COA Midterms
COA Midterms
COA Midterms
• Ethics
American Nurses Association (ANA) Standards of
Gerontological Nursing Practice o It is important to be aware of the
context in which communication is
taking place
o Morality
• Quality of Care
• Collaboration
o Systematically evaluates the quality
o Collaborates with older adults,
of care and effectiveness of nursing
caregivers, and all member of
interdisciplinary team to provide
o Maintain eye contact and at eye level, comprehensive care
volume of voice enough to be heard,
o Interdisciplinary Team: Doctors,
personal space (estimated 1 meter or 1
MedTech, Dietitians, Physical
dupa), introduce yourself, establish
Therapist, Pharmacist
• Research
o Interprets, applies, and evaluates
o Concrete proof that the patient is
research findings to improved
satisfied with the quality of care:
gerontological nursing practice.
Evaluation (form)
(Customer/Client Satisfaction • Research Utilization
Survey- BRGHGMC)
o Considers the factors related to safety,
• Performance Appraisal effectiveness, and cost in planning and
delivering patient care.
o Evaluates his/her own nursing
practice in relation to professional STANDARD OF PROFESSIONAL NURSING PRACTICE
practice standards and relevant status (according to American Heart Association)
and regulation.
• STANDARD 1: Assessment
o Self-assessment checked by the
o Collects comprehensive data
pertinent to the healthcare consumer’s
• Education health or the situation.
o Speaks out for older adult • Link the patient with local resources as
2. Caregiver
• Watch for signs of older abuse, helping
o Meeting the unique needs of the older patients with daily grooming needs, and giving
adults advice on disability - related problems
o Independence and efficiency
o Interconnected with older adults with • Monitor and ensures quality healthcare for
the environment geriatric clients in primary care
• Autonomy or self-determination
• Living Wills (LW)
• Beneficence( Doing Good)
o Intended to provide written expressions
o More on the benefits for patient of a patient’s wishes regarding the use
of medical treatment in the events of a
o Ex: Vaccination terminal illness or conditions
• Non Maleficence (Avoiding Evil) o Orders, designation of healthcare
o Do what is good all the time agents, and durable powers of attorney
help people plan for future decisions
o Example: Observing sterility making so that their wishes can be
• Justice (Allocation of resources) carried out even when they are no
longer alive.
o Fairness
• Affirmative Euthanasia
• Veracity (Truthfulness)
o Actual administration of instrumentally
o White lies that causes death
o Criminal offense
Patient’s Rights
1. Right Medication
2. Right Patient
3. Right Dose
4. Right Route
5. Right Time
6. Right to Refuse
7. Right documentation
8. Right Reason
9. Right education