Context-Free Grammar (CFG) : Example 1

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Context-Free Grammar (CFG)

CFG stands for context-free grammar. It is is a formal grammar which is used to generate
all possible patterns of strings in a given formal language. Context-free grammar G can be
defined by four tuples as:

1. G = (V, T, P, S)

G is the grammar, which consists of a set of the production rule. It is used to generate the
string of a language.

T is the final set of a terminal symbol. It is denoted by lower case letters.

V is the final set of a non-terminal symbol. It is denoted by capital letters.

P is a set of production rules, which is used for replacing non-terminals symbols(on the left
side of the production) in a string with other terminal or non-terminal symbols(on the right
side of the production).

S is the start symbol which is used to derive the string. We can derive the string by
repeatedly replacing a non-terminal by the right-hand side of the production until all non-
terminal have been replaced by terminal symbols.

Example 1:
Construct the CFG for the language having any number of a's over the set ∑= {a}.


As we know the regular expression for the above language is

1. r.e. = a*
Production rule for the Regular expression is as follows:

1. S → aS rule 1
2. S → ε rule 2
Now if we want to derive a string "aaaaaa", we can start with start symbols.

1. S
2. aS
3. aaS rule 1
4. aaaS rule 1
5. aaaaS rule 1
6. aaaaaS rule 1
7. aaaaaaS rule 1
8. aaaaaaε rule 2
9. aaaaaa
The r.e. = a* can generate a set of string {ε, a, aa, aaa,.....}. We can have a null string
because S is a start symbol and rule 2 gives S → ε.

Example 2:
Construct a CFG for the regular expression (0+1)*


The CFG can be given by,

1. Production rule (P):

2. S → 0S | 1S
3. S → ε
The rules are in the combination of 0's and 1's with the start symbol. Since (0+1)* indicates
{ε, 0, 1, 01, 10, 00, 11, ....}. In this set, ε is a string, so in the rule, we can set the rule S → ε.

Example 3:
Construct a CFG for a language L = {wcwR | where w € (a, b)*}.


The string that can be generated for a given language is {aacaa, bcb, abcba, bacab,
abbcbba, ....}

The grammar could be:

1. S → aSa rule 1
2. S → bSb rule 2
3. S → c rule 3
Now if we want to derive a string "abbcbba", we can start with start symbols.

1. S → aSa
2. S → abSba from rule 2
3. S → abbSbba from rule 2
4. S → abbcbba from rule 3
Thus any of this kind of string can be derived from the given production rules.

Example 4:
Construct a CFG for the language L = anb2n where n>=1.


The string that can be generated for a given language is {abb, aabbbb, aaabbbbbb....}.

The grammar could be:

1. S → aSbb | abb
Now if we want to derive a string "aabbbb", we can start with start symbols.

1. S → aSbb
2. S → aabbbb

Context free grammar to context free

language tips and tricks

Example 1:

For the grammar given below, find out the context free language. The grammar
G = ({S}, {a, b}, S, P) with the productions are;

S → aSa, (Rule: 1)
S → bSb (Rule: 2)
S→ ε (Rule: 3)


First compute some strings generated by the production rules of the grammar G
in the above;

S ⇒ aSa,
⇒ aεa,
(i) (Rule: 1)

⇒ aa
(Rule: 3)

S ⇒ bSb,
⇒ bεb,
(ii) (Rule: 2)

⇒ bb
(Rule: 3)
S ⇒ aSa,
⇒ abSba,
(iii) (Rule: 1)

⇒ abεba
(Rule: 2)

⇒ abba
(Rule: 3)

S ⇒ bSb,
⇒ baSab,
(iv) (Rule: 2)

⇒ ba ε ab
(Rule: 1)

⇒ baab
(Rule: 3)

Also check: Importance of finite automata

S ⇒ aSa,
⇒ aaSaa,
(v) (Rule: 1)

⇒ aabSbaa,
(Rule: 1)

⇒ aabbSbbaa, (Rule: 2)
(Rule: 2)

⇒ aabb ε bbaa (Rule: 3)

i.e. ⇒ aabbbbaa

Hence; Language generated by the above grammar L(G) = {aa, bb, abba, baab,
aabbaa, aabbbbaa,.. .. .. .. }

By analyzing the above generated string form the grammar G, there has a
similar pattern in all computed strings, i.e.

 The length of the string is even always i.e. length of the string L(w) ≥ 2
× i | i = 1, 2, 3, 4.. .
 From the half length of the string, string is the reverser of each other

Thus we can write the language of the grammar L(G) = {ww R : w ∈ {a, b}*};
side i.e. string is generated by the language is a palindrome.

Example 2: For the grammar given below, find out the context-free language.
The grammar G = ({S}, {a, b}, S, P) with the productions are;

S → abB, (Rule: 1)
A → aaBb (Rule: 2)
A→ ε (Rule: 3)
B → bbAa (Rule: 4)

First compute some strings generated by the production rules of the grammar
G in the above;

S ⇒ abB,
⇒ ab bbAa
(i) (Rule: 1)

⇒ ab bb ε a
(Rule: 4)

⇒ ab bba
(Rule: 3)

S ⇒ abB,
⇒ ab
(ii) (Rule: 1)

⇒ ab
bbAa (Rule: 4)

⇒ ab
bb aaBb a (Rule: 2)

⇒ ab
bb aa bbAa ba (Rule: 4)

⇒ ab bb aa bba ba
bb aa bb ε a ba (Rule: 3)

S ⇒ abB,
⇒ ab bbAa
(iii) (Rule: 1)

⇒ ab bb aaBb a
(Rule: 4)

⇒ ab bb aa bbAa ba
(Rule: 2)

⇒ ab bb aa bb aaBb a ba
(Rule: 4)

⇒ ab bb aa bb aa bbAa b a ba
(Rule: 2)

⇒ ab bb aa bb aa bb ε a b a ba
(Rule: 4)

⇒ ab bb aa bb aa bba ba ba
(Rule: 3)

S ⇒ abB,
⇒ ab bbAa
(iv) (Rule: 1)

⇒ ab bb aaBb a
(Rule: 4)

⇒ ab bb aa bbAa ba
(Rule: 2)

⇒ ab bb aa bb aaBb a ba
(Rule: 4)

⇒ ab bb aa bb aa bbAa b a ba
(Rule: 2)

⇒ ab bb aa bb aa bb aaBb a ba ba
(Rule: 4)

⇒ ab bb aa bb aa bb aa bbAa ba ba ba
(Rule: 2)

⇒ ab bb aa bb aa bb aa bb ε a ba ba ba
(Rule: 4)

⇒ ab bb aa bb aa bb aa bba ba ba ba
(Rule: 3)

Hence; Language generated by the above grammar L(G) = { ab bba

(minimum string)
ab bb aa bba ba
ab bb aa bb
aa bba ba ba
ab bb aa bb aa bb

aa bba ba ba ba

By analyzing the above generated string form the grammar G, there has a
similar pattern in all computed strings, i.e.

 The minimum length of the string consist ab bba always.

 After obtained the minimum string there have some repetition of
strings comes i.e. the loop of string (bb aa and ba) comes finite times.
(Note: Highlighted by underlined strings)
Thus we can write the language of the grammar L(G) = {ab (bb aa) n bba (ba)n : n
≥ 0}

Example 3:

For the grammar given below, find out the context free language. The grammar
G = ({S}, {a, b, c}, S, P) with the productions are;

S → aSa, (Rule: 1)
S → bSb (Rule: 2)
S→ c (Rule: 3)


First compute some strings generated by the production rules of the grammar G
in the above;

S ⇒ aSa,
⇒ aca,
(i) (Rule: 1)

⇒ aca
(Rule: 3)

S ⇒ bSb,
⇒ bcb,
(ii) (Rule: 2)

⇒ bcb
(Rule: 3)

S ⇒ aSa,
⇒ aaSaa,
(iii) (Rule: 1)

⇒ aacaa,
(Rule: 1)

⇒ aacaa
(Rule: 3)

S ⇒ aSa,
⇒ abSba,
(iv) (Rule: 1)

⇒ abcba,
(Rule: 2)

⇒ abcba
(Rule: 3)
S ⇒ bSb,
⇒ baSab,
(v) (Rule: 2)

⇒ bacab,
(Rule: 1)

⇒ bacab
(Rule: 3)

S ⇒ aSa,
⇒ aaSaa,
(vi) (Rule: 1)

⇒ aabSbaa,
(Rule: 1)

⇒ aabcbaa,
(Rule: 2)

⇒ aabcbaa
(Rule: 3)

Hence; Language generated by the above grammar L(G) = {c, aca, bcb, aacaa,
abcba, aacaa, bbcbb, aabcbaa,.. .. .. .. }

By analyzing the above generated string form the grammar G, there has a
similar pattern in all computed strings, i.e.

 The length of the string is odd always i.e. length of the string L(w) ≥ 1,
3, 5, 7, 9 .. .. ..
From the middle symbol of the string i.e. ‘c’, string is the reverser of

Thus we can write the language of the grammar L(G) = {wcw R : w ∈ {a, b}*}
each other side i.e. string is generated by the language is palindrome.

Example 4: For the grammar given below, find out the context free language.
The grammar G = ({S}, {a}, S, P) with the productions are;

S → SS (Rule: 1)
S→a (Rule: 2)

First compute some strings generated by the production rules of the grammar G
in the above;

(i) S⇒a (Rule: 2)

S ⇒ SS
⇒ aS,
(ii) (Rule: 1)

⇒ aa,
(Rule: 2)

⇒ aa ⇒ a2
(Rule: 2)

S ⇒ SS
⇒ aS
(iii) (Rule: 1)
(Rule: 2)
⇒ aSS
⇒ aaS
(Rule: 1)

⇒ aaa
(Rule: 2)

⇒ aaa ⇒ a3
(Rule: 2)

Hence; Language generated by the above grammar L(G) = {a, a 2, a3, a4, a5, .. .. ..
.. }

By analyzing the above generated string form the grammar G, there has a
similar pattern in all computed strings, i.e.

 The minimum length of the string is one.

 The number of occurrence of a’s is increase one by one.
Thus we can write the language of the grammar L(G) = {a n : n ≥ 1}

Example 5: For the grammar given below, find out the context free language.
The grammar G = ({S}, {a, b }, S, P) with the productions are;

S → aSb, (Rule: 1)
S → ab (Rule: 2)


First compute some strings generated by the production rules of the grammar G
in the above;

(i) S ⇒ ab, (Rule: 2)

S ⇒ aSb,
⇒ aabb,
(ii) (Rule: 1)

⇒ aabb ⇒ a2b2
(Rule: 2)

S ⇒ aSb,
⇒ aaSbb,
(iii) (Rule: 1)

⇒ aaabbb,
(Rule: 1)

⇒ aaabbb ⇒ a3b3
(Rule: 2)

S ⇒ aSb,
⇒ aaSbb,
(iv) (Rule: 1)

⇒ aaaSbbb,
(Rule: 1)
(Rule: 1)
⇒ aaaabbbb, (Rule: 2)
i.e. ⇒ aaaabbbb ⇒ a4b4

S ⇒ aSb,
⇒ aaSbb,
(v) (Rule: 1)

⇒ aaaSbbb,
(Rule: 1)

⇒ aaaaSbbbb,
(Rule: 1)

⇒ aaaaabbbbb,
(Rule: 1)

⇒ aaabbb ⇒ a5b5
(Rule: 2)

Hence; Language generated by the above grammar L(G) = {ab, a 2b2, a3b3,
a4b4, a5b5, a6b6, a7b7,.. .. .. .. }

By analyzing the above generated string form the grammar G, there has a
similar pattern in all computed strings, i.e.

 The length of the string is greater than or equal to 2.

 Number of a’s and b’s are equal.
 Presence of a’s followed by b’s.
Thus we can write the language of the grammar L(G) = {a nbn : n ≥ 1}

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