1. What is IP Spoofing? Discuss the working of IP spoofing attack.
IP spoofing is the creation of Internet Protocol (IP) packets which have a modified source address in
order to either hide the identity of the sender, to impersonate another computer system, or both. It
is a technique often used by bad actors to invoke DDoS attacks against a target device or the
surrounding infrastructure.
In IP spoofing, a hacker uses tools to modify the source address in the packet header to make the
receiving computer system think the packet is from a trusted source, such as another computer on a
legitimate network, and accept it. This occurs at the network level, so there are no external signs of
In systems that rely on trust relationships among networked computers, IP spoofing can be used to
bypass IP address authentication. A concept sometimes referred to as the ‘castle and moat’ defense,
which is where those outside the network are considered threats, and those inside the ‘castle’ are
trusted. Once a hacker breaches the network and makes it inside, it's easy to explore the system.
Because of this vulnerability, using simple authentication as a defense strategy is increasingly being
replaced by more robust security approaches, such as those with multi-step authentication.
2. By using hping3 command send ICMP packet to Victim IP address (Victim website address
http://testphp.vulnweb.com/index.php) using random source
We can see that the IP address of testphp.vulnweb.com is
3. Open Wireshark to see the traffic and observe that source keeps on changing although the
destination remains same
4. By using hping3 command send ICMP packet to Victim IP address (Victim website address
http://testphp.vulnweb.com/index.php) using specific source IP address