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Project no:
Project data
Project name
Project number
Date 20/10/2024
Design code AISC 360-16
Steel A36
Concrete 3000 psi
Name Material
1 - CON1(HP(Imp)12X63) A36
N Vy Vz Mx My Mz
Name Member
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
LE1 M2 -100,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Foundation block
Design data
fy εlim
[MPa] [%]
A36 248,2 5,0
Symbol explanation
Design data
ϕNsa ϕVsa
[kN] [kN]
5/8 A325 - 1 84,4 47,0
Symbol explanation
Nf Tension force
V Resultant of shear forces Vy, Vz in bolt
ϕNcbg Concrete breakout strength in tension – ACI 318-14 – 17.4.2
ϕVcbg Concrete breakout strength in shear – ACI 318-14 – 17.5.2
ϕVcp Concrete pryout strength in shear – ACI 318-14 – 17.5.3
Utt Utilization in tension
Uts Utilization in shear
Utts Utilization in tension and shear
ϕNsa Steel strength of anchor in tension - ACI 318-14 – 17.4.1
ϕVsa Steel strength of anchor in shear - ACI 318-14 – 17.5.1
Weld sections
Th Ls L Lc Fn ϕRn Ut
Item Edge Xu Loads Status
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kN] [kN] [%]
BP1 M2-bfl 1 E70xx ◢4,0◣ ◢5,7◣ 308 31 LE1 4,2 36,6 11,5 OK
E70xx ◢4,0◣ ◢5,7◣ 308 31 LE1 4,1 36,8 11,1 OK
BP1 M2-tfl 1 E70xx ◢4,0◣ ◢5,7◣ 308 31 LE1 4,1 36,7 11,1 OK
E70xx ◢4,0◣ ◢5,7◣ 308 31 LE1 4,2 36,5 11,5 OK
BP1 M2-w 1 E70xx ◢4,0◣ ◢5,7◣ 289 32 LE1 2,0 41,8 4,7 OK
E70xx ◢4,0◣ ◢5,7◣ 289 32 LE1 2,0 41,8 4,7 OK
Symbol explanation
A1 A2 σ Ut
Item Loads Status
[mm2] [mm2] [MPa] [%]
CB 1 LE1 195675 721574 0,5 2,4 OK
Symbol explanation
A1 Loaded area
A2 Supporting area
σ Average stress in concrete
Ut Utilization
Code settings
Item Value Unit Reference
Friction coefficient - concrete 0,40 - ACI 349 – B.6.1.4
Friction coefficient in slip-resistance 0,30 - AISC 360-16 J3.8
Limit plastic strain 0,05 -
Weld stress evaluation
Detailing No
Distance between bolts [d] 2,66 - AISC 360-16 – J3.3
Distance between bolts and edge [d] 1,25 - AISC 360-16 – J.3.4
Concrete breakout resistance check Both
Base metal capacity check at weld
No AISC 360-16: J2-2
fusion face
Cracked concrete Yes ACI 318-14 – Chapter 17
Local deformation check No
Local deformation limit 0,03 - CIDECT DG 1, 3 - 1.1
Analysis with large deformations for hollow
Geometrical nonlinearity (GMNA) Yes
section joints