Assignment Training Program 2022
Assignment Training Program 2022
Assignment Training Program 2022
Throughout this semester you will be designing a training program in order to improve
two fitness components. This will require a number of steps:
1. You will test your current fitness levels by participating in fitness tests that
measure different components. Your scores will be rated against a set of norms
to give you an indication of your performance compared to others your age.
4. You will re-test yourself after the first 5 weeks to see if your training
program has led to improvement in the particular fitness
component you were working on.
5. A post-test will occur in the 6th week to see how you have improved
over the 6 weeks.
1. Complete the pre-test and fill in the table using the norms provided at the back of
this booklet.
1. What are your fitness strengths? Why do you think this is the case?
aerobic capacity /muscular strength
- I think that these are my strengths because I got the highest scores on the fitness
tests in these particular areas. I find these fitness components easier than most of
2. What are your fitness weaknesses? Were you expecting this to be the case? Why or
why not
aerobic power, flexibility,
- I am not very strong in aerobic power. In sports I tend to be more one paced and I
would like to work on fartlek training.
- I am not very flexible either but I am not going to train this fitness component as it is
not relevant to my sports.
3. What fitness component will your training program focus on?
4. aerobic power and muscular endurance
Now that you have selected 2 fitness components to focus on, you must design a
program around them.
Your program will run for 6 weeks - 3 sessions per week minimum. Each session must
include a warm-up, conditioning phase and cool-down.
- The purpose of a warm-up and cool-down and what they should involve
- What training methods will help to improve the fitness component you have
selected, and how they should be applied.
- Is your training program FUN?? Will it make you want to participate? Is it varied or
are you doing the same thing all the time?
- Write your activities down in detail. Someone should be able to pick up your
training program and participate in it without ever having remember, you need to
it before.
create your OWN program,
suited to you, not just use an
- Make sure you incorporate SPIFD to each session. existing program.
3. The training program will be sent to you via google classroom, it may work best for
you to write down your program in pencil and then update on the computer as you
go (so you don’t lose everything if you lose the paper copy)
5. If you already participate in organized physical activity outside of school, try to pick
alternative days when you can work out. Also try to pick fitness components that
you don’t use much in your sport outside school, this may stop injuries and soreness
from occurring by doing too much on the same muscles.
How have you ensured that your training program is specific to your goals?
- My training program is specific to training fitness components that I need for
netball and footy. I focused on aerobic power and muscular endurance. In my
program I incorporated fartlek training. I did long sprints and long jogs, in a
stopping and starting motion. This helps me for footy, as I am usually a midfielder
so I need to be doing long strides to get in front of my player and towards the
goals. In a game of footy you are constantly switching between sprinting and
jogging. I tend to be very one paced when playing footy, so I think that this
program was very specific to my goals.
- I also did a couple of HIIT obstacle courses that involve both aerobic power and
muscular endurance. They were helpful for netball, especially tournament days
where you are playing continuous games of netball, and your legs are working
almost the entire time. I also did a few leg and upper body workouts, they were
again dedicated to my sports. In netball you need to have strong legs because you
are doing lots of landing and running around. You also need to have a strong body
to hold your players out of the way in netball, and tackle in footy.
How have you applied progressive overload in your training? (Give specific examples)
- I have applied progressive overload in my training because every week I built up
the intensity of my workouts, and I tried to do exercises that were more difficult
and extended my programs from around 15-30 minutes. I also gave myself a
shorter rest time between my reps and sets.
At what intensities are you working at during your program so far? (e.g. heart rate, - - -
weight, resistance on bike or treadmill)
- In my program I built up the amount of each exercise I was doing, and the duration
of time that my programs went for. The duration of my program depended on how
many sets of the exercises I did. I tried to increase the time that i worked for since i
was training muscular endurance, and i wanted to see how long my muscles could
continue to do the exercises for.
1. Participate in and record the fitness tests that you did in your pre-testing session.
2. Answer the questions below.
1. Describe the difference between your pre, mid and post-test scores.
I was unable to access my post test scores due to my back.
2. Were your post-test scores for the fitness components you targeted as you
expected? Why or why not? If you did not improve, provide possible reasons for this.
(unable to test)
3. Comment on the results of your other tests. Did you score higher or lower in any?
Provide possible reasons.
(unable to test)
4. Having finished your program now, are there any changes you would make? Why or
why not?
I was sick and then injured so therefore I was not able to complete the entire fitness
program. If i was able to complete the entire program i would have done more sessions
dedicated to aerobic power, as that is important in my sports.
5. List 3 benefits of participating in your program.
- I can improve in my sports outside of schools
- I can understand exactly what things I need to do to train different areas of
fitness. This is helpful for me for not only my outside of school sports, but I
- how to warm up for cross country to get a better result and not hurt myself.
- I can be fit and healthy, and be learning, in a fun and positive way.
I really enjoyed this assignment. It was a great way to improve my fitness, and have fun
at the same time. I learnt all different ways that I can improve my fitness, and exactly
what exercises can help me improve the certain fitness components I was training.
Unfortunately I was sick for the first 2 weeks of the assignment and injured for the final
week. This meant that I only got to complete 3 weeks of the program. I still found the
program useful. I choose to focus on improving my aerobic power and muscular
endurance. We did 3 sessions of a program per week, and they were a combination of
both muscular endurance and aerobic power. I chose muscular endurance because I
wanted to improve my strength for footy, and work on my core strength for long
distance running. I did well in the muscular endurance program as it was already one of
my strengths but, this program definitely helped me train the specific parts of my body
that were not as strong as others. A part that I needed to improve on was my aerobic
power. I made my program challenging but specific to improving my aerobic power in
netball. I usually play a C position in my club team, so you need to be a mix of fast and
jogging pace to get in front of your players. The exercises that were in my program were
quite challenging but I think my program definitely helped me improve in my aerobic
power. In my aerobic power program I also incorporated a bit of agility as that is one of
the main fitness components that you need being GS (which is what I play in my rep
team). Overall, I thought this program was great fun and very useful. I am looking to
study sport physiology/personal training, so this program gave me a great incite into
what i could do looking ahead.
Criteria Progressing Toward At Standard Above Standard Well Above
Standard Standard
Stage 1 - Pre-Test Scores recorded but no Scores and norms
norms added, or was recorded
not completed
Stage 1 - Pre-Test Fitness strengths and Fitness strengths and Fitness strengths & Fitness strengths &
Questions weaknesses explained weaknesses explained weaknesses explained weaknesses explained
but in little to no detail in enough detail or in moderate detail. An in great detail. An
or the fitness the fitness component appropriate fitness appropriate fitness
component chosen was chosen was not component to be component to be
not appropriate or appropriate. improved has been improved has been
highlighted. Or was not chosen. chosen.
Stage 2 - Training Program does not An appropriate A training program A detailed training
Program: Content include all components training program has has been written that program has been
or activities are not been written, clearly lists all written that clearly
clear, or was not including warm-up, activities that will be lists all activities that
completed conditioning phase participated in, will be participated in,
and cool down but including an including an
some activities could appropriate warm-up, appropriate warm-up,
have been clearer. conditioning phase conditioning phase
and an appropriate and an appropriate
cool down. cool down.
Stage 3 - Training The training methods The training methods The training methods Has gone well above
Program: training chosen are not chosen are chosen are very the standard by
methods appropriate to the appropriate to appropriate to choosing two or more
chosen fitness improving the chosen improving the chosen training methods to
component or only one fitness component fitness component improving the chosen
has been incorporated, and are mostly and are appropriately fitness component
or was not completed appropriately applied. applied. At least 2 and applied them
At least 2 training training methods have appropriately.
methods have been been incorporated.
Stage 4 - Training Few SPIFD principles are Most SPIFD principles All SPIFD principles All SPIFD principles
program: training evident throughout the are evident are evident are evident
principles training program and throughout the throughout the throughout the
explanation is very brief, training program and training program and training program and
or was not completed have been explained have been very well have been thoroughly
in moderate detail. explained. explained.
Mid-Test Scores recorded but no Scores and norms
norms added, or was recorded
not completed
Post-Test Scores recorded but no Scores and norms
norms added, or was recorded
not completed
Post-Test Questions Questions have been Questions have been Questions have been Questions have been
completed in limited completed in completed in great completed in
detail, or was not moderate detail. detail. outstanding detail.
Reflection Reflection has been Reflection has been Reflection has been Reflection has been
completed in limited completed in completed in great completed in
detail or does not moderate detail and detail and answers all outstanding detail and
answer all the questions answers all the the questions answers all the
provided, or not questions provided. provided. questions provided.
completed at all.