• Eight states―Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and
Sri Lanka.
• There are currently nine Observers to SAARC,
namely: (i) Australia; (ii) China; (iii) the
European Union; (iv) Iran; (v) Japan; (vi) the
Republic of Korea; (vii) Mauritius; (viii)
Myanmar; and (ix) the United States
of America.
• The SAARC Secretariat was established in
Kathmandu on 16 January 1987. Its role is to
coordinate and monitor the implementation
of SAARC activities, service the meetings of
the association and serve as the channel of
communication between SAARC and other
international organizations.
Evolution of SAARC
• The South Asian Association for Regional
Cooperation was formed under Article 52 of
the United Nations’ Charter providing
existence of regional arrangements or
agencies for dealing with such matters,
relating to the maintenance of international
peace and security with the purpose and
principles of UN charter.
• It was established on 8th December, 1985.
• The basic aim of the Association is to
accelerate the process of economic and social
development in member countries through
joint action in the agreed areas of
• The idea of regional cooperation in South Asia
was first initiated by late President Zia-
UrRehman of Bangladesh who visited Nepal,
India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka during 1977- 78
to explore the possibilities of regional
economic cooperation among the SAARC
• The first meeting of the foreign secretaries of
the seven countries, viz., Bangladesh, Bhutan,
India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
was held in Colombo (Sri Lanka) in April 1981
for regional cooperation.
• It was agreed that regional cooperation
should be based on mutual
trust,understanding and sympathetic
appreciation of the national aspirations of all
the countries of the SAARC region.
• It led to the identification of five broad areas,
for regional cooperation viz.,Agriculture, Rural
Development, Telecommunications,
Meteorology, Health and population
• i.To promote the welfare of the peoples of
South Asia and to improve their quality of life;
• ii. To accelerate economic growth, social
progress and cultural development in the
region and to provide all individuals the
opportunity to live in dignity and to realise
their full potentials;
• iii. To promote and strengthen collective
selfreliance among the countries of South
• iv. To contribute to mutual trust, understanding and
appreciation of one another's problems;
• v. To promote active collaboration and mutual
assistance in the economic, social, cultural,technical
and scientific fields;
• vi. To strengthen cooperation with other developing
• vii. To strengthen cooperation among
themselves in international forums on matters
of common interests; and
• viii. To cooperate with international and
regional organizations with similar aims and
SAARC Achievements
• Free Trade Area (FTA): SAARC is comparatively
a new organization in the global arena. The
member countries have established a Free
Trade Area (FTA) which will increase their
internal trade and lessen the trade gap of
some states considerably.
• SAPTA: South Asia Preferential Trading
Agreement for promoting trade amongst the
member countries came into effect in 1995.
• SAFTA: A Free Trade Agreement confined to
goods, but excluding all services like
information technology. Agreement was
signed to reduce customs duties of all traded
goods to zero by the year 2016.
• SAARC Agreement on Trade in Services
(SATIS): SATIS is following the GATS-plus
'positive list' approach for trade in services
• SAARC University: Establish a SAARC university
in India, a food bank and also an energy
reserve in Pakistan.
Significance for India
• Neighbourhood first: Primacy to the country’s
immediate neighbours.
• Geostrategic significance: Can counter China
One Belt One Road (OBOR initiative,2013)
through engaging Nepal, Bhutan, the Maldives
and Sri Lanka in development process and
economic cooperation.
• Regional stability: SAARC can help in creation of
mutual trust and peace within the region.
• Global leadership role: It offers India a platform to
showcase its leadership in the region by taking up
extra responsibilities.
• Game changer for India’s Act East Policy: by linking
South Asian economies with South East Asia will
bring further economic integration and prosperity to
India mainly in the Services Sector.
• Low frequency of meetings: More
engagement is required by the member states
and instead of meeting biennial meetings
should be held annually.
• Broad area of cooperation leads to diversion
of energy and resources.
• Limitation in SAFTA: The implementation of
SAFTA has not been satisfactory a Free Trade
Agreement confined to goods, excluding all
services like information technology.
• Indo-Pak Relations: Escalated tension and
conflict between India and Pakistan have
severely hampered the prospects of SAARC.
Way Forward
• In a region increasingly targeted by Chinese
investment and loans, SAARC could be a
common platform to demand more
sustainable alternatives for development, or
to oppose trade tariffs together, or to demand
better terms for South Asian labour around
the world.
• SAARC, as an organisation, reflects the South
Asian identity of the countries, historically and
contemporarily. This is a naturally made
geographical identity. Equally, there is a
cultural, linguistic, religious and culinary
affinity that defines South Asia.
• The potential of organisation to maintain
peace and stability in the region should be
explored by all the member countries.
• SAARC should be allowed to progress
naturally and the people of South Asia, who
make up a quarter of the world’s population
should be offered more people-to-people
SAARC Summits