Nine Lines

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Hello and welcome.

It’s my supreme honor to be able to guide you into

higher teachings.

In Zen they say

You can’t repay a teacher in ten thousand lifetimes”.

I will always have much love and gratitude for the teachers who initiated me
and gave me the bandwidth to continue to initiate myself.
My name is Onami and I make tools for self initiates. I was born into a
doomsday sex cult, and I almost started one accidentally in 2020, so I’m not
big on what they call “community” nowadays. Now I prefer to teach as an
individual, to individuals. People who want to do it themselves and don’t need
a group of people agreeing with them to know they’re on the right path.
Self initiation is blaming no one else for your lack of progress.
It means you are your own teacher and coach. You are mentored by many,
but when the time comes to set out on your own, you are not afraid. You
hold yourself to an EXTREMELY high standard. What other people are doing is
irrelevant to your mission.
My aim is to bring you to certain psychological vantage points where you
can see the data behind and ahead of you, and begin testing and proving it
to yourself. It’s my intention to not only make sense of some of what you’ve
experienced in the past, so you can use it as proof, but to also show you
a clear path ahead into the future. If you feel like you’ve “seen it all” in the
spiritual community, you probably have.
There are three levels of teachings. Each one has their own language. When
you reach the top of the exoteric, you have heard it all. Variations of how to
manifest, why to manifest, basically. Initiating into the mesoteric is humbling,
but not humiliating. You go from being the top of the class in the first level, to
an absolute beginner in the second level. From the ground floor of something
huge it seems like there’s so much to know, and it can be daunting. I hope
that by the end of this book you are aware of how erotic, how tantalizing it
is to be faced with something so new and boundless. It’s like the difference
between Belle saying “This book, it’s my favorite, I’ve read it a thousand
times” and Belle walking into the Beast’s library and saying “This is more
books than I could ever read in my life!”

To study the Buddha is to study the self. To study the self is to lose the self.
To lose the self is to be awakened by all things. - Dogen
You may lose quite a bit of the self here, only what isn’t real about it (the
personality). I promise you, it can be an ecstatic process if you choose to
see it as such.

At the end of this, you can come do the first lesson and homework with me!
I’m going to teach you how to find the 3, 6, 9 (key to the Universe) of your
project, which is the hardest part. We’ll also discuss the difference between
lines and points, and how Black, White, and Red Magic work together in
creation. These are rare teachings, and I’m excited to initiate you. There’s an
invitation to the first class in your email, and you can access it on our app.

The app is very easy to use, just head to Safehouse Global in the App or Play
Store, or in your browser. Scroll to the discover tab to
make a FREE account, and you’ll see it in your workshop area.

Before giving someone a spiritual system, you must give them a

digestive system.
- Idries Shah

This book is your digestive system for higher work.

I was initiated into this system, known as the Fourth Way, in 2019, although my
first teacher (2013) was a Fourth Way teacher, and I didn’t know at the time. It
was like coming home again. The next years of study were hard, but I’m very
dedicated to my spiritual practice, like you.
This is a very well hidden teaching, and traditionally it’s only been taught in
large, in person groups, and the fee is 10% of your annual income. Expensive,
exclusive, and to me, outdated. I believe I have a destiny in unearthing these
teachings and bringing them to the working class in an accessible way.
Accessible price point, accessible language. That’s who I am. That’s what
I stand for. That’s what I believe in. As a result, I’m the only person on the
market doing this right now. I invite you to do your research! Please note: this
is NOT the Enneagram of Personality, or the 48 Laws of Power.

The Fourth Way is called this because there are usually three paths to
enlightenment. There’s the way of the fakir (fa-key-yer), which is the type of
adept who puts themselves in extreme physical conditions, like sleeping on
a bed of nails. They aim to achieve enlightenment by sacrificing the physical.
In learning to overcome their moving center, making the part of the mind go
quiet in relation to physical pain and habitual movements, they have
a chance at shunting the awareness to the higher intellectual, and higher
emotional centers. Moving UP into these higher centers is enlightenment.
Unfortunately, many are physically maimed or injured in the process. They
sacrifice one of their talents to get to the higher level.

The next path to enlightenment is

known as the way of the monk, and the
monk wants a shot at enlightenment
by sacrificing his emotions, or desires.
By shutting down the feeling center,
the monk can shunt the spare energy
into the higher emotional, and higher
intellectual center. The problem with
this is without your lower emotional
center you have no way of relating to
others, which is why most monks live
monastically, shuttered away from
the world, and the only way of getting
on their level is to become one and
renounce everything. Yes, they achieve,
but it comes at the cost of their
emotional center.

The third way is known as the path of the yogi, and the yogi has a pretty good
shot. The yogi attempts to overcome the mind, or the intellectual center, the
home of thinking. Meditation practices, and other missions to detach from
the mind with it’s endless pros and cons lists, allows the excess energy to
be shunted into the higher intellectual and higher emotional centers. This
isn’t a bad idea, your body and feelings remain intact, and you get a higher
intellectual center which offers The Answer and not many answers.
The thing is, if you sacrifice your thinking home you miss out on it’s actual
function, which is to make pros and cons lists. The ability to do this, and
deeply dissect the opposing force of any argument or debate is what
makes teachings strong. It lets you combine science and spirituality and
show people exactly how certain calculations were achieved, as well as
what DOESN’T work. This is an incredibly effective tool, and if you can reach
enlightenment without sacrificing anything, that would be ideal.

And now, we have the Fourth Way. A lot of great Hindu texts use these words
“and now” , which is the Sanskrit word “atha”, like the first words of the Yoga
Sutras of Patanjali “atha yoga anusthasanam” (and now, the teachings of
Yoga). This atha doesn’t mean like “ta da! Here are the teachings”. It means:

You’ve tried everything else. You’ve tried the three paths. You’ve tried
substances, people, purification methods. None of them worked. None of
them gave you that taste, that taste of remembering. That taste of a path,
clear ahead, that you can see for miles. A new world of teachings. Concrete
and sensible. Something that tastes like you already knew it. The taste of
remembering enlightenment, achieved in other incarnations. Here it is,
undiluted and calculable. It’s a taste like no other. So NOW you come to this
teaching. NOW you’re ready for it. NOW you’re humble.

And now, the Fourth Way.

The Fourth Way is called the way of the sly one, and it’s a ruthless path. On
this path you have to face yourself, in all your robotic, unevolved, absolute
beginner in Level Two truth. The price to get in is humility, genuine humility.
Humility is accepting, completely, that there is so much more to learn.

The Fourth Way offers a method of achieving enlightenment without

sacrificing one of your centers of consciousness. You only have four, the
instinctive, moving, emotional, and intellectual. To be without one is to be
down a limb.

You do not have humility at the top of Level One because

you literally have heard everything that level has to offer.
How could you feel like there is so much more to know
when everything you hear are variations of the same.
You’re sick of it. When it comes to the exoteric, you have
heard it all. You’ve started asking “is there more? Is this
it?” . Yes there is, and you are so close to it, but it’s going
to cost you your precious self concept. It’s going to bring
you to your knees, remind you of GOD. Remind you that
you are so, so, so insignificant. And GOD is EVERYTHING.
Yet God likes you. Smiles upon, and listens to you. Makes itself available
whenever you seek in earnest. As you remember, bit by bit, the side of you
that is true, that which is not true about you will start to stink and disgust
you. You will start to notice the sickeningly sweet taste of your own false
personality, worn like a mask at all times. Tastes like diet soda when you had
ordered the real thing.

A mask worn when the face has grown becomes a wall that
rubs and cuts. - Rumi

Yes, the Fourth Way costs you something. It costs you all that is false in
yourself. But you will awaken. You will get results, in a way that can be
weighed and measured. You will see not just a change, something changing
over time, but a transformation. An alchemical revolution of properties. You
will be transformed.

Few can handle this path. But if you’re here reading this now, it’s because
you’ve developed something that has drawn this to you. This is known as
magnetic center.

There are three influences in life.

A influences are all the motivators an unconscious person will have. Money,
success, fame, and for the less ambitious, the tools required to “get through
the day”. There’s nothing special about A influences, they represent the
exoteric, or outermost teachings.

If a person is asking conscious questions during his life they will develop
something called magnetic center that attracts B influences to them.
Questions like “is this it?” “Is there more?” “Why am I here?” crystallize into a
literal magnet in your center.

Not everyone does this. I’ll never forget when my once-best friend told me
early in my spiritual journey “not everyone wants to know the meaning of life.”
I was gobsmacked. That was my WHOLE life.

Consciousness is like one bottle of liquor in a full bar. If we split the bottle
evenly, and give everyone their “rightful” amount, no one’s going to be drunk.
They’re going to get just buzzed enough that it leaves them half-hard, unable
to make a decision of staying or going. But if the majority of the bar says
“no thanks” to the liquor conscious work, the people who are here to get
totally, utterly twatted on consciousness will be able to. Immediately stop
trying to convert people. The less they want, the more you get. Not everyone
incarnated to awaken this round, and nothing is easier to bear than the
suffering of others.
B influences are the higher teachings, the initiating teachings. These
teachings erase the mandatory morals you were conditioned with, and
teach you about honor. B influences are mesoteric teachings. They are
actually sent backwards in time to you by C influences.

C influences are your direct contact with God. The esoteric teachings that
are your right. When you are asking “is there more?”, wholeheartedly, the
side of you that has figured this out many times says “YES.”. Because it can’t
communicate with you efficiently or often, it sends B influences in the form of
teachers as a gift.

You can imagine the exoteric, A

influences, like the outermost part of
the temple, available to the tourists
and public. This is the language of
all different Gods. Jesus, Mohammed
etc. Exoteric religions fight each other
because to them there is only one
“true” God, their own, so they have to kill
others because their God told them to.

The mesoteric is the middle part of the

temple, where the sannyas and adepts
who have dedicated themselves to
the work are allowed to study and be
observed. They have a teacher.

In order to get into the middle part of

the temple you must be initiated, and it
is an oral tradition meaning you will get
the best results if you physically hear
someone explaining it, and not just read.
I don’t make the rules.

It cost me 15k on a 2500 per month payment plan when I had a new baby,
a dry well, and was making 5k a month as the sole breadwinner, but I made
it work with SO MUCH gratitude because I’m serious about this path. That
teacher costs 50k for 6 months now. Like I said, research the market. It’s
sparse, hidden, and things are expensive. I believe I was called to this work
to humbly bring it to the masses.

The mesoteric is the level of B influences, and a teacher has to open the
door for you to get from the outermost temple into the middle. You can’t
barge in and expect to get robes and sit in meditation. You are weighed,
measured, and vetted. You don’t get to the second level standing proud on
your feet. You get there on your knees, saying “above all else I want to know.”
This is what Jesus meant when he said you have to become like a little child.

Everyone gets to the mesoteric door and wants to prove that they’re a
special case. They say “well I know this” and “I trained here”. I said “look at all
my trauma, certainly I am an exception?” I was not. And I was making a real
ass out of myself. The door doesn’t open until you go “Oh holy shit, I am not
a prodigy. I am not an exception. I know nothing but above all else I want to

If you’d like to have a crack at that humility, try not lying for one month. No
embellishments, no co-opting stories, no “white” lies about why you’re late.
Watch how you cannot control your body or your mind.

If you find yourself humbled by this, you should try my other Fourth Way
workshop, Mesoterica. It’s an objective enlightenment course. Objective
meaning “works for everyone” and “enlightenment” means raised to the
second level of consciousness (that’s three levels total).

We have an option to bundle all our workshops together in our school,

Safehouse. When you enroll in our school, you get us as your personal
guidance counselors. We take a look at your life, where you want to grow the
most, and make workshop recommendations to get you where you want to
go. Each Friday, you’ll receive personal QA, with every question answered and
an ability to browse other questions as well. When you sign up for school, you
save $4795 a year on workshops. You get access to all of them for just $200/
month or $2000 a year. To learn more go to
The esoteric is the chamber of chambers, the absolute innermost circle
where you are given direct contact with God. The enneagram is an esoteric
teaching, but if it was delivered on C-influence, or level three terms, it would
be wordless. You would just get to look at it and it would download into you
over time if you had the correct amount of magnetic center. It’s a treat to be
able to get a third level teaching explained to you in mesoteric terms, and if
you’re in my live class we’ll explain it any way we need to to make sure you

The intention of this book is to warm you up to the Enneagram, which is an

obscure esoteric tool that lets you know how everything on Earth is created.
This is absolutely not the Enneagram of Personality. At present this is the
only teaching on the Enneagram that can be learned online, or at this price

Everyone picks up something different from Fourth Way, and the

mathematical, magical nature of the Enneagram is what called me. divinely
called to this system, as you may be. What appeals to me about it
is that you can get the results of hardcore magic, or hardcore
miracles, without needing to pray to any specific deity or do
any extraneous rituals. If the potions and Gods don’t really
appeal to you, you can still get results. Verifiable, guaranteed
results. Magic does not discriminate. You do the steps, you
get the results. If you cut the activities, the unnecessary
pageantries, you are left with just the actions. It is the most
efficient way to accomplish any task, and any task can be
accomplished, objectively, using the Enneagram. Welcome.

This primer make the enneagram a living, breathing concept for you, and
not just “a symbol”.

Since it is the key to the Universe, it can definitely work on your little world.
If you wanted to make a million bucks (in time) this would get you there. If
you wanted to smash an income plateau, become a new version of yourself,
or buy a new home, there would be a ten step path to it. No unreasonable
goals, just unreasonable timelines. We do this with YOUR goals in my
workshop the Enneagram.

There is no one else teaching online at this time that will give you this
information, but I hope that after this workshop there will be many more. The
times ahead will be challenging. The enneagram is an objective map.
The Enneagram is divided into three parts. The Circle, which represents Time
and Space. The Triangle, which represents the three forces that exist in every
single creation from the microcosm to the macrocosm. And finally, the Line
of Supervision, which represents the Law of Seven, which is also known as
the Law of Octaves. When you understand each of these tools you have a
formula for going backwards and forwards in time, as well as an objective
to-do list for completing any task.

You will need a pen

and a paper please.
Chapter One: The Circle: Laws of Time

The circle represents time, as well as space. These two forces organize life on
Earth so that you and I don’t manifest every single anxiety that ever crosses
our mind.

If we imagine Earth as a training camp, where we learn to select our thoughts

and use them as tools for bringing visions from the unseen world into the
seen world, time and space are like our gentle coaches who teach us that if
we hold our focus on something long enough, it actualizes.

Because of time and space, we can return to our preferred thoughts over
and over again, and with TIME they will manifest in a way that fits our
life. This is key because if they were to manifest too fast, what I call an
“overnight job” , it’s a real shock. It’s very uncomfortable. Time is organized
so that at the absolute correct time in your life, the options appear.
Time is a benevolent force.
Time and space work
TOGETHER because that
which you seek arrives
not only at the perfect
time in your life, but it
already exists in space,
so it works with time to
draw nearer and nearer to
you until your conditions
are optimal for receiving.
Miracles that are deflected
by us are held in time and
space until we are ready to
receive them.

For example: My husband

met me before I met him.
Time had brought us
together, but at that time
I didn’t have space to
receive this man. He was
ready, I was not. I was still
occupied with getting over
someone who things did
not work out with.

While I prepared the

space to receive (which
involved getting sober
and clearing some
shame) so that I wouldn’t
immediately sabotage the
relationship. he was held
me in time and space. The
timing worked again, and
because I had the space
to receive, the true love
No matter what we do or create on this Earth, or how much people talk
about the illusion of time, we will need to work with time to create. Time is
not something we are here to overcome, we are just here to understand it.
What is there to understand? That time is benevolent. It is not running out.
Time is my friend. Time is on my side.

The first dimension is length. The second dimension is width. The third
dimension is height. The fourth dimension is time. Spiritual teachings are
the fifth dimension. The same way you could not comprehend width without
understanding length, or height without understanding width, you cannot
truly comprehend, truly understand fifth dimensional teachings without
honoring and understanding the fourth dimension, which is time.

Think well on this. Can you comprehend the second dimension without
understanding the first? Is it possible? Or does one build on the other?

Even if you can go peek at higher dimensions in psychedelic or out of body

experiences, you can’t really UNDERSTAND it, which means you can’t really
USE it, if you don’t understand time.

The true nature of timespace is that it’s something that expands and
contracts at our will. It is possible to move backwards and also forward in
life, to make quantum leaps and to slow things down to an eternal moment.
If we trace the word “time” back to its roots, we find the first instance where
humans recognized the existence of something. When something begins to
exist and everyone agrees on it, it needs a name so we can all understand
we’re referring to the same thing. When the Greeks first laid down the
concept of time, they had two words for it. There was kronos, which I call
government time. We need this because if I don’t want to wait hours at the
corner for you because we haven’t synchronized our concept of “midday” ,
we can agree to meet at 1pm. The root of kronos can be found in the words
chronological, chronicle, and synchronize.

But then there was kairos. Kairos was the other time. If we think as time and
space as being interwoven, you could say that kronos points just to the
passage of time, but that chiros takes into account the space through which
the perfect time must come. We are in a moment in time, but we are also
in a location in space. If we were going to get married at 1pm on a Monday,
but it was thunderstorming at that time, we would need to use kairos time
to get around that, because kairos is guiding us to the perfect moment, not
the perfect minute. Kronos, measures minutes. Kairos measures moments.
The root word of kairos actually means “weather”. Using the combination of
kronos and kairos, we would find our perfect flow. We would find the root of

In Greek mythology (my fuckin’ love language, dawg) we have the same
story, Cronus and Caeros.

Cronus feared a prophecy in which one of his children would take out his
throne. As a result, he swallowed each one of them as soon as they came
into the world. This myth is also an allusion to time, since it can generate at
the same time it could devour; each second that finishes starts a new one.
He’s also called Aeon, which is to say that time Gods only rule for so long.
Even though he’s the youngest of the Gods, he looks the oldest with his long
beard. Kronos ages you.
Caeros on the other hand was chill and happy. He walked around naked,
had wings on his feet and a strange and symbolic hairdo.

Caeros is bald in the back because once the moment is past you, you can
never grab it. He has a long forelock because if you’re ahead of the moment,
you can seize it.

In Ecclesiastes, the verse about

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up
that which is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal…” and so on

The original word in the Greek translations was kairos. A kairos to be born,
and a kairos to die.

There’s no such thing as a “due date” with babies. They come at the right
moment. During labor the minutes drag on, but the moment the baby is born
you forget all about it. There is a kairos to be born. Not a kronos to be born.
Get the two confused, and your doctor will talk you into induction and
“emergency” C-Sections because his kronos golf session is in conflict with
your baby’s kairos of birth.
The enneagram works like a
clock with both times. You can
mark how far you are into the
achievement of a goal, how long
is left, and how long it will take
you based on how long it took to
get from each point to the next.
It’s a clock that measures not just
time, but flow. The flow is THE flow.
You can imagine the Milky Way
spinning? It’s spinning in flow.
Planets orbit because of flow. That
flow comes all the way down from
the top right down to you, in this
moment, here with me. Tap into it,
everything goes smoothly. Force it
to adhere to kronos time? Recipe
for disaster.

There are no unreasonable goals.

Just unreasonable timelines.

IIn my workshop, the Enneagram, you will be picking a goal and returning
to it every two weeks. If you come ready to work, and we set a goal that can
be tested in this duration, you will learn the formula as if it were tattooed on
YOUR own hand. You’ll be able to apply it to every other goal in life.

Included with this initiation bundle is an invitation to the first live lesson! I will
teach you how to identify the hardest part of YOUR enneagram, the 3, 6, and
9. We’ll also discuss lines vs. points, moving forward and backwards in time,
and Black, White, and Red Magic.

You have the invitation for the first class in your email, and you can access a
replay through the app.

To get that masterclass, download Safehouse Global in the App or Play

Store, or head to if apps aren’t your thing. Head to
the Discover tab, make a free account, and go to the chat icon to see the

But even without that, if we didn’t manipulate time at all for our own
increased awareness, time is an extremely functional tool that organizes our
human experience here. Because the enneagram is all about organization,
and taking something that seems impossible and making
it very, very possible with an objective to do list, we care about this divine
organizational tool. We BIG care.
When it comes to creating and maintaining new worlds to live in, which is your
right as a human, time offers us continuity. That one vision builds upon the
one before. That things “make sense” in your life.
Instead of bouncing, as if by magic, from one reality to another, eventually
losing sense of who you are and what is “dream” and what is “reality”, you can
build a life. You can build successes. And best of all, you can look backwards
in time space and reflect on what specific steps you took to get here, and feel
a great sense of satisfaction in what you’ve built for yourself.
I’ve had an “overnight job”. My first fiance died of a speedball when I was 27
years old. We had known and loved each other for ten years, and I had been
rehabbing him out of codependency for a year, which wasn’t going well at
all. I had plenty of moments in time to leave him, but I ignored the warnings
and stayed anyways. Well, one night, 9/9/2015 I was pouring Negronis as the
bartender at Lucien in the East Village and I came home to find him dead. The
next day, “as if by magic” I was a teacher. I didn’t plan for it, I certainly didn’t
want it, but time and space had come knocking and it was quite simply my
kairos to stop pouring drinks for the world, get a hold of my codependency,
and be on time for my date with destiny.
If you listen to your inner guidance system well, most transitions can happen
peacefully. For some people, it takes an overnighter, and if that happened to
you - I honor that it wasn’t easy, but fuck if it didn’t get the job done.
For the first 30 years of my life I was always trying to figure out what I did
to deserve such horrible things happening to me. His death was the cherry
on the shit cake. I was born in a doomsday sex cult called the Children of
God where I was vigorously abused on every possible level. Sexual, physical,
emotional, psychological, and spiritual (being told your SOUL is not good
enough to “go up in the sky with Jesus”).

The truth of existence is that time is not a line, with cause to the
left and effect to the right. Sometimes the cause is in the future.

As I was barfing my eyes out on a Peruvian natural DMT known as huilca,

seeing myself get abused in horrific ways as a child, I cried out on my knees
“what did I do to deserve this?”. I saw clearly that I was a teacher, and that the
cause was in the future. That it was not about deserving abuse, it was simply
about the true nature of time.
Sometimes the cause is in the future.
Time is the iOS for Earth. If you didn’t have iOS on your phone, every message,
every social media, every everything would all be happening at once. iOS
lets everything come through at it’s right turn, and this is what timespace
does for you. It’s not your enemy. You’re not late or running out of time, that’s
the propaganda side of it. Time is here for your pleasure. For the organized
experience of continuity in life which helps things feel real, and makes it easy
to differentiate dreams from reality.
Time is God. Space, black matter, that’s also
God. And the original form of time given to
mankind is Breath. When you breathe in slowly,
you take in space (air) and you take in time
(slowing it down in those moments).

As they say in the ancients:

Breathe in, God enters you.

Hold the inhale, God is with you.
Breathe out, you approach God.
Hold the exhale, surrender to God.

In Hinduism they say “Brahma breathes in and out the Universe.”

That is the Protocosmos inhaling and exhaling the entire life of the
If you want to know how “big” you are compared to God, the entire observable
and unobservable Universe is one breath cycle for God.
So now that we have time, I’d like you to make a nice large circle on your
page, giving gratitude for time and how it keeps your life organized. Giving
gratitude for all the kairos moments of your life that brought you here,
whether they went according to your kronos plan for life or not.
All enneagrams begin with the circle. Please draw one reverently.
Chapter Two: The Law of Three

The Law of Three is the Key to the Universe. Like that infamous Nikola
Tesla quote

“If you only understood the magnificence of the 3,6,9, you

would have the key to the Universe”.

It’s not the Key to Earth. It’s the Key to the Universe. Why?

Because the only digestible law that we can see working from the most
minute subatomic functions, to the limits of our observable Universe is the
Law of Three.

Every time I post about Laws someone inevitably quotes this Law of One,
Crowley derived rule about how there’s only one law, and it’s “do what thou
wilt”, basically.

First of all I’d like to point out that Crowley died addicted to heroin, with all
manner of mental did-eases, as did many of the founding members of
various magical orders including but not limited to the Hermetic Order of
the Golden Dawn, Rosicrucians etc. I really recommend, before you devote
deeply to any specific lineage, to look really deeply into the lives of the
founders and ask yourself “Were they happy? Do they seem like #goals to
me?”. When knowledge exceeds understanding it becomes imagination.
When these founders ceased to be able to draw a clear line between the
truth and the imagined truth, things got real fucking sloppy. And not just for
them, but for all their followers as well.

Most spiritual practices

begin on the assumption
that you are a unified,
autonomous human being
that has a nice clear will
and can do whatever it
wants. You’re not. It’s not
“free will” if you’re not free.

You are a legion of

conflicting I’s until you work
to change it.
Don’t believe me?

You wake up in the morning and say, “today I will not pick at my face. I will
meditate, I will eat food I’m proud of, and under no circumstances will I text
this guy.“

Moments later you go to brush your teeth and you see a blackhead on your
chin. This new I takes over the body machine automatically and extracts it,
only to see another, and another. You awaken from your blackhead blackout,
not realizing that you’d been abducted by another “I” . You skip meditation
and go down for breakfast. At one point you had an idea of what breakfast
you would proudly eat, but you lost so much time in the mirror, and lost the
chance to regain consciousness with mediation, that you’re now eating cold
macaroni and cheese with the refrigerator door open because another “I”
wants it more than the first I wanted food they were proud of. The craving to
text the guy is already there, and ten to fifteen different “I’s” will be throwing
their suggestions for what you could say or not say until one of them is strong
enough to POSSESS you to take action, against your “free will”.

No matter how much you want it to be true that you really are a GOD right
now and only need to follow one law that is “follow your free will” , it’s not
really that simple. I don’t mean to be rude to any collective, but if they were
really Gods would their following be like that? Would their outfit be like that?
Could they not use God powers to grow their hair back, get them out of their
psychological or financial mess?

If there is only one law, only one choice, that’s not free will at all. If I say “Hello,
would you like steak for dinner, steak for dinner, or steak for dinner? You have
free will and you can choose, but there’s only one choice.” That’s not a choice!

In the beginning there was one Law, one word, and that was God. The word
was with God, and the word WAS GOD. There was nothing else but infinitely
expanding space. There’s only ONE thing something with EVERYTHING does
not have. That ONE thing is limitations. Without limitations there is no style.
Without limitations there is no tension. Without limitations you can’t measure
growth. Imagine trying to inflate an imaginary balloon. You would be exhaling
and exhaling into nothing. You could not measure how much volume each
breath creates. You bring in the limitation of the rubber balloon and you can
measure the growth, the volume of each breath.

GOD wanted more variety, so it split itself into three so that unique creations
could be built. So that GOD wouldn’t be the only one creating things, because
GOD liked steak for dinner every night and it was good, but it wasn’t new. So
from the one, three were born. In the Earth creation story there was water,
land, and the lesser known third force of space. The symbol Triskelion depicts
this. In the Hindu traditions this is called the trimurti of Brahma, Vishnu, and
Shiva. In Christianity we have the holy trinity of Father. Son. Holy Spirit.
This became the Law of Three, which states that for all
creation to occur three forces are required.
Note: To find your three forces you must clearly define your intention e.g.
feed the customer, attract customers easily

There must be an active, or desiring force. The active force says YES. It
WANTS. This is our Brahma. Our Son. Our sperm.

There must be a passive, or denying force. This is our Shiva. The Holy Spirit.
The passive force says NO. It offers the RESISTING force. If my desiring force
says “the conservative political side is correct” then this denying force says
“the liberal political side is correct”. Neither is correct, but truth requires a
third perspective and if it were not for our denying side, there could be no
truth. There could be no creation. The DENYING force is the most essential
obstacle, creating a detour in the right direction. This is the egg. Yes the egg
picks the sperm, but the egg does not travel to the sperm.
Any time there are two forces present, they are in conflict. Each believes
they are 100% right, and they are each 50% right. Conflict is not the truth of
existence, it’s the illusion, or the maya. There is always a third force, since the
beginning of creation. In Tantra they say “the one became two for the pleasure
of returning to one again”. There’s the male, desiring force. The female,
denying force, and GOD, what neutralizes them, helps them see they’re both
reflecting each other, and brings them back into beautiful harmony.

The third force is the neutralizing force. It says “both/and” instead of “either/or”.
This is Vishnu. The third force is always the setting. It’s always the “God” force.
It’s always the forgotten force. This is the womb.

I’ll give you a really good example.

The year was 2021 and we were in Richmond, VA on our road trip. Most of the
stores and restaurant around didn’t require masks, but I had noticed earlier
that the coffee shop where my husband was planning on picking up breakfast
that morning did require masks. Our bandannas were packed, but I had seen
one hanging on the hook in our Air B and B. I told my husband, as desiring
force, “bring a bandanna in case they make you wear one. There’s one
hanging on the hook.” . My husband, as denying force, comes back without it
and says “there’s not one there.”
Now ladies, you KNOW how frustrating it is when you tell your man to go get
the thing you KNOW is there and they come back and say it’s not there. I wasn’t
crazy, I had seen that damn bandanna there a million times and he’s saying
it’s not there. I say it’s there, and he says it’s not there. We are in conflict.

I give him The Look, he insists it is not there, while I insist it is there. The third
perspective always shows us the truth of both/and. We are both right, and we
are both wrong. So what was the truth?

There WAS a bandanna there, BUT it was dirty so he couldn’t use it. YES, it is
there but NO it cannot be used so the third perspective is that we are both
right, and both united and rerouted to our next goal. He will call in the order
and pick it up from the window instead. This ended up working out really well
timewise for us that day, and since that day when someone directly disagrees
with what I’m saying, for example there are not 48 Laws on humans, just one, I
can agree that they are 50% right.

If there’s conflict, ask to see third force.

If you’re stuck, ask to see third force.
If you don’t know what’s true, ask to see third force. The LAW OF THREE is also
called the LAW OF THE TRIANGLE. Make a triangle mudra with your hands any
time you feel stuck, and remember that there is a third perspective which
neutralizes all conflict.

Most of us do real well in life when we say “YES, I want something, and I’m willing
to do whatever it takes to get it! “. We’re all juiced up on the desiring force, but
when we hit the denying force, which is your first sign that something you want
is working, you get all upset and turn around and go right back home.

Obstacles are detours in the right direction. Every time.

If I DESIRE to write books and be a bestselling author, but I’m flatly DENIED
a publishing contract, that doesn’t mean I’ll never write books and be a
bestselling author. It means I’m being rerouted to my supreme destiny, which
is disrupting the publishing industry with my own unique publishing house. One
that puts cash back in the hands of the authors multiple times a year.

So what are you desiring? How are you being blocked? How is this a detour in
the best possible direction. Put your thumbtips and index tips together and hold
that mudra of the triangle. Ask to see third force! If you know it’s there, there can
be no conflict. A triangle distributes weight evenly.

When you’re done, please take your pen and draw an upright triangle in your
circle, making sure that the points touch the edges of the circle. As you do this,
give thanks for the key to the Universe. . This is a big honor. This is an initiation.
Act accordingly.
When you’re done you can label the top point 0/9 , it’s both zero and nine.
You can label the right hand corner 3, and the left hand corner 6.

These points are always the same. Always. The 0/9 is ALWAYS, ALWAYS,
ALWAYS the cyclical, neutralizing force. Always related to the setting. Always
related to what neutralizes the conflict, or brings the two parties together. In
the Enneagram of feeding the customers, we have three forces. The food,
the customer, and the kitchen. The 0/9 point would be the kitchen, because
we cannot feed the customer or prepare the food without the kitchen. The
customer wants the food (desiring), but the food is not ready (denying), so
the kitchen says “we will make that happen for you.” The preparation begins
in the kitchen with 0, and when the customer is fed we return to the kitchen at
9, and prepare it for it’s next cycle.

The 3 is always, always, always the passive force. ALWAYS. This represents
what we call the “being” of the event, what will be radically transformed.
Once the food at point three has been cooked, it will never, ever ever go back
to raw. It’s what must be transformed, opened forever for magic to occur.

In sex magic, which I also teach, the feminine force is always at this point.
Why? Because the passive receiver, even when you’re rightly on top, has to
be completely transformed, wet, and opened up physically, emotionally, and
psychologically for transformation to occur. If that being is not transformed
from “down” for sex to “so fucking hot for you right now I can’t take another
moment I have to have you”, there’s no magic to be made. The whole thing is
just fucking.

In the enneagram of magic, black magic In the enneagram of magic,

black magic is always at this point. Why? Because your relationship to fear
magic must be transformed. You have to see your fears as essential data,
the obstacle you go around. Black magic isn’t bad, it’s just supposed to be
passive. Warming up the woman is meant to be the lifestyle in sex. Going
around fear is meant to be the lifestyle. You don’t want to get stuck here, not
transforming. At this point, refusing to surrender, black magic becomes the
active principle. It’s sure easy to do. Black magic is so addictive because it’s
just SO easy to get what you want when you know how to make people very
afraid of not giving you what you want. You will definitely, definitely want to
get your hands on the free masterclass. Available on the app!
All politics are black magic. All.
Point Six is always, always, always the desiring force. Always, no matter what.
This is also called the “will” of the event. This is who the event benefits, who it’s
for. If your intention is to make a $1m passive product, you will need to solve a
$1m problem for one person, a $1 problem for one million people, or anything
in between, or below if you want to split hairs. That either one person, or one
million people would always be at the six point. If you try to put yourself here in
the intention to make a $1m product, the math will be all wrong. Instead of you
being radically transformed, developing a matured self concept, and becoming
a new person that then makes a workshop and brings it to the customer, you
would be inviting your customer in, before the product is ready, so that you can
get paid. What I love about the enneagram is that if the math works on paper,
it works in real life, you just follow the steps. If the enneagram doesn’t “go” , it’s
because the math is wrong. Make sure the math checks out before you attempt
anything. In the enneagram of feeding the customer, the customer is at point
six. This is who you’re serving, who the enneagram serves.

You should now have on your paper, a circle with a triangle in it, points touching
edges of the circle, and the first three points should be clearly labeled

Top: 0/9 Right: 3 Left: 6

This right here is exactly what Tesla meant when he said

understanding the magnificence of 3,6,9 was the key to
the Universe. You figure out what three forces are present,
constant, and the rest of the steps write themselves.

Q: What is the core problem this workshop solves? And how do you solve it?

The core problem for my client is confusion, disorganization, and an inability to

guarantee results for yourself or others. The inability to turn a vision into a to-
do list from start to finish. By teaching you an objective system that transcends
into all creations, business or pleasure, grand or simple, for yourself or others,
you approach any and all goals with a system for success that never breaks,
never fails, and is reusable. It takes time to master, but it’s much more efficient
to master one system than attempt to master many, or hire masters for every
single thing you want to accomplish.

Q: Will there be another round of these workshops live?

A: Not for the foreseeable future, this is a big exciting deal and I hope you
make it. An advantage of being in our school, is that you always get live time
from us, and always have us looking at your work.
We have Q&A each and every Friday, in direct response to your questions.
No waiting in line, no waiting through someone’s “I just have a follow-up
question”. You ask a question at any point during the week, and you get an
answer at some point on Friday, depending on what country we’re in. We
tag the channel when all answers are in, and you can go to your question
and hear your real, live, voice memo response.

Q: I’ve seen some other workshops for the Enneagram, how do I know this
one is right for me?

A: You’ve seen other workshops for the Enneagram of Personality, but you
haven’t found anyone else teaching the esoteric Enneagram, or the real
Enneagram. I searched for every mentor I could find on this, they’re deeply
hidden and exorbitantly expensive.
Regarding me:
I always suggest the same criteria for finding a teacher. Do they speak your
language? Have they been where you want to go? If the answer is yes and
yes, this is rare. Do it.

1 Do they speak your language?

2 Have they been where you want to go?

If the answer is yes and yes, this is rare. Do it.

Q: The replays are pre-recorded videos, is that okay?

A: OMG totally. I care the MOST about digital workshops, because I’ve been
taking them consistently since 2012. I love the way they mold to my schedule,
and allow me to further my education at a pace that works for me. I love that
I don’t have to quit a job to train for a new one. Because of this, we specifically
built an app so we could address the not live customers, and check their
homework consistently each week, and answer any questions that come up.
Like my teacher, Idries Shah said:

“Before you give someone a spiritual system, you have to give them a digestive

Our app and support is that system.

You’re invited to come and catch the first lesson free, that invitation is in
your email. We’ll discuss the difference between lines and points on the
enneagram, do a deep dive on Black, White, and Red Magic, and then label
and title our enneagram accordingly. This is the hardest part of doing an
enneagram, and I’ve checked over 500 of them from teaching this workshop.
We’ll do this, and check some homeworks right on the call.
The course structure is simple. Show up for the lecture, do the homework on
the call, and have me check it. The first two are the hardest. We are digital
workshop connoisseurs, so of course we aren’t militant about busy people
like you catching a live call. Feel free to grab a replay, drop your homework
in the app, and I’ll check it for you.

You’re invited to come and catch the first lesson free, that invitation is in
your email. We’ll discuss the difference between lines and points on the
enneagram, do a deep dive on Black, White, and Red Magic, and then label
and title our enneagram accordingly. This is the hardest part of doing
an enneagram, and I’ve checked over 500 of them from teaching this
workshop. We’ll do this, and check some homeworks right on the call.

Chapter Three: the Law of Octaves

The Ray of Creation

Before we can explain the Law of Seven, like we did the Law of Timespace and
the Law of Three, I have to answer a question everyone asks:

“where do we get our laws from?”

Let’s give a little context to introduce us to the magic of Seven here:

The Ray of Creation is an esoteric cosmology that you’ll find in the deep roots
of many practices. I’ve learned from Gurdjieff and Fourth Way, but I’ve seen
similar things in Gnostic texts, Qabalah etc.

Everything event in life, from the “All Worlds” level macrocosm down to the
microcosm, your subatomic particles, will happen in seven steps. These seven
steps are known as an octave. Oct- obviously means eight, and we get eight
from seven because we count the note DO twice, or we include the number
zero when we count to seven.

Because creation began with God, who had one law, and then split itself
into three so that descending powers could also create, this creation began
a descending octave. Descending because nothing is more powerful than
The One, and nothing is above God. We call this descending octave the Ray
of Creation. We’ll look at this first, and then take a closer look at the Law of

Because our octave is descending, we are going to work backwards from Do.
Creation begins with the note DO. DO is short for DOMINI, and this
means God.

GOD has one law, so the beginning note DO has one Law.

After that GOD split into three, which became the note SI. SI is short for
Sidereus Orbi, which you may recognize from Siderean astrology. In the Ray
of Creation we call this “All Worlds” which means the unobservable Universe,
just one step below God. Here to create, you only need to abide by the three
laws, or “ask three people” to make your creation manifest. This is where the
Law of Three begins. This is where GOD gave the desire to duplicate to It’s
creations, along with the tools to.

This is what is meant by “be fruitful and multiply” . This RNA molecule, or urge
to duplicate allowed the octave to continue to create itself. It’s important to
understand that modifying the RNA molecule reduces or ends the desire to

After that, SI could create on it’s own, so it did. It duplicated. It birthed the
note LA, which is short for Lacteus Orbi. Lact- like lactose, meaning “milk”.
Lacteus Orbi = Milky Way, or what we call in the ray “All Suns”. So all the
different solar systems within the Milky Way were birthed from the Sidereus.
LA has six laws, or “six people to ask” in order to make something manifest. It
has six because SI duplicated itself. Three laws plus three laws.

You could think of this descending octave as being the ranks in the army. I
don’t know army terms but I think it would go: The Lieutenant has to ask the
Captain, who has to ask the General. The Lieutenant has to abide by the
Captain’s rules AND the General’s rules. The baby sister has to listen to big
brother’s rules, Dad’s rules, and Mom’s rules. We all know Mami is the real
boss ;)

LA, or World 6 is the highest possible level of enlightenment one could attain.
Jesus Christ, Guatama Buddha - these are your wall of famers at World 6.

After that, LA created SOL. Sol means SUN. The SUN is the ruler of our little
world, the solar system. The Sun has 12 laws, because LA duplicated six plus
six. You have 48, but if you work really hard to enlighten, you could work
yourself out of 42 laws, and only have to “ask 6 people” instead of 48 if you
can manifest something you want.

After SOL comes FA, and FA is short for Fatum. In the ray we call this stop “All
Planets” . All the planets control our fate. We are not autonomous, one-law
human beings. On the contrary, we are constantly shoved and shunted and
nudged around by the planets.
A sister of one of my coworkers was stabbed (and lived) in an Austin
parking lot by some random, literal sword-wielding freak. We ask, what on
Earth brought the desiring force of this random woman, into the blade of
this denying force, the sword wielding killer? Fate did. It wasn’t anything
“on Earth”. It was coming from the planets. Two planets get too close to
each other upstairs, and it expresses as thousands and thousands of
simultaneous, unfortunate run ins with fate.

Fate is what happens when you do not consciously engage with

your life. Destiny is what happens when you do. - Guru Jagat

Everyone always asks “well WHAT ARE THE 48 Laws??”. In the Fourth Way, they
don’t give it to you like that. We’ve covered the Law of Time, the Law of Three,
and the Law of Seven a bit so far. In the Fourth Way you get to learn more
laws at the right moment. Right now it’s a good moment to learn of the Law
of Accident, so I’ll give you that too.

One of the first laws you can work yourself out from under, and in doing so
gain more freedom in life, is the Law of Accident. It’s helpful to consider that
someone in prison is not physically or mentally impaired, they have just
become subject to many more laws than a “free” man or woman would be
to the point where they are no longer free.

The Law of Accident states that when you are under 48 laws, not consciously
engaging in repairing the patterns that run your life, that shit just keeps
happening to you. You find yourself often in the wrong place at the wrong
time, completely maneuvered by the planets. No agency. No destiny. No life.
You are completely OUT of the natural flow of life, the flow of timespace.

When you get out from the Law of Accident you often find yourself in the
right place at the right time. You decide not to get on crashing planes at the
last minute, you don’t go to the store on stab day, and scammers and other
series of discomforts that some people erroneously call “life” just don’t come
for you the way that they used to.

FA gives birth to MI and its 24 laws are doubled to create the 48 we live
under on Earth. MI is short for Mixtus Orbi and Mixtus Orbi is Earth. Mixtus
Orbi means MIXED RULE. On Earth we live under the mixed rule, or illusion of
conflict that FORGETTING third force causes. There’s another law for you. The
Law of Mixed Rulers. Here on Earth we incarnate to play a vicious game called
“Good and Evil, who will win?” . You are born a slave to this game. Early in
life you will flat out forget that the soul has no likes and dislikes, categorizes
nothing as good and evil, it’s all just the workings of your personality. Mixtus
Orbi sucks, because it’s just not the truth of life. But here on World 48 we
are a long ways away from our original state. So far away actually that the
minimum number of laws we will ever live under is 6. But check this out:
World 48, aka MI aka Earth feels like waking up after a good night’s sleep
all the time. When you’re *only* under 48 Laws (instead of 96 when you
choose to be in a bad mood) , you feel like you just woke up from a great
night’s sleep. All day! Even in “conflict”. You feel rested and inspired and
hopeful overall. When I used to live in depression, weed helped me feel like a
good classic 48 law existence. I would eventually have to make my life less
depressing to be able to claim my right to a 48 law existence.

When you’re under 24 laws it feels like COCAINE BABY! LET’S MAKE IT HAPPEN

And when you’re under 12 Laws it feels like peak molly vibes! Feels like the
eternal moment of ecstatic bliss.

Under 6 laws, it feels like the very peak of the first orgasm with someone
you’re so in love with that it feels like fucking on molly.

Earth, aka MI, had a baby named RE and RE is short for Regina Astri which
means Queen Star. RE has 96 laws, because our 48 law existence duplicated
itself into the Moon. The Moon is RE.

Humans are a part of a single organism known as Organic Life on Earth.

Organic Life on Earth’s main function is to feed the moon transmuted
planetary energies. On World 96 the only existence is a mineral existence,
and when you are in a bad mood you actually self impose an additional 48
laws on yourself and descend to moon conditions. You will notice that when
you’re in this state you can only think about how bad you feel. You often
feel unable to move, like a mineral, and you occasionally notice that you’re
trembling with rage or sadness, aka vibrating at a very low speed because
this is all unnatural to you, like a mineral. It’s a habit. We translate planetary
forces from FA into food for the moon. Organic Life on Earth resets every 2.8
million years. You have roughly 460k more years to go before this cycle is
done. Have kids. Eat cake.

After that, we get another DO, and the octave continues to descend into

You‘ll see that we have an interesting diagram to the side of our ray here
depicting a side octave in action. This is the function of humanity. You will
understand more about side octaves in our next chapter.
So who are you?
To be an ideal candidate
for semi-private teaching
from me, you only need
one attribute. You need to
be hungry to learn.

In Zen we say “you have to

come with an empty cup”.

If you come to my tea

ceremony with your own
tea, you have no space to

I’m not trying to prove any kind of superiority here, but if you want to learn I
need you to uncross your arms, resist the urge to show off, and be ready to
learn deeply. A sponge can only absorb so much, and I have so so so much
to give you. Lean back and let me serve you. That’s it. That’s all you gotta do.

The Law of Seven

The Law of Seven makes up the third component of our enneagram, and is
depicted by those not-a-triangle lines, known as the Line of Supervision.

The Line of Supervision shows us how creators, like you and I, can go
backward and forward in time to grab the end result we are looking for, and
reverse engineer it to success.

When it comes to completing an event, we definitely need to move in steady,

chronological time, but when it comes to planning an event, as a creator
would, you’re going to want to time travel. It’s easy. I have “zeitreise” tattooed
on my hand, which is German for time travel.

The intention for the Line of Supervision’s journey is to return from the Law of
Seven into One. Or just from seven into one. If you take one and divide it into
7, you get the number 0.142857 which you’ll notice, has no three variables.

The Law of Octaves is kind of like the Hero’s Journey, and it states that
nothing in nature follows a straight line. If you want to go from A to B, there
will be two specific instances where you will fall off course and get lost.
When you fall off course, or go off key between the notes MI and FA, and SI
and DO, which is where the breaks between the black keys, or the absence of
a semitone, exist at those notes on the piano, the Universe starts sending you
shocks to get you on the correct path again.

The triangle on the enneagram represents the Shocks, and because the
enneagram is a living thing, constantly in motion, it gets three shocks. One to
start, two to sustain.

If you look back at any significant achievement you set out to accomplish in
life, you will see that there were two distinct points where shit got so hard you
almost felt like you had to quit. Maybe you did quit. One was right when you
were experiencing that first bit of momentum after deciding “I believe I can
fly!” and thought it would all be so easy. The other one was riiiiiiight when you
were about to hit the finish line.

Let’s look at Lion King. He’s enjoying the momentum of being an heir, and
then his dad is murdered. He falls off his destiny, and gets heavily distracted
with Timon and Pumbaa. Yes, he is learning valuable things he needs to
succeed and find his unique expression of leadership, but it’s really NOT his
destiny. He can’t live here. He receives shock after shocks until he ultimately
comes back via Nala (played in Black is King by my HOMIE FROM HIGH SCHOOL
Nandi Madida. HOLLA!) and starts his mission up again. Now, just because he
made it back on his path doesn’t mean that it’s going to be smooth sailing.
He almost dies at the hands of Scar, right in between SI and DO, and has to
use all of his force to regain his position. After that he becomes King, it will be
smooth sailing again for a while until he finds himself between the notes MI
and FA of the next octave, and on the cycle continues.
It’s really
important to note
that when you’re
out of flow, or
things are going
wrong, it’s not
because you’re
bad or you’ve
done something
bad or God is mad
at you. That is all

It’s literally LAW to go off course. It’s LAW to fall off octave. When you know
it’s coming because you’ve studied the Enneagram, you can prepare
for it. If you’re prepared for it, you can set the necessary boundaries and
reinforcements, and it’s experienced only as a little turbulence instead of
pain and suffering. When you have no idea that things go off course, not
only do you ignore the shocks and have to get shocked harder, like I did
when my fiance died, but you blame God/Yourself and make a big exoteric
mess out of the whole thing.

To get back on octave when you’ve fallen off, all you need to do is
something called Super Efforts, which we’ll talk about in our course.

This might not seem like a big deal to you but most people quit things
because they can’t handle the turbulence they never saw coming.

Successful people, whether they know of enneagrams or not, have a certain

amount of resilience because they have seen through experience that
nothing goes according to plan.

Look at SKIMS. God knows Kim had obstacles with her and Ye, since he was
such a big influence on the aesthetic and art. And we all remember that
right before launch, when it was set to launch as KIMONO, the whole thing
almost got scrapped. She had to rename, rebrand, relaunch, and redesign
her entire strategy. This is gonna happen every fuckin’ time babe. Right
before you hit that finish line some shit is gonna go down that makes you
want to quit. And actually, you need to complete a whole mini enneagram,
or side octave, to be able to move forward. That’s why we have two three
week breaks in the course.
But Mami, you said two shocks are needed but why are there three in the
enneagram at the three points of the triangle?

The short answer:

Because the Enneagram keeps an event going so you can keep your
momentum instead of losing your hard on the second we stop working

The complex answer (read once and if you don’t get it just come back to it

The shock in between notes MI and FA starts a new octave. That side octave
would begin its DO RE MI at point 3, 4 and 5, meaning it would need its first
shock at point 6 to continue. That shock at 6 would create the DO of your
second necessary side octave, beginning its DO RE ME at points 6, 7, 8 and
need its first shock at point 9 on the enneagram. Every goal in life will set into
motion two side goals. For example Timon and Pumbaa reaching their higher
destiny, and the people oppressed by and hired by Scar would need to find
their correct places in life.

The enneagram is repeatable. It is reusable. It is objective. It does not break.

It does not fail. Some people just literally can’t handle that shit gets hard at
point three and they quit. If you pull this shit, you will get stern Mami. Yes I’m
loving, yes I have compassion for you, but I run a tight fucking ship and a
tight fucking home, and I will call you out if you’re sleeping on the job.
Let’s finish our enneagram.

Since you can already see what points 0/9, 3, and 6 are, please fill in the
numbers like a clock in the missing spaces. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8. Good job. Now, like
connect the dots, add the lines in this order.

1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7, and then back to one.

You make a line from one to four, then from four to two, then from two to eight,
then from eight to five, then from five to seven. While you’re doing this pinball
motion, give honor to the fact that we can bounce forward and backwards in
time easily, whenever we want.

Kronos time goes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 but Kairos time goes 1,4,2,8,5,7, and if you
get the 3,6,9 right - you can calculate the moment for success, and not just
the minute.

If you wanted to use Kairos as a creator can, you would do steps 1,4,2,8,5,7
mentally, and then take your workers through Kronos to get the job done.

If this number feels forgettable to you, you can always find it again by dividing
one into seven.

Just like the points of the triangle are always the same, the points on the Line
of Supervision are always the same. Not only that, but the lines are their own
unique event as well.

That is as much as I can share with the public at this time in the written word.
I’m not permitted to say more unless it’s you hearing me, because like I said,
initiation into second level teachings is an ORAL tradition.

Technically I wasn’t supposed to share more than the Law of Three, but I just
can’t let my babies go without really understanding why the Law is the Law.
You can figure out anything with 3,6,9. You would only need to figure out the
two steps between each shock. But if you don’t want to “figure”, you want to
KNOW what the unchanging points are at 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8, and see how to
breathe life into it, watch the included masterclass. I want to make sure that
you have understood and not just heard. If you have any questions, email my
team at

To get your masterclass, just download Safehouse Global in the App or Play
Store. You can also head to if you’re not a big fan of
apps. Head to the Discover tab, make a free account, and go to the chat icon
to see the threads.
Let’s recap what we’ve learned here, as per our intention.

You learned of the different paths to enlightenment, and the different levels
of spiritual teachings.

You learned of the three kinds of influences, A, B, and C and the role of
magnetic center.

You learned the true meaning of time, and the significance of the circle. We
used a level two (myth) teaching, and a level one (my story) teaching to
help you understand.

You learned the true meaning of the triangle, the Law of Three, and the
function of 3,6,9, through practical examples of cycling, active, and passive
forces. Feel free to bring a question like “what is the neutralizing force in a
narcissist and the victim?” (the reflection).

You learned the Ray of Creation, which is a BIG secret. Welcome.

You learned the Law of Seven with an archetypal (level two) story, and a
relatable, level one case study: SKIMS

You also learned the Law of Accident, and how to use the enneagram to go
forward in time

And you will learn more about the three types of magic, the fixed points
on the Line of Supervision, and the final points of the Enneagram from the
included masterclass.

Now, you’re officially invited to come and catch the first lesson free, that
invitation is in your email. We’ll discuss the difference between lines and
points on the enneagram, do a deep dive on Black, White, and Red Magic,
and then label and title our enneagram accordingly. This is the hardest
part of doing an enneagram, and I’ve checked over 500 of them from
teaching this workshop. We’ll do this lecture, and check some homeworks
right on the call.

Thank you very much for letting me initiate you into this process.


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