Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Practice Questions
Jun 2004 Question 1
To: Board of Directors, ZX
From: Kristaleen Jailal, Internal Audit Department
Date: 15th September 2024
Subject: Internal Audit’s Role in Corporate Governance & Audit Committee
The internal audit department plays a critical role in supporting the board in
upholding principles of good corporate governance. It provides independent
assurance of the effectiveness of internal controls, risk management, and
governance processes. By regularly evaluating and improving these areas,
internal audit ensures that the company adheres to regulatory requirements and
best practices, thereby enhancing transparency and accountability. This function
helps the board fulfill its oversight responsibilities, identify potential
weaknesses early, and ensure that strategic objectives are met while managing
risks effectively. Their reports can influence management decisions and enhance
the quality of corporate governance by ensuring that recommendations are acted
upon. Moreover, the alignment of internal audit objectives with those of
corporate governance has evolved, with internal audits now focusing on adding
value to the organization rather than merely serving management.
1. Cost: Establishing and maintaining an audit committee can involve
additional expenses, including remuneration for committee members and
additional administrative costs.
2. Complexity: It can add another layer of governance which might
complicate decision-making and communication within the board.
3. Potential for Conflict: Disagreements between the audit committee and
other board members may arise, potentially impacting cohesion and
Should you require further details on these aspects, please reply to me.
Best Regards
Kristaleen Jailal
Best regards
Kristaleen Jailal