EDU497 F18 Syllabus 2018 08 11-Published-Draft
EDU497 F18 Syllabus 2018 08 11-Published-Draft
EDU497 F18 Syllabus 2018 08 11-Published-Draft
Lead instructor’s Contact Information and Availability
Brief Course Description
Technology Requirements
Course Goals
Key Assessments and Long-Term Projects
Key Design Elements
Learning Modules
Course Requirements and Expectations
Learning Assessment and Grading
Class meeting time: September 6 8:00 am – 1 pm; September 7 8:00 am – 3:00 pm, plus most
Mondays, 4:50-7:30 pm (9/24; 10/08; 10/15; 10/22; 10/29; 11/12; 11/19; 11/26; 12/10) (See Course
Schedule in BB for detail and most updated information)
This course is part of a set of three core courses that are required for all students in health
professions education programs – although it is also open to other interested students. It is designed
to introduce students to fundamental research-based principles of learning and teaching adults, with
a special emphasis on applications in higher education and health professions education. The focus
of the course is on developing awareness of teaching, learning, and assessment practices that
facilitate meaningful learning, while also developing some basic skills in designing and delivering
instruction that takes advantage of relevant instructional technologies.
No prior experience with online learning or instructional technology, either as a student or a teacher,
is required to participate in this course.
The design of this course has been informed by the overarching essential question “What does it
mean and what does it take to effectively orchestrate digitally-rich learning experiences for adult
learners?”, along with the following sub-questions:
1. What does it mean and what does it take to be a Health Professions Educator?
2. What kinds of learning experiences can leverage how people learn best?
3. What design approaches and principles should inform the planning of effective learning
4. What “high-leverage teaching practices” could be used to most affect the success of
digitally-rich learning and teaching (DRTL) experiences, and what does it take to learn
5. How does one go about actually designing and implementing an online module for adults?
6. What does it take to design and facilitate DTL experiences successfully?
Technology Requirements
To make sure students have all the necessary technology to actively participate in all aspects of this
hybrid-online course, we have identified below all the hardware and software needed to fully
participate in both synchronous and asynchronous course activities:
Please verify that you meet all these technology requirements (and test them to make sure they work)
before our first class meeting.
Course Goals
The course has been designed to enable students to (a) come to appreciate the potential of
digitally-rich teaching and learning (DTL) for health professions education, and (b) design and
implement effective “digitally-rich” learning experiences (using a few specific digital tools).
2. Be aware of fundamental principles, along with their research basis and instructional
implications, within the following complementary areas:
a) Motivation
b) How people learn best, and implications for teaching approaches
c) Instructional design
d) Student assessment
e) High-impact teaching practices
(so as to be able to design DTL learning experiences that can effectively lead to specific
desired outcomes and truly engage students in meaningful and effective ways)
3. Become aware of and be able to use a few “high-impact teaching practices,” in both face-to-face
and online contexts, including:
a. Eliciting and building on students’ prior knowledge
b. Synthesizing learning
c. Conveying content to students
d. Sharing students’ work
e. Providing directions for independent work
f. Providing feedback to student work
g. Orchestrating group work
(so as to be able to effectively facilitate learning experiences that take full advantage of these
practices, as most appropriate given the established learning goals)
4. Be able to use (as an instructor as well as a student) a select number of digital tools and
technologies, strategically-chosen to allow for valuable DTL activities (so as to be able to design
innovative DTL learning experiences, while taking advantage of only a minimum number of
digital tools)
A. Group Project (assessing goals 3-5): As their first major “experience as teachers”, students will
be assigned to small groups and given the task to design and implement an online learning
module for the rest of the class on an assigned topic related to the course topic – which will be
considered to be an integral part of the course learning experience. This first teaching experience
will be supported by the instructors in various concrete ways, including some direct participation
in the planning as well as providing “just in time instruction” about relevant digital tools as
needed. Students will also participate as learners in at least two of these learning modules and
provide thoughtful feedback to the “teachers.” The group that originally designs each learning
module will then be expected to revise the design of their module taking this feedback into
consideration – so as to provide a complete cycle of instructional design in this first experience
as teachers.
B. Individual Project (goals 3-5): As their second “experience as teachers”, and a culminating
performance assessment for the course, each student will design an “instructional unit” on a topic
of their choice and for an audience of their choice. Using Understanding by Design as a
framework, each student will be expected to prepare a plan that articulates (a) their goals for the
unit and related desired results/student outcomes, (b) essential questions informing the unit, (c)
the key assessment(s) that will allow them to measure whether the desired results have been
achieved, and (d) a set of learning experiences students will engage in to achieve their stated
goals, along with the rationale for selecting those activities. Each student will also develop a
detailed plan for a specific lesson/segment of the unit, including the development/ identification
of all the instructional materials needed to teach that lesson/segment. Students will be supported
throughout this process by a “thinking partner” – another student in the class with whom they
can brainstorm ideas and request feedback throughout the planning process. NOTE: Given the
course time constraints, students will not be expected to implement their plan.
C. Journals and Final Reflection (goals 1-5): At the end of each learning module, each participant
will be asked to record their main takeaways about the essential question informing the module
(as captured in each module’s title below) in a journal on Blackboard. At the end of the course,
each participant will also write a Final Reflection Paper, where they will reflect on what they
learned in the course as a whole, using their journals both as evidence and as a means to help
their reflection.
The literature on learning complex skills/practices (such as teaching – whether face-to-face, online,
or in technology-rich environments) suggests that individuals can learn such skills best by engaging
in the following scaffolded sequence of experiences:
a. Observing an expert engaged in the practice (possibly with the opportunity to ask questions
about what is taking place and why).
b. Participating in limited ways (“legitimate peripheral participation”) in the performance of the
targeted practice in authentic contexts under the guidance of an expert.
c. Engaging in the targeted practice independently, yet still benefiting from some support and
The “DTL experiences as learners” developed in the course will play the role of engaging our
students in the observation of expert practice identified as the first critical step of this process.
Given the constraints of a semester-long course, we are limited with respect to the extent we will be
able to implement the other two components of this model. However, we have designed two
“scaffolded experience as teachers” as part of this course – the Group Project and the Individual
Project, as described earlier.
NOTE: Some of these modules overlap, as shown in the course schedule document
Project will be launched at this point, so they can be used as an authentic context for some of these
about their Individual Project earlier in the course, but will truly focus on it after the conclusion of
their Group Project (so as to benefit from that experience); each student will work on designing their
chosen unit/lesson independently, but with a “thinking partner” to share ideas and get feedback
throughout the process (with some classtime – both face-to-face and online -- devoted to this pair
work). Parallel to this work, students will revisit selected readings and engage in discussions about
what it takes to design and facilitate successful DTL experience – informed by their first “experience
as DTL teacher” in the Group Project, as well as motivated by the challenges they may be
encountering in the execution of their Inidividual Project. Some classtime at the end will be devoted
to reflections about specific aspects of their experience in the course. As a way to bring closure to
the course, students will also complete their Final Reflection paper (after reviewing the journal
entries they wrote at the end of each Module – see Assessment section for a more detailed
description). The final face-to-face class session on 12/10 will provide students with an opportunity
to share some of these highlights, as well as their overall feedback on the course – so as to enable the
instructors to revise it for future offerings.
only to the student and the instructor. Students are expected to take advantage of and build on
these journal entries in preparing their Final Reflection Paper at the end of the course.
Class Participation
The success of this course, and the extent of each student’s learning, will depend on his/her full and
timely participation. Thus, we expect that students will attend all the synchronous as well as face-to-
face class sessions, actively participate in discussion boards and other types on interactive online
spaces, and meet the established deadlines for each assignment. In case you are unable to do so in a
specific week, please let Dave Miller know in advance and as soon as possible. Lack of
participation in face-to-face classes, synchronous sessions, discussion boards or other interactive
online assignments will result in missing class participation points, unless particular make-up
arrangements have been made with the instructor ahead of time. Most importantly, it will take away
not only from your own learning in the course, but also from that of your classmates!
Major Projects
As culminating learning experiences and summative assessments, you will be expected to complete
the following four “major projects” (as already described in the previous Key Assessments section):
1. Group Project
2. Independent Project.
3. Final Reflection.
Detailed directions for each of these projects can be found in Blackboard.
Each of the “major projects” should show the student’s “best work” and will be graded according to
a rubric, provided along with the detailed description of the assignment.
Course Schedule/Timeline
An agenda for each class session and a list of key tasks to be completed independently in-between
each class session can be found in the Course Schedule section of BB (directly accessible on the
left-side Menu). This document will be continuously updated to reflect any scheduling changes that
may occur in the course of the semester (although we expect these changes, if any, to be minor and
However, please make sure you mark the following times on your calendar for face-to-face or
synchronous sessions:
• September 6, 8:00-1:00 pm and September 7 8:00-3:00 pm
• Mondays 4:50 – 7:30 pm from 9/24 to 12/10 except for the first Monday of each month
Workload expectations
According to New York State Education Department, a 3-credit course should include a total of
about 35 “contact” hours, plus at least about twice as many hours of independent work on the part of
each student, for a total commitment of over 100 hours on the part of each student. Despite its
unusual schedule, this course meets the NYSED minimum of 35 “contact hours”, while also
expecting about twice as many hours of independent work also for weeks when the class does not
meet face-to-face. Therefore, it is important that students set aside a total of at least 8 hours each
week for a combination of class time and independent work.
Additional considerations about online learning
Taking a course with online components requires somewhat different practices than traditional face-
to-face courses in order to achieve the same learning goals and outcomes. Especially if you have
never taken an online course before, we recommend that you read the “Considerations for Student
Success in Online Courses” available on BB.
One thing in particular that we would like students in this course to keep in mind is that, in order to
ensure interactions among students as required by specific tasks assigned as part of their independent
work each week, there may be multiple deadlines to submit assignments each week.
Half of your grade in the course will be based on class participation and weekly assignments, and the
other half on your performance on the three major projects. More specifically:
• Class participation: 15% (based on points assigned to active participation in each face-to-face
class/synchronous session attended, as well as to the on-going contributions to the “open” online
conversations occurring in the Facebook Secret Group)
• Weekly assignments (including discussion boards and reflective journal entries): 40% (based
on points assigned for completing each assignment on time and satisfactorily, as indicated in the
Directions for Independent Work for each learning module)
• Group Project: 15% (based on quality of the product, rubrics-based)
• Individual Project: 20% (based on overall quality of the product, rubrics-based)
• Final Reflection: 10% (based on quality of the product, rubrics-based)
For a complete and updated list of the maximum number of points associated to specific
assignments and other components of the course, see the “Course grading scheme” document
posted within the General Information Folder on Blackboard.
Grading scheme:
A: 95-100%; A-: 90-94%; B+: 87-89%; B: 83-86%; B-: 80-82%;C: 70-79%; E: <70