ISCC PLUS Material List 031221-3

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List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification

(03 December 2021)

ISCC PLUS certification can cover all types of agricultural biomass and products, bio waste/residues as well as
fossil materials contributing to the circular economy and bioeconomy for all markets and sectors not regulated by
the RED or FQD, such as the food, feed and energy markets as well as diverse industrial applications (e.g.
chemical industry and packaging). The lists below are not conclusive but aim for the harmonization of the
description of material under ISCC PLUS (e.g. on ISCC certificates). System Users engaging in the biofuel sector
inside the European Union shall refer to the ISCC EU list of eligible material. All materials that can be covered
under ISCC EU can also be covered under ISCC PLUS. This list hence outlines the materials that can only be
covered under ISCC PLUS.

There shall be no brand names, nor technical characteristics of the material nor specifications of the production
process included (e.g. bleached, deodorized, industrial grade, etc.) on the ISCC certificate. Unspecified terms (e.g.
“green PE”) shall be avoided. Products derived from sustainable raw material shall be stated on ISCC certificates
according to table 2 (intermediate and final products). Sustainable material may be declared more detailed in
contracts, on sustainability declarations or in mass balances. For amendments of the lists (e.g. to add an additional
raw material) ISCC must be contacted before a certificate can be issued.

The table for raw material does not classify material as a waste/residue. Also, ISCC does not guarantee
acceptance of the waste/residue status of a certain material by authorities. Auditors and system users are obliged
to investigate and research the eligibility of material in the targeted country.

For products in the fields of industrial applications, the following classifications shall be used on the certificate
annex and in relevant sustainability documentation (sustainability declaration, mass balance, self-declaration, etc.).
If at the beginning of the supply chain

• virgin agricultural raw materials (e.g. corn) have been used, this shall always be indicated by adding the
prefix “bio” to the respective product.
• waste/residue materials have been used, this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix
o “circular”* in case of materials of non-biological origin (e.g. mixed plastic waste) or
o “bio-circular” in case of materials of biological origin (e.g. UCO) to the respective product.
• materials of non-biological origin using renewable energy sources have been used, this shall always be
indicated by adding the prefix “renewable” to the respective product (e.g. electricity).

System Users may have bio, bio-circular, circular and renewable products in parallel on one certificate annex.

Certificates that have been issued prior the publication of this list do not have to be amended retrospectively.

*including technical-circular

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List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification
(03 December 2021)

Table 1: Raw material

Declaration of material on ISCC Additional information Can be classified as waste/residue under
PLUS certificate ISCC PLUS

Almond No

Basil No

Biobased plastic waste Yes

Celler glass Waste from the production of Yes

glass fiber

Chickpeas No

Contaminated paper and Yes


Crude Sulphate Turpentine Requires a case-by-case assessment by

(CTS) the auditor to
distinguish between a genuine waste or
processing residue and a (non-waste)

Digestate Degasified slurry generated in Yes

a biogas plant

End-of-life tyres (the non- The renewable part can be Yes

renewable part) covered under ISCC EU

Faba beans No

Flax No

Flue gas from geothermal energy Yes


Hazelnuts No

Lentils No

Lupine No

Mixed plastic waste Different types of plastic Yes

material that is collected from
households by e.g.
municipalities and further
sorted by waste management

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List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification
(03 December 2021)

Table 1: Raw material

Declaration of material on ISCC Additional information Can be classified as waste/residue under
PLUS certificate ISCC PLUS

Mixed waste plastic Depending on the legal Yes

context, the terminology “Mixed
waste plastic” may be used to
emphasize the more uniform
nature of the material as a
plastic rather than a waste

Mung beans No

Potatoes No

Renewable electricity No

Still bottoms and reaction Yes


Strawberries No

Tomato No

Used organic solvents, washing Yes

liquids and mother liquors

Waste PA Yes

Waste PS Yes

Waste textiles Yes

Peaches No

Plantain No

(Post-industrial) CO2 Yes

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List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification
(03 December 2021)

Process to determine if a material can be certified according

to the ISCC waste and residue process

Note: If evidence can be demonstrated to the auditor that competent national authorities have classified the
respective material as a waste or residue in the particular case, e.g. by official decision that is not publicly
available, the auditor must only assess steps 1 and 2 in the process above in the individual case.

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List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification
(03 December 2021)

Table 2: Intermediate and final products

• If at the beginning of the supply chain virgin agricultural raw materials (e.g., corn) have been used, this shall always be
indicated by adding the prefix “bio” to the product. Example: Bio PET
• If at the beginning of the supply chain waste/residue materials (circular e.g., mixed plastic waste or bio-circular e.g.,
UCO), defined to be end-of-life or residues, have been used, this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “circular”
or “bio-circular” to the respective product. Example: Circular PP, Bio-circular PP
• If at the beginning of the supply chain materials of non-biological origin from renewable energy sources have been used,
this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “renewable” to the product.

Declaration of material on ISCC PLUS certificate Additional information









2-ethylhexanoic acid

2-ethylhexyl acrylate






Acetic acid

Acrylic acid Can also be specified as “Crude acrylic acid (CAA)” or

“High purity acrylic acid (HPAA)”.

Acrylic monomers



Alkenes C9-C11, C10-rich

© ISCC System GmbH 5 of 17

List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification
(03 December 2021)

Table 2: Intermediate and final products

• If at the beginning of the supply chain virgin agricultural raw materials (e.g., corn) have been used, this shall always be
indicated by adding the prefix “bio” to the product. Example: Bio PET
• If at the beginning of the supply chain waste/residue materials (circular e.g., mixed plastic waste or bio-circular e.g.,
UCO), defined to be end-of-life or residues, have been used, this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “circular”
or “bio-circular” to the respective product. Example: Circular PP, Bio-circular PP
• If at the beginning of the supply chain materials of non-biological origin from renewable energy sources have been used,
this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “renewable” to the product.

Declaration of material on ISCC PLUS certificate Additional information

Alkyl phosphinic acid salts Can be further specified (e.g. Alkyl phosphinic acid salts
(aluminium diethylphosphinate))

Alpha-methylstyrene (AMS)


Amorphous polyolefin polymer (APAO)


Aromatic hydrocarbon (C6)

Aromatic hydrocarbon (C9)

Artificial grass / turf

Bakery products


Beta pinene

BHET (Bis(2-Hydroxyethyl) terephthalate)


Bisphenol A (BPA)

Bisphenol A Dianhydride


Blend of C12 and C13 primary alcohol

Blend of C12 and C13 primary alcohol ethoxylates

Blend of C12, C13, C14 and C15 primary alcohols

Blend of C12, C13, C14 and C15 primary alcohol


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List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification
(03 December 2021)

Table 2: Intermediate and final products

• If at the beginning of the supply chain virgin agricultural raw materials (e.g., corn) have been used, this shall always be
indicated by adding the prefix “bio” to the product. Example: Bio PET
• If at the beginning of the supply chain waste/residue materials (circular e.g., mixed plastic waste or bio-circular e.g.,
UCO), defined to be end-of-life or residues, have been used, this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “circular”
or “bio-circular” to the respective product. Example: Circular PP, Bio-circular PP
• If at the beginning of the supply chain materials of non-biological origin from renewable energy sources have been used,
this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “renewable” to the product.

Declaration of material on ISCC PLUS certificate Additional information

Blend of C14 and C15 primary alcohols

Blend of C14 and C15 primary alcohol ethoxylates

Blood meal


Butadiene rubber (BR)


Butyl acrylate


C2 (Ethane)

C3 (Propane)


C4 oligomers (specification of type) The type of C4-oligomers must be specified in brackets

(e.g. C4-oligomers (dodecane))



C12 (alcohol ethoxylates)

C12 (primary alcohol)

C13 (alcohol ethoxylates)

C13 (primary alcohol)

C14 (alcohol ethoxylates)

C14 (primary alcohol)

C15 (alcohol ethoxylates)

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List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification
(03 December 2021)

Table 2: Intermediate and final products

• If at the beginning of the supply chain virgin agricultural raw materials (e.g., corn) have been used, this shall always be
indicated by adding the prefix “bio” to the product. Example: Bio PET
• If at the beginning of the supply chain waste/residue materials (circular e.g., mixed plastic waste or bio-circular e.g.,
UCO), defined to be end-of-life or residues, have been used, this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “circular”
or “bio-circular” to the respective product. Example: Circular PP, Bio-circular PP
• If at the beginning of the supply chain materials of non-biological origin from renewable energy sources have been used,
this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “renewable” to the product.

Declaration of material on ISCC PLUS certificate Additional information

C15 (primary alcohol)


Carbon black

Carbon fibers

Carboxylic acids

Carboxylic acid anhydrides The type of carboxylic acid anhydrides can be specified
in brackets (e.g. Carboxylic acid anhydrides (Pthalic

Cellulose acetate

Cellulose esters


Coal Co-product from pyrolysis of plastic waste

Compounds (input material) The input material for the compound must be specified
in brackets (e.g. compounds (polyamide) or compounds


Copolymers (specification of copolymer) The type of copolymer must be specified in brackets

(e.g. Circular copolymer (SAN), Bio copolymer (SBR)).
Further copolymers are ABS, ASA, MABS, MBS, NBL,

Corn gluten feed (CGF)

Corn gluten meal (CGM)

Cracker oil

Crude C4

© ISCC System GmbH 8 of 17

List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification
(03 December 2021)

Table 2: Intermediate and final products

• If at the beginning of the supply chain virgin agricultural raw materials (e.g., corn) have been used, this shall always be
indicated by adding the prefix “bio” to the product. Example: Bio PET
• If at the beginning of the supply chain waste/residue materials (circular e.g., mixed plastic waste or bio-circular e.g.,
UCO), defined to be end-of-life or residues, have been used, this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “circular”
or “bio-circular” to the respective product. Example: Circular PP, Bio-circular PP
• If at the beginning of the supply chain materials of non-biological origin from renewable energy sources have been used,
this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “renewable” to the product.

Declaration of material on ISCC PLUS certificate Additional information

Crystalline dextrose (monohydrate)



Diamines The type of diamine can be specified in brackets (e.g.

Diamine (4,4’-Diaminodicyclohexylmethane))




Dissolving pulp

Dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS)

Dried glucose syrup



Ester alcohols

Ethyl acetate

Ethyl acrylate


Ethylene-butyl acrylate (EBA)

Ethylene dichloride

Ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) Can be further specified

Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA)

Ethylene oxide

© ISCC System GmbH 9 of 17

List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification
(03 December 2021)

Table 2: Intermediate and final products

• If at the beginning of the supply chain virgin agricultural raw materials (e.g., corn) have been used, this shall always be
indicated by adding the prefix “bio” to the product. Example: Bio PET
• If at the beginning of the supply chain waste/residue materials (circular e.g., mixed plastic waste or bio-circular e.g.,
UCO), defined to be end-of-life or residues, have been used, this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “circular”
or “bio-circular” to the respective product. Example: Circular PP, Bio-circular PP
• If at the beginning of the supply chain materials of non-biological origin from renewable energy sources have been used,
this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “renewable” to the product.

Declaration of material on ISCC PLUS certificate Additional information

EVOH (ethylene vinyl alcohol)

Expandable Polystyrene

Expanded Polystyrene Can be further specified

Fabrics / Fibres / Scrims Can be further specified (e.g. nonwovens)

Feather meal

Feed/Food protein concentrate




Foils / Films (specification of type of polymer) The type of polymer must be specified in brackets (e.g.
Film (PE))

Formalin / Formaldehyde / Methanal

Formate salts

Fructose-glucose syrup


Glass fiber


Glucose syrup


Glycols Can be further specified (e.g. Glycol (diethylene glycol))

Glycol ethers Can be further specified (e.g. Glycol ether (ethylene

glycol monobutyl ether))

© ISCC System GmbH 10 of 17

List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification
(03 December 2021)

Table 2: Intermediate and final products

• If at the beginning of the supply chain virgin agricultural raw materials (e.g., corn) have been used, this shall always be
indicated by adding the prefix “bio” to the product. Example: Bio PET
• If at the beginning of the supply chain waste/residue materials (circular e.g., mixed plastic waste or bio-circular e.g.,
UCO), defined to be end-of-life or residues, have been used, this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “circular”
or “bio-circular” to the respective product. Example: Circular PP, Bio-circular PP
• If at the beginning of the supply chain materials of non-biological origin from renewable energy sources have been used,
this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “renewable” to the product.

Declaration of material on ISCC PLUS certificate Additional information

Granulated husks

HDPE High-Density Polyethylene (recycling code 2)

Heavy alkylbenzene (HAB)

Hemp Dust

Hemp Fibre

HFCS (high fructose corn syrup)


Hydrogen cyanide

Hydrogenated aliphatic hydrocarbon resin


Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) Can be further specified as “High purity isopropyl alcohol


Label material

Lactic acid


LDPE Low-Density Polyethylene (recycling code 4). Includes

all types of LDPE such as Linear Low-Density
Polyethylene (LLDPE)


Linear alkylbenzene (LAB)

Liquid biogenic CO2

Liquid dextrose (LDX)

© ISCC System GmbH 11 of 17

List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification
(03 December 2021)

Table 2: Intermediate and final products

• If at the beginning of the supply chain virgin agricultural raw materials (e.g., corn) have been used, this shall always be
indicated by adding the prefix “bio” to the product. Example: Bio PET
• If at the beginning of the supply chain waste/residue materials (circular e.g., mixed plastic waste or bio-circular e.g.,
UCO), defined to be end-of-life or residues, have been used, this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “circular”
or “bio-circular” to the respective product. Example: Circular PP, Bio-circular PP
• If at the beginning of the supply chain materials of non-biological origin from renewable energy sources have been used,
this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “renewable” to the product.

Declaration of material on ISCC PLUS certificate Additional information


Maltose syrup


Margarine, refined

Masterbatches Solid additive for plastic used for coloring plastics (color
masterbatch) or imparting other properties to plastics
(additive masterbatch)

Meat meal


Methyl acrylate

MDA Methylendianilin

MDI Methylendiphenylisocyanate

MDI prepolymers Methylendiphenylisocyanate prepolymers

MDPE Medium-Density Polyethylene (recycling code 2)

MMA Methyl methacrylate

Mixed xylenes

Naphtha (circular)



Oxo alcohols

Oxo aldehydes

© ISCC System GmbH 12 of 17

List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification
(03 December 2021)

Table 2: Intermediate and final products

• If at the beginning of the supply chain virgin agricultural raw materials (e.g., corn) have been used, this shall always be
indicated by adding the prefix “bio” to the product. Example: Bio PET
• If at the beginning of the supply chain waste/residue materials (circular e.g., mixed plastic waste or bio-circular e.g.,
UCO), defined to be end-of-life or residues, have been used, this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “circular”
or “bio-circular” to the respective product. Example: Circular PP, Bio-circular PP
• If at the beginning of the supply chain materials of non-biological origin from renewable energy sources have been used,
this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “renewable” to the product.

Declaration of material on ISCC PLUS certificate Additional information

Packaging Can include caps, closures, tubs, lids and can be more
specified in brackets on the certificate Annex
(e.g. Circular packaging (food boxes))

Palm kernel meal

Papers and boards coated, laminated, printed

Parrafin wax


PBT Polybutylene terephthalate

PC Polycarbonate

PC blends Polycarbonate blends

PE Polyethylene, Can be further specified (e.g. Biaxially

oriented polyethylene (BOPE))

PE wax


PET Polyethylene Terephthalate (recycling code 1)

PETG Polyethylene terephthalate glycol-modified




PLA Polylactic Acid (recycling code 7)

Plastic (bio material) composites The type of bio material must be specified (e.g. plastic
cellulose fibre composite, plastic coffee grounds
composite or plastic hemp dust composite)

© ISCC System GmbH 13 of 17

List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification
(03 December 2021)

Table 2: Intermediate and final products

• If at the beginning of the supply chain virgin agricultural raw materials (e.g., corn) have been used, this shall always be
indicated by adding the prefix “bio” to the product. Example: Bio PET
• If at the beginning of the supply chain waste/residue materials (circular e.g., mixed plastic waste or bio-circular e.g.,
UCO), defined to be end-of-life or residues, have been used, this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “circular”
or “bio-circular” to the respective product. Example: Circular PP, Bio-circular PP
• If at the beginning of the supply chain materials of non-biological origin from renewable energy sources have been used,
this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “renewable” to the product.

Declaration of material on ISCC PLUS certificate Additional information

Plastic components/parts/products (specification of The component/part/product must be specified and the

polymer) type of polymer shall be added in brackets on the
certificate (e.g. bio-circular plastic housings for lighters
(PE), circular plastic glasses (PP, PE))

Plasticizer (specification of material for application) The material for application shall be specified in brackets
(e.g. Plasticizer (for PVC))

PMMA Polymethyl methacrylate

Polyacrylamide (PAM)

Polyacrylate (specification of polyacrylate type) The type of polyacrylate must be specified

(e.g. Polyacrylate (Sodium))

Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)

Polyamide (PA)

Polybutene (PB)


Polyethers (specification of polyether) The type of polyacrylate must be specified (e.g.

Polyether (Polytetrahydrofuran), Polyether


Polyols (specification of polyol) The type of polyol must be specified (e.g. Polyol

Polyurethane (PU) Can be further specified (e.g. Thermoplastic

polyurethane (TPU)

Potassium carbonate (K2CO3)

Potassium hydroxide (KOH)

© ISCC System GmbH 14 of 17

List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification
(03 December 2021)

Table 2: Intermediate and final products

• If at the beginning of the supply chain virgin agricultural raw materials (e.g., corn) have been used, this shall always be
indicated by adding the prefix “bio” to the product. Example: Bio PET
• If at the beginning of the supply chain waste/residue materials (circular e.g., mixed plastic waste or bio-circular e.g.,
UCO), defined to be end-of-life or residues, have been used, this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “circular”
or “bio-circular” to the respective product. Example: Circular PP, Bio-circular PP
• If at the beginning of the supply chain materials of non-biological origin from renewable energy sources have been used,
this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “renewable” to the product.

Declaration of material on ISCC PLUS certificate Additional information

PP Polypropylene (recycling code 5), Can be further

specified (e.g. Cast polypropylene (CPP), Biaxially
oriented polypropylene (BOPP), Oientied polypropylene



Propylene Oxide

PS Polystyrene (recycling code 6)

PVC Polyvinylchloride (recycling code 3)



Pyrolysis ash

Pyrolysis oil

Raffinate 1 / C4R1 (C4 without butadiene)

Raffinate 2/C4R2 (C4 without butadiene and


Recycled carbon fuels

Refinery grade propylene (RGP)

Refinery offgas




Superabsorbent polymer (SAP)

© ISCC System GmbH 15 of 17

List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification
(03 December 2021)

Table 2: Intermediate and final products

• If at the beginning of the supply chain virgin agricultural raw materials (e.g., corn) have been used, this shall always be
indicated by adding the prefix “bio” to the product. Example: Bio PET
• If at the beginning of the supply chain waste/residue materials (circular e.g., mixed plastic waste or bio-circular e.g.,
UCO), defined to be end-of-life or residues, have been used, this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “circular”
or “bio-circular” to the respective product. Example: Circular PP, Bio-circular PP
• If at the beginning of the supply chain materials of non-biological origin from renewable energy sources have been used,
this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “renewable” to the product.

Declaration of material on ISCC PLUS certificate Additional information



Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

Sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES)



Styrene monomer


Tall oil (distilled)

Tall oil rosin

Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE)


Toluene/Xylenes C7-C8 mix





Unsaturated Hydrocarbons C8-C12

Valeric acid

Vinyl chloride monomer (VCM)

Virgin sugar cane honey

Wax E.g. wax (sunflower)

© ISCC System GmbH 16 of 17

List of material eligible for ISCC PLUS certification
(03 December 2021)

Table 2: Intermediate and final products

• If at the beginning of the supply chain virgin agricultural raw materials (e.g., corn) have been used, this shall always be
indicated by adding the prefix “bio” to the product. Example: Bio PET
• If at the beginning of the supply chain waste/residue materials (circular e.g., mixed plastic waste or bio-circular e.g.,
UCO), defined to be end-of-life or residues, have been used, this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “circular”
or “bio-circular” to the respective product. Example: Circular PP, Bio-circular PP
• If at the beginning of the supply chain materials of non-biological origin from renewable energy sources have been used,
this shall always be indicated by adding the prefix “renewable” to the product.

Declaration of material on ISCC PLUS certificate Additional information

Xylenes (specification of xylene) The type of xylene must be specified

(e.g. PX(Para-xylene))

© ISCC System GmbH 17 of 17

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