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ABSTRACT. Cabbage (Brassica oleraceae L.) is one of the most economically important
vegetable grown for fresh and processed markets. There are no properly developed maturity
indices for the crop and therefore, the present study was conducted to determine maturity
indices for harvesting of cabbage to ensure optimum field yield, processed yield and
acceptable product quality for local fresh produce and processing markets as well as
potential export markets.
The experiment was executed for the variety “Green Coronet”. The heads were
harvested at eight different maturity stages namely 60, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105 and 110
days after planting (DAP). Then they were analysed for physico-chemical and physiological
parameters such as head weight, diameter, firmness, specific gravity, moisture, dry matter,
total soluble solids (TSS), pH, ascorbic acids and rate of respiration. They were also
analysed for disease index (DI), visual quality rating (VQR) and weight loss under ambient
storage. A sensory evaluation test was also conducted.
The results revealed that commercial maturity of cabbage achieved at 75-80 DAP
under dry zone conditions (temperature of 28±2oC and relative humidity (RH) of 69% -
78%) in Sri Lanka. So that, for fresh market, cabbage can be harvested when the weights of
the heads were 1.2 - 1.5 kg, diameter of 11 cm, firmness of 8 kg, specific gravity of 0.78 -
0.86 and at the moisture content of 91% (weight basis). Heads harvested at this stage can
also be used for processing markets as they contained high amount of TSS and dry matter
while low in pH. For long-term storage, harvesting of heads at 75 - 80 DAP is the best
maturity stage since the rate of weight loss was minimum while good VQR and low disease
incidences could be achieved.
Depertment of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Applied Science, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri
Lanka, Buththala, Sri Lanka.
Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya. Sri Lanka.
Institute of Post Harvest Technology, Research and Development Center, Jayanthi mawatha, Anuradhapura.
Sri Lanka.
Champa et al.
Cabbage (Brassica oleracea sub sp. capitata L.) is the most important member of
the group “cole crops” and is one of the important vegetable crops in the world. Cabbage
ranks high among vegetables for nutritive value. It is rich in minerals such as phosphorus,
potassium, calcium and, ion and vitamins such as A and C (Ryder, 1979).
Sri Lanka produced an annual average cabbage yield of 52,220 t from a cultivated
area of 2,891 ha at an average yield of 18.2 t/ha in 2003 (FAOSAT, 2007). Cabbage thrives
best in a relatively cool and moist climate. The major growing areas in the country are
Badulla, Marassana, Mahaweli H zone, Naula and Nuwara Eliya. There are several cultivars
recommended by the Department of Agriculture (DOA) for cultivation. Among these,
Exotic and Herculis are recommended for the up-country wet zone where as Exotic, AS
cross and KY cross are recommended for mid-country areas (Anon, 2003). However, there
are many hybrids available in the market as they develop a good crop stand and have higher
heading, early maturity and uniform sized compact heads. They are namely Royal Sluis,
Green 123, Green Coronet, Golden Cross, GS Cabbage and Tropicana.
Gains in yields are often offset by postharvest losses from the stage of harvesting
until the produce reaches the final consumer or processor. The postharvest losses of durables
range between 10 - 20% and 30 - 40% for perishables (Anon, 2001) which could have been
used in reducing poverty and hunger, malnutrition and loss of export earnings. The value of
those losses has been estimated to be 12 - 13 billion rupees, and fruits and vegetables
contribute more than eight billion rupees (Anon, 2001). Postharvest losses of cabbage are
totalled to 25% which, occurred at the producer (4%), collector (7%), wholesaler (9%) and
at the retailer (5%) levels, (Sarananda, 2000). The major causes for these losses are
harvesting at an over mature stage that indicated by cracks in heads and due to mechanical
damages caused by rough handling during harvesting and poor packing in polyethylene
sacks. Mechanical damage that take place in poly stacks during distribution resulted in
cracks and cuts through which the cabbage lost moisture and became susceptible to
microbial attack.
According to Salunkhe and Desai (1984) cabbage cultivars generally mature within
62 to 110 days from field setting at low elevations and from 81 to 125 days at high
elevations. The important quality characteristics of fresh market cabbage are colour,
firmness, crispness and freedom from decay and rot (Ryder, 1979). Cabbage approaching
maturity does not exhibit readily detectable changes, as such harvesting too early will results
in loose unfilled heads while late harvesting may result in cracked or rotted heads. Research
Maturity Indices for Harvesting of Cabbage
by Isenberg et al. (1975) suggests that most cabbage cultivars are ready for harvest when
they reach a specific gravity of 0.72 - 0.80 and a weight of 2.2 -3.0 kg. However, these may
vary according to climatic conditions in the area and cultural practices that are adopted.
Hence, it is very beneficial to develop maturity indices for cabbages that are grown in Sri
Lanka as there are no such indices developed yet.
Therefore, this study was conducted to determine subjective and objective indices for
harvesting of cabbage (B. oleraceae) at correct stages of maturity in order to ensure
optimum field yield, processed yield and acceptable product quality in terms of storage life
and palatability characteristics targeting local fresh produce and processing markets as well
as potential export markets.
The field experiments were conducted during Maha season 2004/2005, at the
Institute of Postharvest Technology (IPHT), Anuradhapura situated in the dry zone. Cabbage
variety Green Coronet was selected for the study, as it is widely cultivated in the area.
Cabbage seeds were sown in containerized plant nurseries and one month old healthy
vigorous seedlings were selected for field planting. A land area of 200 m2 was selected and
it was ploughed to a depth of 30 - 40 cm. Then six raised beds were prepared each in size of
3 x 9.4 m. Each plot was separated by a 30 cm wide drain. Planting holes of 30 x 30 x 30 cm
were made by maintaining an inter row spacing of 50 cm and intra row spacing of 40 cm.
Each hole was added 3 kg of cow dung, one week before the establishment of seedlings. The
basal dressing was applied according to recommendations made by the DOA (Anon, 2003)
prior to establishment of seedlings and cultural practices were carried out according to their
recommendations. Each plot was consisted of 138 plants and 84 plants were selected from
the middle four rows of the bed for data collection. So that, total of 504 plants was used for
the experiment. Measures were taken to maintain homogeneity of all the field operations.
The experimental design was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replicates
and each replicate was consisted of 21 plants.
Cabbage heads were harvested randomly from the field at eight different maturity
stages, starting from 60 days after planting (DAP) and at 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105 and
110 DAP. Heads were harvested in the morning at 8.00 - 10.30 a.m, put into plastic crates
and transported to the laboratory.
Head weight was recorded using a top loading balance (OHAUS, model ARA520).
And the diameter was calculated after measuring the perimeters of heads. The firmness of
heads was measured by using a digital fruit firmness tester (TURONI, model 53205).
Specific gravity was measured by water displacement method (Szczesniak, 1983). Moisture
content and dry matter were determined gravimetrically by the oven dry method (Mammert,
model ULE 500).
Champa et al.
Chemical parameters such as total soluble solids (TSS), pH and ascorbic acids were
determined as given below. A representative sample of finely cut pieces of cabbage heads
were obtained and chopped using motar and pestle. TSS content of the juice was directly
measured using a hand refractrometer (ATAGO, model: HR-5) by squeezing the juice with a
clean piece of cloth on to the cleaned sensor and reading was reported as Brix. To measure
the pH, chopped samples were put into centrifuge tubes with 15 ml of distilled water and
were centrifuged for 20 min. Aqueous extract was separated to a beaker and pH was
measured using a pH meter (Thermoorion, model 230A+).
To measure the ascorbic acids, 10 g of chopped cabbage sample from each maturity
stage were put into centrifuge tubes and 15 mL of 0.25% oxalic acid were added. The
samples were centrifuged for 20 min. Aqueous extract was separated into 100 mL
volumetric flasks and volumrized up to the mark with 0.25% oxalic acid solution. Ten (10)
ml of sample solution was pipetted into a conical flask and was titrated with 2, 6 dichloro-
phenol indophenol, as described by Askar and Treptow (1993).
The rate of respiration was measured as described below. Cabbage heads were
weighed and were placed in air-tight containers with constant volumes (28.32 l) at
temperature of 29oC and kept for one hr. A 3 mL of gas sample from the head space was
collected and injected to Gas Chromatography (GC) (VARIAN, CP-3800). Carbon dioxide
was measured using flame-ionized detector (FID). Helium was used as the carrier gas at a
flow rate of 60 mL/min. Column oven and FID temperatures were of 140oC and 300oC,
Evaluation of storability
Weight loss during storage under ambient conditions (28±2oC and Relative
humidity (RH) of 69 - 78%) was measured using the top loading balance at three day
intervals and weight difference to the original weight was recorded as the percentage weight
loss. The heads were tested for diseases using a disease index (0-4), i.e.:0 = no disease
symptoms, 1 = minimal, 1- 5% of heads having disease symptoms, 2 = moderate, 6 - 10% of
heads having disease symptoms, 3 = less severe, 11 - 25% of heads having disease
symptoms, 4 = severe, more than 26% of heads having disease symptoms. External
appearances of the heads were recorded by using the following ranking system. i.e.: 5 =
excellent fresh appearance, 4 = better, slight freshness, 3 = moderate freshness, 2 = Severe,
more than 10% of outer leaves wilted but marketable after removing those outer leaves, 1 =
not marketable.
Sensory evaluation
Sensory evaluation test was conducted for six maturity stages i.e. 60, 75, 85, 90,
100 and 105 DAP. Cabbage heads were shredded into approximately 2.5 cm pieces and
representative samples from each maturity stage were steamed for 2 min by adding the same
amount of salt. And those were presented in identical dishes, coded with 3-digit random
numbers to 15-non-trained panelists. The panelists were given a ballot and advised to rank
coded samples for acceptance in the order of most acceptable (rank value 6) to least
acceptable (rank value 1).
Maturity Indices for Harvesting of Cabbage
Note: Means in a column with the same letter are not significantly different (at P = 0.05).
The lowest head weight and diameter were recorded at 60 days after planting
(DAP) while the maximum head weight and diameter were attained at 90 - 105 DAP. Then
both weight and diameter were decreased. Removal of more and more wrapper leaves,
Champa et al.
which were curled backward and became pale with blemishes and cracks, appeared to be the
reason for the reduction in both head weight and diameter with maturity. Isenberg et al.
(1975) reported that cabbage is ready for harvesting when they reach a weight of 2.2 - 3.0
kg. He also reported that this could vary according to climatic conditions in the area and
cultural practices that are adopted. In this trial cabbage variety Green Coronet was ready for
harvesting when the weights of the heads were 1.3 - 1.5 kg and at a diameter of 11 cm.
The firmness of cabbage heads decreased with maturity and there was a significant
difference among different maturity stages. Firmness is an indirect indication of the texture,
and increase in crispness of heads might have caused to reduce the head firmness with
maturation. Firmness and crispness are important quality parameters for fresh market
cabbages (Ryder, 1979). Therefore, based on firmness cabbage variety, Green Coronet is
ready for harvesting when the head firmness reached to 8 kg which achieved during 75 - 95
Specific gravity
The specific gravity of cabbage variety Green Coronet was not significantly
variable with respect to different stages of maturity. However, with the increase of diameter,
volume of heads increased while specific gravity decreased. Isenberg et al. (1975) suggested
that most cabbage cultivars are ready for harvesting when they reach a specific gravity of
0.72 - 0.80. A high specific gravity of 0.78 - 1.04 observed in this study could be due to the
low volume of heads under variable climatic conditions and cultural practices.
There was a significant difference in moisture content and percentage dry matter
with different stages of maturity. The moisture content was high and percentage dry matter
was low when heads were harvested at early mature stages (i.e. 60 DAP). Increasing
maturity, the moisture content decreased while percentage dry matter increased. As far as
processing markets are concerned having low moisture and high dry matter are
advantageous. Therefore, based on moisture and dry matter, harvesting of cabbage variety
Green Coronet after 75 DAP can be suggested.
The variability of chemical properties namely, total soluble solid content (TSS), pH
and ascorbic acid content of cabbage variety Green Coronet with the maturity of heads are
given in Table 2.
The TSS of cabbage variety Green Coronet varied within 3.17 - 5.33% while the
juice pH varied in the range of 5.65 - 6.54 with the stage of maturity at harvesting.
However, there were slight irregularities in the pattern of variation and it might be due to the
inherent variability and also the influence of climatic factors.
Maturity Indices for Harvesting of Cabbage
Table 2. Total soluble solids (TSS), pH and ascorbic acid content of cabbage
variety Green Coronet harvested at different maturity stages.
Note: Means with the same letter are not significantly different (at P = 0.05).
Ascorbic acids
Heads harvested at 60 DAP had the lowest ascorbic acid content, and then it
increased significantly during 80 - 90 DAP reaching the maximum values at the end of the
maturation stages (90 - 110 DAP). According to Lorenz and Maynard (1980) ascorbic acid
content of cabbage was 42 mg/100 g of edible portion, and Salunkhe and Desai (1984)
reported that ascorbic acid content of cabbage is 47 mg/100 g of edible portion. In this study
ascorbic acid content of cabbage variety Green Coronet was varied within 18-86 mg/100 g
of edible portion. The reason for this wide range might be due to different maturity stages,
variety, climate and management practices.
Rate of respiration
Rate of respiration was high at early stages of growth (60 - 75 DAP) and it decreased
with increasing maturity stage (Figure 1). Heads harvested during early stages of maturity
were at actively growing phase where the rapid cell division and enlargement take place
resulting high rate of respiration. Peleg (1985) reported that high rate of respiration is
characteristic of young tissues. Plant organs harvested when it is no longer actively growing
have a lower rate of respiration (Burton, 1982). The similar observations made at the
present study too. The respiration rate of heads harvested at 60, 75, and 80 DAP were
significantly different and rate was high than those of the heads harvested at other stages of
maturity. In any given material rate of respiration may be influenced by several factors such
Champa et al.
Rate of respiration (mg CO2/kg/h)
60 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110
M aturity stage (days after planting)
Weight loss
Variation in cumulative weight loss, disease index (DI) and visual quality rating
(VQR) at 12th day under ambient storage is shown in Table 3. Cabbage heads harvested at
75 DAP had the lowest rate of weight loss compared to other harvesting stages. Most of the
tissues of heads harvested at 60 DAP were at growing stage while having active stomata and
high surface area:volume, resulting high rate of water loss, finally contributing to a huge
weight loss. The reason for having high rate of weight loss of heads harvested at 90 DAP
and thereafter may be due to presence of cracks and blemishes predispose heads to high
water loss. Burton (1982) reported that compactness of cabbage heads are affect on rate of
water loss. Heads that are harvested at firm and compact stage resistant to water loss than
that of heads harvested too early (i.e. loose and unfilled heads) and too late (i.e. cracked or
rotted heads) (Ryder, 1979). Therefore, harvesting of cabbage variety Green Coronet at 75
DAP which showed the lowest rate of weight loss can be recommended to have a high
keeping quality.
Maturity Indices for Harvesting of Cabbage
The visual quality (VQR) of cabbage heads decreased with increasing storage
period. However, the rate of quality reduction varied among different maturity stages.
Evidently, the rate of quality reduction was minimum from 75 to 85 DAP whereas after 85
DAP a higher rate of reduction in visual quality was observed. Presence of cracks and
blemishes in heads harvested at late stages of maturity (i.e. From 85 DAP onward) enhance
loss of moisture and susceptibility to microbial attack. As a result, wilting and yellowing of
outermost leaves and disease development caused to reduce visual quality when stored under
ambient conditions (temperature 28 ±2ºC, RH 70 - 80%).
Table 3. Cumulative weight loss, disease index and visual quality rating of cabbage
variety Green Coronet at 12th day under ambient storage.
75 16.79g 3 1
80 21.37f 3.75 1
85 25.18e 3 2.75
90 32.68a 2 3
95 25.49e 2 3
100 28.36d 2 3
105 31.39bc 1 3
110 30.82c 1 3
Note: Means in a column with the same letter are not significantly different (at =0.05).
VQR (1-5), i.e.: 5 = excellent fresh appearance, 4 = better, slight freshness, 3 = moderate freshness, 2 =
Severe, more than 10% of outer leaves wilted but marketable after removing those outer leaves, 1 = not
DI (0-4), i.e.:0 = no disease symptoms, 1 = minimal, 1- 5% of heads having disease symptoms, 2 =
moderate, 6-10% of heads having disease symptoms, 3 = less severe, 11-25% of heads having disease
symptoms, 4 = severe, more than 26% of heads having disease symptoms.
Disease index
Until six days in storage there was no sign of disease development (data not
shown). From 85 - 100 DAP, signs of head rot disease caused by the several species of
bacteria including Erwinia spp. and Pseudomonas spp. was appeared (Anon, 1994). Heads
harvested at 75 - 100 DAP were less susceptible to diseases compared with other maturity
Champa et al.
stages. Therefore, harvesting of heads either at immature (i.e. 60 DAP) or at over mature
stages (i.e. beyond 100 DAP) should be avoided. Because, immature tissues are not hard
enough to cope up with invasion by pathogens while cracks and blemishes appeared in over-
mature tissues provide pathways for easy entrance of pathogens. It can be suggested that
harvesting of cabbage variety Green Coronet at 75 - 80 DAP would produce the heads with
less disease incidences.
Table 4. Acceptability ranks of the Friedman test for cabbage heads harvested at
six different maturity stages.
Days after planting Rank assigned (median)
60 1.92
75 3.92
85 4.75
90 2.75
100 5.08
105 3.08
P = 0.09
Note: Each data point represent rank median of 15 non-trained panelists. Rank value 6 = most
acceptable, 1 = least acceptable
Sensory evaluation
The rank median of the Friedman test is shown in the Table 4. There was no
significant difference (at P = 0.05) in acceptability among cabbage heads harvested at
different maturity stages. Most of the panellists stated that heads harvested at 100 DAP were
better in mouth feel than those of the other five stages. This might be due to the low
firmness and greater crispness of heads, giving a better mouth feel.
Financial assistance provided by the Sri Lanka Council for Agriculture Research
Policy (CARP- 12/547/416) is highly acknowledged.
Maturity Indices for Harvesting of Cabbage
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