Lesson 2 - All Strokes
Lesson 2 - All Strokes
Lesson 2 - All Strokes
I Am In The Drumline!
The other main strokes we use to execute all of the rudiments, except the multiple
bounce roll, are going to be introduced in this lesson. These strokes are tap, upstroke
and the down stroke. It is crucial that you master these strokes in order to play the
"Rudiments." especially at faster tempos. These strokes are defined on the DVD and can
also be found in "The Drummer's Rudimental Reference Book."
除了 multiple bounce roll, 我们将在本课中介绍用来演奏所有 rudiments 其他主要的 strokes。这些 strokes 包
括 tap, upstroke and the down stroke 。尤其是速度较快的时候,掌握这些 strokes 更是至关重要,这样才能演
奏"Rudiments."。这些 strokes 在 DVD 上都有定义,也可以在《The Drummer's Rudimental Reference
"Taps" are also referred to as ghost notes or inner beats. A tap is an unaccented
note that is followed by another unaccented note. Successive taps can be classified as
low volume rebound strokes, if you like!"
"Taps 也被称为 ghost notes 或 inner beats。tap 是一个无重音的音符,后面跟着另一个无重音的音符。如果你喜欢的
话,连续的轻击可以归为音量轻的 rebound strokes!”
“Upstrokes" are also known as "Pull Out Strokes" or the "Moeller Stroke." An
upstroke is an unaccented note followed by an accented note. The motion used for an
upstroke is that of a slight upwards whip motion. The arm is used to lift the stick as it is
executing the tap. The arm motion is followed by a very quick wrist motion which gets the
stick into position to play an accent. Sanford Augustus "Gus" Moeller (1886 - 1960) wrote
a book entitled "The Moeller Book: The Art of Snare Drumming." 1925. in which he
described this stroke in detail by using a frame by frame film strip to illustrate the motion
for the stroke.
“Upstrokes"也被称为"Pull Out Strokes"”或"Moeller Stroke" 。upstroke 是非重音的音符,后面跟着重音
的音符。upstroke 是轻微的向上抽打动作。手臂举起槌实际上是在完成 tap 的动作。手臂的动作之后是一个非常快速的手腕动作,这使得槌进
入一个位置来演奏一个重音。Sanford Augustus "Gus" Moeller (1886 - 1960)《 The Moeller Book: The
Art of Snare Drumming》 1925. 他在书中详细描述了这一击打动作,用一帧接一帧的胶片带来演示击打的动作。
The "Down Stroke" is also known as a "Controlled Stroke" or the "No Rebound
Stroke." Use a down stroke when you play an accent that is followed by a tap or softer
note. After the accent, squeeze the stick just enough to keep it from bouncing back up to
accent height. Tension is necessary here, but use as little as possible.
"Down Stroke" 也 被 称 为 "Controlled Stroke" 或 "No Rebound Stroke." "No Rebound
Stroke." 。当你演奏一个重音后面跟着 tap 或 softer note 时,使用 down stroke。在重音之后握紧槌,使它不会反弹到重音的
A "Road Map" is the route we use to get through a piece of music. In other words,
observing repeats, endings, del capo (D.C.), del segno (D.S.), Coda sign and Finé. We
will use all of these functions eventually. but for the etude in lesson two there are several
numbered endings. Play the first ending, return the repeat sign, play the second ending,
back to the repeat sign, play the third ending (which is the same as the first), back to the
repeat sign and then, finally, the fourth ending to the end.
The accompanying music for this section incorporates the full drum line. So, if you
haven't played in a drum line before, get ready, you are about to!