2nd Year BHMS - 2015-2
2nd Year BHMS - 2015-2
2nd Year BHMS - 2015-2
4. Degeneration
5. Thrombosis and embolism
6. Oedema
7. Disorders of metabolism
8. Hyperplasia and hypertrophy
9. Anaplasia
10. Metaplasia
11. Ischaemia
12. Haemorrhage
13. Shock
14. Atrophy
15. Regeneration
16. Hyperemia
17. Infection
18. Pyrexia
19. Necrosis
20. Gangrene
21. Infarction
22. Amyloidosis
23. Hyperlipidaemia and lipidosis
24. Disorders of pigmentation
25. Neoplasia (Definition, variation in cell growth, nomenclature and taxonomy,
characteristics of neoplastic cells, aetiology and pathogenesis, grading and staging,
diagnostic approaches, interrelationship of tumor and host, course and management).
26. Calcification
27. Effects of radiation
28. Hospital infection
(b) Systemic pathology
In each system, the important and common diseases should be taught, keeping in view their
evolution, aetio-pathogenesis, mode of presentation, progress and prognosis, namely: -
1. Mal-nutrition and deficiency diseases.
2. Diseases of Cardiovascular system
3. Diseases of blood vessels and lymphatics
4. Diseases of kidney and lower urinary tract
5. Diseases of male reproductive system and prostate
6. Diseases of the female genitalia and breast.
7. Diseases of eye, ENT and neck
8. Diseases of the respiratory system.
9. Diseases of the oral cavity and salivary glands.
10. Diseases of the G.I. system
11. Diseases of liver, gall bladder, and biliary ducts
12. Diseases of the pancreas (including diabetes mellitus)
13. Diseases of the haemopoetic system, bone marrow and blood
14. Diseases of glands-thymus, pituitary, thyroid, and parathyroid, adrenals, parotid.
15. Diseases of the skin and soft tissue.
16. Diseases of the musculo-skeletal system.
17. Diseases of the nervous system.
18. Leprosy.
(c) Microbiology
(II) Immunology:
(III) Bacteriology:
1. Bacterial structure, growth and metabolism
2. Bacterial genetics and bacteriophage
3. Identification and cultivation of bacteria
4. Gram positive aerobic and facultative anaerobic cocci, eg.
Streptococci, Pneumococci.
5. Gram positive anaercobic cocci, e.g. peptostreptococci
6. Gram negative aerobic cocci, eg. Neisseria, moraxella, kingella.
7. Gram positive aerobic bacilli, eg. Corynebacterium, aacillus anthrax, cereus subtitis,
mycobacterium tuberculosis, M. leprae, actinomycetes; nocardia, organism of
enterobacteriac group.
8. Gram positive anaerobic bacilli, eg. Genus clostridium, lactobacillus.
9. Gram negative anaerobic bacilli, eg. Bacteroides, fragilus, fusobacterium.
10. Other like- cholera vibrio, spirochaetes, leptospirae, mycoplasma, chlamydiae,
rickettsiae, yersinia and pasturella.
(V) Virology:
1. Introduction
2. Nature and classification of viruses
3. Morphology and replication of viruses
4. DNA viruses:
(i) parvo virus
(ii) herpes virus, varicella virus, CMV, EBV.
(iii) hepadna virus (hepatitis virus)
(iv) papova virus
(v) adeno virus
(vi) pox virus- variola virus, vaccinia virus, molluscum contagiosum etc.
5. RNA viruses:
(a) orthomyxo virus:
(i) entero virus
(ii) rhino virus
(iii) hepato virus
B. Practical or clinical:
(1) Clinical and Chemical Pathology: estimation of haemoglobin (by acidometer)
count of Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells, bleeding time, clotting time,
blood grouping, staining of thin and thick films, differential counts, blood
examination for parasites, erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
(2) Urine examination, physical, chemical microscopical, quantity of albumin and sugar.
(3) Examination of Faeces: physical, chemical (occult blood) and microscopical for ova
and protozoa.
(4) Methods of sterilization, preparation of a media, use of microscope, gram and acid
fast stains, motility preparation, gram positive and negative cocci and bacilli, special
stains for corynebacterium gram and acid fast stains of pus and sputum.
(5) Preparation of common culture medias, e.g. nutrient agar, blood agar, Robertson’s
Cooked Meal media (RCM) and Mac conkey’s media.
(6) Widal test demonstration.
(7) Exposure to latest equipment, viz. auto-analyzer, cell counter, glucometer.
(8) Histopathology
(a) Demonstration of common slides from each system.
(b) Demonstration of gross pathological specimens.
(c) Practical or clinical demonstration of histopathological techniques, i.e.
fixation, embedding.
(d) Sectioning, staining by common dyes and stain, frozen section and its
(e) Electron microscopy, phase contrast microscopy.
C. Examination:
1. Theory:
1.1 Number of papers- 02
1.2 Marks: Paper I- 100; Paper II- 100
1.3 Contents:
1.3.1 Paper-I: Section A- General Pathology - 50 marks
Section B- Systemic Pathology - 50 marks
1.3.2. Paper- II: Section A-
Bacteriology - 25 marks
Virology - 20 marks
Clinical Microbiology
and Diagnostic procedures - 10 marks
Microbiological control
and mechanism of pathogenicity - 10 marks
General Topics
Immuno-pathology - 10 marks
I. Forensic Medicine
A. Theory:
1. Introduction
(a) Definition of forensic medicine.
(b) History of forensic medicine in India.
(c) Medical ethics and etiquette.
(d) Duties of registered medical practitioner in medico-legal cases.
2. Legal procedure
(a) Inquests, courts of India, legal procedure.
(b) Medical evidences in courts, dying declaration, dying deposition, including medical
certificates, and medico-legal reports.
3. Personal identification
(a) Determination of age and sex in living and dead; race, religion.
(b) Dactylography, DNA finger printing, foot print.
(c) Medico-legal importance of bones, scars and teeth, tattoo marks, handwriting,
(d) Examination of biological stains and hair.
6. Forensic psychiatry
(a) Definition; delusion, delirium, illusion, hallucinations; impulse and mania;
classification of Insanity.
(b) Development of insanity, diagnosis, admission to mental asylum.
II. Toxicology
1. General Toxiocology
(a) Forensic Toxicology and Poisons
(b) Diagonsis of poisoning in living and dead,
(c) General principles of management of poisoning,
(d) Medico –legal aspects of poisons,
(e) Antidotes and types.
2. Clinical toxicology
(a) Types of Poisons:
(i) Corrosive poisons (Mineral acids, Caustic alkalis, Organic acids, Vegetable
(ii) Irritant poisons (organic poisons – Vegetable and animal; Inorganic poisons
– metallic and non-metallic; Mechanical poisons)
(iii) Asphyxiant poisons (Carbon monoxide; Carbon dioxide; Hydrogen sulphide
and some war gases)
(iv) Neurotic poisons (Opium, Nux vomica, Alcohol, Fuels like kerosene and
petroleum products, Cannabis indica, Dhatura, Anaesthetics Sedatives and
Hypnotics, Agrochemical compounds, Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Curare,
(v) Cardiac poisons (Digitalis purpurea, Oleander, Aconite, Nicotine)
(vi) Miscellaneous poisons (Analgesics and Antipyretics, Anthihistaminics,
Tranquillisers, antidepressants, Stimulants, Hallucinogens, Street drugs etc.)
B. Practical:
1. Demonstration:
(a) Weapons
(b) Organic and inorganic poisons
(c) Poisonous plants
(d) Charts, diagrams, photographs, models, x-ray films of medico-legal importance
(e) Record of incidences reported in newspapers or magazines and their explanation
of medico-legal importance.
(f) Attending demonstration of ten medico-legal autopsies.
2. Certificate Writing:
Various certificates like sickness certificate, physical fitness certificate, birth certificate,
death certificate, injury certificate, rape certificate, chemical analyzer (Regional Forensic
Laboratory), certificate for alcohol consumption, writing post-mortem examination report.
C. Examination:
1. Theory:
1.1. Number of papers-01
1.2. Marks: 100
Forensic Medicine: 50 marks
Toxicology: 50 marks
Total 100
A. Theory:
1. Aphorisms 29-104 including foot notes of Organon of Medicine (5th & 6th
Editions translated by R.E. Dudgeon and W. Boericke).
2. Homoeopathic philosophy:
2.1. Chapters of Philosophy books of J.T. Kent (Chapter 1 to 17, 23 to 27, 31to
33), Stuart Close (Chapters- 8, 9, 11, 12) and H.A. Roberts (Chapters 3,4,
5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20), related to Aphorisms 29-104 of Organonof
2.2. Symptomatology:
Details regarding Symptomatology are to be comprehended by referring to
the relevant aphorisms of Organon of medicine and chapters of the books on
homoeopathic philosophy.
2.3. Causations:
Thorough comprehension of the evolution of disease, taking into account
pre-disposing, fundamental, exciting and maintaining causes.
2.4. Case taking:
The purpose of homoeopathic case taking is not merely collection of the
disease symptoms from the patient, but comprehending the patient as a whole
with the correct appreciation of the factors responsible for the genesis and
maintenance of illness. Hahnemann’s concept and method of case taking, as
stated in his Organon of Medicine is to be stressed upon.
2.5. Case processing: This includes,
(i) Analysis of Symptoms,
(ii) Evaluation of Symptoms,
(iii) Miasmatic diagnosis,
(iv) Totality of symptoms
B. Practical or clinical:
1. Clinical posting of students shall be started from Second B.H.M.S. onwards.
2. Each student shall maintain case records of at least ten acute cases.
C. Examination:
1. Theory
1.1. No. of papers- 01
1.2. Marks: 100
1.3. Distribution of marks:
1.3.1. Logic – 15 marks
1.3.2. Psychology – 15 marks
1.3.3. Fundamentals of homoeopathy and aphorisms 1 to 104 – 50 marks
1.3.4. Homoeopathic philosophy – 20 marks
Total 100
A. Theory:
(a) In addition to syllabus of First B.H.M.S. Course, following shall be taught,
namely: -
(i) Science and philosophy of homoeopathic material media.
1. Aconitum napellus
2. Aethusa cynapium
3. Allium cepa
4. Aloe socotrina
5. Antimonium crudum
6. Antimonium tartaricum
7. Apis mellifica
8. Argentum nitricum
9. Arnica Montana
10. Arsenicum album
11. Arum triphyllum
12. Baptisia tinctoria
13. Bellis perenis
14. Bryonia alba
15. Calcarea carbonica
16. Calcarea fluorica
17. Calcarea phosphoric
18. Calcarea sulphurica
19. Calendula officinalis
20. Chamomilla
21. Cina
22. Cinchona officinalis
23. Colchicum autumnale
24. Colocynthis
25. Drosera
26. Dulcamara
27. Euphrasia
28. Ferrum phosphoricum
29. Gelsemium
30. Hepar sulph
31. Hypericum perforatum
32. Ipecacuanha
33. Kali muriaticum
34. Kali phosphoricum
35. Kali sulphuricum
36. Ledum palustre
37. Lycopodium clavatum
38. Magnesium phosphoricum
39. Natrum muriaticum
40. Natrum phosphoricum
41. Natrum sulphuricum
42. Nux vomica
43. Pulsatilla
44. Rhus toxicodendron
45. Ruta graveolens
46. Silicea
47. Spongia tosta
48. Sulphur
49. Symphytum officinale
50. Thuja occidentalis
B. Practical or clinical:
This will cover,-
(i) case taking of acute and chronic patients
(ii) case processing including totality of symptoms, selection of medicine,
potencyand repetition schedule
Each student shall maintain practical record or journal with record of five cases.
C. Examination:
The syllabus covered in First BHMS and Second BHMS course are as the
following,namely: -
1. Theory:
1.1. Number of papers-01
1.2. Marks: 100
1.3. Distribution of marks:
1.3.1. Topics of I BHMS- 50 Marks
1.3.2. Topics of II BHMS- 50 Marks
Total 100
Second B.H.M.S
A. Theory:
1. Gynaecology
(a) A review of the applied anatomy of female reproductive systems-
developmentand malformations.
(b) A review of the applied physiology of female systems-puberty,
menstruation andmenopause.
(c) Gynaecological examination and diagnosis.
(d) Development anomalies
(e) Uterine displacements.
2. Obstetrics
(a) Fundamentals of reproduction.
(b) Development of the intrauterine pregnancy-placenta and foetus.
(c) Diagnosis or pregnancy-investigations and examination.
(d) Antenatal care.
(e) Vomiting in pregnancy.
(f) Preterm labour and post maturity.
(g) Normal labour and puerperium
(h) Induction of labour
(i) Postnatal and puerperal care.
(j) Care of the new born.
(k) Management and therapeutics of the above listed topics in obstetrics.
B. Practical or clinical:
Practical or clinical classes shall be taken on the following topics in Second
(a) Gynaecological case taking
(b) Obstetrical case taking
(c) Adequate grasp over Homoeopathic principles and management
5. Acute and chronic infections, tumors, cysts, ulcers, sinus and fistula.
6. Injuries of various types; preliminary management of head injury
7. Wounds, tissue repair, scars and wound infections.
8. Special infections (Tuberculosis, Syphilis, Acquired Immuno
DefeciencySyndrome, Actinomycosis, Leprosy).
9. Burn
10. Shock
11. Nutrition
12. Pre-operative and post-operative care.
13. General management, surgical management and
homoeopathictherapeutics of the above topics will be covered.