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Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA)

Sierra Leone: Floods

DREF n° MDRSL008 / PSL049 Glide n° FL-2019-000089-SLE

Date of issue: 13 August 2019 Expected timeframe: Three (3) months
Operation start date: 09 August 2019 Expected end date: 09 November 2019
Category allocated to the of the disaster or crisis: Yellow
DREF allocated: CHF 173,092
IFRC focal point: Lawrence Orowe, NSD and NS focal person: Kpawuru Sandy, Secretary
Programmes Coordinator, Sierra Leone Country General
Total number of people exposed: 5,381 people Number of people to be assisted: 1,800 (300
(896 households) households)
Host National Society presence (n° of volunteers, staff and branches): Sierra Leone Red Cross
Society (SLRCS) has 91 national staff and 18,000 active volunteers. There is a team of trained NDRT
personnel that are placed across the country.
Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Partners actively involved in the operation: International
Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), British Red Cross (BRC) and Finnish Red
Cross (FRC).
Other Partner organisations actively involved in the operation: Office of the National Security,
Freetown City Council, WFP, UNICEF, World Vision, Plan international, Concern Worldwide, CRS, CORD
Aid, GOAL, Action Aid, Ministry of Agriculture, Relief and Rehabilitation Commission and Action Against

A. Situation analysis

Description of the disaster

Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone has been

experiencing persistent torrential rains from late May
2019 to August 2019. The highest recorded incident
was the August 2nd rainfall causing associated
impacts, including flooding in low lying areas as well
as new episodes of landslides on low scale in the
eastern part of the city. The main road to the city’s
centre was rendered impassable due to the flood
waters, heavily constraining vehicles and
pedestrians having to find alternative routes. The city
continues to experience more rainfall which may
cause more flooding and spread to additional
communities which would further increase the
number of affected people.

The floods and landslides were triggered by a heavy

and continuous downpour that was experienced on SLRCS volunteers conducting initial assessment and registration of affected
1st August 2019 from 10:00pm until the next morning people ©SLRCS
on 2nd August 2019. The raging floods resulted in substantial destruction of houses, road networks and destroyed the
livelihoods of approximately 896 households (5,381 people) according to the results of the rapid needs assessment
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(RNA) conducted by the Office of National Security (ONS) in collaboration with other humanitarian actors in disaster

The Office of National Security reported that the floods have already claimed six (6) lives and more people, especially
lactating mothers, pregnant women and children, are likely to face the risks of illness from water-borne diseases. Owing
to stagnation of dirt and pool of ponds it is likely that malaria will be on the increase. This is a potential threat to people,
especially those living in the affected communities. The abundance of contaminated water with limited WASH facilities
are a basis for majority people living in the affected communities to be exposed to diseases such as diarrhoea and
cholera. In addition, the flood has undermined the livelihood opportunities of people in the affected communities as it
destroyed crops as well as submerged food stuff in some of the affected households which consequently result to
malnutrition especially for children under five years of age. Based on this background, there is a need for a multi-stage
response, linking relief and recovery interventions for the affected populations. It is on account of these details that
Sierra Leone Red Cross Society and its Movement partners including IFRC, BRC and FRC are exerting efforts to embark
on life-saving activities (assistance programme). SLRCS will continue to monitor and assess the flood situation as it
evolves, remaining agile for further action to save lives.

Flooded neighbourhood in Freetown ©SLRCS

Summary of the current response

Overview of Host National Society

SLRCS being a key and frontline actor, has been playing crucial role in responding to disaster related incidents. Literally,
it has taken lead role on every disaster that occurred over the years. With respect to the 2nd August 2019 floods, the
SLRCS has been at the centre of the government led multi-agency response plan. Upon getting the flood alert, the
National Society spontaneously mobilised and deployed 20 volunteers to provide First Aid support as well as embark in
Search and Rescue, which is still ongoing. Some three (3) ambulances were deployed to support transportation of 18
persons affected people from their flooded homes in Moiba, Bathurst and Culvert communities to safer areas within the
city, while volunteers supported population by carrying on their bare backs, a total of 40 people to cross the cut-off
communities to main land in Kaningo and Kamayama.

In addition to this, 25 SLRCS volunteers were deployed to carried out needs’ assessment of the affected communities
to ascertain the degree of damage on the vulnerable communities for onward action. They have since been working on
registration of affected households and conducted a flash distribution of 50 blankets and 50 tarpaulins to 26 households

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in Tombo community on 06 August,. These volunteers have also been providing psychosocial support to affected
households in Tombo, Culvert, Kroobay, Moiba and Bathurst communities.

SLRCS volunteers helping affected people move to safer areas of Freetown ©SLRCS

At the national headquarters, the SLRCS has activated eight (8) National Disaster Response Team members (NDRT)
to beef up the human resource capacity in the branch for quality and timely response. SLRCS’ contribution to the
response has been widely recognized by both state and non-state actors. SLRCS with support from IFRC and partners
played pivotal role in the rapid need assessment and have been very active in all coordination meetings.

The National Society has organizational structures at the national and district levels organized around programmes and
support units; finance, logistics and procurement including resource mobilization. The NS also has 26 NDRT trained
staff and volunteers with the required knowledge in responding to disasters of every kind. This serves as strength to
facilitate planning, coordination and providing timely response to the flood related issues in Freetown and its immediate
environs. The National Society also recently completed a training for senior, programme and branch managers on how
to ensure good community engagement and accountability within programmes and operations.

SLRCS continues to engage with the IFRC, ICRC and in-country PNSs to solicit support to reinforce the on-going

Overview of Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in country

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) provides technical support to the SLRCS
through its Sierra Leone Country Office, which is based in Freetown, the West Africa Countries Cluster office in Abuja
and Africa Region Office, in Nairobi, Kenya. The Country Operational Plan (COP) 2019 is supporting a number of IFRC
delegates in Sierra Leone including: Head of Country Office, NSD & Programme Delegate, Finance Delegate, Logistics
Delegate and a number of well-trained national support staff, who are providing technical support to the NS in response
to the floods. Additionally, the IFRC is also supporting SLRCS in the implementation of the Community Epidemic and
Pandemic Preparedness Program (CP3), a pilot project which provides strength to the communities to identify and report
health risk in their respective communities so as to facilitate for timely response.

The IFRC has supported SLRCS in the design of the initial response and is providing resources to coordinate the relief
operation and ensuring that humanitarian assistance is delivered to the affected populations. This proposed emergency
plan of action is an effort to reinforce the on-going response by the National Society. Furthermore, the IFRC continues
to mobilise in-country PNSs and ICRC to support the response.

The Sierra Leone Red Cross Society (SLRCS) with the support of the IFRC is also coordinating the support of RCRC
Movement partners. The Movement is part of the coordination mechanisms at national level, meeting every day from
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the onset of the disaster. The two bilateral National Societies (NSs), the British and Finish Red Cross in Sierra Leone
support the launch of the DREF to enable the SLRCS promptly respond to the floods. Furthermore, the BRC and FRC
intimated the pledge to avail funds to support other functions falling out of the DREF criteria and other preliminary needs
to flood affected areas outside Freetown.

Overview of non-RCRC actors in country

Other actors present and active in the operational area include the Office of the National Security (ONS), Freetown City
Council (FCC), World Food Program (WFP), UNICEF, World Vision, Plan international, Concern Worldwide, CRS,
CORD Aid GOAL, and Action Aid among others. As at 5th August 2019, the overall response is directed towards
assessment and registration of victims in affected communities. However, only few agencies are currently responding
directly to assist the affected populations. These include the FCC, ONS and CRS with the provision of food and non-
food items.

The Office of National Security has been playing a coordinating role since the onset of the floods; consolidating the
different response support to the operation as well as coordinating resource mobilization along with partners. A meeting
was organized on the 2nd August 2019 to provide update on the disaster to partners and together, agree on the response
mechanism. The meeting resolved at conducting a rapid needs assessment, forming five (5) multispectral zones with
key actors to lead the assessment. The joint assessment has been conducted to collect, collate and consolidate useful
data for response. UN agencies are also supporting the Government to provide timely assistance to the affected people
with WFP coordinating the data collection exercise, ensuring that actual beneficiaries are captured. It is expected that
more UN and INGOs will become involved in the response as more data becomes available.

Needs analysis, targeting, scenario planning and risk assessment

Needs analysis

Basic needs of affected people including shelter, WASH and related items, food, health including psychosocial support,
and security have been identified during initial rapid assessments already conducted by SLRCS in collaboration with
other disaster management actors. The findings from the recent assessment indicated that the floods have displaced
some households and destroyed livelihoods, including crops in the field (in outskirt communities), and contaminated
water sources, consequently increasing the risk of water borne diseases, with the worst affected being mothers, elderly,
persons with disabilities and malnourished women and children. Majority of the affected households have limited access
to shelter and food due to the destruction by the floods.

The provision of water storage gallons to enhance storage capacity at household level, and hygiene promotion to
address the risk of water borne diseases are among critical immediate needs of the affected population. Other critical
immediate needs include provision of safe drinking water and food.


This proposed emergency plan of action targets an overall 5,381 people (896 households) of which 1,800 people (300
households) are direct targets representing 33% of the total 5,381 people affected. The remaining 3,581 (596
households) will be indirectly reached through WASH, PSS, and health promotion activities. Beneficiary selection and
verification will be done using standard selection criteria. The community will be informed of the selection process
through meetings with key stakeholders within the affected communities to outline the response options suggested by
the Red Cross. Beneficiaries selection criteria will also be discussed and decided with these stakeholders, ensuring to
be fair and transparent. This way, the communities will have a chance to influence the operational strategy and provide
key information on needs as they evolve.

The initial beneficiary selection criteria include households that have lost their homes, women headed households,
families with special needs including disabilities, the elderly, lactating mothers, pregnant women and children under five.
These criteria could be revised as situation unfolds.

Scenario planning

This emergency plan of action is based on the assessed current humanitarian situation of the flood affected population
and families, their immediate needs as well as ensuring positive coping mechanisms for the most vulnerable, especially
women, girls, children, the elderly and people with disabilities and special needs. The Sierra Leone Red Cross Society
will continue to monitor the situation given the high predictability of further flooding in the region between August and
September 2019, meaning this plan of action could be revised based on the caseloads and changing context. In an
event of further displacements, there is the likelihood that this plan will be extended to cover an extended operational
timeframe. SLRCS will ensure that all planned actions are aligned with national and state flood response and recovery

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framework of the Office of National Security and coordinated with other active partners responding to similar events in
the country.

Best case scenario

The floods level does not cause further damage and remain as per initial assessment and no additional floods is
Planning hypothesis: Planning will be as per the strategies contained in this EPoA.

Most Likely scenario

The level of damage caused by the floods continues to increase and humanitarian situation deteriorates but not on a
wide scale. The flood affected population thus remains on higher grounds and in safer areas until the flood waters
Planning hypothesis: SLRCS continues to assess and monitor the floods situation, providing critical life-saving
assistance while seeking additional support to mitigate the disaster. A supplementary allocation could be sought to
meet the increasing needs and the operation extended.
Worst case scenario
The flooding continues and spreads to other areas causing more damage and displacement. Situation worsens and
rainfall continue for several weeks, further destroying livelihoods and placing more lives at stake.
Planning hypothesis: The NS continues to monitor the situation given the high predictability of further flooding in
the country between August and September, meaning this plan of action would be revised based on the caseloads
and changing context. This EPoA will be revised to widen the scale and scope of the operation with potential launching
of an Emergency Appeal.

Risk Assessment

Sierra Leone in 2019 has seen early flood incidents and with further expected rainfall intensity between August-
September, there is high possibility of floods that would affect many communities in the country. These floods may pose
many life-threatening situations, including destruction of houses, livestock, and road networks as well as water and
sanitation facilities. Some communities (e.g. Dodo in the western part of Freetown) have been reported to be cut-off
completely from safe places.

From the last operation Floods and Landslides operation, beneficiary selection was not clear, communication was poor,
people were forced to move from temporary locations - all of this led to high levels of community frustration and as
SLRCS was in the communities doing social mobilization, this often fell on them. To mitigate from this risk, the NS will
work with the affected communities to ensure that SLRCS reputation and trust with communities is protected from the

In an unstable economy, possible changes in prices and supply chain due to the flooding would also impede the level
and output of implementation. Furthermore, during the flood season, cholera, diarrhoea and malaria cases increase
within population living in flood-prone areas. This added to the fact that livestock diseases are prevalent, increasing the
vulnerability of affected communities to infections, food insecurity and malnutrition, mostly among lactating women,
children and the elderly. As a mitigation measure, NS will work on hygiene and sanitation campaigns to ensure that
affected areas are cleaned up, reducing risks of disease outbreak.

B. Operational strategy

Overall objective
The overall objective of this EPoA is to provide immediate basic assistance to address the most acute needs of 1,800
people (300 households) affected by floods in the capital city of Sierra Leone, Freetown. This will be done by addressing
immediate Shelter, WASH and health/PSS needs of ten (10) communities in the city of Freetown including Kroobay,
Kamayama, Kaningo, Barthurst, Berwick section, Culvert, Mabela, Dodo, Ogu Farm and Clinetown communities.

Proposed strategy

SLRCS, through its thematic core areas of focus will ensure collective response to the direst needs of the flood affected
population. The strategy will include gender-sensitive and protection in all programming, psychosocial support,
community engagement and accountability to affected people.

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The DREF operation will provide support in the following sectors:

1. Shelter
The NS will provide shelter related household items (HHIs) to 300 most affected households as follows:
• Replenishment of 50 blankets and 50 tarpaulins distributed to 26 households;
• Procurement and distribution of 300 HHIs kits, with each kit composed of 1 kitchen set (2 saucepans, 1 knife, 1
ladle, 6 cups, 6 plates), 3 mosquito nets, 3 tarpaulins and 3 blankets.
These household kits are already available in the country and in the process of being cleared by the NS and distributions
will commence by 15th of August with support of some 20 volunteers for 02 days.
These items will then be replenished through this DREF operation to reduce waiting time for affected population.

2. Health and Care

The NS will ensure that affected households have good health practices with a view to reducing the occurrences of
water and vector borne diseases such as Malaria and diarrhoea, as well as preventing any cholera outbreak. In
addition, SLRCS will provide psychosocial support to the affected families. Activities will include:
• Procurement and distribution of 900 mosquito nets (3 per household, is part of the HHIs kits),
• Deployment of 25 volunteers for search and rescue, also providing first aid to injured persons by the
floods for 1 week from disaster date.
• Provide psychosocial support to affected families. Some 30 volunteers will be dedicated to providing
PSS support to affected persons within their communities (3 per community) for the first month of the
operation. A one-day training will be organised for volunteers involved in this activity. As at now, 26
families have already benefitted from these services in Tombo community;
• Provide health promotion activities, including sensitization campaigns. Some 70 SLRCS volunteers from
all 10 communities targeted (7 volunteers per community) will be deployed 3 days a week for 12 weeks
to ensure community awareness on health issues resulting from the floods. This will help to prevent and
rapidly identify any eventual outbreaks.

3. Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene: WASH activities for the targeted 300 households with the aim to improve
access to safe water, access to improved hygiene activities and disease prevention in the communities. The
activities will include:
• Procure and distribute 1,800 laundry soaps (2 bars/household) and 11,700 bathing soaps (13 per
household) sufficient for 3 months.
• Procure and distribute 600 jerry-cans of 10 L and 600 buckets of 14L (2 per household for each item);
• Procure and distribute 162,000 Aquatabs, to purify 810,000 litres of water to be used by 1,800 people
for 30 days, as per Sphere standard, each person should have at least 15L of water per day;
• Procurement and distribution of hand sanitizers (2 bottles per household);
• Monitor treatment and storage of water through household surveys and quality tests;
• Conduct 3 days health and hygiene promotion training for 100 volunteers. This will refresh/prepare
volunteers to conduct hygiene and sanitation promotion activities in affected communities;
• Conduct hygiene and sanitation campaign twice a month for 3 months (6 campaigns) to ensure
communities, including their latrines are cleaned up from the debris resulting from the flood. This activity
will be implemented by 100 volunteers (10 per community in all 10 target communities) and sanitation
equipment (shovel, wheelbarrow, rack, cutlass, axe and hammer) will be provided to implement this
activity. IEC materials (1,500 leaflets and 1,000 posters) for HP activities.

Sierra Leone Red Cross visibility will be maintained through procurement of all items under HHIs, WASH, Health,
visibility materials and protective clothing for 100 volunteers involved in this operation. Continued assessments and
monitoring are also integrated in the operation to ensure that the operation is in line with the evolving situation on the

Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA)

Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) will be mainstreamed throughout the intervention to guarantee
meaningful participation of the affected communities. An effective complaints and feedback mechanism will be set up to
ensure community feedback is taken into account in the implementation of this EPoA. This will also help in the event
the situation changes, to ensure that the community is listened to with regards to any change of strategy. Hygiene and
health promotion sessions will also be instrumental in collecting feedback and respond to community concerns. In
addition, SLRCS will inform community members that they can use the 300 Hotline service to ask questions, make
complaints or provide feedback.
• Train volunteers in CEA
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• Hold meetings with affected communities

• Conduct mobile cinema shows for sensitisation on flood related decease prevention
• Conduct simulation session with stakeholder and Community Based Disaster Management Committees

Operational Support Services

Human resources

One hundred (100) skilled volunteers will be deployed and insured through this operation, to serve in the various
activities, as described under the Operational strategy. The NS DM coordination team will equally be head the Red
Cross response while IFRC Country office operation, logistics and finance units will provide support to ensure smooth
implementation of activities.

Logistics and Procurement

Logistics activities aim to effectively manage the supply chain –including procurement, storage and transport–in
accordance with the operation requirements and aligned to IFRC logistics standards, processes and procedures.

Procurement under this operation will be technically coordinated by the SLRCS with oversight technical guidance of the
IFRC Logistics Delegate in country. All procurement relating to this operation will follow the regulations of the Sierra
Leone government (NPPA) as well as the IFRC standard procurement systems and procedures to ensure transparency
and accountability. Quality inspection will be undertaken at the end of procurement process before items are accepted
and goods received notes signed.

SLRCS will use its warehouse in Waterloo to store items temporarily before distribution to the affected communities.
The relating budget for this operation provides for fuel and minor maintenance cost for four NS vehicles (a truck, a
hardtop jeep and two ambulances) that will be assigned to the operation to facilitate movement during assessment,
implementation and monitoring of the operations.


National Society has engaged with media twice through jingles and radio discussion programmes from 2nd to 6th of
August. A communication pillar, of which Red Cross is part, was setup as the ONS with request for partners to provide
support in communication activities around response to this disaster.

Airtime for mobile phones is also provided for volunteer team leaders to be used in data collection and communication
from field to HQ.

Planning, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting

Reporting on the operation will be done in accordance with the IFRC minimum reporting standards, with an update after
the first one month and a final report to be made available three months after the end of the operation timeframe.

SLRCS will oversee all operational, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting (PMER) aspects of the
operation in the flood affected communities. The day-to-day monitoring of the operation will be the responsibility of the
PMER Unit to ensure appropriate accountability, transparency and financial management of the operation. Regular
monitoring of the planned activities will be carried out by the operation team while scheduled monitoring visits will be
made jointly by IFRC/SLRCS teams.

At the end of the operation, a lesson learnt workshop will be organized by SLRCS with IFRC and other stakeholders of
this operation to reflect on implementation. This workshop will allow for informed planning in future operations planned
and implemented by the NS, but also will allow the SLRCS to reflect on its disaster readiness status, given that the
country and specifically this region, is prone to flooding.

Administration and Finance

The IFRC, through its finance unit in-country will oversee and regulate the financial aspect of the operation. They will
provide the necessary operational support for review, validation of budgets and carry out all expenditure.


To reduce the risk of Red Cross Red Crescent personnel falling victim to crime or violence, active risk mitigation
measures must be adopted. This includes situation monitoring and implementation of minimum-security standards. All

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Red Cross Red Crescent personnel actively involved in the operation must have completed the respective IFRC security
e-learning courses (i.e. Stay Safe Personal Security, Security Management, or Volunteer Security). Related to safer
access concern, one of the main benefits of the SLRCS is the nationwide recognition of the National Society. This has
rendered ease and facilitation with community heads, leaders and most importantly the community themselves. The
Sierra Leone Red Cross is well accepted by the community and trusted.

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C. Detailed Operational Plan

People targeted: 1,800 people (300 HH)
Male: 864
Female: 936
Requirements (CHF): 47,765

Needs analysis: The torrential rains starting from 2 August have led to flooding in Freetown, affecting approximately 5,381 people and costing the lives of 6 persons as at now.
Despite the normal peak of the rainy season in August, the soil was previously saturated by rains in July. The affected persons have lost their belongings and had their homes
affected. Informal settlements, including impoverished slum communities, scattered around the city and mostly built in flood or landslide prone areas, are likely to be the most
affected and at risk of further flooding. Given the forecasted rains in the coming days, the situation is likely to evolve, and this operation will be updated to reflect any changes
in the operational strategy.

Population to be assisted: This EPoA targets 300 households or 1,800 people amongst the most affected, living in ten (10) communities in the city of Freetown including
Kroobay, Kamayama, Kaningo, Barthurst, Berwick section, Culvert, Mabela, Dodo, Ogu Farm and Clinetown communities.

Programme standards/benchmarks: Activities under this section will seek to meet Sphere standards.
Shelter Outcome 1: Communities in disaster and crisis affected areas restore and
# of households supported with household items
strengthen their safety, well-being and short- term recovery through shelter and (Target: 300 households or 1,800 people)
settlement solutions
• # of households kits distributed (Target: 300 kits)
Output • # of assessments conducted (Target: 1)
Shelter Output 1.1: Short-term shelter and settlement assistance is provided to
Code affected households
• % of households providing feedback on SLRCS
response modalities (Target: At least 70% or 1,260
people of the target population provide feedback)
Activities planned 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
AP005 Conduct rapid initial assessment of situation

AP005 Identification /verification and registration of beneficiaries including

identification of distribution points and collecting information of
distributed items.

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AP005 Procurement and distribution of Shelter/ Essential Households

AP005 Replenishment of 50 blankets and 50 tarpaulins initially distributed

AP005 Carrying out post distribution monitoring.

People targeted: 1,800 people (300 HH)
Male: 864
Female: 936
Requirements (CHF): 38,027

Needs analysis: As a result of flooding there is already disruption to health services mainly due to the flooded water spilling over into water wells. Lack of access to safe
drinking water and good hygiene practice will potentially lead to disease outbreak such as diarrhoea and other waterborne diseases in the affected communities within and on
the outskirt of Freetown. The presence of flood waters will heighten the risk of transmission of mosquito borne diseases.

Population to be assisted: 1,800 people or 300 households are targeted under this sector in 10 communities of Freetown.

Programme standards/benchmarks: Activities under this section will seek to meet Sphere standards.

# of households reached with immediate health

Health Outcome 1: The immediate risks to the health of affected populations are reduced
support (Target: 300 households or 1,800 people)
• # of volunteers deployed for search and rescue
(Target: 25 volunteers)

• # of volunteers trained in PSS (Target: 30

P&B volunteers)
Output Health Output 1.1: The health situation and immediate risks are assessed using agreed
Code guidelines • # of PSS sessions conducted (Target: 12

• # of households receiving 3 mosquito nets

(Target: 300 households)

Activities planned
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

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AP023 Deployment volunteers for search and rescue

AP019 Procurement and distribution of 900 mosquito nets (3 per
AP023 Training of volunteers in PSS
AP023 Provide PSS support to targeted households 3 days a week for
4 weeks
AP023 Production of PSS related IEC materials
• # of volunteers deployed for health promotion
(Target: 70 volunteers)
Health Output 1.3: Community-based disease prevention and health promotion is
P&B • # of health promotion sessions conducted
provided to the target population
Output (Target: 36 health promotion sessions)
• # of floods related diseases reported (Target: 0)
Activities planned
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
AP011 Training of volunteers in health and hygiene promotion
Mobilization and deployment of volunteers for hygiene
promotion 3 days a week for 12 weeks

Water, sanitation and hygiene

People targeted: 5,381 people (896 HH)
Male: 2,583
Female: 2,798
Requirements (CHF): 69,845

WASH Outcome1: Immediate reduction in risk of waterborne and water related diseases % of affected people reporting improved hygiene
in targeted communities conditions (Target: 90% or 4,843 people)
WASH Output 1.2: Daily access to safe water which meets Sphere and WHO standards in terms # of people provided with clean water fit for drinking
of quantity and quality is provided to target population (Target: 1,800 people or 300 HHs)
Activities planned 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
AP026 Procurement and distribution of aqua tabs, jerry cans,
soap, buckets and hand sanitizers

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AP026 Monitoring of treatment and storage of water through household

surveys and quality tests
Output - # of volunteers deployed for hygiene promotion
Code (Target: 70 volunteers)
- # of hygiene and sanitation promotion sessions
WASH Output 1.3: Adequate sanitation which meets Sphere standards in terms of quantity conducted (Target: 6 sanitation sessions)
and quality is provided to target population - # of affected people reached with key hygiene and
sanitation promotion messages (Target: 5,381
people or 896 HH)

Activities planned Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

AP011 Training of volunteers in health and hygiene promotion

AP026 Production of IEC material for sensitization (1,500 leaflets and

1,000 posters).
AP030 Procurement of sanitation equipment for volunteers shovel,
wheelbarrow, rack, cutlass, axe and hammer)

AP030 Carry out hygiene promotion sensitisation including

demonstration on the use of chlorine tabs and hand washing

Strategies for Implementation

Requirements (CHF): 17,455

# of assessments conducted (Target: 3

Outcome S2.1: Effective and coordinated international disaster response is ensured.
Output - # of Rapid assessments carried out (Target: 1)
Output S2.1.1: Effective response preparedness and NS surge capacity mechanism is
- # of flood affected communities/households
assessed (Target: 10 communities)

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- # of volunteers and NDRT participating in the

response (Target: 100 volunteers and 8

- # supportive supervision provided by the

SLRCS HQ and IFRC team

- # of Lessons Learned Workshop conducted

(Target: 01)

Activities planned 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
AP051 Conduct rapid assessments as needed in the evolving flood situation

AP051 Conduct continuous assessment of common sectors in selected

AP046 Monitoring by joint teams of SLRCS/IFRC

AP046 Carry out Post Distribution Monitoring to get community feedbacks

AP046 Organize a Lesson Learned workshop

AP084 Output S2.1.3: NS compliance with Principles and Rules for Humanitarian Assistance is - # of volunteers trained in CEA
- # of targeted people reached using mobile
Activities planned 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
AP084 Train volunteers in CEA

AP084 Meeting with affected communities and set up complaint and

feedback mechanism
AP084 Conduct dialogue session with youth and women’s groups

AP084 Conduct mobile cinema shows in target communities

AP084 Organise simulation exercise with stakeholders and CBMDCs

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D. Budget

The overall budget for this operation is CHF 173,092 as seen in below budget.
all amounts in Swiss Francs
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (CHF)

MDRSL008 - Sierra Leone – Freetown, Western Area Flood Response 08/08/2019

Budget by Resource

Budget Group Budget

Shelter - Relief 44,143
Clothing & Textiles 3,520
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene 30,789
Teaching Materials 1,100
Utensils & Tools 10,230
Other Supplies & Services 6,820
Relief items, Construction, Supplies 96,602
Distribution & Monitoring 971
Transport & Vehicles Costs 3,460
Logistics, Transport & Storage 4,430
National Society Staff 2,673
Volunteers 29,623
Personnel 32,296
Workshops & Training 18,568
Workshops & Training 18,568
Travel 3,267
Information & Public Relations 5,500
Office Costs 1,034
Communications 512
Financial Charges 264
Other General Expenses 55
General Expenditure 10,632

Budget by Area of Intervention 5%
AOF2 Shelter 47,765 28%
AOF4 Health 38,027
AOF5 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 69,845
SFI1 Strengthen National Societies 8,005
SFI2 Effective International Disaster Management 9,450
TOTAL 173,092 AOF5


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MDRSL008 – Sierra Leone Floods -- EPoA

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Contact information

Reference documents For further information, specifically related to this operation please contact:
 For Sierra Leone Red Cross Society (SLRCS)
Click here for:  Kpawuru Sandy, Secretary General; mobile phone: +23276100073; email:
• Previous Appeals
and updates
• Emergency Plan of IFRC Sierra Leone Country Office:
Action (EPoA)  Younos Abdul Karim, Head of Country Office, phone: +23279236809; email:

 Lawrence Orowe mobile phone : +23279236795 ; email

IFRC office for Africa Region:

 Adesh Tripathee, Head of Disaster Crisis Prevention, Response and Recovery
Department, Nairobi, Kenya; phone +254731067489; email:

 Khaled Masud Ahmed, regional Ops Coordinator, Nairobi, Kenya;

In IFRC Geneva :
 Karla Morizzo, DREF Senior Officer, DCPRR Unit Geneva; email:

For IFRC Resource Mobilization and Pledges support:

 IFRC Africa Regional Office for resource Mobilization and Pledge: Franciscah
Cherotich Kilel, Senior Officer Partnership and Resource Development, Nairobi,
For In-Kind donations and Mobilization table support:
 IFRC Africa Regional Office for Logistics Unit: RISHI Ramrakha, Head of Africa
Regional Logistics Unit, email:; phone: +254 733 888 022
For Performance and Accountability support (planning, monitoring, evaluation and
reporting enquiries)
 IFRC Africa Regional Office: Fiona Gatere. PMER Coordinator, email.;

How we work
All IFRC assistance seeks to adhere to the Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent
Movement and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) in Disaster Relief and the Humanitarian Charter and
Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response (Sphere) in delivering assistance to the most vulnerable. The
IFRC’s vision is to inspire, encourage, facilitate and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by
National Societies, with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering, and thereby contributing to the
maintenance and promotion of human dignity and peace in the world.

MDRSL008 – Sierra Leone Floods -- EPoA

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