before its exercise or lapse);
(c) when, for similar contracts, the entity has a practice of taking delivery of the
underlying and selling it within a short period after delivery for the purpose
of generating a profit from short-term fluctuations in price or dealer’s margin.
(d) when the non-financial item that is the subject of the contract is readily
convertible to cash. A contract to which (b) or (c) applies is not entered into
for the purpose of the receipt or delivery of the nonfinancial item in
accordance with the entity’s expected purchase, sale or usage requirements,
and accordingly, is within the scope of this Standard.
- 52 -
(ii) that files, or is in the process of filing, its financial statements with a
securities commission or other regulatory organization for the purpose of
issuing ordinary shares in a public market; and
(i) whose ordinary shares or potential ordinary shares are traded in a public
market (a domestic or foreign stock exchange or an over-the-counter
market, including local and regional markets) or
- 53 -
(ii) that files, or is in the process of filing, its financial statements with a
securities commission or other regulatory organization for the purpose of
issuing ordinary shares in a public market.
An entity that discloses earnings per share shall calculate and disclose
earnings per share in accordance with this Standard.
An entity that chooses to disclose earnings per share based on its separate
financial statements shall present such earnings per share information only in its
statement of comprehensive income. An entity shall not present such earnings
per share information in the consolidated financial statements.
- 54 -
This Standard does not mandate which entities should be required to publish
interim financial reports, how frequently, or how soon after the end of an interim
period. However, governments, securities regulators, stock exchanges, and
accountancy bodies often require entities whose debt or equity securities are
publicly traded to publish interim financial reports. This Standard applies if an
entity is required or elects to publish an interim financial report in accordance
with International Financial Reporting Standards.
(a) to provide interim financial reports at least as of the end of the first half of
their financial year; and
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(b) to make their interim financial reports available not later than 60 days after
the end of the interim period.
Each financial report, annual or interim, is evaluated on its own for conformity
to International Financial Reporting Standards. The fact that an entity may not
have provided interim financial reports during a particular financial year or may
have provided interim financial reports that do not comply with this Standard
does not prevent the entity’s annual financial statements from conforming to
International Financial Reporting Standards if they otherwise do so.
Impairment of Assets
(b) to all other assets, for annual periods beginning on or after 31 March 2004.
Earlier application is encouraged.
- 56 -
amount. An asset is carried at more than its recoverable amount if its carrying
amount exceeds the amount to be recovered through use or sale of the asset.
If this is the case, the asset is described as impaired and the Standard requires
the entity to recognize an impairment loss. The Standard also specifies when an
entity should reverse an impairment loss and prescribes disclosures.
This Standard shall be applied in accounting for the impairment of all assets,
other than:
(d) assets arising from employee benefits (see IAS 19 Employee Benefits).
(e) financial assets that are within the scope of IAS 39 Financial Instruments:
Recognition and Measurement.
(f) investment property that is measured at fair value (see IAS 40 Investment
(g) biological assets related to agricultural activity that are measured at fair value
less estimated point of-sale costs (see IAS 41 Agriculture).
(h) deferred acquisition costs, and intangible assets, arising from an insurer’s
contractual rights under insurance contracts within the scope of IFRS 4 Insurance
- 57 -
(i) non-current assets (or disposal groups) classified as held for sale in
accordance with IFRS 5 Noncurrent Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued
(a) those resulting from executory contracts, except where the contract is onerous;
(b) those covered by another Standard.
Intangible Assets
- 58 -
(a) intangible assets that are within the scope of another Standard;
(c) the recognition and measurement of exploration and evaluation assets (see
IFRS 6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources); and
(d) expenditure on the development and extraction of, minerals, oil, natural gas
and similar no regenerative resources.
- 59 -
Investment Property
This Standard shall be applied to account for the following when they relate
to agricultural activity:
- 60 -
IFRS are the standard in over 100 countries, including the EU and many parts of
Asia and South America. The United States, however, has not yet adopted them and
the SEC is still deciding whether or not they should move toward them as the official
standard of accounting.
- 61 -
There are pros and cons to both approaches, depending on how they are used. For
example, using a standard that fits within a “rule” but that clearly does not
represent the principle behind the standard can be a downside of the GAAP. While
- 62 -
• IFRS-1 requires an entity to comply with each IFRS effective at the reporting date
for its first IFRS financial statements. In particular, the IFRS requires an entity to do
the following in the opening IFRS balance sheet that it prepares as a starting point
for its accounting under IFRSs:
• Reclassify items that it recognized under previous GAAP as one type of asset,
liability or component of equity, which are different type of asset, liability or
component of equity under IFRSs; and
• An entity’s first IFRS financial statements are the first annual financial statements
in which the entity adopts IFRSs, by an explicit and unreserved statement in those
financial statements of compliance with IFRSs. Opening IFRS Balance Sheet &
Comparative Balance Sheet
• An entity has to prepare an opening IFRS Balance Sheet at the date of transition
to IFRSs.
• This should be the starting point for its accounting under IFRSs.
• It is not required to present that opening balance sheet in its first IFRS based
financial statements.
- 63 -
Company A proposes to prepare and present IFRS for the calendar year 2011, i.e.
Balance Sheet Date 31.12.2011. How should the company carry out transition?
Steps to be taken
• The company has to present comparative information for one year, such
comparatives should be as per IASB GAAP – so it has to restate the accounts of
2010 as per IFRS.
• Prepare and present first IFRS based Financial Statements for 2011; it is the first
annual financial statements in which an entity adopts IFRSs by an explicit and
unreserved statement.
• Then effectively the company has applied IFRS on and from 1.1.2010.
• Accounting policies: Select its accounting policies based on IFRSs in force at 31st
Dec, 2011. 30.
- 64 -
Paras 7-9 of IFRS- 1 requires adoption of current version of IFRSs which would
enhance comparability because information in a first time adopter’s first financial
statements is prepared on a consistent basis over time and would provide
comparative information prepared using latest version of the IFRSs. Moreover, the
entity will get exemptions from applying certain standards as given in Paras 13-34B,
36- 36C and 37 of IFRS-1.
Actions at a Glance
• Reclassify items that it recognized under previous GAAP as one type of asset,
liability or component of equity, but are a different type of asset, liability or
component of equity under IFRSs.
• Applying exemptions: The first time adopter may elect for exemptions granted in
Paragraphs 13-25H and 36A-36C of IFRS-1.
The first time adopter should follow the prohibition of applying retrospective
application relating to: i. Derecognizing of financial assets and financial liabilities,
ii. Hedge accounting, iii. Estimates, and iv. Assets classified as held for sale and
discontinued operations. [ Paragraphs 26-34B of IFRS-1].
- 65 -
- 66 -
- 67 -
- 68 -
condition (other than market condition), then the options vest during the
expected fulfilment period.
• Market conditions are adjusted in the fair value of option.
• A Business is integrated set of activities, and assets conducted and managed
for the purpose of providing (a) a return to investors and (b) lower costs or
other economic benefits to policyholders or participants. It is generally
consisting of inputs, processes, and resulting outputs that are or will be used
to generate revenue. A business can be part of a whole entity / company. But
a standalone asset may or not be a business. Paragraphs B 7-B12 of IFRS 3
explain various identification criteria of business.
• A Business Combination is an act of bringing together of separate entities
or businesses into one reporting unit. The result of business combination is
one entity (the acquirer) obtains control of one or more businesses. If an entity
obtains control over other entities which are not businesses, the act is not a
business combination.
Recognition of assets and liabilities:
“As of the acquisition date, the acquirer shall recognize, separately from
goodwill, the identify able assets acquired, the liabilities assumed and any
non-controlling interest in the acquire” [ Para 10, IFRS 3].
Check List:
• Identify assets and liabilities within the Framework for Preparation and
Presentation Financial Statements and;
• Check the liabilities which do not arise out of business combination;
• Recognize assets (like identifiable intangibles) which were not recognized
by the acquire since these were internally generated intangibles;
- 69 -
- 70 -
This IFRS does not address other aspects of accounting by insurers, such
as accounting for financial assets held by insurers and financial liabilities
issued by insurers (see IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation, IAS 39
Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement and IFRS 7), except in
the transitional provisions in paragraph 45.
(b) employers’ assets and liabilities under employee benefit plans (see IAS
19 Employee Benefits and IFRS 2 Share-based Payment) and retirement
- 71 -
(d) financial guarantee contracts unless the issuer has previously asserted
explicitly that it regards such contracts as insurance contracts and has
used accounting applicable to insurance contracts, in which case the
issuer may elect to apply either IAS 39, IAS 32 and IFRS 7 or this
Standard to such financial guarantee contracts. The issuer may make that
election contract by contract, but the election for each contract is
(f) Direct insurance contracts that the entity holds (ie direct insurance
contracts in which the entity is the policyholder). However, a cedant shall
apply this IFRS to reinsurance contracts that it holds.
For ease of reference, this IFRS describes any entity that issues an
insurance contract as an insurer, whether or not the issuer is regarded as an
insurer for legal or supervisory purposes. A reinsurance contract is a type of
insurance contract. Accordingly, all references in this IFRS to insurance
contracts also apply to reinsurance contracts.
- 72 -
The objective of this IFRS is to specify the accounting for assets held for
sale, and the presentation and disclosure of discontinued operations. In
particular, the IFRS requires:
(a) Assets that meet the criteria to be classified as held for sale to be
measured at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell,
and depreciation on such assets to cease; and
(b) (b) Assets that meet the criteria to be classified as held for sale to be
presented separately in the statement of financial position and the results
of discontinued operations to be presented separately in the statement of
comprehensive income.
Disposal group:
- 73 -
Discontinued Operations:
• the sale is highly probable, within one year of classification as held for sale
(subject to exceptions stated in Para 9, IFRS-5).
• the asset is being actively marketed for sale at a sales price reasonable in
relation to its fair value.
• actions required to complete the plan indicate that it is unlikely that plan
will be significantly changed or withdrawn.
- 74 -
Basic principles:
• The basic principle of classifying ‘non-current assets held for sale and
disposal groups’ is that the carrying value is expected to be realized through
a sale transaction rather than through continuing use.
• Under this standard asset that meet the criteria to be classified as ‘held for
sale’ should be measured at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less
cost to sell, and it will not be required to charge depreciation on such assets.
These assets should separately have presented on the face of the balance
sheet. Result of ‘discontinued operations’ should have presented separately
in the Income Statement.
• If the classification criteria for an asset or disposal group are met after the
balance sheet, the entity should not classify such asset or disposal group as
held for sale.
• If these criteria are met after the balance sheet date but before the
authorization of financial statements, information stated Para 41(a), (b) &
(d) of IFRS-5 should disclosed in notes. [ Para 41(a): description of non-
current assets; (b) description of the circumstance of sale, expected manner
and timing of sale and (d) reportable segment to which such assets are
presented in accordance with IFRS-8].
- 75 -
The objective of this IFRS is to specify the financial reporting for the
exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources. In particular, the IFRS
(b) entities that recognize exploration and evaluation assets to assess such
assets for impairment in accordance with this IFRS and measure any
impairment in accordance with IAS 36 Impairment of Assets.
(c) disclosures that identify and explain the amounts in the entity’s financial
statements arising from the exploration for and evaluation of mineral
resources and help users of those financial statements understand the
amount, timing and certainty of future cash flows from any exploration and
evaluation assets recognized.
(a) before the exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources, such as
expenditures incurred before the entity has obtained the legal rights to
explore a specific area.
- 76 -
(b) the nature and extent of risks arising from financial instruments to which
the entity is exposed during the period and at the end of the reporting period,
and how the entity manages those risks.
(a) those interests in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures that are
accounted for in accordance with IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate
Financial Statements, IAS 28 Investments in Associates or IAS 31
Interests in Joint Ventures.
However, in some cases, IAS 27, IAS 28 or IAS 31 permits an entity to
account for an interest in a subsidiary, associate or joint venture using
IAS 39; in those cases, entities shall apply the disclosure requirements
in IAS 27, IAS 28 or IAS 31 in addition to those in this IFRS. Entities
shall also apply this IFRS to all derivatives linked to interests in
subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures unless the derivative meets the
definition of an equity instrument in IAS 32.
- 77 -
(b) employers’ rights and obligations arising from employee benefit plans,
to which IAS 19 Employee Benefits applies.
This IFRS applies to contracts to buy or sell a non-financial item that are
within the scope of IAS 39.
The IFRS specifies how an entity should report information about its
operating segments in annual financial statements and, as a consequential
amendment to IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting, requires an entity to
report selected information about its operating segments in interim financial
reports. It also sets out requirements for related disclosures about products
and services, geographical areas and major customers.
- 78 -
The requirements of the IFRS are based on the information about the
components of the entity that management uses to make decisions about
operating matters. The IFRS requires identify cation of operating segments
on the basis of internal reports that are regularly reviewed by the entity’s
chief operating decision maker in order to allocate resources to the segment
and assess its performance. IAS 14 required identify cation of two sets of
segments—one based on related products and services, and the other on
geographical areas. IAS 14 regarded one set as primary segments and the
other as secondary segments.
An entity shall apply this IFRS for annual periods beginning on or after
1 January, 2013. Features:
• All equity investments are measured at fair value either through profit or
loss or equity.
- 80 -
Chapter Three
In December 2003 the Board issued a revised IAS 1 as part of its initial agenda
of technical projects. The Board issued an amended IAS 1 in September 2007, which
included an amendment to the presentation of owner changes in equity and
comprehensive income and a change in terminology in the titles of financial
In June 2011 the Board amended IAS 1 to improve how items of other income
comprehensive income should be presented. In December 2014 IAS 1 was amended
by Disclosure Initiative (Amendments to IAS 1), which addressed concerns
expressed about some of the existing presentation and disclosure requirements in
IAS 1 and ensured that entities are able to use judgement when applying those
requirements. In addition, the amendments clarified the requirements in paragraph
82A of IAS 1.
- 81 -
(a) including in the definition guidance that until now has featured elsewhere in
IFRS Standards;
(c) ensuring that the definition of material is consistent across all IFRS Standards.
In October 2022, the Board issued Non-Current Liabilities with Covenants. The
amendments improved the information an entity provides when its right to defer
settlement of a liability for at least twelve months is subject to compliance with
covenants. The amendments also responded to stakeholders’ concerns about the
classification of such a liability as current or non-current.
- 82 -
2.1 Objective:
This Standard prescribes the basis for presentation of general purpose financial
statements to ensure comparability both with the entity’s financial statements of
previous periods and with the financial statements of other entities. It sets out overall
requirements for the presentation of financial statements, guidelines for their
structure and minimum requirements for their content.
2.2 Scope:
an entity shall apply this Standard in preparing and presenting general purpose
financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
- 83 -
Other IFRSs set out the recognition, measurement and disclosure requirements
for specific transactions and other events. This Standard does not apply to the
structure and content of condensed interim financial statements prepared in
accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting. However, paragraphs 15–35
apply to such financial statements.
This Standard applies equally to all entities, including those that present
consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS 10 Consolidated
Financial Statements and those that present separate financial statements in
accordance with IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements.
2.3 Definitions:
The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified:
Accounting policies are defined in paragraph 5 of IAS 8 Accounting Policies,
Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors, and the term is used in this Standard
with the same meaning.
- 84 -
- 85 -
(d) Similar items, transactions or other events are inappropriately disaggregated; and
Many existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors cannot require
reporting entities to provide information directly to them and must rely on general
purpose financial statements for much of the financial information they need.
Consequently, they are the primary users to whom general purpose financial
statements are directed. Financial statements are prepared for users who have a
reasonable knowledge of business and economic activities and who review and
analyses the information diligently. At times, even well-informed and diligent users
may need to seek the aid of an adviser to understand information about complex
economic phenomena.
- 86 -
(a) Changes in revaluation surplus (see IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment and
IAS 38 Intangible Assets);
(c) Gains and losses arising from translating the financial statements of a foreign
operation (see IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates);
(d) gains and losses from investments in equity instruments designated at fair value
through other comprehensive income in accordance IFRS 9 Financial Instruments;
(da) Gains and losses on financial assets measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income in accordance IFRS 9.
(e) The effective portion of gains and losses on hedging instruments in a cash flow
hedge and the gains and losses on hedging instruments that hedge investments in
equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income in
accordance with IFRS 9.
- 87 -
(f) For particular liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss, the
amount of the change in fair value that is attributable to changes in the liability’s
credit risk (see IFRS 9).
(g) Changes in the value of the time value of options when separating the intrinsic
value and time value of an option contract and designating as the hedging instrument
only the changes in the intrinsic value (see IFRS 9).
(h) Changes in the value of the forward elements of forward contracts when
separating the forward element and spot element of a forward contract and
designating as the hedging instrument only the changes in the spot element, and
changes in the value of the foreign currency basis spread of a financial instrument
when excluding it from the designation of that financial instrument as the hedging
instrument (see IFRS 9);
(i) Insurance finance income and expenses from contracts issued within the scope
of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts excluded from profit or loss when total insurance
finance income or expenses is disaggregated to include in profit or loss an amount
determined by a systematic allocation applying paragraph 88(b) of IFRS 17, or by
an amount that eliminates accounting mismatches with the finance income or
expenses arising on the underlying items, applying paragraph 89(b) of IFRS 17; and
(j) Finance income and expenses from reinsurance contracts held excluded from
profit or loss when total reinsurance finance income or expenses is disaggregated to
include in profit or loss an amount determined by a systematic allocation applying
paragraph 88(b) of IFRS 17.
- 88 -
Owners are holders of instruments classified as equity. Profit or loss is the total
of income less expenses, excluding the components of other comprehensive income.
Although this Standard uses the terms ‘other comprehensive income’, ‘profit or
loss’ and ‘total comprehensive income’, an entity may use other terms to describe
the totals as long as the meaning is clear. For example, an entity may use the term
‘net income’ to describe profit or loss.
The following terms are described in IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation and
are used in this Standard with the meaning specified in IAS 32:
(b) An instrument that imposes on the entity an obligation to deliver to another party
a pro rata shares of the net assets of the entity only on liquidation and is classified as
an equity instrument (IAS 32).
- 89 -
(a) Assets;
(B) Liabilities;
(C) Equity;
This information, along with other information in the notes, assists users of
financial statements in predicting the entity’s future cash flows and, in particular,
their timing and certainty.
(b) A statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the period;
(e) Notes, comprising material accounting policy information and other explanatory
(f) A statement of financial position as at the beginning of the preceding period when
an entity applies an accounting policy retrospectively or makes a retrospective
restatement of items in its financial statements, or when it reclassifies items in its
financial statements in accordance with paragraphs 40A–40D.
An entity may use titles for the statements other than those used in this Standard.
For example, an entity may use the title ‘statement of comprehensive income’
instead of ‘statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income’.
An entity may present the profit or loss section in a separate statement of profit
or loss. If so, the separate statement of profit or loss shall immediately precede the
statement presenting comprehensive income, which shall begin with profit or loss.
An entity shall present with equal prominence all of the financial statements in
a complete set of financial statements.
- 91 -
(a) The main factors and influences determining financial performance, including
changes in the environment in which the entity operates, the entity’s response to
those changes and their effect, and the entity’s policy for investment to maintain and
enhance financial performance, including its dividend policy;
(b) The entity’s sources of funding and its targeted ratio of liabilities to equity; and
(c) The entity’s resources not recognized in the statement of financial position in
accordance with IFRSs.
Many entities also present, outside the financial statements, reports and
statements such as environmental reports and value added statements, particularly in
industries in which environmental factors are significant and when employees are
regarded as an important user group. Reports and statements presented outside
financial statements are outside the scope of IFRSs.
- 92 -
An entity whose financial statements comply with IFRSs shall make an explicit
and unreserved statement of such compliance in the notes. An entity shall not
describe financial statements as complying with IFRSs unless they comply with all
the requirements of IFRSs.
(a) To select and apply accounting policies in accordance with IAS 8 Accounting
Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. IAS 8 sets out a hierarchy of
authoritative guidance that management considers in the absence of an IFRS that
specifically applies to an item.
- 93 -
(a) That management has concluded that the financial statements present fairly the
entity’s financial position, financial performance and cash flows;
(b) That it has complied with applicable IFRSs, except that it has departed from a
particular requirement to achieve a fair presentation;
(c) The title of the IFRS from which the entity has departed, the nature of the
departure, including the treatment that the IFRS would require, the reason why that
treatment would be so misleading in the circumstances that it would conflict with
the objective of financial statements set out in the Conceptual Framework, and the
treatment adopted; and
(d) For each period presented, the financial effect of the departure on each item in
the financial statements that would have been reported in complying with the
When an entity has departed from a requirement of an IFRS in a prior period, and
that departure affects the amounts recognized in the financial statements for the
current period, it shall make the disclosures set out in paragraph 20(c) and (d).
- 94 -
(a) The title of the IFRS in question, the nature of the requirement, and the reason
why management has concluded that complying with that requirement is so
misleading in the circumstances that it conflicts with the objective of financial
statements set out in the Conceptual Framework; and
(b) For each period presented, the adjustments to each item in the financial
statements that management has concluded would be necessary to achieve a fair
For the purpose of paragraphs 19–23, an item of information would conflict with
the objective of financial statements when it does not represent faithfully the
transactions, other events and conditions that it either purports to represent or could
reasonably be expected to represent and, consequently, it would be likely to
influence economic decisions made by users of financial statements. When assessing
whether complying with a specific requirement in an IFRS would be so misleading
that it would conflict with the objective of financial statements set out in the
Conceptual Framework, management considers:
(a) Why the objective of financial statements is not achieved in the particular
- 95 -
(b) How the entity’s circumstances differ from those of other entities that comply
with the requirement. If other entities in similar circumstances comply with the
requirement, there is a rebuttable presumption that the entity’s compliance with the
requirement would not be so misleading that it would conflict with the objective of
financial statements set out in the Conceptual Framework.
Going concern:
An entity shall prepare its financial statements, except for cash flow information,
using the accrual basis of accounting.
An entity shall present separately each material class of similar items. An entity
shall present separately items of a dissimilar nature or function unless they are
When applying this and other IFRSs an entity shall decide, taking into
consideration all relevant facts and circumstances, how it aggregates information in
the financial statements, which include the notes. An entity shall not reduce the
understandability of its financial statements by obscuring material information with
immaterial information or by aggregating material items that have different natures
or functions.
- 97 -
An entity shall not offset assets and liabilities or income and expenses, unless required or
permitted by an IFRS.
An entity reports separately both assets and liabilities, and income and expenses.
Offsetting in the statement(s) of profit or loss and other comprehensive income or
financial position, except when offsetting reflects the substance of the transaction or
other event, detracts from the ability of users both to understand the transactions,
other events and conditions that have occurred and to assess the entity’s future cash
flows. Measuring assets net of valuation allowances—for example, obsolescence
allowances on inventories and doubtful debts allowances on receivables—is not
- 98 -
(a) An entity presents gains and losses on the disposal of non-current assets,
including investments and operating assets, by deducting from the amount of
consideration on disposal the carrying amount of the asset and related selling
expenses; and
Frequency of reporting:
(b) The fact that amounts presented in the financial statements are not entirely
- 99 -
Comparative information:
In some cases, narrative information provided in the financial statements for the
preceding period(s) continues to be relevant in the current period. For example, an
entity discloses in the current period details of a legal dispute, the outcome of which
was uncertain at the end of the preceding period and is yet to be resolved. Users may
benefit from the disclosure of information that the uncertainty existed at the end of
the preceding period and from the disclosure of information about the steps that have
been taken during the period to resolve the uncertainty.
- 100 -
For example, an entity may present a third statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income (thereby presenting the current period, the preceding period
and one additional comparative period). However, the entity is not required to
present a third statement of financial position, a third statement of cash flows or a
third statement of changes in equity (ie an additional financial statement
comparative). The entity is required to present, in the notes to the financial
statements, the comparative information related to that additional statement of profit
or loss and other comprehensive income.
- 101 -
(b) The amount of each item or class of items that is reclassified; and
- 102 -
(b) The nature of the adjustments that would have been made if the amounts had
been reclassified.
Consistency of presentation:
An entity shall retain the presentation and classification of items in the financial
statements from one period to the next unless:
- 103 -
An entity shall clearly identify the financial statements and distinguish them
from other information in the same published document.
IFRSs apply only to financial statements, and not necessarily to other information
presented in an annual report, a regulatory filing, or another document. Therefore, it
is important that users can distinguish information that is prepared using IFRSs from
other information that may be useful to users but is not the subject of those
An entity shall clearly identify each financial statement and the notes. In
addition, an entity shall display the following information prominently, and repeat it
when necessary for the information presented to be understandable:
(a) The name of the reporting entity or other means of identification, and any change
in that information from the end of the preceding reporting period.
- 104 -
(b) Whether the financial statements are of an individual entity or a group of entities;
(c) The date of the end of the reporting period or the period covered by the set of
financial statements or notes.
(e) The level of rounding used in presenting amounts in the financial statements.
The statement of financial position shall include line items that present the
following amounts:
(d) financial assets (excluding amounts shown under (e), (h) and (i));
- 105 -
(da) Portfolios of contracts within the scope of IFRS 17 that are assets, disaggregated
as required by paragraph 78 of IFRS 17.
(j) The total of assets classified as held for sale and assets included in disposal
groups classified as held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held
for Sale and Discontinued Operations.
(l) Provisions.
(m) Financial liabilities (excluding amounts shown under (k) and (l)).
(ma) Portfolios of contracts within the scope of IFRS 17 that are liabilities.
disaggregated as required by paragraph 78 of IFRS 17.
(n) Liabilities and assets for current tax, as defined in IAS 12 Income Taxes.
(o) Deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets, as defined in IAS 12.
(p) Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale in accordance
with IFRS 5.
An entity shall present additional line items (including by disaggregating the line
items listed in paragraph 54), headings and subtotals in the statement of financial
- 106 -
(b) Be presented and labelled in a manner that makes the line items that constitute
the subtotal clear and understandable.
(d) Not be displayed with more prominence than the subtotals and totals required in
IFRS for the statement of financial position.
When an entity presents current and non-current assets, and current and non-
current liabilities, as separate classifications in its statement of financial position, it
shall not classify deferred tax assets (liabilities) as current assets (liabilities).
This Standard does not prescribe the order or format in which an entity presents
items. Paragraph 54 simply lists items that are sufficiently different in nature or
function to warrant separate presentation in the statement of financial position. In
(a) Line items are included when the size, nature or function of an item or
aggregation of similar items is such that separate presentation is relevant to an
understanding of the entity’s financial position; and
(b) The descriptions used and the ordering of items or aggregation of similar items
may be amended according to the nature of the entity and its transactions, to provide
information that is relevant to an understanding of the entity’s financial position. For
- 107 -
The use of different measurement bases for different classes of assets suggests
that their nature or function differs and, therefore, that an entity presents them as
separate line items.
For example, different classes of property, plant and equipment can be carried
at cost or at revalued amounts in accordance with IAS 16.
Current/non-current distinction:
An entity shall present current and non-current assets, and current and non-
current liabilities, as separate classifications in its statement of financial position in
accordance with paragraphs 66–76B except when a presentation based on liquidity
provides information that is reliable and more relevant. When that exception
applies, an entity shall present all assets and liabilities in order of liquidity.
- 108 -
In applying paragraph 60, an entity is permitted to present some of its assets and
liabilities using a current/non-current classification and others in order of liquidity
when this provides information that is reliable and more relevant. The need for a
mixed basis of presentation might arise when an entity has diverse operations.
- 109 -
Current assets:
(a) It expects to realize the asset, or intends to sell or consume it, in its normal
operating cycle.
(c) It expects to realize the asset within twelve months after the reporting period.
(d) The asset is cash or a cash equivalent (as defined in IAS 7) unless the asset is
restricted from being exchanged or used to settle a liability for at least twelve monts
after the reporting period.
This Standard uses the term ‘non-current’ to include tangible, intangible and
financial assets of a long-term nature. It does not prohibit the use of alternative
descriptions as long as the meaning is clear.
The operating cycle of an entity is the time between the acquisition of assets
for processing and their realization in cash or cash equivalents. When the entity’s
normal operating cycle is not clearly identifiable, it is assumed to be twelve months.
Current assets include assets (such as inventories and trade receivables) that are
sold, consumed or realized as part of the normal operating cycle even when they are
not expected to be realized within twelve months after the reporting period. Current
assets also include assets held primarily for the purpose of trading (examples
include some financial assets that meet the definition of held for trading in IFRS 9)
and the current portion of non-current financial assets.
- 110 -
Current liabilities:
(c) The liability is due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting period.
(d) It does not have the right at the end of the reporting period to defer settlement
of the liability for at least twelve months after the reporting period.
Some current liabilities, such as trade payables and some accruals for employee
and other operating costs, are part of the working capital used in the entity’s normal
operating cycle. An entity classifies such operating items as current liabilities even
if they are due to be settled more than twelve months after the reporting period. The
same normal operating cycle applies to the classification of an entity’s assets and
liabilities. When the entity’s normal operating cycle is not clearly identifiable, it is
assumed to be twelve months.
Held primarily for the purpose of trading or due to be settled within twelve months:
Other current liabilities are not settled as part of the normal operating cycle, but
are due for settlement within twelve months after the reporting period or held
primarily for the purpose of trading. Examples are some financial liabilities that
meet the definition of held for trading in IFRS 9, bank overdrafts, and the current
portion of non-current financial liabilities, dividends payable, income taxes and
other non-trade payables. Financial liabilities that provide financing on a long-term
basis (ie are not part of the working capital used in the entity’s normal operating
- 111 -
cycle) and are not due for settlement within twelve months after the reporting period
are noncurrent liabilities.
An entity classifies its financial liabilities as current when they are due to be
settled within twelve months after the reporting period, even if:
(a) The original term was for a period longer than twelve months.
An entity’s right to defer settlement of a liability for at least twelve months after
the reporting period must have substance and, must exist at the end of the reporting
(a) Affect whether that right exists at the end of the reporting period, if an entity is
required to comply with the covenant on or before the end of the reporting
period. Such a covenant affects whether the right exists at the end of the
reporting period even if compliance with the covenant is assessed only after the
reporting period (for example, a covenant based on the entity’s financial
position at the end of the reporting period but assessed for compliance only after
the reporting period).
- 112 -
(b) Do not affect whether that right exists at the end of the reporting period if an
entity is required to comply with the covenant only after the reporting period
(for example, a covenant based on the entity’s financial position six months
after the end of the reporting period).
If an entity has the right, at the end of the reporting period, to roll over an
obligation for at least twelve months after the reporting period under an existing loan
facility, it classifies the obligation as non-current, even if it would otherwise be due
within a shorter period. If the entity has no such right, the entity does not consider
the potential to refinance the obligation and classifies the obligation as current.
- 113 -
even if the entity settles the liability between the end of the reporting period and the
date the financial statements are authorized for issue.
If the following events occur between the end of the reporting period and the date
the financial statements are authorized for issue, those events are disclosed as non-
adjusting events in accordance with IAS 10 Events after the Reporting Period:
(c) The granting by the lender of a period of grace to rectify a breach of a long-term
loan arrangement classified as current.
(a) Information about the covenants (including the nature of the covenants and
when the entity is required to comply with them) and the carrying amount of
related liabilities.
- 114 -
(b) Facts and circumstances, if any, that indicate the entity may have difficulty
complying with the covenants—for example, the entity having acted during or after
the reporting period to avoid or mitigate a potential breach. Such facts and
circumstances could also include the fact that the entity would not have complied
with the covenants if they were to be assessed for compliance based on the entity’s
circumstances at the end of the reporting period.
Terms of a liability that could, at the option of the counterparty, result in its
settlement by the transfer of the entity’s own equity instruments do not affect its
classification as current or non-current if, applying IAS 32 Financial Instruments:
Presentation, the entity classifies the option as an equity instrument, recognizing it
separately from the liability as an equity component of a compound financial
- 115 -
(a) Items of property, plant and equipment are disaggregated into classes in
accordance with IAS 16.
(b) Receivables are disaggregated into amounts receivable from trade customers,
receivables from related parties, prepayments and other amounts.
(d) Provisions are disaggregated into provisions for employee benefits and other
(e) Equity capital and reserves are disaggregated into various classes, such as paid-
in capital, share premium and reserves.
An entity shall disclose the following, either in the statement of financial position
or the statement of changes in equity, or in the notes:
(ii) The number of shares issued and fully paid, and issued but not fully paid.
(iii) Par value per share, or that the shares have no par value.
- 116 -
(v) The rights, preferences and restrictions attaching to that class including
restrictions on the distribution of dividends and the repayment of capital.
(vi) Shares in the entity held by the entity or by its subsidiaries or associates.
(vii) Shares reserved for issue under options and contracts for the sale of shares,
including terms and amounts.
(c) A description of the nature and purpose of each reserve within equity.
- 117 -
(c) Comprehensive income for the period, being the total of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income.
If an entity presents a separate statement of profit or loss it does not present, the
profit or loss section in the statement presenting comprehensive income.
An entity shall present the following items, in addition to the profit or loss and
other comprehensive income sections, as allocation of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income for the period:
In addition to items required by other IFRSs, the profit or loss section or the
statement of profit or loss shall include line items that present the following
amounts for the period:
- 118 -
(ii) Insurance revenue (see IFRS 17); (aa) gains and losses arising from the de
recognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost.
(ab) Insurance service expenses from contracts issued within the scope of IFRS 17.
(bc) Finance income or expenses from reinsurance contracts held (see IFRS 17).
(d) Share of the profit or loss of associates and joint ventures accounted for using
the equity method.
(cb) If a financial asset is reclassified out of the fair value through other
comprehensive income measurement category so that it is measured at fair value
through profit or loss, any cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in other
comprehensive income that is reclassified to profit or loss; (d)tax expense.
(ea) A single amount for the total of discontinued operations (see IFRS 5).
- 119 -
The other comprehensive income section shall present line items for the
amounts for the period of:
(ii) Will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss when specific conditions are
(b) The share of the other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures
accounted for using the equity method, separated into the share of items that, in
accordance with other IFRSs:
(ii) Will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss when specific conditions are
An entity shall present additional line items, headings and subtotals in the
statement(s) presenting profit or loss and other comprehensive income when such
presentation is relevant to an understanding of the entity’s financial performance.
(b) Be presented and labelled in a manner that makes the line items that constitute
the subtotal clear and understandable;
- 120 -
(c) Be consistent from period to period, in accordance with paragraph 45; and
(d) Not be displayed with more prominence than the subtotals and totals required
in IFRS for the statement(s) presenting profit or loss and other comprehensive
An entity shall present the line items in the statement(s) presenting profit or loss
and other comprehensive income that reconcile any subtotals presented in
accordance with paragraph 85 with the subtotals or totals required in IFRS for such
- 121 -
An entity shall recognize all items of income and expense in a period in profit
or loss unless an IFRS requires or permits otherwise.
An entity shall disclose the amount of income tax relating to each item of other
comprehensive income, including reclassification adjustments, either in the
statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income or in the notes. An
entity may present items of other comprehensive income either:
(b) Before related tax effects with one amount shown for the aggregate amount of
income tax relating to those items.
If an entity elects alternative (b), it shall allocate the tax between the items that
might be reclassified subsequently to the profit or loss section and those that will
not be reclassified subsequently to the profit or loss section.
- 122 -
Other IFRSs specify whether and when amounts previously recognized in other
comprehensive income are reclassified to profit or loss. Such reclassifications are
referred to in this Standard as reclassification adjustments.
- 123 -
When items of income or expense are material, an entity shall disclose their
nature and amount separately. Circumstances that would give rise to the separate
disclosure of items of income and expense include:
(b) Restructurings of the activities of an entity and reversals of any provisions for
the costs of restructuring.
- 124 -
- 125 -
Revenue ××
Other income ××
Other expenses ××
- 126 -
Revenue ××
Gross profit ××
Other income ××
The choice between the function of expense method and the nature of expense
method depends on historical and industry factors and the nature of the entity. Both
methods provide an indication of those costs that might vary, directly or indirectly,
with the level of sales or production of the entity. Because each method of
presentation has merit for different types of entities, this Standard requires
management to select the presentation that is reliable and more relevant. However,
because information on the nature of expenses is useful in predicting future cash
flows, additional disclosure is required when the function of expense classification
is used. In paragraph 104, ‘employee benefits’ has the same meaning as in IAS 19.
- 127 -
(a) Total comprehensive income for the period, showing separately the total
amounts attributable to owners of the parent and to non-controlling interests;
(c) For each component of equity, a reconciliation between the carrying amount at
the beginning and the end of the period, separately (as a minimum) disclosing
changes resulting from:
For each component of equity an entity shall present, either in the statement of
changes in equity or in the notes, an analysis of other comprehensive income by
item (see paragraph 106(d)(ii)). An entity shall present, either in the statement of
changes in equity or in the notes, the amount of dividends recognised as
distributions to owners during the period, and the related amount of dividends per
- 128 -
In paragraph 106, the components of equity include, for example, each class of
contributed equity, the accumulated balance of each class of other comprehensive
income and retained earnings.
Changes in an entity’s equity between the beginning and the end of the
reporting period reflect the increase or decrease in its net assets during the period.
Except for changes resulting from transactions with owners in their capacity as
owners (such as equity contributions, reacquisitions of the entity’s own equity
instruments and dividends) and transaction costs directly related to such
transactions, the overall change in equity during a period represents the total
amount of income and expense, including gains and losses, generated by the
entity’s activities during that period.
- 129 -
(a) Present information about the basis of preparation of the financial statements
and the specific accounting policies used in accordance with paragraphs 117–124.
(b) Disclose the information required by IFRSs that is not presented elsewhere in
the financial statements.
(c) Provide information that is not presented elsewhere in the financial statements,
but is relevant to an understanding of any of them.
(a) Giving prominence to the areas of its activities that the entity considers to be
most relevant to an understanding of its financial performance and financial
position, such as grouping together information about particular operating
- 130 -
(b) Grouping together information about items measured similarly such as assets
measured at fair value.
(c) Following the order of the line items in the statement(s) of profit or loss and
other comprehensive income and the statement of financial position, such as:
(1) Contingent liabilities (see IAS 37) and unrecognized contractual commitments.
(2) Non-financial disclosures, eg the entity’s financial risk management objectives
and policies (see IFRS 7).
An entity may present notes providing information about the basis of preparation
of the financial statements and specific accounting policies as a separate section of
the financial statements.
- 131 -
(a) The entity changed its accounting policy during the reporting period and this
change resulted in a material change to the information in the financial statements.
(b) The entity chose the accounting policy from one or more options permitted by
IFRSs—such a situation could arise if the entity chose to measure investment
property at historical cost rather than fair value.
(c) The accounting policy was developed in accordance with IAS 8 in the absence
of an IFRS that specifically applies.
(d) The accounting policy relates to an area for which an entity is required to make
significant judgements or assumptions in applying an accounting policy, and the
entity discloses those judgements or assumptions in accordance with paragraphs
122 and 125.
- 132 -
(e) The accounting required for them is complex and users of the entity’s financial
statements would otherwise not understand those material transactions, other
events or conditions—such a situation could arise if an entity applies more than
one IFRS to a class of material transactions.
(a) When substantially all the significant risks and rewards of ownership of
financial assets and, for lessors, assets subject to leases are transferred to other
- 133 -
(b) Whether, in substance, particular sales of goods are financing arrangements and
therefore do not give rise to revenue.
(c) Whether the contractual terms of a financial asset give rise on specified dates
to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal
amount outstanding.
Some of the disclosures made in accordance with paragraph 122 are required by
other IFRSs. For example, IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities
requires an entity to disclose the judgements it has made in determining whether it
controls another entity. IAS 40 Investment Property requires disclosure of the
criteria developed by the entity to distinguish investment property from owner-
occupied property and from property held for sale in the ordinary course of
business, when classification of the property is difficult.
- 134 -
Chapter Four
Property, Plant and Equipment (IAS 16)
In December 2003 the Board issued a revised IAS 16 as part of its initial agenda
of technical projects. The revised Standard also replaced the guidance in three
Interpretations (SIC-6 Costs of Modifying Existing Software, SIC-14 Property,
Plant and Equipment—Compensation for the Impairment or Loss of
Items and SIC-23 Property, Plant and Equipment—Major Inspection or Overhaul
In May 2014 the Board amended IAS 16 to prohibit the use of a revenue-based
depreciation method.
In June 2014 the Board amended the scope of IAS 16 to include bearer plants
related to agricultural activity.
In May 2017, when IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts was issued, it amended the
subsequent measurement requirements in IAS 16 by permitting entities to elect to
measure owner-occupied properties in specific circumstances as if they were
investment properties measured at fair value through profit or loss applying
IAS 40 Investment Property.
- 135 -
In May 2020, the Board issued Property, Plant and Equipment: Proceeds before
Intended Use (Amendments to IAS 16) which prohibit a company from deducting
from the cost of property, plant and equipment amounts received from selling items
produced while the company is preparing the asset for its intended use. Instead, a
company will recognize such sales proceeds and related cost in profit or loss.
Other Standards have made minor consequential amendments to IAS 16. They
include IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement (issued May 2011), Annual
Improvements to IFRSs 2009–2011 Cycle (issued May 2012), Annual Improvements
to IFRSs 2010–2012 Cycle (issued December 2013), IFRS 15 Revenue from
Contracts with Customers (issued May 2014), IFRS 16 Leases (issued January
2016) and Amendments to References to the Conceptual Framework in IFRS
Standards (issued March 2018).
6.1 Objective:
6.2 Scope:
This Standard shall be applied in accounting for property, plant and equipment
except when another Standard requires or permits a different accounting treatment.
This Standard does not apply to:
- 136 -
(a) property, plant and equipment classified as held for sale in accordance with IFRS
5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations.
(b) biological assets related to agricultural activity other than bearer plants (see IAS
41 Agriculture). This Standard applies to bearer plants but it does not apply to the
produce on bearer plants.
(c) the recognition and measurement of exploration and evaluation assets (see IFRS
6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources).
(d) mineral rights and mineral reserves such as oil, natural gas and similar non-
regenerative resources.
However, this Standard applies to property, plant and equipment used to develop
or maintain the assets described in (b)–(d).
An entity using the cost model for investment property in accordance with IAS
40 Investment Property shall use the cost model in this Standard for owned
investment property.
6.3 Definitions:
The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified: A
bearer plant is a living plant that:
(c) has a remote likelihood of being sold as agricultural produce, except for
incidental scrap sales.
- 137 -
Carrying amount is the amount at which an asset is recognized after deducting any
accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses.
Cost is the amount of cash or cash equivalents paid or the fair value of the other
consideration given to acquire an asset at the time of its acquisition or construction
or, where applicable, the amount attributed to that asset when initially recognized in
accordance with the specific requirements of other IFRSs, eg IFRS 2 Share-based
Depreciable amount is the cost of an asset, or other amount substituted for cost, less
its residual value.
Entity-specific value is the present value of the cash flows an entity expects to arise
from the continuing use of an asset and from its disposal at the end of its useful life
or expects to incur when settling a liability.
Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a
liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement
date. (See IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement.)
An impairment loss is the amount by which the carrying amount of an asset exceeds
its recoverable amount.
(a) are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to
others, or for administrative purposes.
- 138 -
Recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs of disposal and
its value in use.
The residual value of an asset is the estimated amount that an entity would currently
obtain from disposal of the asset, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if
the asset were already of the age and in the condition expected at the end of its useful
(a) the period over which an asset is expected to be available for use by an entity; or
(b) the number of production or similar units expected to be obtained from the asset
by an entity.
(a)it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to
the entity.
Items such as spare parts, stand-by equipment and servicing equipment are
recognized in accordance with this IFRS when they meet the definition of property,
plant and equipment. Otherwise, such items are classified as inventory.
This Standard does not prescribe the unit of measure for recognition, ie what
constitutes an item of property, plant and equipment. Thus, judgement is required in
applying the recognition criteria to an entity’s specific circumstances. It may be
appropriate to aggregate individually insignificant items, such as moulds, tools and
dies, and to apply the criteria to the aggregate value.
- 139 -
An entity evaluates under this recognition principle all its property, plant and
equipment costs at the time they are incurred. These costs include costs incurred
initially to acquire or construct an item of property, plant and equipment and costs
incurred subsequently to add to, replace part of, or service it. The cost of an item of
property, plant and equipment may include costs incurred relating to leases of assets
that are used to construct, add to, replace part of or service an item of property, plant
and equipment, such as depreciation of right-of-use assets.
Initial costs:
- 140 -
Subsequent costs:
an entity does not recognize in the carrying amount of an item of property, plant
and equipment the costs of the day-to-day servicing of the item. Rather, these costs
are recognized in profit or loss as incurred. Costs of day-to-day servicing are
primarily the costs of labor and consumables, and may include the cost of small
parts. The purpose of these expenditures is often described as for the ‘repairs and
maintenance’ of the item of property, plant and equipment.
Parts of some items of property, plant and equipment may require replacement at
regular intervals. For example, a furnace may require relining after a specified
number of hours of use, or aircraft interiors such as seats and galleys may require
replacement several times during the life of the airframe. Items of property, plant
and equipment may also be acquired to make a less frequently recurring
replacement, such as replacing the interior walls of a building, or to make a
nonrecurring replacement. Under the recognition principle in paragraph 7, an entity
recognizes in the carrying amount of an item of property, plant and equipment the
cost of replacing part of such an item when that cost is incurred if the recognition
criteria are met. The carrying amount of those parts that are replaced is derecognized
in accordance with the derecognized provisions of this Standard.
An item of property, plant and equipment that qualifies for recognition as an asset
shall be measured at its cost. Elements of cost The cost of an item of property, plant
and equipment comprises:
(a) its purchase price, including import duties and non-refundable purchase taxes,
after deducting trade discounts and rebates.
(b) any costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition
necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management.
(c) the initial estimate of the costs of dismantling and removing the item and
restoring the site on which it is located, the obligation for which an entity incurs
either when the item is acquired or as a consequence of having used the item during
a particular period for purposes other than to produce inventories during that period.
Examples of directly attributable costs are:
- 142 -
(e) costs of testing whether the asset is functioning properly (ie assessing whether
the technical and physical performance of the asset is such that it is capable of being
used in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others, or for
administrative purposes).
Examples of costs that are not costs of an item of property, plant and equipment
(b) costs of introducing a new product or service (including costs of advertising and
promotional activities).
(c) costs of conducting business in a new location or with a new class of customer
(including costs of staff training).
- 143 -
that item. For example, the following costs are not included in the carrying amount
of an item of property, plant and equipment:
(b) initial operating losses, such as those incurred while demand for
the item’s output builds up.
Items may be produced while bringing an item of property, plant and equipment
to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner
intended by management (such as samples produced when testing whether the asset
is functioning properly).
An entity recognizes the proceeds from selling any such items, and the cost of
those items, in profit or loss in accordance with applicable Standards. The entity
measures the cost of those items applying the measurement requirements of IAS 2.
- 144 -
the income and related expenses of incidental operations are recognized in profit or
loss and included in their respective classifications of income and expense.
Bearer plants are accounted for in the same way as self-constructed items of
property, plant and equipment before they are in the location and condition necessary
to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management. Consequently,
references to ‘construction’ in this Standard should be read as covering activities that
are necessary to cultivate the bearer plants before they are in the location and
condition necessary to be capable of operating in the manner intended by
The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment is the cash price equivalent
at the recognition date. If payment is deferred beyond normal credit terms, the
difference between the cash price equivalent and the total payment is recognized as
interest over the period of credit unless such interest is capitalized in accordance
with IAS 23.
- 145 -
One or more items of property, plant and equipment may be acquired in exchange
for a non-monetary asset or assets, or a combination of monetary and non-monetary
assets. The following discussion refers simply to an exchange of one non-monetary
asset for another, but it also applies to all exchanges described in the preceding
sentence. The cost of such an item of property, plant and equipment is measured at
fair value unless (a) the exchange transaction lacks commercial substance or (b) the
fair value of neither the asset received nor the asset given up is reliably measurable.
The acquired item is measured in this way even if an entity cannot immediately
derecognize the asset given up. If the acquired item is not measured at fair value, its
cost is measured at the carrying amount of the asset given up.
(a) the configuration (risk, timing and amount) of the cash flows of the
asset received differs from the configuration of the cash flows of the
asset transferred.
(c) the difference in (a) or (b) is significant relative to the fair value of the
assets exchanged.
- 146 -
The fair value of an asset is reliably measurable if (a) the variability in the range
of reasonable fair value measurements is not significant for that asset or (b) the
probabilities of the various estimates within the range can be reasonably assessed
and used when measuring fair value. If an entity is able to measure reliably the fair
value of either the asset received or the asset given up, then the fair value of the asset
given up is used to measure the cost of the asset received unless the fair value of the
asset received is more clearly evident.
The carrying amount of an item of property, plant and equipment may be reduced
by government grants in accordance with IAS 20 Accounting for Government
Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance.
An entity shall choose either the cost model in paragraph 30 or the revaluation
model in paragraph 31 as its accounting policy and shall apply that policy to an entire
class of property, plant and equipment.
- 147 -
Cost model:
Revaluation model:
After recognition as an asset, an item of property, plant and equipment whose fair
value can be measured reliably shall be carried at a revalued amount, being its fair
value at the date of the revaluation less any subsequent accumulated depreciation
and subsequent accumulated impairment losses. Revaluations shall be made with
sufficient regularity to ensure that the carrying amount does not differ materially
from that which would be determined using fair value at the end of the reporting
The frequency of revaluations depends upon the changes in fair values of the items
of property, plant and equipment being revalued. When the fair value of a revalued
asset differs materially from its carrying amount, a further revaluation is required.
Some items of property, plant and equipment experience significant and volatile
changes in fair value, thus necessitating annual revaluation. Such frequent
revaluations are unnecessary for items of property, plant and equipment with only
insignificant changes in fair value. Instead, it may be necessary to revalue the item
only every three or five years.
- 148 -
When an item of property, plant and equipment is revalued, the carrying amount
of that asset is adjusted to the revalued amount. At the date of the revaluation, the
asset is treated in one of the following ways:
If an item of property, plant and equipment is revalued, the entire class of property,
plant and equipment to which that asset belongs shall be revalued.
(a) land;
- 149 -
(c) machinery;
(d) ships;
(e) aircraft;
The items within a class of property, plant and equipment are revalued
simultaneously to avoid selective revaluation of assets and the reporting of amounts
in the financial statements that are a mixture of costs and values as at different dates.
However, a class of assets may be revalued on a rolling basis provided revaluation
of the class of assets is completed within a short period and provided the revaluations
are kept up to date.
- 150 -
in other comprehensive income reduces the amount accumulated in equity under the
heading of revaluation surplus.
The effects of taxes on income, if any, resulting from the revaluation of property,
plant and equipment are recognized and disclosed in accordance with IAS 12 Income
6.7 Depreciation:
Each part of an item of property, plant and equipment with a cost that is
significant in relation to the total cost of the item shall be depreciated separately.
A significant part of an item of property, plant and equipment may have a useful
life and a depreciation method that are the same as the useful life and the depreciation
- 151 -
method of another significant part of that same item. Such parts may be grouped in
determining the depreciation charge.
An entity may choose to depreciate separately the parts of an item that do not
have a cost that is significant in relation to the total cost of the item.
The depreciation charge for each period shall be recognized in profit or loss
unless it is included in the carrying amount of another asset.
The residual value and the useful life of an asset shall be reviewed at least at each
financial year-end and, if expectations differ from previous estimates, the change(s)
- 152 -
Depreciation is recognized even if the fair value of the asset exceeds its carrying
amount, as long as the asset’s residual value does not exceed its carrying amount.
Repair and maintenance of an asset do not negate the need to depreciate it.
The residual value of an asset may increase to an amount equal to or greater than
the asset’s carrying amount. If it does, the asset’s depreciation charge is zero unless
and until its residual value subsequently decreases to an amount below the asset’s
carrying amount.
Depreciation of an asset ceases at the earlier of the date that the asset is classified
as held for sale (or included in a disposal group that is classified as held for sale) in
accordance with IFRS 5 and the date that the asset is derecognized. Therefore,
depreciation does not cease when the asset becomes idle or is retired from active use
unless the asset is fully depreciated. However, under usage methods of depreciation
the depreciation charge can be zero while there is no production.
- 153 -
Consequently, all the following factors are considered in determining the useful life
of an asset:
(a) expected usage of the asset. Usage is assessed by reference to the asset’s expected
capacity or physical output.
(b) expected physical wear and tear, which depends on operational factors such as
the number of shifts for which the asset is to be used and the repair and maintenance
programmer, and the care and maintenance of the asset while idle.
(d) legal or similar limits on the use of the asset, such as the expiry dates of related
The useful life of an asset is defined in terms of the asset’s expected utility to the
entity. The asset management policy of the entity may involve the disposal of assets
after a specified time or after consumption of a specified proportion of the future
economic benefits embodied in the asset. Therefore, the useful life of an asset may
be shorter than its economic life. The estimation of the useful life of the asset is a
matter of judgement based on the experience of the entity with similar assets.
Land and buildings are separable assets and are accounted for separately, even
when they are acquired together. With some exceptions, such as quarries and sites
used for landfill, land has an unlimited useful life and therefore is not depreciated.
Buildings have a limited useful life and therefore are depreciable assets. An increase
- 154 -
in the value of the land on which a building stands does not affect the determination
of the depreciable amount of the building.
If the cost of land includes the costs of site dismantlement, removal and
restoration, that portion of the land asset is depreciated over the period of benefits
obtained by incurring those costs. In some cases, the land itself may have a limited
useful life, in which case it is depreciated in a manner that reflects the benefits to be
derived from it.
Compensation from third parties for items of property, plant and equipment that
were impaired, lost or given up shall be included in profit or loss when the
compensation becomes receivable. Impairments or losses of items of property, plant
and equipment, related claims for or payments of compensation from third parties
and any subsequent purchase or construction of replacement assets are separate
economic events and are accounted for separately as follows:
- 155 -
(c) compensation from third parties for items of property, plant and equipment that
were impaired, lost or given up is included in determining profit or loss when it
becomes receivable.
(d) the cost of items of property, plant and equipment restored, purchased or
constructed as replacements is determined in accordance with this Standard.
(a)on disposal.
(b) when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal.
The gain or loss arising from the recognition of an item of property, plant and
equipment shall be included in profit or loss when the item is derecognized (unless
IFRS 16 Leases requires otherwise on a sale and leaseback). Gains shall not be
classified as revenue.
However, an entity that, in the course of its ordinary activities, routinely sells
items of property, plant and equipment that it has held for rental to others shall
transfer such assets to inventories at their carrying amount when they cease to be
rented and become held for sale. The proceeds from the sale of such assets shall be
recognized as revenue in accordance with IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with
Customers. IFRS 5 does not apply when assets that are held for sale in the ordinary
course of business are transferred to inventories.
The disposal of an item of property, plant and equipment may occur in a variety
of ways (eg by sale, by entering into a finance lease or by donation). The date of
disposal of an item of property, plant and equipment is the date the recipient obtains
- 156 -
control of that item in accordance with the requirements for determining when a
performance obligation is satisfied in IFRS 15. IFRS 16 applies to disposal by a sale
and leaseback.
The gain or loss arising from the derecognition of an item of property, plant and
equipment shall be determined as the difference between the net disposal proceeds,
if any, and the carrying amount of the item.
The amount of consideration to be included in the gain or loss arising from the
derecognition of an item of property, plant and equipment is determined in
accordance with the requirements for determining the transaction price in paragraphs
47–72 of IFRS 15. Subsequent changes to the estimated amount of the consideration
included in the gain or loss shall be accounted for in accordance with the
requirements for changes in the transaction price in IFRS 15.
6.7 Disclosure:
The financial statements shall disclose, for each class of property, plant and
(a) the measurement bases used for determining the gross carrying amount; (b)the
depreciation methods used.
(d) the gross carrying amount and the accumulated depreciation (aggregated with
accumulated impairment losses) at the beginning and end of the period.
(e) a reconciliation of the carrying amount at the beginning and end of the period
(i) additions;
(ii) assets classified as held for sale or included in a disposal group classified as held
for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 and other disposals;
(iv) increases or decreases resulting from revaluations under paragraphs 31, 39 and
40 and from impairment losses recognized or reversed in other comprehensive
income in accordance with IAS 36;
(v) impairment losses recognized in profit or loss in accordance with IAS 36;
(vi) impairment losses reversed in profit or loss in accordance with IAS 36;
(viii) the net exchange differences arising on the translation of the financial
statements from the functional currency into a different presentation
currency, including the translation of a foreign operation into the presentation
currency of the reporting entity; and
- 158 -
(a) the amount of compensation from third parties for items of property, plant and
equipment that were impaired, lost or given up that is included in profit or loss; and
(b) the amounts of proceeds and cost included in profit or loss in accordance with
paragraph 20A that relate to items produced that are not an output of the entity’s
ordinary activities, and which line item(s) in the statement of comprehensive income
include(s) such proceeds and cost.
Selection of the depreciation method and estimation of the useful life of assets
are matters of judgement. Therefore, disclosure of the methods adopted and the
estimated useful lives or depreciation rates provides users of financial statements
with information that allows them to review the policies selected by management
and enables comparisons to be made with other entities. For similar reasons, it is
necessary to disclose:
(a) depreciation, whether recognized in profit or loss or as a part of the cost of other
assets, during a period.
In accordance with IAS 8 an entity discloses the nature and effect of a change in
an accounting estimate that has an effect in the current period or is expected to have
- 159 -
an effect in subsequent periods. For property, plant and equipment, such disclosure
may arise from changes in estimates with respect to:
(a)residual values.
(b) the estimated costs of dismantling, removing or restoring items of property, plant
and equipment.
(c)useful lives.
(d)depreciation methods.
If items of property, plant and equipment are stated at revalued amounts, the
following shall be disclosed in addition to the disclosures required by IFRS 13:
(e) for each revalued class of property, plant and equipment, the carrying amount
that would have been recognized had the assets been carried under the cost model.
(f) the revaluation surplus, indicating the change for the period and any restrictions
on the distribution of the balance to shareholders.
Users of financial statements may also find the following information relevant to
their needs:
(a) the carrying amount of temporarily idle property, plant and equipment.
(b) the gross carrying amount of any fully depreciated property, plant and equipment
that is still in use.
- 160 -
(c) the carrying amount of property, plant and equipment retired from active use and
not classified as held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5.
(d) when the cost model is used, the fair value of property, plant and equipment
when this is materially different from the carrying amount.
The depreciation method used shall reflect the pattern in which the asset’s future
economic benefits are expected to be consumed by the entity.
- 161 -
There is a wide variety of depreciation method in use and all these methods are
based upon certain implicit assumptions though they all seek to distribute the cost of
the asset over its useful life. These methods can be classified under the following
Case: Consider a piece of equipment that costs $25,000 with an estimated useful life
of 8 years and a $0 salvage value. The depreciation expense per year for this
equipment would be as follows:
- 162 -
- 163 -
Case: Consider a piece of property, plant, and equipment (PP&E) that costs $25,000,
with an estimated useful life of 8 years and a $2,500 salvage value. To calculate the
double-declining balance depreciation, set up a schedule:
1. The beginning book value of the asset is filled in at the beginning of year 1
and the salvage value is filled in at the end of year 8.
- 164 -
4. Subtract the expense from the beginning book value to arrive at the ending
book value. For example, $25,000 – $6,250 = $18,750 ending book value at
the end of the first year.
5. The ending book value for that year is the beginning book value for the
following year. For example, the year 1 ending book value of $18,750 would
be the year 2 beginning book value. Repeat this until the last year of useful
- 165 -
Case: Consider a machine that costs $25,000, with an estimated total unit production
of 100 million and a $0 salvage value. During the first quarter of activity, the
machine produced 4 million units.
- 166 -
Depreciation Expense = (Remaining life / Sum of the years digits) x (Cost – Salvage value)
Consider the following example to more easily understand the concept of the sum-
of-the-years-digits depreciation method.
Case: Consider a piece of equipment that costs $25,000 and has an estimated useful
life of 8 years and a $0 salvage value. To calculate the sum-of-the-years-digits
depreciation, set up a schedule:
- 167 -
2. The remaining life is simply the remaining life of the asset. For example,
at the beginning of the year, the asset has a remaining life of 8 years. The
following year, the asset has a remaining life of 7 years, etc.
3. RL / SYD is “remaining life divided by sum of the years.” In this example,
the asset has a useful life of 8 years. Therefore, the sum of the years would
be 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 36 years. The remaining life in the
beginning of year 1 is 8. Therefore, the RM / SYD = 8 / 36 = 0.2222.
4. The RL / SYD number is multiplied by the depreciating base to determine
the expense for that year.
5. The same is done for the following years. In the beginning of year 2, RL /
SYD would be 7 / 36 = 0.1944. 0.1944 x $25,000 = $4,861 expense for
year 2.
- 168 -
Below is the summary of all four depreciation methods from the examples above.
- 169 -
Chapter Five
4.1 Objective:
To prescribe the procedures that an entity applies to ensure that its assets are
carried at no more than its recoverable amount. An asset is carried at more than their
recoverable amount if its carrying amount exceeds the amount to be recovered
through use or sale of the asset. If this is the case, the asset is described as impaired
and the entity is required to recognize an impairment loss.
4.2 Scope:
This Standard shall be applied in accounting for the impairment of all assets,
other than:
(a) Inventories.
- 170 -
(e) Financial assets within the scope of IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition
and Measurement.
(g) Biological assets related to agricultural activity within the scope of IAS 41
Agriculture that are measured at fair value less costs to sell.
(h) Deferred acquisition costs, and intangible assets, arising from an insurer’s
contractual rights under insurance contracts within the scope of IFRS 4 Insurance
(i) Non-current assets (or disposal groups) classified as held for sale in accordance
with IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations.
Effective Date:
(a) To goodwill and intangible assets acquired in business combinations for which
the agreement date is on or after 31 March 2004; and
(b) To all other assets prospectively from the beginning of the first annual period
beginning on or after 31 March 2004.
4.3 Definitions:
- Recoverable amount: is the higher of an asset’s net selling price and its value in
use. On the other hand, the net selling price of asset and its value in use whichever
is higher.
- Value in use: is the present value of estimated future cash flows expected to arise
from the continuing use of an asset and from its disposal at the end of its useful life.
- 171 -
Is the present value of estimated future cash flows expected to arise from the
continuing use of an asset and from its disposal at the end of its useful life, or a
reasonable estimate thereof”.
- Net selling price: is the amount obtainable from the sale of an asset in an arm’s
length transaction between knowledgeable, willing parties, less the costs of disposal.
- Depreciable amount: is the cost of an asset, or other amount substituted for cost in
the financial statements, less its residual value.
(a) The period of time over which an asset is expected to be used by the enterprise;
(b) The number of production or similar units expected to be obtained from the asset
by the enterprise.
- 172 -
- A cash generating unit: is the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates
cash inflows from continuing use that are largely independent of the cash inflows
from other assets or groups of assets.
- Corporate assets: are assets other than goodwill that contribute to the future cash
flows of both the cash generating unit under review and other cash generating units.
(b) Willing buyers and sellers can normally be found at any time;
- An asset is impaired when the carrying amount of the asset exceeds its recoverable
- An enterprise should assess at each balance sheet date whether there is any
indication that an asset may be impaired. If any such indication exists, the enterprise
should estimate the recoverable amount of the asset.
- 173 -
The following some of indications that an impairment loss may have occurred,
if any of those indications is present, an enterprise is required to make a formal
estimate of recoverable amount. If no indication of a potential impairment loss is
present, does not require an enterprise to make a formal estimate of recoverable
(a) During the period, an asset’s market value has declined significantly more than
would be expected as a result of the passage of time or normal use;
(b) Significant changes with an adverse effect on the enterprise have taken place
during the period, or will take place in the near future, in the technological, market,
economic or legal environment in which the enterprise operates or in the market to
which an asset is dedicated;
(c) Market interest rates or other market rates of return on investments have
increased during the period, and those increases are likely to affect the discount rate
used in calculating an asset’s value in use and decrease the asset’s recoverable
amount materially;
(d) The carrying amount of the net assets of the reporting enterprise is more than its
market capitalization.
- 174 -
(b) Significant changes with an adverse effect on the enterprise have taken place
during the period, or are expected to take place in the near future, in the extent to
which, or manner in which, an asset is used or is expected to be used. These changes
include plans to discontinue or restructure the operation to which an asset belongs
or to dispose of an asset before the previously expected date; and
(c) Evidence is available from internal reporting that indicates that the economic
performance of an asset is, or will be, worse than expected.
10. Evidence from internal reporting that indicates that an asset may be impaired
includes the existence of:
(a) Cash flows for acquiring the asset, or subsequent cash needs for operating or
maintaining it, that are significantly higher than those originally budgeted;
(b) Actual net cash flows or operating profit or loss flowing from the assets that are
significantly worse than those budgeted;
(d) Operating losses or net cash outflows for the asset, when current period figures
are aggregated with budgeted figures for the future.
- 175 -
Recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s net selling price and value in use.
1. It is not always necessary to determine both an asset’s net selling price and its
value in use. For example, if either of these amounts exceeds the asset’s carrying
amount, the asset is not impaired and it is not necessary to estimate the other amount.
2. It may be possible to determine net selling price, even if an asset is not traded in
an active market. However, sometimes it will not be possible to determine net selling
price because there is no basis for making a reliable estimate of the amount
obtainable from the sale of the asset in an arm’s length transaction between
knowledgeable and willing parties. In this case, the recoverable amount of the asset
may be taken to be its value in use.
3. If there is no reason to believe that an asset’s value in use materially exceeds its
net selling price, the asset’s recoverable amount may be taken to be its net selling
price. This will often be the case for an asset that is held for disposal. This is because
the value in use of an asset held for disposal will consist mainly of the net disposal
proceeds, since the future cash flows from continuing use of the asset until its
disposal are likely to be.
- 176 -
4. Recoverable amount is determined for an individual asset, unless the asset does
not generate cash inflows from continuing use that are largely independent of those
from other assets or groups of assets. If this is the case, recoverable amount is
determined for the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs, unless either:
(4.1) the asset’s net selling price is higher than its carrying amount; or
(4.2) the asset’s value in use can be estimated to be close to its net selling price and
net selling price can be determined.
The best evidence of an asset’s net selling price is a price in a binding sale
agreement in an arm’s length transaction, adjusted for incremental costs that would
be directly attributable to the disposal of the asset.
The appropriate market price is usually the current bid price. When current bid
prices are unavailable, the price of the most recent transaction may provide a basis
from which to estimate net selling price, provided that there has not been a
significant change in economic circumstances between the transaction date and the
date at which the estimate is made.
- 177 -
If there is no binding sale agreement or active market for an asset, net selling
price is based on the best information available to reflect the amount that an
enterprise could obtain, at the balance sheet date, for the disposal of the asset in an
arm’s length transaction between knowledgeable, willing parties, after deducting the
costs of disposal. In determining this amount, an enterprise considers the outcome
of recent transactions for similar assets within the same industry. Net selling price
does not reflect a forced sale, unless management is compelled to sell immediately.
Costs of disposal, other than those that have already been recognized as
liabilities, are deducted in determining net selling price. Examples of such costs are
legal costs, costs of removing the asset, and direct incremental costs to bring an asset
into condition for its sale. However, termination benefits and costs associated with
reducing or reorganizing a business following the disposal of an asset are not direct
incremental costs to dispose of the asset.
Sometimes, the disposal of an asset would require the buyer to take over a
liability and only a single net selling price is available for both the asset and the
(b) Estimating the future cash inflows and outflows arising from
continuing use of the asset and from its ultimate disposal.
(c) Applying the appropriate discount rate to these future cash flows.
- 178 -
(b) Cash flow projections should be based on the most recent financial
budgets/forecasts that have been approved by management. Projections based on
these budgets/forecasts should cover a maximum period of five years, unless a
longer period can be justified.
(c) Cash flow projections beyond the period covered by the most recent
budgets/forecasts should be estimated by extrapolating the projections based on the
budgets/forecasts using a steady or declining growth rate for subsequent years,
unless an increasing rate can be justified. This growth rate should not exceed the
long-term average growth rate for the products, industries, or country or countries in
which the enterprise operates, or for the market in which the asset is used, unless a
higher rate can be justified.
(a) Projections of cash inflows from the continuing use of the asset;
(b) Projections of cash outflows that are necessarily incurred to generate the cash
inflows from continuing use of the asset (including cash outflows to prepare the asset
for use) and that can be directly attributed, or allocated on a reasonable and
consistent basis, to the asset; and
- 179 -
(c) Net cash flows, if any, to be received (or paid) for the disposal of the asset at the
end of its useful life.
(d) Future cash flows should be estimated for the asset in its current condition.
Estimates of future cash flows should not include estimated future cash inflows or
outflows that are expected to arise from:
(f) Future capital expenditure that will improve or enhance the asset in excess of its
originally assessed standard of performance.
A. If the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, the
carrying amount of the asset should be reduced to its recoverable amount. That
reduction is an impairment loss.
- 180 -
the impairment loss does not exceed the amount held in the revaluation surplus for
that same asset.
D. When the amount estimated for an impairment loss is greater than the carrying
amount of the asset to which it relates, an enterprise should recognize a liability if,
and only if, that is required by another Accounting Standard.
A. An enterprise should assess at each balance sheet date whether there is any
indication that an impairment loss recognized for an asset in prior accounting periods
may no longer exist or may have decreased. If any such indication exists, the
enterprise should estimate the recoverable amount of that asset.
- 181 -
(a) The asset’s market value has increased significantly during the period;
(b) significant changes with a favorable effect on the enterprise have taken place
during the period, or will take place in the near future, in the technological, market,
economic or legal environment in which the enterprise operates or in the market to
which the asset is dedicated;
(c) Market interest rates or other market rates of return on investments have
decreased during the period, and those decreases are likely to affect the discount rate
used in calculating the asset’s value in use and increase the asset’s recoverable
amount materially;
(a) Significant changes with a favorable effect on the enterprise have taken place
during the period, or are expected to take place in the near future, in the extent to
which, or manner in which, the asset is used or is expected to be used. These changes
include capital expenditure that has been incurred during the period to improve or
enhance an asset in excess of its originally assessed standard of performance or a
commitment to discontinue or restructure the operation to which the asset belongs.
(b) Evidence is available from internal reporting that indicates that the economic
performance of the asset is, or will be, better than expected.
- 182 -
(1) A change in the basis for recoverable amount (i.e., whether recoverable amount
is based on net selling price or value in use);
(2) If recoverable amount was based on value in use: a change in the amount or
timing of estimated future cash flows or in the discount rate; or
(3) If recoverable amount was based on net selling price: a change in estimate of the
components of net selling price.
F. An asset’s value in use may become greater than the asset’s carrying amount
simply because the present value of future cash inflows increases as they become
closer. However, the service potential of the asset has not increased. Therefore, an
impairment loss is not reversed just because of the passage of time (sometimes called
the ‘unwinding’ of the discount), even if the recoverable amount of the asset
becomes higher than its carrying amount.
- 183 -
- 184 -
Required: As a financial accountant, the firm's management has asked you to:
- 185 -
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6
B.V 2200000
- 186 -
Recoverable amount is net selling price of asset (1800000) or usage value of asset
(1855900) whichever higher.
Impairment Loss of Asset Value is the amount by which the carrying amount of an
asset exceeds its recoverable amount.
Income St
Other Expenses
Balance Sheet
Non- Current Assets
Cars 4000000
(-) Accu. Deprecation of Cars (1800000)
= Net Book Value of Cars 2200000
(-) Impairment Loss of Cars (344100)
= Recoverable Amount of Cars 1855900
- 187 -
Required: As a financial accountant, the firm's management has asked you to:
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6
Discount rate %10 0.909 0.826 0.750 0.682 0.601 0.524
Discount rate %15 0.870 0.756 0.658 0.572 0.497 0.432
- 188 -
B.V 2200000
- 189 -
Recoverable amount is net selling price of asset (1900000) or usage value of asset
(1855900) whichever higher.
Impairment Loss of Asset Value is the amount by which the carrying amount of an
asset exceeds its recoverable amount.
Balance Sheet
Non- Current Assets
Equipment 4000000
(-) Accu. Deprecation of Equipment (1800000)
= Net Book Value of Equipment 2200000
(-) Impairment Loss of Equipment (300000)
= Recoverable Amount of Equipment 1900000
- 190 -
Chapter Six
5.1 Objective:
- 191 -
5.2 Scope:
An entity shall apply this Standard to all contracts with customers, except the
(b) contracts within the scope of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts. However, an entity
may choose to apply this Standard to insurance contracts that have as their primary
purpose the provision of services for a fixed fee in accordance with paragraph 8 of
IFRS 17;
(c) financial instruments and other contractual rights or obligations within the scope
of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, IFRS
11 Joint Arrangements, IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements and IAS 28
Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures; and
- 192 -
An entity shall apply this Standard to a contract (other than a contract listed in
paragraph 5) only if the counterparty to the contract is a customer. A customer is a
party that has contracted with an entity to obtain goods or services that are an output
of the entity’s ordinary activities in exchange for consideration. A counterparty to
the contract would not be a customer if, for example, the counterparty has contracted
with the entity to participate in an activity or process in which the parties to the
contract share in the risks and benefits that result from the activity or process (such
as developing an asset in a collaboration arrangement) rather than to obtain the
output of the entity’s ordinary activities.
A contract with a customer may be partially within the scope of this Standard and
partially within the scope of other Standards listed in paragraph 5.
(a) If the other Standards specify how to separate and/or initially measure one or
more parts of the contract, then an entity shall first apply the separation and/or
measurement requirements in those Standards. An entity shall exclude from the
transaction price the amount of the part (or parts) of the contract that are initially
measured in accordance with other Standards and shall apply paragraphs 73–86 to
allocate the amount of the transaction price that remains (if any) to each performance
obligation within the scope of this Standard and to any other parts of the contract
identified by paragraph 7(b).
(b) If the other Standards do not specify how to separate and/or initially measure one
or more parts of the contract, then the entity shall apply this Standard to separate
and/or initially measure the part (or parts) of the contract.
- 193 -
This Standard specifies the accounting for the incremental costs of obtaining a
contract with a customer and for the costs incurred to fulfil a contract with a customer
if those costs are not within the scope of another Standard (see paragraphs 91–104).
An entity shall apply those paragraphs only to the costs incurred that relate to a
contract with a customer (or part of that contract) that is within the scope of this
5.3 Recognition:
The five revenue recognition steps of IFRS 15 – and how to apply them.
Changes, which include replacing the concept of transfer of ‘risks and rewards’
with ‘control’ and the introduction of ‘performance obligations’ alongside extensive
disclosures, are likely to put more pressure on accountants and auditors to closely
evaluate client contracts and challenge directors' judgements.
- 194 -
Contract can have a written and non-written form or be implied (contract may not
be limited to goods or services explicitly mentioned in a contract, but also include
those expected to be delivered due to business practices or statements made)
Should have a consideration established taking into account ability and intention to
New contracts may arise when terms of existing contracts are modified. Contract
- 195 -
o the price at which the additional units are sold represents a standalone selling price
at the time of modification. This is a price at which the product would be sold on the
market, rather than a significantly different price, for example heavily discounted
despite the product being the same and of the same quality (for example to entice
more future business from that customer)
o provides specific benefits associated with it, in its own right or together with other
fulfilled obligations.
o is separable from other obligations in the contract – goods or services offered are not
integrated or dependent on other goods or services provided already under the
contract; the obligation provides goods or services rather than only modifies goods
or services already provided.
- 196 -
Unbundling a contract may apply when incentives are offered at the time of sale,
such as free servicing or enhanced warranties. In this case servicing and warranties
are performance obligations that are distinct and revenue relating to them needs to
be recognized separately from the goods or services promised on the contract to
which they relate.
consideration for one contract depends on the price or performance of the other
Transaction price is the most likely value the entity expects to be entitled to in
exchange for the promised goods or services supplied under a contract.
May include significant financing components and incentives and non-cash amounts
offered, which affect how revenue is recognized (see below).
- 197 -
variable consideration is only recognized when it is highly probable that there will
not be a significant reversal in the cumulative amount of revenue recognized to date
o instead a provision matching the asset is recognized at the same time as the asset,
with an adjustment to cost of sales.
o the restriction results in a later recognition of revenue and profit (once there is
certainly the goods will not be returned) in comparison with current accounting
o expected value for the contract portfolio (for a large number of contracts), or
o single most likely outcome amount (if there are only two potential outcomes).
Adjustments for the effects of the time value of money (a ‘financing component’):
o cash received in advance from buyer – vendor to recognize finance cost and increase
in deferred revenue.
o cash received in arrears from buyer – vendor to recognize finance income and
reduction in revenue.
the following do not give rise to a financing component (and hence no adjustment is
- 198 -
o customer has discretion over the timing of the transfer of control of the goods or
o the difference between the consideration and cash selling price arises for other non-
financing reasons (ie performance protection).
Allocation is based on the standalone selling price of goods or services forming that
performance obligation.
o observable evidence exists evidencing that the discount relates to those specific
obligations only; and;
o goods / services stipulated in the performance obligation are regularly sold as stand-
alone and at a discount; and;
o discount is substantially the same as the discount usually given when goods /
services are sold on a stand-alone basis.
- 199 -
amount of variable consideration allocated is what the entity expects to receive for
satisfying the performance obligation.
May result in revenue recognition at a point in time or over time Recognition over
time applies when:
the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the asset/service as the vendor
performs the service, or;
o the vendor is restricted from using the asset for any other purpose other than selling
it to that specific customer, for example.
o the entity cannot practically or contractually sell the asset to a different customer as
it would be practically and contractually prohibitive (for example would require a
costly rework, selling at a reduced price, or if customer can prohibit redirection).
- 200 -
the vendor has an enforceable right to be paid for work completed to date.
the vendor does not have an enforceable right to pay when, for example:
o the contract allows for circumstances where customer does not have to pay at all.
o the customer can pay an amount other than the value of the asset or service created
to date (ie compensation only).
To the extent that each of the performance obligations has been satisfied. This can
be established using two methods:
o input method - based on measures such as resources consumed, costs incurred (but
see below re contract set up costs), number of hours per time sheets or machine
hours, which are directly related to the vendor's performance.
Contract set up activities and preparatory tasks necessary to fulfil a contract do not
form part of revenue, and may meet capital recognition asset requirements (see
- 201 -
Capitalization of costs associated with a sale contract (for example bidding costs,
sales commission).
Only incremental costs of obtaining a contract (which would not have been incurred
if the contract had not been obtained) to be considered, for example:
Amortize on a basis that is consistent with the transfer of the goods or services
specified in the contract.
5.4 Disclosure:
(b)the significant judgements, and changes in the judgements, made in applying this
Standard to those contracts; and
(c) any assets recognized from the costs to obtain or fulfil a contract with a customer.
An entity shall consider the level of detail necessary to satisfy the disclosure
objective and how much emphasis to place on each of the various requirements.
- 202 -
An entity shall disclose all of the following amounts for the reporting period
unless those amounts are presented separately in the statement of comprehensive
income in accordance with other Standards:
(a)revenue recognized from contracts with customers, which the entity shall disclose
separately from its other sources of revenue; and
(b) any impairment losses recognized (in accordance with IFRS 9) on any
receivables or contract assets arising from an entity’s contracts with customers,
which the entity shall disclose separately from impairment losses from other
- 203 -
(a) the opening and closing balances of receivables, contract assets and contract
liabilities from contracts with customers, if not otherwise separately presented or
(b) revenue recognized in the reporting period that was included in the contract
liability balance at the beginning of the period; and
- 204 -
(d) a change in the time frame for a right to consideration to become unconditional
(ie for a contract asset to be reclassified to a receivable); and
(e) a change in the time frame for a performance obligation to be satisfied (ie for the
recognition of revenue arising from a contract liability).
(a) when the entity typically satisfies its performance obligations (for example, upon
shipment, upon delivery, as services are rendered or upon completion of service),
including when performance obligations are satisfied in a bill-and-hold arrangement;
(b) the significant payment terms (for example, when payment is typically due,
whether the contract has a significant financing component, whether the
consideration amount is variable and whether the estimate of variable consideration
is typically constrained in accordance with paragraphs 56–58);
(c) the nature of the goods or services that the entity has promised to transfer,
highlighting any performance obligations to arrange for another party to transfer
goods or services (ie if the entity is acting as an agent);
- 205 -
(d) obligations for returns, refunds and other similar obligations; and
(a) the aggregate amount of the transaction price allocated to the performance
obligations that are unsatisfied (or partially unsatisfied) as of the end of the reporting
period; and
(b) an explanation of when the entity expects to recognize as revenue the amount
disclosed in accordance with paragraph 120(a), which the entity shall disclose in
either of the following ways:
(i) on a quantitative basis using the time bands that would be most appropriate
for the duration of the remaining performance obligations; or
(a) the performance obligation is part of a contract that has an original expected
duration of one year or less; or
(b) the entity recognizes revenue from the satisfaction of the performance obligation.
- Explain the impact on the financial statements of the engineer company at the end
of each year of the contract.
- 207 -
Step 1: Define the Contract - The contract is explicitly stated and agreed upon
between the two parties, the company and the customer
Step 3: Determine the transaction price - The transaction price is 5,000,000 EGP.
Step 4: Allocate Transaction Prices - We have one performance obligation and one
transaction price and there is no problem with this.
First condition: The customer obtains and consumes the benefits provided by the
company's performance whenever the performance occurs simultaneously.
The second condition: The asset controlled by the client is created, created, or
enhanced through the company.
Third condition: An asset is created or created that has no alternative disposition for
the company and that the company has an enforceable right to payment for
performance completed up to the latest date.
- 208 -
wages payable
(Recording the costs incurred during the year 2016, which are direct costs, direct wages, direct
materials, and subcontractors)
(Recording customer invoices or extracts that were invoiced or issued during the year 2016)
- 209 -
With regard to the statement of financial position, we must know that the work-
in-progress account is closed in a corresponding (reverse) account, which is the
customer invoices account for unfinished contracts or customer extracts for
unfinished contracts, and the same is true of the fixed asset account and the
accumulated depreciation account, as The accumulated depreciation account is
classified as a reverse account for the fixed asset itself. With the same methodology,
the account for customer invoices for unfinished contracts is classified as a reverse
account for the work-in-progress account.
- 210 -
The question here is how being both accounts classified, the work-in-progress
account and the customer invoices account for unfinished contracts? To answer this,
from a practical perspective and to guide the accounting departments, these two
accounts have two different classifications, and the financial management person is
free to choose.
We can also classify them as a subcategory under the current assets classification
- 211 -
On the other hand, the auditor has other classifications to follow at the end of the
financial period, and these classifications are based on the level of the projects
themselves, as follows:
The first case: If the work-in-progress account is larger than the customer invoices
account for unfinished projects, it is classified as a sub classification under current
The second case: If the work-in-progress account is smaller than the customer
invoices account for unfinished projects, it is classified as a sub classification under
current liabilities.
Current Assets:
Excess work in progress over customer invoices for unfinished contract 800,000
(contract assets)
- 212 -
wages payable
(Recording the costs incurred during the year 2017, which are direct costs, direct wages, direct
materials, and subcontractors)
(Recording customer invoices or extracts that were invoiced or issued during the year 2017)
- 213 -
current Assets:
Works in progress/implementation 3,125,000
Customer invoices for unfinishend contracts (3,200,000)
- 214 -
Excess customer invoices for unfinished contract over work in progress 75,000
(contract liabilities)
wages payable
(Recording the costs incurred during the year 2018, which are direct costs, direct wages, direct
materials, and subcontractors)
(Recording customer invoices or extracts that were invoiced or issued during the year 2018)
- 215 -
- 216 -
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Chapter Seven
In April 2001 the International Accounting Standards Board (Board) adopted IAS
2 Inventories, which had originally been issued by the International Accounting
Standards Committee in December 1993. IAS 2 Inventories replaced IAS 2
Valuation and Presentation of Inventories in the Context of the Historical Cost
System (issued in October 1975).
In December 2003 the Board issued a revised IAS 2 as part of its initial agenda
of technical projects. The revised IAS 2 also incorporated the guidance contained in
a related Interpretation (SIC-1 Consistency—Different Cost Formulas for
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7.1 Objective:
7.2 Scope:
(a) financial instruments (see IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation and IFRS
9 Financial Instruments.
(b) biological assets related to agricultural activity and agricultural produce at the
point of harvest (see IAS 41 Agriculture).
This Standard does not apply to the measurement of inventories held by:
(a) producers of agricultural and forest products, agricultural produce after harvest,
and minerals and mineral products, to the extent that they are measured at net
realizable value in accordance with well-established practices in those industries.
When such inventories are measured at net realizable value, changes in that value
are recognized in profit or loss in the period of the change.
(b) commodity broker-traders who measure their inventories at fair value less costs
to sell. When such inventories are measured at fair value less costs to sell, changes
in fair value less costs to sell are recognized in profit or loss in the period of the
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The inventories referred to in paragraph 3(a) are measured at net realizable value
at certain stages of production. This occurs, for example, when agricultural crops
have been harvested or minerals have been extracted and sale is assured under a
forward contract or a government guarantee, or when an active market exists and
there is a negligible risk of failure to sell. These inventories are excluded from only
the measurement requirements of this Standard.
Broker-traders are those who buy or sell commodities for others or on their own
account. The inventories are principally acquired with the purpose of selling in the
near future and generating a profit from fluctuations in price or broker-traders’
margin. When these inventories are measured at fair value less costs to sell, they are
excluded from only the measurement requirements of this Standard.
7.3 Definitions:
The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified:
Inventories are assets:
Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business
less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the
Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a
liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement
date. (See IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement.)
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Net realizable value refers to the net amount that an entity expects to realize from
the sale of inventory in the ordinary course of business. Fair value reflects the price
at which an orderly transaction to sell the same inventory in the principal (or most
advantageous) market for that inventory would take place between market
participants at the measurement date. The former is an entity-specific value; the
latter is not. Net realizable value for inventories may not equal fair value less costs
to sell.
Inventories encompass goods purchased and held for resale including, for
example, merchandise purchased by a retailer and held for resale, or land and other
property held for resale. Inventories also encompass finished goods produced, or
work in progress being produced, by the entity and include materials and supplies
awaiting use in the production process. Costs incurred to fulfil a contract with a
customer that do not give rise to inventories (or assets within the scope of another
Standard) are accounted for in accordance with IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts
with Customers.
Inventories shall be measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value.
The cost of inventories shall comprise all costs of purchase, costs of conversion
and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and
The costs of purchase of inventories comprise the purchase price, import duties
and other taxes (other than those subsequently recoverable by the entity from the
taxing authorities), and transport, handling and other costs directly attributable to the
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acquisition of finished goods, materials and services. Trade discounts, rebates and
other similar items are deducted in determining the costs of purchase. Costs of
conversion The costs of conversion of inventories include costs directly related to
the units of production, such as direct labor. They also include a systematic
allocation of fixed and variable production overheads that are incurred in converting
materials into finished goods. Fixed production overheads are those indirect costs of
production that remain relatively constant regardless of the volume of production,
such as depreciation and maintenance of factory buildings, equipment and right-of-
use assets used in the production process, and the cost of factory management and
administration. Variable production overheads are those indirect costs of production
that vary directly, or nearly directly, with the volume of production, such as indirect
materials and indirect labor.
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A production process may result in more than one product being produced
simultaneously. This is the case, for example, when joint products are produced or
when there is a main product and a by-product. When the costs of conversion of each
product are not separately identifiable, they are allocated between the products on a
rational and consistent basis. The allocation may be based, for example, on the
relative sales value of each product either at the stage in the production process when
the products become separately identifiable, or at the completion of production.
Most by-products, by their nature, are immaterial. When this is the case, they are
often measured at net realizable value and this value is deducted from the cost of the
main product. As a result, the carrying amount of the main product is not materially
different from its cost.
Other costs are included in the cost of inventories only to the extent that they are
incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. For
example, it may be appropriate to include non-production overheads or the costs of
designing products for specific customers in the cost of inventories.
Examples of costs excluded from the cost of inventories and recognized as expenses
in the period in which they are incurred are:
(b) storage costs, unless those costs are necessary in the production process before
a further production stage.
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Techniques for the measurement of the cost of inventories, such as the standard
cost method or the retail method, may be used for convenience if the results
approximate cost. Standard costs take into account normal levels of materials and
supplies, labor, efficiency and capacity utilization. They are regularly reviewed and,
if necessary, revised in the light of current conditions.
The retail method is often used in the retail industry for measuring inventories
of large numbers of rapidly changing items with similar margins for which it is
impracticable to use other costing methods. The cost of the inventory is determined
by reducing the sales value of the inventory by the appropriate percentage gross
margin. The percentage used takes into consideration inventory that has been marked
down to below its original selling price. An average percentage for each retail
department is often used.
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The cost of inventories of items that are not ordinarily interchangeable and goods
or services produced and segregated for specific projects shall be assigned by using
specific identification of their individual costs.
Specific identification of cost means that specific costs are attributed to identified
items of inventory. This is the appropriate treatment for items that are segregated for
a specific project, regardless of whether they have been bought or produced.
However, specific identification of costs is inappropriate when there are large
numbers of items of inventory that are ordinarily interchangeable. In such
circumstances, the method of selecting those items that remain in inventories could
be used to obtain predetermined effects on profit or loss.
The cost of inventories, other than those dealt with in paragraph 23, shall be
assigned by using the first-in, first-out (FIFO) or weighted average cost formula. An
entity shall use the same cost formula for all inventories having a similar nature and
use to the entity. For inventories with a different nature or use, different cost
formulas may be justified.
For example, inventories used in one operating segment may have a use to the
entity different from the same type of inventories used in another operating segment.
However, a difference in geographical location of inventories (or in the respective
tax rules), by itself, is not sufficient to justify the use of different cost formulas.
The FIFO formula assumes that the items of inventory that were purchased or
produced first are sold first, and consequently the items remaining in inventory at
the end of the period are those most recently purchased or produced. Under the
weighted average cost formula, the cost of each item is determined from the
weighted average of the cost of similar items at the beginning of a period and the
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cost of similar items purchased or produced during the period. The average may be
calculated on a periodic basis, or as each additional shipment is received, depending
upon the circumstances of the entity.
The cost of inventories may not be recoverable if those inventories are damaged,
if they have become wholly or partially obsolete, or if their selling prices have
declined. The cost of inventories may also not be recoverable if the estimated costs
of completion or the estimated costs to be incurred to make the sale have increased.
The practice of writing inventories down below cost to net realizable value is
consistent with the view that assets should not be carried in excess of amounts
expected to be realized from their sale or use.
Inventories are usually written down to net realizable value item by item. In some
circumstances, however, it may be appropriate to group similar or related items. This
may be the case with items of inventory relating to the same product line that have
similar purposes or end uses, are produced and marketed in the same geographical
area, and cannot be practicably evaluated separately from other items in that product
line. It is not appropriate to write inventories down on the basis of a classification of
inventory, for example, finished goods, or all the inventories in a particular operating
Estimates of net realizable value are based on the most reliable evidence available
at the time the estimates are made, of the amount the inventories are expected to
realize. These estimates take into consideration fluctuations of price or cost directly
relating to events occurring after the end of the period to the extent that such events
confirm conditions existing at the end of the period.
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Estimates of net realizable value also take into consideration the purpose for
which the inventory is held. For example, the net realizable value of the quantity of
inventory held to satisfy firm sales or service contracts is based on the contract price.
If the sales contracts are for less than the inventory quantities held, the net realizable
value of the excess is based on general selling prices. Provisions may arise from firm
sales contracts in excess of inventory quantities held or from firm purchase contracts.
Such provisions are dealt with under IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
Contingent Assets.
Materials and other supplies held for use in the production of inventories are not
written down below cost if the finished products in which they will be incorporated
are expected to be sold at or above cost. However, when a decline in the price of
materials indicates that the cost of the finished products exceeds net realizable value,
the materials are written down to net realizable value. In such circumstances, the
replacement cost of the materials may be the best available measure of their net
realizable value.
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When inventories are sold, the carrying amount of those inventories shall be
recognized as an expense in the period in which the related revenue is recognized.
The amount of any write-down of inventories to net realizable value and all losses
of inventories shall be recognized as an expense in the period the write-down or loss
occurs. The amount of any reversal of any write-down of inventories, arising from
an increase in net realizable value, shall be recognized as a reduction in the amount
of inventories recognized as an expense in the period in which the reversal occurs.
7.5 Disclosure:
(a) the accounting policies adopted in measuring inventories, including the cost
formula used.
(b) the total carrying amount of inventories and the carrying amount in
classifications appropriate to the entity.
(c) the carrying amount of inventories carried at fair value less costs to sell.
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(f) the amount of any reversal of any write-down that is recognized as a reduction
in the amount of inventories recognized as expense in the period in accordance with
paragraph 34.
(g) the circumstances or events that led to the reversal of a write-down of inventories
in accordance with paragraph 34.
Some entities adopt a format for profit or loss that results in amounts being
disclosed other than the cost of inventories recognized as an expense during the
period. Under this format, an entity presents an analysis of expenses using a
classification based on the nature of expenses. In this case, the entity discloses the
costs recognized as an expense for raw materials and consumables, labor costs and
other costs together with the amount of the net change in inventories for the period.
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There are two basic systems used to accounting for inventory: Periodic Inventory
system and Perpetual Inventory system.
One of the simplest and oldest inventory management methods, the periodic
inventory system, like its name, calls for 'periodic' inventory counts after a set
timeframe. These periods can be decided according to you; it could range from a few
hours to monthly to annually. This type of method is generally used by small
companies that don't have many stocks to track or slow sales rate.
In the write up ahead, you would understand everything about the Periodic
Inventory Management method and whether you should choose this method or not.
Periodic inventory management is about accounting stock for its valuation after
the designated time frame. Warehouse employees take a physical count of their
products periodically according to the set period.
The information gathered during the physical count is used for accounting and
balance the ledgers. Accountants then add the balance to the beginning inventory in
the next new period.
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Calculation of the ending inventory, profits, and COGS are done at the end of
the year for periodic inventory by performing a count of stock physically. Businesses
utilize estimates like monthly, quarterly, and half-yearly reports that were recorded
a few times during the year.
Adjustments are made from purchasing goods to general ledger contra accounts.
Contra account offsets the balance in their related account and is considered in the
final statement.
Moreover, the delivery cost is also kept in a separate account from the central
inventory account. Companies track delivery costs related to incoming inventory in
Transport in accounts Freight in accounts.
All these costs eventually increase the value of the inventory. Refer to the table
below to understand how the accounts would look like in the periodic inventory
Periodic inventory system does not continuously keep track of the value of
inventory on hand and the cost of inventory sold (cost of goods sold).
Instead, it calculates these amounts only once at the end of the accounting
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Generally, the industries with less amount of stock and fewer number warehouses
or probably only one warehouse should use this because there is a lot of physical
work involved in this type of inventory management. Small scale industries that have
just started can use this method provided they are aiming for slow growth.
Businesses that don't have a large number of frequent sales or purchases can also
adopt periodic inventory management. And, for companies that are willing to adopt
periodic inventory management methods, many periodic inventory management
software's help you track your inventory.
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For example, when you buy a car, you know what you want. The may have a
vehicle that does not exactly fit your request. His job is to persuade and sell you
more than you need. When you drive away, you realize you cannot operate the
vehicle effectively. As a buyer, beware. You should buy what you need and not an
approximation of what you think you want. Whether this happens as a matter of
choice or misunderstanding, it hardly matters. This is not a criticism but is reflective
of the industry."
Thus, you need to be very clear about the nature of your business before choosing
a type of inventory management method. At the end of this article, we will compare
the Perpetual and Periodic Inventory to give you a clearer picture.
Account Description
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The formula to calculate the cost of goods sold in periodic inventory system as
For example: Ahmed company has a beginning inventory of $100,000, has paid
$150,000 for purchases, and its physical inventory count reveals an ending inventory
cost of $90,000.
Cost flow assumptions are used to find out the ending inventory and COGS that
will ultimately determine the efficiency of your inventory management techniques
and skills.
There are three types of cost flow assumptions in periodic inventory System
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First in First out (FIFO), this cost flow assumption method believes in
calculating the value of your ending inventory by presuming the fact that the
products purchased first are sold first. Hence, the remaining stock is the latest
purchases inventory. In periodic FIFO inventory, the businesses begin by physically
counting the inventory.
Farida Company uses a periodic inventory system. The company makes a physical
count at the end of each accounting period to find the number of units in ending
inventory. The company then applies a first-in, first-out (FIFO) method to compute
the cost of ending inventory. The information about the inventory balance at the
beginning and purchases made during the year 2021 is given below:
- On December 31, 2021, 600 units were on hand according to physical count.
- The company uses a periodic inventory system to account for sales and
purchases of stock.
- First-in, First-out (FIFO) cost flow assumption is used.
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If the FIFO method is used, the units remaining in the stock represent the most
recent costs incurred to purchase the inventory. The cost of 600 units on December
31 would, therefore, be computed as follows:
The cost of products sold can be calculated by using either the periodic inventory
formula method or the earliest cost method.
a. Formula method: Under the formula method, the cost of goods sold would be
computed as follows:
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b. Earliest cost method: Under the earliest cost method, we would find the total
number of units sold during the period, and then we would calculate the cost of these
units using the earliest costs.
The 1,400 units sold during the year would be costed using earliest costs as follows:
Income Statement
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Current Assets
Inventory 13,600
Journal Entries:
Last in First out (LIFO) is a cost flow assumption technique that assumes the
inventory movement to be in a manner that the latest purchased products are sold
first. Similar to FIFO periodic inventory management, in LIFO as well, the
calculation begins with a physical count of inventory.
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Salma Company has provided the following data about purchases and sales made
during the year 2021.
- Aug .13. Sold 6000 unit, sales price $25 per unit.
- The company uses a periodic inventory system to account for sales and purchases
of stock.
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Cost of ending inventory: Since the company is using the LIFO periodic system, the
1,300 units in ending inventory would be estimated using the earliest purchasing
costs. The computations are given below:
Cost of goods sold is equal to the cost of units sold during the year. It can be
computed using one of the two methods given below:
Formula method: Under the formula method, we would calculate the cost of
goods sold by deducting the cost of ending inventory (calculated above) from the
total cost of units available for sale during the period. The total cost of units available
for sale is equal to the cost of beginning inventory plus the cost of all units purchased
during the year. It can be expressed in the form of the following formulas or
Cost of goods sold = cost of units available for sale – Cost of units in ending inventory
Cost of goods sold = [cost of units in beginning inventory + cost of units purchased
during the period] – Cost of units in ending inventory.
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Number of units sold during the year = Units in beginning inventory + Units
purchased during the year – Units in ending inventory.
Income Statement
For the Year ending dec,31,2021
Balance Sheet
Current Assets
Inventory 21,400
- 241 -
Journal Entries:
Sales 150,000
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WAC calculates the value of inventory by taking the average of the newest and
oldest stock.
The formula to calculate WAC is: WAC = [BI+P] Units for Sale
Ahmed Company is a trading company that purchases and sells a single product –
product X. The company has the following record of sales and purchases of product
X for June 2021.
- June 01: Balance at the beginning of the month; 200 units @ $10.15.
- 243 -
Weighted average unit cost= $35,740 / 3,400 units = $10.51176 per unit
= 3,400 units – (400 units + 500 units + 1,400 units + 200 units)
- 244 -
Current Assets
Inventory 9,460.60
Journal Entries:
For instance, let's assume you have a business of t-shirts and jackets. You keep
your inventory distributed in 8 warehouses. One day you get an order for a woolen
coat that has been very rarely asked, and it's a summer season.
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What are you going to do? Well, if you are managing your inventory perpetually,
all you have to do is just sit and chill because the warehouse having that jacket will
get the notification about the order. They would do the rest of the job. It's as simple
as that since the systems are connected, and new data is flowing to each warehouse
manager through an interlinked system.
But if you have a periodic inventory management system, you will have to call
your warehouses and tell them to find that jacket and ship it. It would take more time
and cause problems. Another type of business that requires perpetual inventory
management methods is drop shipping companies. Their products move from the
manufacturer or supplier to customers all the time, and there are returns and
exchanges. Their inventory is always moving, and to know which product is in stock
and which one is not, they need to track the flow of inventory perpetually.
Account Description
Cost of Goods Sold Used to record the value of goods sold according to
evaluation method (FIFO, LIFO, and WAC).
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As soon as the change is applied, the inventory on hand changes, which allows
you to be well aware of your stock levels. Unlike the periodic inventory management
method, you can calculate the cost of goods sold frequently as the changes in the
inventory. However, even in the perpetual inventory management, you will
sometimes need to count stock to make sure that the virtual stock count aligns with
the real inventory whenever there are discrepancies in the on-hand stocks in real.
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COGS = BI + P - EI
BI = Beginning Inventory
EI = Ending inventory
COGS in perpetual inventory management are calculated after every sale, but you
can Figure it for a period using this formula.
An inventory accounting method, cost flow assumption uses the real value of the
products from the beginning inventory period and the expenses done in purchasing
the new inventory in that period to calculate COGS and the ending inventory value.
There are three cost flow assumptions - FIFO, LIFO, and WAC (Weighted Average
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FIFO (first in first out) is a method to account for an inventory in a way that the
stock purchased first will be sold first so that the leftover inventory is always the
recently purchased inventory. For the perpetual FIFO cost flow assumption, the
company records sales as they happen in the ledger. It is a cost flow estimation to
evaluate the stocks.
The total unit cost transferred over to the balances happens when the stock sold
comes in. The value of the stock the company bought will be consistent throughout
its lifecycle in the company.
FIFO method should be used when the company is trying to show its immense
potential of earning huge profits. FIFO shows fewer COGS investments and a higher
bottom line.
- 250 -
Case Study NO One: The Company has provided the following information about
commodity DX-13C and wants your assistance in computing the cost of commodity
DX-13C sold and the cost of ending inventory of commodity DX-.
2. Compute cost of goods sold and the cost of ending inventory using FIFO
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(3). impact certain ledger accounts and the resulting financial statements:
If you are very perceptive, you will note that this is the same thing that resulted
under the periodic FIFO approach introduced earlier. So, another general
observation is in order: The FIFO method will produce the same financial statement
results no matter whether it is applied on a periodic or perpetual basis. This occurs
because the beginning inventory and early purchases are peeled away and charged
to cost of goods sold -- whether the associated calculations are done “as you go”
(perpetual) or “at the end of the period” (periodic).
- 253 -
The Fine Electronics Company uses perpetual inventory system to account for
acquisition and sale of inventory and first-in, first-out (FIFO) method to compute
cost of goods sold and for the valuation of ending inventory. The company has made
the following purchases and sales during the month of January 2016.
Jan. 01: Inventory at the beginning of the month; 2400 units $1,000 per unit.
3. Compute the cost of goods sold and the cost of inventory in hand at the end
of the month of January 2012.
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Last in first out (LIFO) is the cost flow assumption that is used by business to
calculate the worth of their inventory. This method also uses the running ledger tally
for purchases and sales. The only difference is that here the last-placed stock is sold
first, and thus the leftover inventory is the inventory that was purchased first i.e. the
oldest one. The LIFO method is a great way to show higher COGS expenses and
lower net income. This method can be used in tough times and decrease tax
LIFO can also be applied on a perpetual basis. This time, the results will not be
the same as the periodic LIFO approach (because the “last-in” layers are constantly
being peeled away, rather than waiting until the end of the period).
Case Study No Two: Farida Company has provided the following data:
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- 256 -
The average method can also be applied on a perpetual basis, earning it the name
“moving average”. This technique is considerably more involved, as a new average
unit cost must be computed with each purchase transaction.
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In summary:
Under FIFO, unit costs are assigned to units sold in the order in which they
were incurred, regardless of which units were actually sold. The oldest or first-
in unit costs are used to calculate cost of goods sold; remaining unit costs are
assigned to the units in ending inventory.
Under LIFO, unit costs are assigned to units sold in the reverse order of which
they were incurred, regardless of which units were actually sold. The most
recent or last-in unit costs are used to calculate cost of goods sold; remaining
unit costs are assigned to the units in ending inventory.
- 259 -
Under Average Cost, an average cost for all units cost for all units in inventory
is calculated and used to value the units in both cost of goods sold and ending
In the battle between the periodic inventory system vs. perpetual inventory system,
which one you should opt for, depends on your situation. As discussed above, both
perpetual and periodic inventory systems have their pros and cons, and selecting
between the two is contingent upon your business.
Another factor is scalability. If your business has been expanding gradually and
regular inventory counts seem confusing, then you can opt for the perpetual
inventory system for smooth inventory management.
However, regardless of the magnitude of your business, you will, at some point,
have to carry out a physical inventory count.
Refer to the below info graphic to read the differences between the Perpetual and
Periodic Inventory Management Method.
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