MXT Assgn
MXT Assgn
MXT Assgn
Assignment No – 01
1.Draw a suitable block diagram and list the key elements in a generic Mechatronics system.
2. List and define any 8 static or dynamic characteristics of Mechatronics.
3. Using suitable diagram explain the working of optical type proximity sensor.
4. Using a suitable diagram, explain the working of electromagnetic flow sensor.
5. Using suitable sketch explain construction and working of stepper motor.
Assignment No – 02
1.Draw a suitable block diagram and explain working of DAQ system.
2. Write any six exclusive points of comparison between serial and parallel communication.
3. Define the following terms:
a. Bit width
b. Aliasing
c. Sampling Theorem
d. Nyquist Frequency
4. Draw a suitable circuit diagram and explain the working of a sample and hold circuit.
5. Draw a suitable flowchart and explain the working of 4-bit SAR type DAC.
6. Draw a suitable diagram and working 4-bit R-2R type digital to analog converter.
Assignment No – 03
Any Five Problems of Block Diagram Reduction Techniques.
Assignment No – 04
1. Define the following terms: 1. Rise Time 2. % overshoot 3. Delay Time 4. Steady state
2. Write short note on Bode Plot.
3. Write a difference between time domain and frequency domain analysis.
4. Explain the term: 1. Natural frequency 2. Damping Factor.
5. Explain frequency response specifications such as resonant peak, resonant frequency,
band width.
Assignment No – 05
1.Explain derivative control with neat diagram and equation. Why derivative controller cannot
be used alone?
2. Using suitable block diagram explain the working of PID controller in parallel form.
3. Distinguish between PI controller and PID controller.
4. State the advantages and application of PID controller.
5. Explain ON-OFF controller action with block diagram along with natural zone. Also state
the suitable application of ON-OFF controller.
Assignment No – 06
1. Using suitable schematic list, the components in a PLC as well as explain the significance of
each of the components.
2. Explain input module and output module in PLC.
3. List and discuss 5 exclusive criterions for selection of a PLC also write any 5 applications of
4. Explain ON delayed, OFF delayed timers used in PLC programming with one application and
corresponding ladder program.
5. Draw a suitable ladder diagram and explain the application of counter on a PLC.