The nature and scope of history can be explained as under:
1. History is The Study of Man: History deals with man’s struggle through the ages. History is not static. By selecting innumerable biographies and presenting their lives in the appropriate social context and the ideas in the human context, we understand the sweep of events. It traces the charming story of how man has developed through the ages, how man has studied to use and control his environment and how the present institutions have grown out of the past. 2. History is Concerned with Man in Time: It deals with a series of events and each event occurs at a given point in time. Human history, in fact, is the process of human development in time. It is time which affords a perspective to events and provides a charm that brightens up the past.
3. History is a Study of The Present in The Light of The Past:
The present has evolved out of the past. Modern history enables us to understand how society has come to its present form so that one may wisely interpret the sequence of events. The causal relationships between the selected are discovered that help in revealing the nature of happenings and framing of general laws. 4. History is Analysis Based Knowledge: The selected happenings are not merely narrated. The casual relationship between them are properly discovered. The tracing of these relationships lead to the development of general laws that are also compared and contrasted with similar happenings in other social groups to improve the reliability and validity of these laws.
5. History is Continual and Coherent:
Continuity and coherence are the necessary requisites of history. It means that history carries the burden of human progress as it is passed down from generation to generation, from society to society. Justifying the essence of continuity. 6. History is Relevant Discipline: In the study of history only those events are included which are relevant to the understanding of the present life. 7. History is up Comprehensive: According to modern concept, history is not confined to one period or country or nation. It also deals with all aspects of human life-political, social, economic, religious, literary, aesthetic and physical, giving a clear sense of world unity and world citizenship. 8. History is Multidimensional and Multisided: All aspects of life of a social group are closely interrelated and historical happenings cover all these aspects of life, not limited only to the political aspect that had so long dominated history. 9. History is Concerned With Man in Space: History describes about nations and human activities in the context of their physical and geographical environment. Out of this arise the varied trends in the political, social, economic and cultural spheres of man's activities and achievements. 10. History is Objective Record of Happenings: Every safety measure or precaution is taken to base the data on original sources and make them free from subjective interpretation. It helps in clear understanding of the past and enables us to take well informed decisions. 11. History is a Dialogue between the Past Events Future Ends: It is a dialogue between the events of the past and progressively emerging future ends. The historian's interpretation of the past, his selection of the significant and the relevant events, evolves with the progressive emergence of new goals. The general laws regulating historical happenings may not be considered enough, attempts have to be made to predict future happenings on the basis of the laws.