R20 4th Year Syllabus

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ECE - (4 Year B.

Tech Programme) - COURSE CURRICULUM R-20

IV Year Course structure
Semester - I
Course Title of the course CAT Periods Sessional Semester Total Credits
Code L T P E O Total Marks end Exam Marks
ECE411 Open Elective- III OE 3 0 0 1 2 6 40 60 100 3
ECE412 Economics and HS 3 0 0 0 2 5 40 60 100 3
ECE413 PE 3 0 0 1 4 8 40 60 100 3
Elective –4
ECE414 PE 3 0 0 1 3 7 40 60 100 3
Elective -5
Microwave and
ECE415 Radar PC 3 0 0 1 5 9 40 60 100 3
ECE416 Engineering PC 0 0 3 0 1 4 50 50 100 1.5
ECE417 DSP Lab PC 0 0 3 0 1 4 50 50 100 1.5

ECE418 Internship-II PR 0 0 0 0 1 1 100 0 100 2

ECE419 Project Phase – I PR 0 0 4 0 4 8 100 0 100 2

Total 15 0 10 4 23 52 500 400 900 22

Semester - II
Course Title of the course Cate Periods Sessional Semester Total Credits
Code gory L T P E O Total Marks end Exam Marks

ECE421 Open Elective- IV OE 3 0 0 1 2 6 40 60 100 3

ECE422 Project Phase – II PR 0 0 16 0 16 32 100 100 200 8

Total 3 0 16 1 18 38 140 160 300 11

Professional Elective 4 Professional Elective 5

1. Cellular and Mobile Communications 1. Speech Processing
2. Computer Network Engineering 2. Digital Image Processing
3.Satellite communications & GPS 3. Low power VLSI
ECE 412 Credits:3
Instruction: 3 Periods & 1 Tut/week Sessional Marks:40
End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks:60
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Objectives:
 To familiarize the students with the concepts of Economics.
 To gain basic understanding of management and manage organizations effectively and to
relate the concepts of management with industrial organizations
 To help the students to understand the factors affecting plant location and to acquaint them
with the major concepts of Break-Even-Analysis
 To understand the concepts of marketing management and to develop an understanding on
the various aspects Advertising
 To make them to know the basics of Accounting
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to
CO1 Understand the concepts of Economics
CO2 Understand the basic knowledge of management and Develop the understanding
of the concept of human resource management and its relevance in organizations.
CO3 Select appropriate location for establishing industrial plants and Apply the
concepts of Break-Even Analysis in evaluating project economically
CO4 Identify the scope and significance of Marketing and Identify the roles of advertising in
promoting the business
CO5 Understand and apply the basic concepts of accounting, finance and marketing
CO-PO –PSO Mapping

CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 - - - - - - - 2 3 - 2 1
CO2 - - - - - - - 2 3 - 2 1
CO3 - - - - - - - 2 3 - 2 1
CO4 - - - - - - - 2 3 - 2 1
CO5 - - - - - - - 2 3 - 2 1
Correlation levels 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)
UNIT I 9L+3TPeriods
Fundamentals of Economics: Wealth, Welfare and Scarce Definitions of Economics; Micro and
Macro Economics; Demand- Law of Demand, Elasticity of Demand, Types and measurements
of Elasticity - Utility- Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, its limitations and exceptions.

UNIT II 9L+3T Periods

Introduction to Management: Definition of Management-Levels of Management and
Managerial Skills-Functions of Management- Taylor’s Scientific Management; Henry Fayol’s
Principles of Management.
Human Resource Management –Basic functions of Human Resource Management (in brief).
UNIT III 9L+3T Periods
Production Management: Plant Location-factors effecting location of plant, Break-Even
Analysis- Assumptions, limitations and applications. (Simple Problems)
UNIT IV 9L+3T Periods
Introduction to Marketing Management: Marketing Management: Functions of marketing in
brief. Distribution Channels and Advertising.

UNIT V 9L+3T Periods

Financial Management: Types of Capital: Fixed and Working Capital and Methods of Raising
Finance; Final Accounts- Trading Account, Statement of Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet
(simple problems)

1.A.R. AryaSri, Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis, TMH Publications, new Delhi,
2. P.C.Tripathi, P.N.Reddy, Principles of Management. (UNIT–II)
3. S.C. Sharma and Banga T. R., Industrial Organization & Engineering Economics, Khanna
Publications, Delhi-6, 2006(UNIT–III & IV)
4. S.N.Maheswari, SK Maheswari, Financial Accounting Fifth Edition, Vikas Publishing House
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012 (UNIT-V)
ECE 413(a) Credits:3
Instruction : 3 periods & 1 Tutorial/Week Sessional Marks:40
End Exam : 3 Hours End Exam Marks:60
Prerequisites: Analog Communication, Digital Communications
Course objectives:
1. To understand the cellular radio concepts such as frequency reuse, Cell splitting and
affect of interference on the capacity of cellular system.
2. To interpret small scale, large scale and multipath propagation models usedin mobile
3. Develop an ability to analyze Frequency management and channel assignment strategies,
Handoff and dropped calls.
4. To describe various multiple access techniques, forward and reverse channels and
capacity of cellular system.
5. To identify the concept behind integration of mobile satellite and terrestrial mobile
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will be able to

CO1 Evaluate the performance of a cellular system in terms of Frequency reuse, interference
and Cell splitting.
CO2 Analyze the Mobile radio propagation, fading, diversity concepts and the channel
CO3 Evaluate the concepts of Handoff, dropped calls, Frequency management and channel
assignment strategies.
CO4 Apply cellular theory and analyze various Multiple access techniques in wireless
CO5 Interpret the technical challenges in implementation of receiver circuitry with the
integration of mobile satellites.

CO-PO-PSO Mapping:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 3 1 1 2 PI: 1.1.2, 1.3.1.
CO2 2 2 1 PI: 2.1.2, 2.1.3,
2.3.1, 2.3.2,
CO3 3 1 2 2.4.1,
CO4 2 2 2 PI: 3.2.1, 3.4.1.
CO5 2 1 1 1 PI: 6.1.1

Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes &Program Specific Outcomes:

CO-PO Justification

1 CO1 deals with mathematical formulation for Co-channel interference and frequency reuse
distance with different path losses hence mapped high with PO1, low mapped with PO2,
PO3 and moderately mapped to PSO-2. PO9 attained partially with role play.
2 CO2 helps the student in analyzing different mobile radio propagation models and multi path
fading channels hence medially mapped to PO-1, PO-2, low mapped with PO-3 and medially
mapped to PSO-2. PO9 attained partially with Student Seminar in class.
3 CO3 deals with problem solving on handoff, dropped calls, frequency management and
channel assignment hence highly mapped with PO-1, low mapped with PO2 and medially
mapped to PSO-2.
4 CO4 helps the student in analyzing and design forward and reverse channels of various
multiple access techniques in wireless communications hence medially mapped to PO1, PO2
and PSO2. PO9 attained partially with Student Seminar in class.
5 CO5 emphasizes analysis and design in implementation of receiver circuitry with the
integration of mobile satellites hence medially mapped to PO-1, low to PO-2, PO-6and

UNIT I 10 Periods
Introduction to Cellular Systems: Basic Cellular Systems, Uniqueness of mobile radio
environment, Concept of Frequency reuse Channels, Cochannel interference Reduction factor,
Desired C/I from a normal case in an Omnidirectional Antenna system, Non Co-channel
interference, Cell splitting.

UNIT II 10 Periods
Mobile Radio Propagation: Large scale path loss - Reflection, Diffraction, Scattering,
Outdoor and Indoor Propagation models, Mobile Radio Propagation: small scale fadingand
multi path - small scale Multi path measurements, parameters of mobile multi path channels,
Types of small scale fading.

UNIT III 10 Periods

Frequency Management and Channel Assignment: Frequency management, Fixed Channels
assignment, Non Fixed Channel assignment, Traffic and Channel Assignment. Hand Off,
Dropped Calls: Why Hand-Off, Types of Hand-Off and their characteristics, dropped call rates
and their evaluation.

UNIT IV 10 Periods
Multiple access techniques for wireless communications: FDMA, TDMA, Spread spectrum
techniques, SDMA, Packet Radio, CSMA , Capacity of cellular CDMA with multiple cells and
capacity of SDMA, Details of forward and reverse CDMA channels

UNIT V 10 Periods
Personal access communication systems: personal Mobile satellite communications,
Integrating GEO, LEO, MEO satellite and terrestrial mobile systems, Rake receiver and
Advanced Rake receiver.

1. William C.Y.Lee, Wireless & Cellular Telecommunications, Third Edition,McGraw Hill,
International Edition. [UNIT- I ,II,III]
2. Theodore S.Rappaport, Wireless communications Principles and Practice, Second Editions,
Pearson Publications. [UNIT- IV ,V]

1. GottapuSasibhushanaRao, Mobile Cellular Communication, PEARSON International,
2. Wayne Tomasi, Electronic Communication system, Pearson.
ECE413(b) Credits:3
Instruction:3Periods&1Tut/week SessionalMarks:40
EndExam: 3Hours End ExamMarks:60
Prerequisites: Nil
Course Objectives:
 To develop an understanding of computer networking basics.
 To develop an understanding of different components of computer networks, various
protocols, modern technologies and their applications.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Apply the concepts of Computer Networks and Networks Models for Data Communication.
2. Analyze networking architecture and infrastructure for wired and wireless link
3. Design, calculate ,and apply subnet masks and routing addresses to fulfill
networking requirements
4. Analyzeissuesofroutingandcongestionmechanismforindependentandinternetworkingnetw
orksforwired and wireless link.
5. Analyze internal working of the Internet and of a number of common Internet applications
and protocols (DNS, SMTP, FTP, HTTP, WWW, Security and Cryptography).
CO-PO–PSO Mapping

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 2 2

CO2 2 1 2

CO3 2 3 2 2

CO4 1 2 2 2

CO5 2 3 2 2
Correlationlevels1: Slight (Low) 2:Moderate(Medium) 3:Substantial(High)

UNITI 10 Periods
UNITII 10 Periods
Data Link Layer: Error – detection and correction – Parity – LRC – CRC – Hamming code –
Low Control and Error control - Stop and Wait – go back-N ARQ – Selective Repeat ARQ-

UNITIII 10 Periods
Subnetting– Routing–DistanceVectorRouting–Link StateRouting– Routers.
UNITIV 10 Periods
Transport Layer: Duties of transport layer – Multiplexing – De-multiplexing – Sockets –
Qualityof services(QOS)–Integrated Services.
UNITV 10 Periods

2000. [UNIT-I,II &III]
2.Andrew S.Tanenbaum,“Computer Networks”,Fourth Edition
PHILearning,NewDelhi,2003.[UNIT-IV &V]
1. BehrouzA.Forouzan,“DatacommunicationandNetworking”,FourthEdition,TataMcGraw-Hill
PublishingCo. Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi, 2006.
2. JamesF.KuroseandKeithW.Ross,“ComputerNetworking:ATop-
DownApproachFeaturingtheInternet”, PearsonEducation, NewDelhi,2003.
ECE 413(c) Credits:3
Instruction : 3 periods & 1 Tutorial/Week Sessional Marks:40
End Exam : 3 Hours End Exam Marks:60
Prerequisites: Analog Communication and Digital Communications
Course Objectives:
 To get in depth knowledge of communication through satellite
 To understand the design criterion
 To introduce students to the principle of GPS.
 To familiarize students with GPS signal structure.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Describe and justify communication satellite subsystem with specifications.
2. Analyze C/N ratio for satellite single link budgets in air and rain.
3. Classify, analyze and estimate the capacity of each multiple access technique required for
satellite communication.
4. Illustrate the working principle of GPS and determine GPS receiver position using satellites
in 2D & 3D.
5. Illustrate GPS system segments, GPS signals & signal structures using PRN codes.
CO-PO –PSO Mapping
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 3 1 2
CO2 3 2 2
CO3 3 2 2
CO4 3 1 1 2
CO5 2 2 1 2
Correlation levels 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)

Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes &Program Specific Outcomes:

CO-PO Justification
1 CO1 deals with mathematical formulations, principles & theorems of satellite system which
can be described & justify the specifications, so it is mapped to PO1. Various satellite
subsystems can be identified with basic knowledge of science & principles of mathematics,
so mapped to PO2 & PSO2.
2 CO2 can be attained using basic knowledge of science & principles of mathematics to
analyze and calculate C/N ratio for satellite system for satellite single link budgets in
different mediums, so it is mapped to PO1, PO2 & PSO2.
3 CO3 deals with multiple accesses techniques, for this basic knowledge of engineering
fundamentals is required to solve problems and to develop solutions related to satellite
communication so it is mapped to PO1, PO2 & PSO2.
4 CO4 helps the student in gaining fundamental knowledge about various GNSS and their
specifications in finding the position of an object such as segments in 2D, 3D etc hence
mapped to PO1, PO2, PO4 and PSO2.
5 CO5 provides fundamental knowledge about Global Positioning System hence mapped to
PO1 and able to use extract PRN codes using different frequencies so mapped to PO2, PO4
and PSO2.
UNIT I 10 Periods
Introduction: Types of satellites, Satellite constellation, orbital mechanics, look angle
determination, Orbital effects in Communication System Performance, Satellite sub systems,
Communication subsystems, Overview of launching procedures and launch vehicles.
UNIT II 10 Periods
Propagation Impairments And Space Link: Introduction, atmospheric loss, ionospheric
effects, rain attenuation, other impairments.
Space link: Introduction, EIRP, transmission losses, link power budget, system noise, CNR,
uplink, down link, effects of rain, combined CNR
UNIT III 10 Periods
Multiple Access: Frequency division multiple access (FDMA) Intermodulation, Calculation of
C/N. Time division Multiple Access (TDMA) Frame structure, Examples. Satellite Switched
TDMA Onboard processing, DAMA, Code Division Multiple access (CDMA),Spread spectrum
transmission and reception.
UNIT IV 10 Periods
Introduction To Global Navigation Satellite Systems(GNSS): The History of GPS, The
Evolution of GPS, Development of NAVSTAR GPS, Block I, Block II satellites, Block IIA,
Block IIR and Block II R-M satellites. Introduction to IRNSS, GPS working principle,
Trilateration, Determination of where the satellites are, Determination of how far the satellites
are, Determining the receiver position in 2D or XY Plane, Determining the receiver position in
3D or X-Y-Z Plane
UNIT V 10 Periods
GPS Satellite Constellation And Signals: GPS system segments, Space segment, Control
segment, User segment, GPS Signals, GPS signal generation, Generation of Codes- C/A code , P
code and Navigation data.
*Note- Additional topics that can be introduced during the course but are out of the prescribed
syllabus –The working of a satellite phone

1. T. Pratt and C.W. Boastian, “Satellite Communication”, 2 nd edition, John Wiley & Sons,
2. G S RAO, Global Navigation Satellite Systems, McGraw-Hill Publications, New Delhi,
1. D. Roddy, “Satellite Communications”, Prentice Hall, 4 th edition, copyright, 2008.
2. K.N. Raja Rao, “Satellite Communication: Concept and Application”, 2nd edition, PHI, 2013
ECE 414(a) Credits:3
Instruction : 3 periods & 1 Tutorial/Week Sessional Marks:40
End Exam : 3 Hours End Exam Marks:60
Prerequisites:Signal & System, Digital Signal Processing
Course Objectives:
 Understand the anatomy and Physiology of Speech Production system and perception
model and to design an electrical equivalent of Acoustic model for Speech Production.
 Analyze speech signals in time and frequency domain.
 Analyze linear predictive coding techniques for speech signal
To study about the process of Man-Machine communication
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Create an electrical representation of the Speech Production system.
2. Analyze the time domain and frequency domainrepresentation of speech signal
3. Design the Homomorphic Vocoder
4. Apply Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) to speech synthesissystem
5. Build a complete speech recognition system
CO-PO –PSO Mapping

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 2 2 2
CO2 2 2 2
CO3 2 2 2 2
CO4 2 2 2
CO5 2 2 2 2
Correlation levels 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)

CO-PO-PSO Justification
1 CO1 deals with mathematical model of speech production hence mapped moderately with
PO1 & PO2.
2 CO2 deals with representations of the speech signal in terms of timedomainmeasurements
as well as its spectral properties hence mapped moderately with PO1 & PO2.
3 CO3 demonstrate the design principle of a Homomorphic decoder for analyzing and
synthesizing speech signal hence mapped moderately with PO1, PO2& PO3.
4 CO4 deals with representation of speech sample as a linear combination of past speech
samples hence mapped moderately with PO1 & PO2.
5 CO5 emphasize the basic building blocks of a complete Speech recognition model hence
moderately with PO1, PO2& PO3.
UNIT I 10 Periods
Fundamentals of Digital Speech Processing: Anatomy & Physiology of Speech Organs, The
process of Speech Production, Acoustic Phonetics, Articulatory Phonetics, The Acoustic
Theory of Speech Production- Uniform lossless tube model, effect of losses in vocal tract,
effect of radiation at lips, Digital models for speech signals.

UNIT II 10 Periods
Time domain methods for speech processing: Time domain parameters of Speech signal, short
time energy and average magnitude, Short time average zero crossing rate, Speech Vs Silence
discrimination using energy and zero crossing, Pitch period estimation using a parallel
processing approach, Short Time Auto Correlation Function, The short time average magnitude
difference function, Pitch period estimation using Auto Correlation Function.
UNIT III 12 Periods
Frequency domain method for speech processing: Short Time Fourier analysis: Fourier
transform and linear filtering interpretations, Filter bank summation method for short-time
synthesis- Spectrographic displays -Pitch detection - Analysis by Synthesis - Analysis synthesis
systems: Phasevocoder, Channel Vocoder.
Homomorphic speech analysis:
Homomorphic Systems for Convolution, The Complex Cepstrum of Speech, Pitch detection,
Formant Estimation, Homomorphic Vocoders.

UNIT IV 8 Periods
Linear predictive analysis of speech: Basic Principles of linear predictive analysis:
Autocorrelation method, Covariance method, Solution of LPC equations: Cholesky method,
Durbin’s Recursive algorithm, Comparison between the Methods of Solution of the LPC
Analysis Equations, Application of LPC parameters: Pitch detection using LPC parameters,
Formant analysis using LPC Parameters.

UNIT V 10 Periods
Man-Machine Communication: Speaker Recognition System: Speaker Verification Systems,
Speaker Identification Systems, Speech Recognition System: Isolated Digit Recognition System,
Continuous Digit Recognition System, LPC Distance Measures, Large Vocabulary Word
Recognition System.

1. L.R. Rabiner and R.E Schafer, “Digital Processing of Speech Signals”, Pearson Education,
2. Human & Machine, Douglas O'Shaughnessy, Speech Communications, 2nd Edition., Wiley
India, 2000.
1. Discrete-TimeSpeechSignalProcessing,ThomasF,Quatieri,PrenticeHall/PearsonEducation,
2. SpeechandAudioSignalProcessing,BenGoldandNelsonMorgan,JohnWileyandSonsInc.,
3. FundamentalsofSpeechRecognition,L.R.RabinerandB.H.Juang,PrenticeHall,1993.
ECE 414(b) Credits:3
Instruction : 3 periods & 1 Tutorial/Week Sessional Marks:40
End Exam : 3 Hours End Exam Marks:60
Prerequisites:Signal & System (ECE 214), Digital Signal Processing (ECE 322)
Course objectives:
 Understand the fundamentals of digital image processing.
 Understand the image transforms used in digital image processing.
 Understand the image enhancement techniques used in digital image processing.
 Understand the image restoration techniques and methods used in digital image processing.
 Understand the Morphological Operations used in digital image processing.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Describe the basic components of digital image processing system and transform techniques
(FFT, DCT and Hadamard transform).
2. Analyze image enhancement in spatial domain using smoothing and sharpening operators.
3. Analyze image enhancement in frequency domain using High pass and low pass filters.
4. Describe image restoration using Weiner filtering and image segmentation using
thresholding and region growing techniques.
5. Compare and contrast image compression techniques (Variable length coding, LZW coding, Bit
plane coding, Lossless predictive coding, Lossy prediction, transform coding).
CO-PO –PSO Mapping

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 2 2 - - - - - - - - - 2 - -
CO2 2 2 1 - - - - - - - - - 2 - -
CO3 2 2 1 - - - - - - - - - 2 - -
CO4 2 1 1 - - - - - - - - 1 2 - -
CO5 2 2 - - - - - - - - 1 2 - -
Correlation levels 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)

UNIT I 10 Periods
Digital Image Fundamentals: Fundamental steps in digital image processing, Components of
an image processing system, Elements of visual perception, Image sensing and acquisition,
Image sampling and quantization, Basic relationship between pixels
Image Transforms: Two-dimensional FFT properties, Discrete cosine transform &Hardmard
UNIT II 10 Periods
Image Enhancement (Spatial Domain): Introduction, Basic gray level transformation,
Histogram processing, Enhancement using arithmetic/logic operations, Basics of spatial filtering:
Smoothing and sharpening spatial filter
UNIT III 10 Periods
Image Enhancement (Frequency Domain): Introduction to Fourier transform and the
frequency domain, Smoothing and sharpening frequency domain filters, Homomorphic filtering

UNIT IV 10 Periods
Image Restoration: Introduction to image degradation, Noise model, Restoration in presence of
noise only, Inverse filtering, Wiener filtering,
Image Segmentation: Detection of discontinuities, Edge linking and boundary detection,
Thresholding (global and adaptive), Region based segmentation
UNIT V 10 Periods
Image Compression: Redundancy, Fidelity criteria, Image compression models, Error free
compression: Variable length coding, LZW coding, Bit plane coding, Lossless predictive coding,
Lossy prediction, transform coding, image compression standards
Fundamentals of morphological processing - Dilation, Erosion, Opening, Closing
1. TRafael C Gonzalez, Richard E Woods, “Digital Image Processing,” PHI, Second edition,
2004. (UNITS I, II, III, IV, V)
2. Jayaraman S, Esakkirajan S, Veerakumar T, “Digital Image Processing,” Tata McGraw Hill,
2010 (UNIT-I)
1. Anil Kumar Jain, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing,” PHI, 2002.
ECE 414(c) Credits:3
Instruction : 3 periods & 1 Tutorial/Week Sessional Marks:40
End Exam : 3 Hours End Exam Marks:60
Prerequisites: Digital Electronics, VLSI design
Course objectives:
 To make students familiar with power dissipation, power optimization techniques and power
estimation in VLSI circuits.
 To make student design the power efficient VLSI systems by applying low power design
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Explain the sources of power dissipation in CMOS
2. Classify the special techniques to mitigate the power consumption in VLSI circuits
3. Summarize the power optimization and trade-off techniques in digital circuits.
4. Illustrate the power estimation at logic and circuit level
5. Explain the software design for low power in various level
CO-PO –PSO Mapping

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 3 1 1
CO2 3 2 1
CO3 3 3 1
CO4 3 3 1 1
CO5 2 3 3 2 2 1
Correlation levels 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)
UNIT I 10 Periods
Power Dissipation in CMOS :Sources of power dissipation – Physics of power dissipation in
MOSFET devices: The MIS structure, long channel MOSFET, Submicron MOSFET, gate
induced drain leakage– Power dissipation in CMOS: short circuit dissipation, dynamic
dissipation, load capacitance– Low power VLSI design: Limits – principles of low power design,
hierarchy of limits, fundamental limit, material limit, device limit, system limit.

UNIT II 10 Periods
Power Optimization Using Special Techniques : Power Reduction in Clock Networks:
Clock Gating, Reduced Swing Clock, Oscillator Circuit for Clock Generation, Frequency
Division and Multiplication, Other Clock Power Reduction Techniques - CMOS Floating Node:
Tristate Keeper Circuit, Blocking Gate, Low Power Bus: Low Swing Bus, Charge Recycling
Bus, Delay Balancing - Low Power Techniques for SRAM: SRAM Cell, Memory Bank
Partitioning, Pulsed Word line and Reduced bit line Swing

UNIT III 10 Periods

Design of Low Power Circuits: Transistor and Gate Sizing : Sizing an Inverter Chain,
Transistor and Gate Sizing for Dynamic Power Reduction, Transistor Sizing for Leakage Power
Reduction - Network Restructuring and Reorganization : Transistor Network Restructuring,
Transistor Network Partitioning and Reorganization - Special Latches and Flip-flops : Self-
gating Flip-flop, Combinational Flip-flop, Double Edge Triggered Flip-flop - Low Power Digital
Cell Library : Cell Sizes and Spacing, Varieties of Boolean Functions, Adjustable Device
Threshold Voltage
UNIT IV 10 Periods
Power Estimation: Modeling of signals - signal probability calculation - Statistical techniques -
estimation of glitching power- Sensitivity Analysis-Power estimation using input vector
compaction, power dissipation in Domino logic, circuit reliability, power estimation at the circuit
level, Estimation of maximum power: test generation based approach, steepest descent, generic
based algorithm based approach

UNIT V 10 Periods
Software Design for Low Power: Sources of software power dissipation - software power
estimation: Gate level, architecture level, bus switching activity, instruction level power analysis
- software power optimization: minimizing memory access costs, instruction selection and
ordering, power management - Automated low power code generation – Co-design for low

1.Kaushik Roy, S.C.Prasad,“LowpowerCMOSVLSIcircuitdesign”,Wiley,2000
2.A.P. Chandrasekaran, R.W. Broadersen,“Low power digital CMOS design”, Kluwer,1995
3.Gary Yeap,“PracticallowpowerdigitalVLSIdesign”,Kluwer,1998

1. DimitriosSoudris,ChristiansPignet,CostasGoutis,“DesigningCMOSCircuitsforLowPower”,
2. J.B.Kulo, J.HLou,“Low VoltageCMOSVLSICircuits”,Wiley1999.
ECE 415 Credits:3
Instruction : 3 periods & 1 Tutorial/Week Sessional Marks:40
End Exam : 3 Hours End Exam Marks:60
Prerequisites: Electromagnetic Field Theory
Course Objectives:
 To explain the theoretical principles underlying in the operation of microwave devices and
 To understand the principles behind the measurement of various microwave parameters and
required bench setup
 To understand different microwave sources and amplifiers
 To understand the basics of the Radar Engineering
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Apply Electromagnetic field theory to rectangular waveguides and analyze waveguides
2. Analyze the working of passive microwave components using S-matrix.
3. Apply the operating principles in generating/amplifying microwave signals using
microwave tubes and solid state devices.
4. Analyze the working of RADAR and its range equation.
5. Apply the principles of Radar to identify different radars
CO-PO –PSO Mapping

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 3 3 3 3
CO2 3 3 1 3 3
CO3 2 3 3 2
CO4 2 3 2 3 2
CO5 2 3 3 2
Correlation levels 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)

UNIT I 12 Periods
Microwave Components:
Introduction to Microwaves, advantages and applications; Theory of Guided Waves- Waves in between
parallel plates, Wave Guide – Derivation of Field Equations, Modes of Propagations, and their
parameters, Types of Wave-guides; Excitation methods for different TE modes, Wave impedance in
waveguide; Attenuators; Cavity Resonators, Re-entrant Cavities, Wave-meters, Microwave Filters,

UNIT II 12 Periods
Microwave Circuits& Measurements:
S Matrix and its Properties. S Matrix of E Plane Tee, H plane Tee and Magic Tee, Directional coupler. S
Matrix of Ferrite Devices and applications. Microwave Bench Setup - Introduction and its features,
Measurement of Frequency, Wavelength, VSWR, Unknown impedance, attenuation, Coupling, Isolation
and Directivity measurements of Directional coupler
UNIT III 12 Periods
Microwave Tubes & Solid State Devices:
Resonant Cavity Devices, Reflex Klystron, Two – Cavity Klystron, Multi – Cavity Klystron, Slow –
Wave Devices, TWT, Magnetrons; PIN Diode, Tunnel Diodes, Gunn Diode, IMPATT, TRAPATT
Diodes, Crystal Diode.
UNIT IV 12 Periods
Fundamentals of Radar:
Radar Range Equation, Radar Block Diagram and Operation, Prediction of Range, Minimum
Detectable Signal, Receiver Noise, Radar Cross-section, Transmitter Power, PRF and Range
Ambiguities, Radar Antenna Parameters, System Losses and Propagation Effects.

UNIT V 12 Periods
Types of Radars:
Doppler effect, FMCW Radar, MTI Radar – Block Diagram &Principle, Delay line cancellers,
Blind speeds, Range gated Doppler filters, MTI delay lines, limitations, Pulse Doppler Radar,
Tracking Radar –Sequential Lobing, Conical scan; Monopulse tracking radar.

1. M. Kulakarni, “ Microwave& Radar Engineering ”, 5th ed., Umesh Publication, 2014.
2. M.I. Skolnik, “Introduction to Radar Systems”, McGraw Hill, 2007.
3. G.S.N. Raju, “Microwave Engineering”,1st ed., IK International Publishers, 2008
4. G.S.N Raju, “Radar Engineering and Fundamentals of Navigational Aids”, 1st ed. IK
International Publishers, 2008
1. D.M.Pozar, “Microwave Engineering”, 2nd ed., McGraw Hill.2015.
2. G. SasibhushanRao, “Microwave & Radar Engineering” ,1st ed., Pearson Education,2014.
ECE 416 Credits:1.5
Instruction: 3 Practical’s/week Sessional Marks:50
End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks:50
Prerequisites: Antennas and propagation, Microwave engineering
Course Objectives:
 The main objective of the course is to make the students get the exposure to various
microwave sources, microwave passive components and bench setup in this lab. Also, get
the opportunity to measure various parameters related to components, and characterize
microwave devices with the microwave bench setup.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Find the bench set up before start of the experiment, identifying the required apparatus and
procedure of doing the experiment.
2. Measure various parameters of the signal, load & characterize various microwave sources
using microwave bench setup.
3. Plot the radiation pattern of horn antenna and other antennas using antenna trainer system.
4. Design the antenna with given specification using simulation tools.
5. Measure and record the experimental data, plot it and analyse the results, and prepare a
formal laboratory report.
CO-PO –PSO Mapping

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 - 1 2 1 - - - - 2 - - 1 2 2
CO2 - 2 1 3 - - - - 2 - - 2 2 2 2
CO3 - 2 2 1 - - - - 2 3 - 1 1 1 1
CO4 - 3 3 3 - - - - 2 - 3 1 2 2
CO5 - - - 3 - - - - 2 3 - 1 2 3
Correlation levels 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)

List of Experiments
1. Study of microwave components.
2. Determine the Characteristics of the GUNN diode.
3. Determination of Mode Characteristics of reflex klystron.
4. Measurement of the frequency and wavelength of a given signal.
5. Determine the VSWR of a given load.
6. Determine the Unknown Load Impedance of a given load.
7. Determine the Attenuation characteristics of a given load .
8. Determine the scattering parameters of E-Plane tee junction.
9. Determine the scattering parameters of H-Plane tee junction.
10. Determine the scattering parameters of Magic Tee Junction.
11. Determine the characteristics of a given Directional Coupler.
12. Determining the radiation pattern of the Horn Antenna.
13. Study of Antenna Trainer Systems.
14. Determining the radiation pattern of a 3 element Yagi- Uda antenna with folded dipole.
15. Determining the radiation pattern of a 5 element Yagi- Uda antenna with folded dipole.
16. Determining the radiation pattern of a λ/2 phased array antenna.
17. Design of a Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna using HFSSsoftware.
18. Design of a Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna using HFSS software.
19. Design of a Rectangular waveguide using HFSS software.

Note:A student has to complete 12 experiments as decided by the instructor.

ECE 417 Credits:1.5
Instruction: 3 Practical’s /Week Sessional Marks:50
End Exam: 3 Hours End Exam Marks:50

Prerequisites: Signals and systems, Digital signal Processing, Digital Image Processing
Course Objectives:
 To perform DSP algorithms like convolution, DFT & FFT in MATLAB software
 To design the digital filter types like IIR-Butterworth, Chebyshev using Bilinear, Impulse invariant
filters and FIR filters window-design methods using MATLAB
 To perform IIR and FIR filters using transformation and windowing techniques using
 To Illustrate the effect of Decimation and interpolation by an integer factor.
 To Analyze N Ponit DFT and Properties by using DSP starter Kit.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Compute and analyze signal spectrum of discrete system using DFT/FFT algorithms in
2. Design and analyze the digital filters.
3. Design and analyze IIR and FIR filters using transformation and windowing techniques.
4. Illustrate the effect of Decimation and interpolation by an integer factor.
5. Analyze N Ponit DFT and Properties by using DSP starter Kit.
CO-PO –PSO Mapping

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 1 2 2 2
CO2 1 2 2 2 2
CO3 1 2 2 2
CO4 1 1 2 2 2
CO5 1 2 2 2
Correlation levels 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)

Digital Signal Processing based Experiments
MATLAB based experiments
1. Perform (i) Circular convolution of the given two sequences(ii) Linear convolution using
circular convolution.
2. Compute the DFT of a sequence and verify the properties of DFT.
3. Design analog Butterworth (i) low pass filter (ii) high pass filter for the given
4. Design an analog Chebyshev type-I and II (i) low pass filter (ii) high pass filter for the
given specifications.
5. Design an IIR digital filter using Impulse invariant method
6. Design an IIR digital filter using Bilinear transformation
7. Design a FIR digital filter using (i) Rectangular and (ii) Hanning window techniques
8. Design a FIR digital filter using Kasier window techniques
9. Illustrate the effect of Decimation by an integer factor. Plot the magnitude spectrum
10. Illustrate the effect of Interpolation by an integer factor. Plot the magnitude spectrum
DSP Starter kits-based experiments:
11. Linear and circular convolution using CC Studio
12. IIR Filter design using TMS320C6713 DSP Processor

Experiments beyond syllabus

1.Write a program to compute the histogram of an input image and improve the appearance using
histogram equalization technique.
2. Write a program to perform smoothing and sharpening operation of an image using spatial
3. Write a program in MATLAB for edge detection using different edge detection mask
ECE 419 Credits:2
Instruction: 4 Practical’s /Week Sessional Marks:100
Prerequisites: As per the domain
Course Objectives:
 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply
these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Identify the mathematical, engineering and other relevant knowledge that applies to a problem
2. Demonstrate the ability to identify and characterize an engineering problem through review research
literature describing the causes of the problem and its effects using first principles of mathematics,
natural sciences, and engineering sciences
3. Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools
including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
4. Demonstrate collaborative skills and independent learning through working in a team to complete a
5. Scheduling an engineering project and identifying the resources required to complete an engineering
CO-PO –PSO Mapping
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 3 3 3 3
CO2 3 3
CO3 3 3 3 3 3
CO4 3 3 3
CO5 3
Correlation levels 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)
Justification of Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes &Program Specific
CO’s Justification of CO’s correlation with PO’s and PSO’s
CO1 Students will be able to apply mathematics, Electronics and Communication engineering
concepts to solve engineering problems.PO1.
CO2 Students will Identify the mathematical, engineering and other relevant knowledge that
applies to a given problemPO2.
Students will be able to Define a problem, its scope and importance for purposes of
CO3 Students will be able to apply appropriate instrumentation and/or software tools to make
measurements of physical quantitiesPO4.
Students will be able to discuss limitations and validate tools, techniques and resources.PO5
CO4 Students will present results as a team, with smooth integration of contributions from all
individual efforts PO9.
Students will be able to deliver effective oral presentations to audiences PO10.
Students able to recognize the need and be able to clearly explain why it is vitally important
to keep current regarding new developments in your field.PO12
CO5 Students will identify the tasks required to complete an engineering activity, and the
resources required to complete the tasks. PO11.
CO1- Students will be able to identify a problem in the areas like image processing,
CO5 communication systems and embedded systems, and apply modern tools to solve the
ECE 422 Credits:8
Instruction: 16 Practical’s /Week Sessional Marks:100
End Exam Marks:100
Prerequisites: As per the domain
Course Objectives:
 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply
these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals for analysis and synthesis
of practical systems.
2. Conduct scientific and engineering experiments of their own, as well as analyze and interpret data.
3. Apply modern engineering techniques and simulation tools to solve engineering problems.
4. Carry out analysis of cost-effective, environmental friendly designs of engineering systems
5. Demonstrate skills in writing technical/project reports and oral presentation of the project work done
to a panel of experts.

CO-PO –PSO Mapping

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
CO1 3 3 3 3 3
CO2 3 2 3
CO3 3 3 3 3
CO4 3 2 2 3 3
CO5 3
Correlation levels 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)
Justification of Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes &Program Specific
CO’s Justification of CO’s correlation with PO’s and PSO’s
CO1 Students will be able to apply mathematics, Electronics and Communication engineering
concepts to solve engineering problems.PO1.
CO2 Students will be able to apply engineering mathematics and computations to solve
mathematical models.PO2
Students will examine and apply moral & ethical principles to known case studiesPO8.
CO3 Students will be able to Define a problem, its scope and importance for purposes of
Students will be able to recognize the need and be able to clearly explain why it is vitally
important to keep current regarding new developments in your field.PO12
CO4 Students will be able to verify the credibility of results from tool use with reference to the
accuracy andlimitations.PO5
Students will be able to identify and describe various engineering roles; particularly as
pertains to protection of the public and public interest at the global, regional and local
Students will be able to identify risks/impacts in the life-cycle of an engineering product or
activity PO7.
CO5 Students will be able to implement the norms of practice of effective team work, to
accomplish a goal.PO9
CO1- Students able to identify the tasks required to complete an engineering activity, and the
CO5 resources required to complete the tasks..PO11

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