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The increasingly worldwide problem regarding rapid economy development and a relative
shortage of energy, the internal combustion engine exhaust waste heat and environmental
pollution has been more emphasized heavily recently. Out of the total heat supplied to the
engine in the form of fuel, approximately, 30 to 40% is converted into useful mechanical work;
the remaining heat is expelled to the environment through exhaust gases and engine cooling
systems, resulting in to entropy rise and serious environmental pollution, so it is required to
utilized waste heat into useful work. In recent years, global warming and the limitations in use
of energy resources increase environmental issues of emissions. As waste heat recovering
techniques, such as thermoelectric generator (TEG) is developed .Its implementation in
automobile industry is carried out in many ways. Previous research shows that TEG as a waste
heat harvesting method is useful. Due to distinct benefits of thermoelectric generators, they
have become a promising alternative green technology. Thermoelectric generator direct
converts waste-heat energy into electrical power where it is unnecessary to consider the cost of
the thermal energy input. The application of this technology can also improve the overall
efficiency the of energy conversion systems. Even though output of TEGs are low with available
techniques, feasible electricity generation is possible due to waste heat emitted from the
automobile (internal combustion engine operation).
Keywords: Waste heat, Heat Blower, Heat Recovery, TEGs, Electricity etc.


Recent trend about the best ways of using the deployable sources of energy in to useful
work in order to reduce the rate of consumption of fossil fuel as well as pollution. Out of all the
available sources, the internal combustion engines are the major consumer of fossil fuel around
the globe. Out of the total heat supplied to the engine in the form of fuel, approximately, 30 to
40% is converted into useful mechanical work. The remaining heat is expelled to the

environment through exhaust gases and engine cooling systems, resulting in to entropy rise and
serious environmental pollution, so it is required to utilized waste heat into useful work.
The Internal Combustion Engine has been a primary power source for automobiles and
automotives over the past century. Presently, high fuel costs and concerns about foreign oil
dependence have resulted in increasingly complex engine designs to decrease fuel consumption.
In this project we are generating electrical power as non-conventional method by heat energy
Non-conventional energy systems very essential at this time to our nation. Non-conventional
energy using is converting mechanical energy into the electrical energy. Here in this project a
mechanical arrangement is made. Use of embedded technology makes this system efficient and
reliable. Voltage measurement unit allows dynamic and faster control. Liquid crystal display
(LCD) makes the system user-friendly.
In this project the conversion of the Heat energy in to electrical energy. By using this
energy fan will operates and the energy is stored in a battery. The control mechanism carries
the A.C ripples neutralizer, unidirectional current controller and 12V, from this battery supply
will pass to the inverter and it is used to drive AC/DC loads. The battery is connected to the
inverter. This inverter is used to convert the 12 Volt D.C to the 230 Volt A.C. This 230 Volt
A.C voltage is used to activate the loads. We are using conventional battery charging unit also
for giving supply to the circuitry.
In this project we are using TEP Transducer .Transducer is a device which converts
one form of energy in to another form of energy. This includes electrical, mechanical, light and
heat energy also. While the term transducer commonly implies the use of sensors/detector any
device which converts energy considered as Transducer.


Most of the recent research activities on applications of thermoelectric power generation

have been directed towards utilisation of industrial waste heat [1]. Vast amounts of heat are
rejected from industry, manufacturing plants and power utilities as gases or liquids at
temperature which are too low to be used in conventional generating units (<450 K).

In this large-scale application, thermoelectric power generators offer a potential alternative
of electricity generation powered by waste heat energy that would contribute to solving the
worldwide energy crisis, and the same time help reduce environmental global warming. In
particular, the replacement of by-heat boiler and gas turbine by thermoelectric power generators
makes it capable of largely reducing capital cost, increasing stability, saving energy source, and
protecting environment.

1) Electric Power Generation Potential Based on Waste Heat and Geothermal Resources
in South Africa , Changwei Liu, 2Stanford University, USA , Stanford University,
Stanford, California, February 11-13, 2019 .

2) In this paper, researcher suggests that, on tapping these untapped heat resources, a
thermoelectric generator (TEG) is proposed for geothermal power generation in this
study. TEG technology is capable of converting heats into electricity directly with less
or no mechanical work involved, and at a cheaper cost as compared to the traditional
high-cost technologies, such as Steam Rankine Cycle (SRC), Organic Rankine Cycle
(ORC) technology and etc. Moreover, economic a7 Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 40450
Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. The 7th International Conference on Applied Energy –

This paper presents the investigation of power generation using the combination of heat pipes
and thermo-electric generators. A majority of thermal energy in the industry is dissipated as
waste heat to the environment. This waste heat can be utilized further for power generation. The
related problems of global warming and dwindling fossil fuel supplies has led to improving the
efficiency of any industrial process being a priority. One method to improve the efficiency is to
develop methods to utilize waste heat that is usually wasted. Two promising technologies that
were found to be useful for this purpose were thermoelectric generators and heat pipes.
Therefore, this project involved making a bench type, proof of concept model of power
production by thermoelectric generators using heat pipes and simulated hot air. The laboratory
experiment of the proposed system was obtained with a counter flow air duct heat exchanger.
The results obtained show an increase in the ratio of mass flow rate in upper duct to lower duct
has a positive effect on the overall system performance. A higher mass flow rate ratio results in

a higher amount of heat transfer and higher power output. The proposed system can be used for
waste heat recovery from the industry where thermal energy is used in their daily process.

3) Experimental Study on the Effects of Flow Rate and Temperature on Thermoelectric

Power Generation , Kewen Li , 1Stanford University, Stanford, CA94305, USA ,
Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 11-13, 2019.

The application of low enthalpy thermal resources, especially power generation, has been one
of the hot research areas in recent years. Most of the current commercialized thermal, including
geothermal, power-generation technologies convert thermal energy to electric energy indirectly,
that is, making mechanical work before producing electricity. Technology using thermoelectric
generators (TEG), however, can transform thermal energy into electricity directly by using the
Seebeck effect. TEG technology has many advantages such as compactness, quietness, and
reliability because there are no moving parts. One of the great challenges for TEG to be used
for power generation is large-scale utilization. It is difficult to manufacture a TEG system even
at the scale of a few kilowatts (kW). To this end, we have designed a five-layer TEG apparatus
that can be installed with modularized units. Such a system with a layered structure could be
expanded in power, something similar to solar Photovoltaics (PV). In this study, laboratory
experiments were conducted to measure the power output at different flow rates of water,
different temperature, and different temperature differences between hot and cold sides. The
five-layer TEG device could generate about 45.7 W electricity with a temperature difference of
72.2°C between cold and hot sides. The power of each module was about 0.51 W at this
temperature difference. The experimental data can be applied to the design of commercial TEG

• Other Survey
1:- Jihad G. Haidar, Jamil I. Ghojel, “waste heat recovery from the exhaust of low- power Diesel
engine using thermoelectric generators, 20TH international conference on
thermoelectric(2001), p413-417 From literature survey 1 we studied how to recover waste heat
and how to utilize waste heat from different industries.
2. Mariem SAIDA, Ghada ZAIBI, Mounir SAMET, Abdennaceur KACHOURI, A new design
of thermoelectric generator for health monitoring, 2017 International Conference on Smart,
Monitored and Controlled Cities (SM2C), Kerkennah, Tunisia, February, 17-19, 2017, p 59-63
, From literature survey 2 we analysed about thermoelectric generator and its specification.
3. Ahaad Hussein Alladeen, Shanshui Yang, Yazhu Liu, Feng Cao, Thermoelectric waste heat
recovery with cooling system for low gradient temperature using power conditioning to supply
28V to a DC bus, 2017 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia-Pacific
(ITEC Asia-Pacific), 2017 , From literature survey 3 we studied different types of cooling
system and different types of coolant.
4. Arash Edvin Risseh, Electrical Power Conditioning System for Thermoelectric Waste Heat
Recovery in Commercial Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on transportation electrification, 2018,
p 2-16 , From literature survey 4 we got an idea about how to recover the waste heat from
automobile application
5. T.J Zhu, Y.Q. Cao, F. Yan And X.B. Zhao, nano structuring and Thermoelectric properties
of Semiconductor Tellurides, 2007 International Conference on Thermo electrics. From
literature survey 5 we knew about thermoelectric materials and its properties.


The current research focuses on a technology capable of directly converting the thermal
energy contained in exhaust gas into electric power. It invented an exhaust gas-based
thermoelectric power generator for an industrial application in this research work. The heat
source for the thermoelectric power generator is provided by the exhaust gases in the pipe. As
a result, this project proposes and implements a thermoelectric waste heat energy recovery
system from running machines' exhaust heat.
This invention relates to the Internal Combustion Engine. Among all research directions,
waste heat recovery (WHR) is most concerned, due to the widespread existence and high
accessibility of suitable resources. According to India Bureau of Energy Efficiency , the benefits
of WHR includes reduction in the process consumption and costs, reduction in pollution and
equipment sizes, and also reduction in auxiliary energy consumption. While there are a number
of devices to fulfill WHR, thermoelectric generator (TEG) has been utilized in most automotive

applications. A thermoelectric power generator is a solid s device which waste heat energy into
electrical energy which works on seebeck effect and peltier effect.


In recent years, global warming and the limitations in use of energy resources increase
environmental issues of emissions. The possibilities of thermoelectric systems’ contribution to
“green” technologies, specifically for waste heat recovery from industry exhausting flue gases.
Vast quantities of waste heat are discharged into the earth’s environment much of it at
temperatures which are too low to recover using conventional electrical power generators.

The proposed structure is a distributed multi-section and multi-stage network. The target is to
tackle problems facing the traditional single-stage system and to advance TEG application in
automotive settings.

• Possibility Of Heat Recovery And Availability From I.C. Engine

Waste heat is heat, which is generated in a process by way of fuel combustion or

chemical reaction, and then “dumped” into the environment even though it could still be reused
for some useful and economic purpose. This heat depends in part on the temperature of the
waste heat gases and mass flow rate of exhaust gas. Waste heat losses arise both from equipment
inefficiencies and from thermodynamic limitations on equipment and processes. For example,
consider internal combustion engine approximately 30 to 40% is converted into useful

mechanical work. The remaining heat is expelled to the environment through exhaust gases and
engine cooling systems [4]. It means approximately 60 to 70% energy losses as a waste heat
through exhaust (30% as engine cooling system and 30 to 40% as environment through exhaust
gas). Exhaust gases immediately leaving the engine can have temperatures as high as 842-
1112°F [450-600°C]. Consequently, these gases have high heat content, carrying away as
exhaust emission. Efforts can be made to design more energy efficient reverberatory engine
with better heat transfer and lower exhaust temperatures; however, the laws of thermodynamics
place a lower limit on the temperature of exhaust gases [5]. Fig. 2.1 show total energy
distributions from internal combustion engine.

Fig. 1 Total Fuel Energy Content in I. C. Engine

Table I. Various Engine and There Output

The table I. shows that various engine and there power ranges.


• To study the available literature and research on TEG application and its
• To find out the suitable working of Heat to electricity through TEG Module and
collect the literature on the studies
• To develop the experimental setup for the investigation
• To conduct testing and sample run
• To conduct final experimentation and compile
• To analyze the Result.
The current research is focusing on a technology, which is able to convert the thermal energy
contained in the exhaust gas directly into electric power. In this project concept it invented
exhaust gas-based thermoelectric power generator for an industry application. In this invention,
the exhaust gas gases in the pipe provide the heat source to the thermoelectric power generator.

So, this project proposes and implements a thermoelectric waste heat energy recovery
system from the exhaust heat from running machineries. The key is to directly convert the heat
energy from automotive waste heat to electrical energy using a thermoelectric generator. While
the electric power generation by such a system is able to generate is still relatively small at a
maximum of 10 W from a single TEG module, rapid progress in materials research can make
the ambitious objective of generating higher watts by all means of feasible proposition.



6.1. Block Diagram

Fig. 1. Block Diagram

Fig.2. Experimental Setup

6.2. Working

In this project concept it invented exhaust gas-based thermoelectric power generator for
a Waste trash application. In this invention, the exhaust gas gases in the pipe provide the heat
source to the thermoelectric power generator. So, this project proposes and implements a
thermoelectric waste heat energy recovery system from the exhaust heat from the running
machineries in industries. The key is to directly convert the heat energy from industries waste
heat to electrical energy using a thermoelectric generator.

This electric energy produce it drive the dc motor with blade. When temperature of heat
regulates the speed of dc motor is also regulates. At input end one temperature senor is also
placed to measure the temperature.
This electric energy is also stored into battery. After which it connected to inverter module. It
converts DC voltage to AC voltage. And output connected to AC load which operate on power
which is produce form whole operation.
In this way we are using TEP Transducer .Transducer is a device which converts one
form of energy in to another form of energy. This includes electrical, mechanical, light and heat

energy also. While the term transducer commonly implies the use of sensors/detector any device
which converts energy considered as Transducer.

6.3. Benefits

• TEGs are solid-state device, which means that they have no moving parts during their
operations. No moving parts so maintenance required is less frequently, no
chlorofluorocarbons. Temperature control to within fractions of a degree can be
maintained, flexible shape, very small size.
• TEGs can be used in environments that are smaller or more severe than conventional
refrigeration. TEG has long life, and also it can be controllable by changing the input


7.1. Application
• As discussed in section TEGs are used to develop electricity from waste heat released
from EGP due to combustion of fuel and from power plants and some industries due to
flue gases from chimneys.

7.2. Scope of the Study

• By using thermoelectric generator connecting in series /parallel we can generate the

power for maximum level
• Even body heat also generate the heat that can be utilizing by using TEG to generate the
power to charge the portable equipment like laptop mobile etc
• By installed in the vehicle above the radiator means the vehicle battery will charge self.

7.3. Advantages
• Clean, Noise less , Cost is less .
• This is a Non-conventional system ,No fuel is require
• Easy maintenance, portable, Charging time is less (maximum temp)
• Promising technology for solving power crisis to an affordable extent.
• Simple in construction, Pollution free, Reduces transmission losses.
• Wide areas of application# Required less space
• It can be use at any time when it necessary.
• Less number of parts required.
• we can charge any electronic devices
• Electricity can used for many purposes
• Efficient and eliminate the grid searching.



Waste heat recovery entails capturing and reusing the waste heat from waste trash and
using it for generating electrical work. It would also help to recognize the improvement in
performance and emissions of the engine or machineries if these technologies were adopted by
the production waste trash.
If this concept of thermoelectric system is taken to the practical level then there will be
large amount of electricity can be generated, which will be used to run industrial load itself.
Also large amount of wastage heat for pollution is also uses in this system in continue manner.
And such waste trash also somehow help to protect the environmental pollution.
, Oregon 97062

KTH Information and Communication Technology, Thermoelectric-Generator-Based DCDC
Conversion Network for Automotive Applications. Master of Science Thesis Stockholm,
Sweden 2011.Trita-ICT-EX-2011:58.Molanli.

8) Rowe DM, Min G. Evaluation of thermoelectric modules for power generation. J Power
Sources 1998; 73: 193-198.
9) Stevens JW. Optimal design of small 􀀁T thermoelectric generation systems. Energy
Conversion and Management 2001; 42: 709-720.
10) Rowe DM. Thermoelectric waste heat recovery as a renewable energy source. Int J
Innov Energy Syst Power 2006; 1: 13-23.

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