All Definitions Obstetrics
All Definitions Obstetrics
All Definitions Obstetrics
Abruptio placenta It's one form of APH where the bleeding occurs due to premature separation of
normally situated placenta
After pain Infrequent spasmodic pain felt in the lower abdomen after delivery for a variable
period of 2-4 days
Amniocentesis Deliberate puncture of the amniotic fluid sac per abdomen
Amniotic fluid/ Liquor The nourishing and protecting liquid contained by the amniotic sac of a pregnant
amnii woman
ANC Systemic supervision (careful history taking, examination & advice) of a pregnant
woman is called ANC
Anemia in pregnancy Anemia in pregnancy is present when the Hb conc. In the peripheral blood is 11gm/dl
Hb level below 10gm/dl at any time during pregnancy is considered anemia (Dutta)
Anencephaly Absence of the cranial vault and cerebral hemisphere
APGAR score It's a scoring procedure which has been designed for better understanding of the
clinical state of the fetus at or immediately after the birth and helps in comparison
of results and standardization of methods of Mx
APH Bleeding from or into the genital tract after the 28th W of pregnancy but before the
birth of the baby
Attitude The relationship of the different parts of the fetus to one another
Birth asphyxia Birth asphyxia is clinically defined as failure to initiate and maintain spontaneous
respiration following birth
Birth plan BP is the development of an individualized delivery plan which should be initiated at
1st visit and reviewed at subsequent visits
Caput succedaneum Localized area of oedema over the fetal scalp beneath the girdle of contact
Cephalohematoma Collection of blood between the pericranium and the flat bone of the skull usually
unilateral and over a parietal bone
Cervical dystocia Failure of cervical dilatation ------------------
Colostrum Colostrum is the first milk secreted by the breasts during pregnancy and the first 2-3
days following delivery
Cord prolapse When the cord is lying inside the vagina or outside the vulva following rupture of the
membrane it's called CP
CPD Disparity in the relation between the head and the pelvis
Craniotomy Craniotomy is an operation to make a perforation on the fetal head followed by
evacuation of brain matter and extraction of the baby
CS It's an operating procedure where the fetuses after the end of 28th W are delivered
through an incision on the abdominal and uterine walls
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Decapitation It's the operation of separating the head from the body at the level of neck followed
by extraction of the trunk by traction on the prolapsed arm
Deep transverse The head is deep into the cavity, the sagittal suture is placed in the transverse
arrest bispinous diameter and there is no progress in descent of the head even after 0.5 to
1 H following full dilatation of the cervix
Denominator It's an arbitrary bony fixed point on the presenting part which comes in relation with
the various quadrants of the maternal pelvis
Eclampsia Pre-eclampsia when complicated with generalized tonic clonic convulsion and/ or
coma is called Eclampsia
Engagement When the greatest horizontal plane, the biparietal, has passed the plane of the pelvic
brim, the head is said to be engaged
EOC EOC comprises lifesaving interventions for obstetric complication that can be
performed at various level of the health system
Episiotomy A surgically planned incision on the perinium and the posterior vaginal wall during
the 2nd stage of labor
Evisceration It's the operation of opening of the fetal abdomen or thorax with scissors when there
are accessible and removal of the abdominal and thoracic viscera in piecemeal
Exclusive breast An infant receives only breast milk from his or her mother or a wet nurse or
feeding expressed breast milk, no other liquids or solids are given not even a drop of water.
The exceptions are ORS, drops or syrups containing vitamins, minerals, supplements
or medicines from birth till 6 months of age
Fertilization Process of fusion of spermatozoon with the mature ovum
Fetal distress FD is an ill-defined term used to express intrauterine fetal jeopardy, a result of IU
fetal hypoxia
Galactohhrea Spontaneous of secretion of milk in the absence of recent pregnancy
GDM GDM may be defined as detection of diabetes during pregnancy for the first time but
usually reverts back to normal after puerperium
Gestational HTN Sustained rise of BP to 140/90 mmHg or more on at least 2 occasions 4 or more hours
apart beyond the 20th w of pregnancy or within the first 48 H of delivery in a
previously normotensive woman
Hydrocephalus Excessive accumulation of CSF in the ventricles with consequent thinning of the brain
tissue and enlargement of the cranium
Hyperemesis It is a severe type of vomiting of pregnancy which has got deleterious effect on the
gravidarum health of mother and/or incapacitates her in day-to-day activities
Hysterotomy Opening of the uterine cavity b an incision through an uterine wall before the 28th
W of pregnancy
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Impending/imminent/ It's a clinical entity where the onset of the pre-eclamptic manifestations are acute,
acute fulminant pre- occurring de novo or there is rapid deterioration in an established case of pre-
eclampsia/Pre- eclampsia with severe HTN over a short period of time
eclamptic state
Induction of Labor Initiation of uterine contraction after the period of viability by any method for the
purpose of vaginal delivery
Inversion of uterus It's an extremely rare but a life-threatening complication in third stage In which the
uterus is turned inside out partially or completely
Involution Involution is the process whereby the genital organs revert back approximately to
the state as they were before pregnancy
Isoimmunization/Rh Isoimmunization is defined as a production of immune antibodies in an individual in
Isoimmunization response to foreign red cell antigen delivered from another individual of the same
species provided the first one lacks the antigen
IUD Antepartum death occurring beyond the period of viability
IUGR IUGR is said to be present in those babies whose birth weight is below the 10th
percentile of the average for the gestational age
Labor Series of events that take place in the genital organs in an effort to expel the viable
products of conception (fetus, placenta and the membrane) out of the womb
through the vagina into the outer world is called Labor
LBW baby Whose BW is less the 2.5 kg irrespective of the gestational age
Lie Lie refers to the relationship of the long axis of the fetus to the long axis of the
centralized uterus or maternal spine
Lochia Is the vaginal discharge for the first fortnight during puerperium which originates
from the uterine body, cervix and vagina
Malposition Any position of the vertex other than flexed occipital-anterior one
Malpresentation Presentation other than vertex presentation
Maternal morbidity MM originates from any cause related to pregnancy or it's management any time
during antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum period usually up to 42 days after
Maternal mortality Death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of the termination of pregnancy
irrespective of the duration and the site of pregnancy, from any cause related to
aggravated by the pregnancy or it's management but not from the accidental or
incidental causes
Maternal mortality Total number of woman dying due to complication of pregnancy per 1000 live birth
rate in an area during a given year
Multiple pregnancy When more than one fetus simultaneously develop in the uterus, it's called multiple
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Neonatal death/ Death of infant within 28 days after birth
Neonatal jaundice Yellow discoloration of the skin and mucosa of the neonate caused by accumulation
of excess bilirubin in the tissue and plasma
Obstetrical perineum The pyramidal shaped tissue where the pelvic floor, perineal muscles and fascia meet
in between the vagina and anal canal is called Obstetrical perineum
Obstructed labor Obstructed labor is one where in spite of good uterine contraction, the progressive
descent of the presenting part is arrested due to mechanical obstruction & further
progress is almost impossible without assistance
Oligohydramnios Liquor amnii is deficient in amount to the extent of less than 200 ml at term
Oxytocics Drugs used to stimulate uterine contraction
Partograph Graphic representation of the events of labor plotted against time in hour
Pelvic hematoma Collection of blood anywhere in the area between the pelvic peritoneum and the
perineal skin
Perinatal mortality/ PM is defined as deaths among fetuses weighing 1000 gm or more at birth (28 W
death gestation) who die before or during delivery or within the first 7 days of delivery
Placenta previa When the placenta is implanted partially or completely over the lower uterine
segment (over and adjacent to the internal OS) it is called placenta previa
PNC Postnatal care includes systematic examination of the mother and the baby and
appropriate given to the mother during postpartum period
Polyhydramnios The excessive accumulation (>2000 ml) of liquor amnii causing discomfort to the
patient and/or when an imaging help is needed to substinate the clinical Dx of the lie
and presentation of the fetus
Position It's the relation of the denominator to the different quadrants of the pelvis
Post maturity/ Post A pregnancy continuing beyond 2 W of the expected date of delivery
term pregnancy
PPH Any amount of bleeding from or into the genital tract following birth of the baby up
to the end of the puerperium which adversely affect the general condition of the
patient evidenced by rise in pulse rate falling blood pressure is called PPH
Pre-eclampsia Pre-eclampsia is a multisystem disorder of unknown etiology characterized by
development of HTN to the extent of 140/90 mmHg or more with proteinuria after
the 20th week in a previously normotensive and non-proteinuric woman
Prematurity/ Preterm A baby born before 37 completed W of gestation calculating from the first day of
baby LMP is arbitrarily defined as prematurity/preterm baby
Presentation The part of the fetus which occupies the lower pole of the uterus (pelvic brim) is
called presentation
Preterm/ Premature PL is defined as one where the labor starts before the 37th completed W (<259 days)
labor counting from the first day of the LMP
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Primary PPH Hemorrhage occurs within 24 H following the birth of the baby is called primary PPH
Prolonged labor The labor is said to be prolonged when the combined duration of the 1st and 2nd
stage is more than the arbitrary time limit of 18 H
PROM Spontaneous rupture of the membrane any time beyond 28th W of pregnancy but
before the onset of labor is called PROM
Puerperal pyrexia A rise of temp. reaching 100.4 F (38 dc) or more (measured orally) on two separate
occasions at 24 H apart (excluding first 24 H) within first 10 days following delivery is
called puerperal pyrexia
Puerperal sepsis An infection of the genital tract which occurs as a complication of delivery is termed
puerperal sepsis
Puerperium Puerperium is the period following childbirth during the body tissues, specially the
pelvic organs revert back approximately to the pre-pregnant state both anatomically
and physiologically
Retained placenta The placenta is said to be retained when it's not expelled out even 30 minutes after
the birth of the baby (WHO -15 minutes)
Ruptured uterus Disruption of the uterine wall at any time beyond 28 W of pregnancy
Secondary PPH Bleeding occurring after 24 H up to the end of puerperium is called secondary PPH
Show Expulsion of cervical mixed with blood
Still birth Birth of a newborn after 28th complete week (weighing 1000 gm or more) when the
baby does not breathe or show any sign of life after delivery.
Subinvolution When the involution is impaired or retarded it is called subinvolution
Tocolytics Drugs used to inhibit uterine contraction
Transverse lie When the long axis of the fetus lie perpendicularly to the maternal spine or
centralized uterine axis, it's called transverse lie
Trial labor It's the conduction of spontaneous labor in a moderate degree of CPD in an
institution under supervision with watchful expectancy, hoping for vaginal delivery
Twin-twin-transfusion it's a clinico-pathological state, exclusively met within monozygotic twins, where one
syndrome twin appears to bleed into the other through some kind of placental vascular
U, V
Unstable Lie UL is a condition where the presentation of the fetus is constantly changed even
beyond 36th W of pregnancy when it should have been stabilized
Version It's a manipulative procedure designed to change the lie or to bring the
comparatively favorable pole to the lower pole of the uterus
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