artificial reproduction
-assisted human reproduction
-artificial insemination, intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization,
ovarian stimulation
(with medications)
-medically assisted artificial fusion of sperm and ovum
complications of ahr
-low birth weight
is abortion ethical?
2. moral and ethical implicatons of a woman's right to control her own body
- pro-choice women advocates that prohibiting women from obtaining abortions denies
them the right to control their own bodies and make their own medical decisions
- there are other solutions to these challenges besides terminating the life of a
- Abortion, can seem like the best option in many cases; however its not
necessarily a moral or ethical course of action in most instances.
- A woman facing an unplanned preganancy will want to consider all her optiond to
make the best possible decisions.
-Nurses can help in decision-making process by providing free early [regnancy
services. counselling options and support to help the women.
- greek word "thanatos" - easy and happy life
- is an understood action or omission hich, of itself or by intension causes death,
in order that all suffering may in this way be eliminated.
- euthanasia is illegal in the Phillipines
- license will be revoked
Is DNR euthanasia?
- DNR orders are a form of passive euthanasia
-active euthanasia, killing a patient by active means, ie. injecting a lethal dose
of a drug
-passive euthanasia, intentionally letting a petient die by withholding artificial
life support.
-better care for the sick and dying fights against euthanasia and assisted suicide
-death with dignity, people are spiritual beings
-promote the way of caring for the dying, mercy is extended without inducing death
euthanasia is evil:
1. violation of the natural law
-violates the law of god
-nothing and no one can permit the killing of an innocent child.
Data Privacy
- RA 10173 also known as DATA PRIVACY ACT OF 2012 (DPA)
- ability of the person to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent
personal information about them is shared
- can one's name, location, contact information, or online or real world behavior.
- increase abortions and miscarriages
- deformed embryos and clones
- parenting acloe
- clones becoming self sufficient
- unknown personality of the clone
- rights for the clone