Topic Two Business Ideas and Entrepreneurship
Topic Two Business Ideas and Entrepreneurship
Topic Two Business Ideas and Entrepreneurship
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An existing product taken to another market. Examples Human milk bank and electric
motorbikes and vehicles.
2. TYPE B IDEAS-New technology-Start up ideas involving technology and centered on
providing customers with a new product. This can be a high risk area because there is usually
no model of success to follow, but it can have tremendous potential. Usually the products are
totally new. Example Kenya latest election management kits.KEMS
3. TYPE C IDEAS-New benefit-They are centered on providing customers with an improved
product.Eg Arimis.
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iv) Safety needs; security protection-detectors, locks, CCTV, insurance, karate, watchman,
G4s, perimeter walls.
v) Physiological /Basic needs; hunger, thirst.-shelter, food, clothing, hostels and hotels.
According to Maslow; human needs are arranged in a hierarchy. Starving people will take little
interest in latest happenings in the art world. A person tries to satisfy the most important need
first when that need is satisfied, it will stop being a motivator and the person will then try to
satisfy the next most important need.
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13. Identifying market gap/niche
14. Changes in society
15. Brainstorming
16. Being creative
17. Day dreaming.
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A franchisee is an entrepreneur whose power is limited by a contractual relationship with a
Franchisor (owner) e.g. Total/Caltex,Bata,Mpesa,Chain stores, Supermarkets –A party in a
franchise contract that specifies the methods to be followed and terms to be met by the other
1. Training-training compensates small entrepreneurs from weaknesses in their managerial skills.
It permits individuals who have had little training or education to start and succeed businesses of
their own, they also give manuals and other printed materials that provide guidance in operating
the business.
2. Financial assistance-the costs of starting an independent business are often high and sources of
capital are limited for the entrepreneur. By teaming up with a franchising organization, the
aspiring franchisee may enhance his/her likelihood of obtaining financial assistance.
3. Operating benefits. Most franchised products are widely known and accepted.
The following are the main reasons;
i. Reduction of uncertainties
ii. Acquisition of ongoing operations(personnel,inventories,physical facilities, banking
connections) and relationships(trade suppliers and customers)
iii. One can bargain the buying price of the facility easily especially when the seller is in a
hurry or eager to sell than the buyer.
iv. Quick start-This favors most of the entrepreneurs who shy away from bureaucratic
A family business is a company that two or more members of the same family own or operate
together in succession.
1. Strength of family relationships.
2. Business success is equal to family success. The family members may sacrifice income to
keep the business going.
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3. Knowledge is passed from one generation to another.
4. Shared social Lawyers help in legal suit.
5. Future oriented
6. Preservation of business reputation-Mainly through offering products and services of
high quality, taking into account ethics, professionalism and maintaining integrity
7. Reduced costs of control-The business spends less on systems designed to reduce theft
and to monitor employee work habits as members are related and trust one another.
A business opportunity is an attractive idea which provides the possibility of a return for the
entrepreneur taking the risk.
A good business opportunity must fulfil or be capable of meeting the following:
1) Real demand i.e. it should respond to unsatisfied needs or requirements of customers who
have ability to purchase and are willing to exercise that choice.
2) Return on investment – provide durable, timely and acceptable returns or rewards for the
risk and effort required.
3) Competitive – Equal to or better – from the viewpoint of the customer – than other
available products or services.
4) Meet objectives – meet the goals and aspirations of the person taking the risk
5) Available resources and competencies – be within the reach of the entrepreneur in terms of
resource, competency, legal requirements etc.
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3. Personal goals and competencies of an entrepreneur.
It is important for an entrepreneur to possess competencies, knowledge, skills and abilities before
starting a business where these competencies are lacking, it’s vital to develop or bring in
others/managers that compliment what is already available.
4. Management skills.
Those businesses that require high level of capital injection, require proper management
5. Competition
Check out whether the business has a competitive edge over other competitor’s e.g. potential
constraints and if the industry faces existing entry barriers.
6. Capital technology and other resource requirement-employ capital intensive techniques as
opposed to labour intensive technique
7. Environment
This refers to political, economic, geographical, legal, regulatory and also
Physical environment within which a business operates.SCLEPT/PESTLE/PESTLND.
8 Business planning
The process of examining the factors discussed above is often the initial step in developing a
business plan. Investors and lenders may require these issues to be considered and set out in form
of a business plan.
An industry is a sector of the economy that focuses on the production and sale of goods or services.
Industries can vary widely in terms of size, scope, and complexity, and can be classified into
different categories based on the types of products or services they provide. Industries play a
crucial role in the economy by creating jobs, generating revenue, and driving innovation and
1. Manufacturing and Allied
2. Technology,
3. Healthcare,
4. Banking and Finance
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5. Agriculture e.g. Sasini Ltd,Kakuzi
6. Telecommunication And Technology
7. Automobile And Accessories Car And General
8. Commercial Services E.g. Eveready,Homeboyz Uchumi NMG, KQ
9. Construction And Allied e.g. Bamburi Cement, Crown Paints
10. Energy And Petroleum e.g. Total,Kengen,Kplc,Umeme Ltd
11. Insurance
12. Investment e.g. Centum
13. Investment Services e.g. NSE
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