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relations which link distant localities in such a

Lesson 1.1 way that local
“The Study of Globalization” happenings are shaped by events occurring
many miles away
The Contemporary World = The Modern World and vice versa.” - Anthony Giddens (The
Globalization Consequence of Modernity)

● Globalization is the increasing interaction of

people, states, or Globalization and History: is globalization a
countries through the growth of the international new phenomenon?
flow of ● Globalization is commonly thought of as a
money, ideas, and culture. Thus globalization is new phenomenon
primarily but contact between diverse individuals is not
focused on economic process of integration that new.
has social and ● It began when prehistoric tribes settled and
cultural aspects. were able to
● It is the interconnectedness of people and outmuscle wandering tribes.
business across the ● The premodern period saw technological
world that eventually lead to global, cultural, advances that
political, and allowed trade and communication to flourish.
economic integration. ● The early modern period saw the birth of
● It is the ability to move and communicate capitalism and
easily with others all regional markets.
over the world in order to conduct business ● The modern period saw the Industrial
internationally. Revolution provide
● It is the free movement of goods, services, and massive advances in technology at the expense
people across of the
the world in a seamless and integrated manner. environment.
● It is the liberalization of countries of the ● The contemporary era is an era of
impact protocols and convergence, with people
welcome foreign investment into sectors that are coming together through deregulated economic
mainstays of and ICT
its economy systems.

Globalization as defined by other authors Characteristics of Globalization

● “Globalization as process by which the people ● There is a social mobility of movement of
of the world are people regardless of
incorporated into a single world society” reason.
- Martin Albrow and Elizabeth King ● There is an intensification of interactions
● It’s an active process
● “Globalization as the intensification of ● Borderless interaction
worldwide social ● Spread of ideas, knowledge, technology,
culture, religion, etc.

Indicators of Globalization mechanism allowing poor countries to

● Interdependence of countries in different increasingly take care of really basic needs,
social aspects things like vaccination.”
● Advancement of science, technology, etc. -Bill Gates, owner and former CEO of Microsoft
● Environmental issues across borders s
● Economic globalization, cultural "Imagine there's no countries. It isn't hard to do.
globalization, and political globalization Nothing to kill or die for. And no religion, too.
Imagine all the people. Living life in peace.
Reasons for Globalization You, you may say I'm a dreamer.
But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you
● Rapid shrinking of time and distance across will join us. And the world will be as one. -John
the globe. One can Lennon, member of the music band The Beatles
easily cross the bridge going to the other side of
the market
place due to advance tools of technology than
before. Advantages of Globalization
● Domestic markets are no longer rich as a
interlocking factors.
● Companies and institutions go global to find Globalization can lead to higher
political and economic stability which is economic growth rates as it opens
relatively good in other countries than the markets and creates opportunities
country of origin. for businesses to expand
internationally. This can result in
Lesson 1.2 increased productivity, innovation,
“The Study of Globalization” and competitiveness.

Globalization Quotes by World Influencers ACCESS TO A LARGER MARKET:

Businesses can access larger
“No generation has had the opportunity, as we markets for their goods and
now have, to build a global economy that leaves services, which can lead to
no-one behind. It is a wonderful opportunity, but increased sales and profits. This is
also a profound responsibility.” -Barack Obama, particularly beneficial for small
former U.S. president and medium-sized enterprises
c (SMEs) looking to expand beyond
"My guiding principle is that prosperity their domestic markets
can be shared. We can create wealth
together. The global economy is not a
zero-sum game."
-Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia

“The fact is that as living standards have risen

around the world, world trade has been the EFFICIENCY AND COST REDUCTION:


Globalization allows companies to Globalization has contributed to
source materials, labor, and the spread of healthcare
services from around the world, innovations, education, and
often at lower costs. This can lead improved living standards in many
to cost savings for businesses and parts of the world.
potentially lower prices for The Study of Globalization
TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER: Economic interdependence through
As companies operate globally, globalization can promote peace
they often transfer technology and political cooperation among
and knowledge across borders. countries, as nations with strong
This can lead to technological economic ties have a vested interest
advancements and improved in maintaining stability.
standards of living in many parts
Global environmental challenges,
CULTURAL EXCHANGE: such as climate change and
Globalization facilitates cultural biodiversity loss, have become
exchange through the flow of global issues due to globalization.
information, ideas, art, music, and This has led to increased
media. This can promote greater international cooperation and
understanding and appreciation of awareness of the need for
different cultures. sustainable practices

Increased economic activity and Disadvantages of Globalization
job creation resulting from
globalization can help reduce INCOME INEQUALITY:
poverty in many developing
countries by providing Globalization can exacerbate income
employment opportunities and inequality within and between
income growth. countries. While some individuals
and regions benefit from increased
economic opportunities, others may
ACCESS TO FOREIGN INVESTMENT: be left behind or face wage
Developing countries can attract stagnation.
foreign direct investment (FDI) from
multinational corporations, which
can stimulate economic development
and infrastructure improvement.


As cultures interact and merge,

there is a risk of cultural POLITICAL TENSIONS:
homogenization, where unique Economic interdependence can
cultural practices and traditions create political tensions and conflicts
may be eroded or overshadowed when countries have differing
by globalized Western culture, interests. Trade disputes, resource
leading to a loss of cultural competition, and geopolitical
diversity. rivalries can escalate as a result of
In pursuit of lower production costs, EDEPENDENCY ON FOREIGN
some multinational corporations may MARKETS:
exploit cheap labor in developing An overreliance on foreign
countries, leading to poor working markets and suppliers can make
conditions, low wages, and countries vulnerable to economic
violations of labor rights. shocks and disruptions, such as
ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION: trade disputes or supply chain
The pursuit of profit in a
globalized economy can lead to
unsustainable practices that harm Can we get away with globalization?
the environment. Activities such Globalization presents a complex landscape of
as deforestation, pollution, and both advantages and disadvantages. On one
overexploitation of natural hand, it fosters economic growth, enhances
resources can result from cultural exchange, and
unchecked globalization. promotes global cooperation, enabling nations to
CULTURAL IMPERIALISM: thrive in an interconnected world. On the other
hand, it brings challenges such as increased
The dominance of Western media competition, environmental concerns, and the
and multinational corporations can potential erosion of local cultures andidentities.
lead to cultural imperialism, where Despite these drawbacks, the reality is that
the values, beliefs, and lifestyles of globalization is an integral part of the modern
Western societies are promoted and world, driven by technological advancements
adopted worldwide, potentially and the fundamental human desire for
undermining local cultures. connection and progress. As such, rather than
SOCIAL DISRUPTION: globalization, nations must focus on finding a
balance that maximizes its benefits while
Rapid globalization can lead to
addressing its adverse effects, ensuring that it
social disruption, as traditional
serves as a force for inclusive and sustainable
ways of life and communities are
disrupted by the rapid pace of
change, urbanization, and

Lesson 2 globalization of financial and capital markets

“The Structures of Globalization” -evident in the liberalization of financial and
Economic Globalization capital markets. This is seen in cross-listing of
shares on one or more foreign stock exchange,
-refers to the expanding interdependence of
cross-hedging and diversification of portfolio,
world economies. (Shangquan 2000) attributes
and round the clock trading worldwide.
this to the growing scale of cross-border trade
(National Research Council, 1995)
commodities and services, flow of international
capital, and wide and rapid spread of
technology. globalization of technology and
-a historical process, the result of human - emphasizes that various transactions and
innovation and technological progress. “It refers interactivities that transpire instantly due to the
to the services increasing integration of internet and communication technology.
economies around the world, particularly
through the movement of goods, and capital
globalization of production
across borders” (IMF, 2008).
-illustrated by the existence of multinational
corporations (MNCs) and transnational
Four Interconnected Dimensions Of
corporations (TNCs).
● globalization of trade and goods and services;
Economic Globalization
● globalization of financial and capital markets;
● globalization of technology and -the process of “making the world economy an
communication; and ‘organic system’ by extending transnational
● globalization of production economic processes and relations to more and
more countries and by deepening the economic
interdependencies among them”. (Szentes,2003)
globalization of trade and goods and services;
-establishment of the World Trade Organization
Actors That Facilitate Economic Globalization
(WTO) thateases trade among countries. WTO,
established in 1995,“ensures that trade flows as 1. Nation-state
smoothly, predictably and freely as possible 2. Global Corporations
“(WTO, 2012). 3. International Monetary System (IMS)
-emergence of China as a major supplier and
exporter of manufactured goods that has affected Actors That Facilitate Economic Globalization
the world economy.
-the increasing number of business process
outsourcing (BPO) companies in the Philippines 1. Nation-state
- is a political unit in which the state, a
centralized political organization ruling over a
population within a territory, and the nation, a
community based on a common identity, are
congruent. It is a more precise concept than

"country", since a country does not need to Three International Monetary System:
have a predominant national or ethnic group.)
● The Gold Standard
Nation-states are often characterized by the ● The Bretton Wood System
following: ● The European Monetary System (EMS)
● A shared sense of national identity, which may
be based on language, culture, religion, The Gold Standard
ethnicity, or history. -functions as a fixed exchange rate regime, with
● A common territory, with defined borders. gold as the only international reserve and
● A centralized government that claims participating countries determine the gold
sovereignty over the territory and its people. content of national currencies (Benczes, 2014)
● A monopoly on the legitimate use of force
within the territory. -is a monetary system where a country’s
currency or paper money has a value directly
Boyer and Drache (1996) state that the role of linked to gold. In this system, countries agreed
nation-states as manager of the national to convert paper money into a fixed amount of
economy is being redefined by globalization. gold. A country that uses the gold standard sets a
Although such is the case, nation-states still act fixed price for gold and buys and sells gold at
as buffer to negative effects of globalization. that price. That fixed price is used to determine
the value of the currency.
In support, Brodie (1996) calls the government
as the “midwives” of globalization. It means that
nation-states are still relevant despite assuming a Bretton Woods System
global perspective and act as mediators between -a set of unified rules and policies that provided
the effects of globalization and the national the framework necessary to create fixed
economy. Government policies and regulation international currency exchange rates. The
either permit or deny the smooth connection Bretton Woods Agreement was negotiated in
among world economies. July 1944 by delegates from 44 countries at the
United Nations Monetary and Financial
2. Global Corporations Conference held in Bretton Woods, New
On the other hand, some experts claim that the
actors are now the global corporations. Ohmae -Under the Bretton Woods System, gold was the
(1995) argues that the nation-state has ceased to basis for the U.S. dollar and other currencies
exist as the primary economic organization unit were pegged to the U.S. dollar’s value. The
in the global market. Bretton Woods System effectively came to an
end in the early 1970s when President Richard
3. International Monetary System (IMS) M. Nixon announced that the U.S. would no
-refers to internationally agreed rules, longer exchange gold for U.S. currency.
conventions, and institutions for facilitating
international trade, investments, and flow of -the US dollar was the only convertible
capital among nation-states. currency. Thus, it was agreed by 44 countries to
adopt the gold-exchange standard. Also, two
International Monetary System (IMS) financial institutions were established: the

International Bank for Reconstruction (IBRD) countries rely on developed countries for
and the IMF. The former, now known as the employment and income while the latter relies
World Bank, is responsible for post-war on the former for raw and services like labor.
reconstructions while the latter aims to promote
international financial cooperation and On the other hand, some observers of economic
strengthen international trade globalization believe that it divides the world
further. First, one might observe that the sources
European Monetary System (EMS) of goods and services are exploited, since these
economically poor nationstates depend on
-It came about after the collapse of the Bretton industrialized countries for employment and
Woods System. EMS was successful in the income, these industrialized countries
stabilization process of exchange rates. It then compensate their labor with cheap cost.
prompted the foundation of a new European
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). These industrialized countries even source
National currencies were abandoned, and materials from natural resources of poor nation-
member states delegated monetary policy onto a states as another form of exploitation. Some
supranational level administered by even destroy nature without doing anything to
the European Central Bank (European rehabilitate it.
Commission, 2008). Second, economic globalization does not benefit
-The development of international trade and all nations (World Bank, 2002). There is an
trade policy is also a form of such economic uneven experience among nations. Workers in
integration. Trade patterns must not be stagnant. TNCs are paid less compared to their
Flow of goods must be voluntary but restricting counterparts in the companies’ home countries.
it might affect the relationship between and This shows how cheap labor is in the
among states. Philippines.
Third, Wallerstein (2005) claims that capitalism
Does economic globalization divide or unite created the different levels of wages in the
the world? economic arena of world systems. It further
divides the world for it leads to inequality
With the nation-states, global corporations and
according to expertise, experience and skills.
international monetary systems as actors of
economic globalization, the world is now
confronted with a number of ongoing debates as
to whether economic globalization unites or
divides the world. Benczes (2014) believes that borderless world. Its
economic globalization fosters universal important players are the nation-states, global
economic growth and development. corporations, and the international monetary
As foreign countries are in need of workforce
and human capital, Filipino nurses become Though some people believe that economic
overseas workers; they go to Europe and other globalization brings unity of all economic
foreign countries to support their families in the movements, others believe that globalization
Philippines. Lastly globalization creates mutual furthers the separation among nation-states
dependence between developing and developed around the world.
countries (Arrighi, 2005). Some developing

Lesson 2.2 Role of International Functions of International Financial

Financial Institutions in the Institutions

Creation of a Global Economy • Provide loans, financial assistance, and support

for infrastructure projects.
Post-WWII Context • Promote institutional reforms, social safety
• Global recovery efforts after WWII. nets, and technical assistance.
• Establishment of the United Nations in 1945 • Mobilize private domestic and foreign capital.
to promote international cooperation and • Foster business growth and job creation.
restore order. For example, the World Bank helps in project
lending, establishes structural reforms, provides
Bretton Woods Conference (1944) support and technical assistance, and helps design
-Creation of the first governmentsponsored modern and durable social safety nets for the benefit
international financial institutions: of both developed and developing nations (Stiglitz,
• World Bank (WB) 1998). It also provides international capital like
foreign direct investments, short term capital and
• International Monetary Fund (IMF).
long-term investments. The International Monetary
Types of International Financial Fund, on the other hand, helps establish institutional
Institutions Intergovernmental Institutions bodies to address and reduce poverty like the African
Regional Technical Centers (AFRITACs) in 2001,
• World Bank (WB): - Aim: End poverty and
and assists in creating the conditions for
promote shared prosperity.
mobilization of private domestic and foreign capital
- Composed of five organizations (e.g., and job generation growth (Kohler, 2002).
International Bank for Reconstruction and Moreover, the Asian Development Bank lends money
Development, International Development for the building of infrastructures that leads to
Association). growth in business (,2013).
- Grants loans and financial assistance to
developing countries.
• International Monetary Fund (IMF): History of Global Market Integration in the
- Aim: Foster global monetary cooperation and 20th Century
secure financial stability. Global market integration did not happen
- Also grants financial assistance and loans to overnight. It was the result of the establishment
developing countries. of a global economy that involved the
• Private Institutions: - Examples: Citigroup, homogenization of trade and commerce. Prior to
Merrill Lynch. - Provide investments, stocks, trends in globalization of the 20th century,
and financial loans. international trade and exchange of goods and
• Regional Development Banks: services were already practiced.
- Asian Development Bank (ADB) and African
Development Bank (AfDB): Harvey (1990) sees that cities and countries
- Established in the 1960s to spur social and were able to extend their reach beyond borders
economic development. and patterns of trade and technology because of
- Focus on reducing poverty and fostering developments in shipping and navigation. This
sustainable development. was observable in the development of maritime
transport throughout history.

Colonialism and imperialism rose as the new products and services to each individual local
ways of putting order to the economic market.
interrelationships among countries. Equity,
corporate ownership, management subsidiaries, • Global companies have investments and are
and central headquarters which supply and present in many countries. They typically market
distribute goods and services were established their products and services to each individual
through colonialism. The Spanish government in local market.
the 1600s, for instance, made use of its colonies • Transnational companies (TNCs) are more
like the Philippines and Mexico as suppliers of complex organizations that have investments in
its resources for trade. foreign operations, have a central corporate
facility but give decision-making, research and
The integration of the global market started development, and marketing powers to each
when big American corporations began to individual foreign market.
emerge after the Second World War with the
rise of new conglomerates. American corporations operating internationally
were at a great advantage after the war for they
International Telephone and Telegraph bought had no competition. They had the capacity to
Avis Rent- a-Car, Continental Banking, produce, organize, and distribute products
Sheraton Hotels, and Hartford Fire Insurance because America was not devastated by the war.
(American History, 2018). Later, Japan and Literatures officially traced the start of the
Europe followed suit. Japanese global contemporary market integration from the return
automobile corporations like Toyota, Nissan and of the Japanese and European corporations to the
Isuzu took off after the giant American global market. It was acknowledged in 1974 that
companies flourished. These companies the major global economic actors were MNCs.
prospered as the primary and global makers of
trucks for the Japanese military (Dower, 1992). Collectively, they were described to be a
Renault automobiles, a French multinational particular corporate form to dominate global
automobile manufacturer, was also used to help production and exchange (Neubauer, 2014).
in the military post-war operations. The rise of Caroll (2003) termed the emergence of
American, Japanese, and European global international, multinational, global and
corporations paved the way for the further transnational companies in the United States
development of international trade. (US), the European Union (EU), and Japan as
the triad-the major economies of the world.
Iwan (2012) identifies the differences among
international, multinational, transnational, and
global companies: Structural Periods of Global Corporations
• International companies are importers and
The United Nations Conference on Trade and
exporters with no investment outside their home
Development (UNCTAD) defines FDIs as
funding made to acquire lasting interest in
• Multinational companies (MNCs) have
enterprises operating outside the economy of the
investments in other countries, but do not have a
investor in which their purpose is to gain an
coordinated product offering in each country.
effective voice in the management of the
They are more focused on adapting their
enterprise (UNCTAD, 2011).

Attributes of Global Corporations

Gereffi (2001) identifies three structural periods
The rise of global corporations is a key
in the evolution of global corporations after
reflection of market integration in a globalized
World War II:
economy. Transnational Corporations (TNCs)
• Investment-based period (1950–1970)
and Multinational Corporations (MNCs) extend
• Trade-based period (1970–1995)
their influence beyond their home countries,
• Digital globalization (1995 onwards)
expanding to other continents and regions.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as a Common Attributes of Global Corporations

Driver of Global Corporate Development Neubauer (2014) identifies three common
Investment-based Period (1950–1970) attributes of global corporations: Agent of
This era was driven by large investments in desired economic development: These
foreign enterprises, marking the early growth of corporations contribute to economic
global corporations through capital allocation. development by making consumer products
widely available across different parts of the
Trade-based Period (1970–1995) Global world (e.g., Nestle). Economic prominence:
corporations during this period were Global corporations hold significant economic
characterized by producer-driven commodity power and influence in international markets.
chains. These firms concentrated capital on Power to create crises: Global corporations are
largescale manufacturing or capital-intensive powerful entities that can also trigger economic
production. This period focused on trade and crises.
production efficiencies.
Digital Globalization (1995 onwards) The rise
of digital technology has transformed global On the whole, international financial institutions
corporate operations, integrating tech into both play an important role in the social and
production and consumption processes. economic development programs of developing
Producer-driven value streams streamlined and transitional nations. They are instrumental in
corporate structures to reduce the effects of time the functionality of the global economy which is
and distance on production and distribution. reliant on global corporations.

Digital Globalization (1995 onwards) Buyer-

driven value streams changed corporate
behaviors in retailing, utilizing the internet for
goods and services sales (Neubauer,
2014).Digital operations have influenced every
aspect of corporate activities: designing,
ordering, processing, inventory, delivery,
branding, and advertising (Cammett, 2006).

deregulation) to avoid being left behind

LESSON 3: THE GLOBAL (Friedman in Steger, 2005).Example: ASEAN
INTERSTATE SYSTEM (notes Free Trade Area (AFTA) established in 1999.
teams) Economic and Political Integration:
Supranational bodies like the EU and NAFTA
Global Interstate System influence how nation-states operate within
broader global systems. International Laws and
-refer to the networks and relationships between
Principles: The UN facilitates international
different countries in the world. These systems
cooperation through laws and treaties (e.g.,
involve the control, regulation, and financing of
Rome Statute, International Criminal Court,
various aspects such as telecommunications,
Universal Declaration of Human Rights).
electronic media, and international security.
Nation- State Transnational Activism: Activist groups across
Weber (1997) describes the state as a nations influence domestic policies through
compulsory political organization with a international collaboration (Keck & Sikkink,
centralized government that maintains the 1998). New Communication Networks: Digital
legitimate use of force within a certain territory. media transforms how nation-states interact and
On the other hand, the concept of nation engage in global political discourse (Castells,
emphasizes the organic ties that hold groups of 2009).
people together and inspire a sense of loyalty
and belongingness – ie., ethnicity, language, In order to facilitate connections among nation-
religion and others (Schattle, 2014). states, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)
were established. Their aim is to foster strong
Combining these two, a nation-state can then be economic, political, cultural, educational, and
defined as a political community that emanates technical intergovernmental relationships.
from a civic society to legitimately execute ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN
peace. Thus, the civic society is the basis of the NATION (ASEAN)
people’s oneness. Established in 1967, the ASEAN now has 10
Role of Nation-States in Globalizatiom member states which include:
Challenges to Nation-States: Claims that ● Indonesia, Malaysia
globalization diminishes the role of nation-states ● Philippines, Singapore
(Appadurai and Ohmae). Continued Relevance ● Thailand, Vietnam
of Nation-States: Despite globalization, nation- ● Laos, Myanmar
states maintain influence over international ● Cambodia, Timor Leste *** (2025)
issues and global corporations, while being Its goals are:
accountable to international norms (Schattle, 1) to accelerate economic growth, social
progress, and cultural development in the
2014). The Role of the United Nations (UN):
The growing membership in the UN highlights
2) promote regional progression;
the continued importance of nation-states in 3) advance peace and sustainability;
global decision-making. 4) promote active and beneficial cooperation
Effects of Globalization on Nation-States and mutual assistance on matters of common
interest in the economic, technical, cultural,
Economic Sovereignty: Nation-states must
administrative, and scientific fields;
conform to neoliberal principles (free markets,

5) provide assistance to each other in the

framework of training and research installations The intensification of relations among nation-
in the educational, professional, technical, and states gave birth to the idea of internationalism
administrative spheres; and globalism. The former is the theory and
6) work hand in hand for more effective and
practice of interdependent collaboration while
greater use of agriculture and industries;
the latter is an attitude. Internationalism is
7) advance Southeast Asian research; and
8) preserve close and beneficial collaboration basically anchored on the opinion that
with current international and regional nationalism should be outrun because links that
institutions with similar aims and purposes bind people of different countries are more
( powerful than those that disconnect them
European Union (EU) (Anora, 2014).

Its goals are:

Moreover, in order to avert wars, Immanuel
1. to promote peace, its values, and the well-
Kant (1795) stated that agreements among
being of its citizens;
nations must be reached. He conceptualized the
2. offer freedom, security, and justice without
idea of liberal internationalism which proposes
internal borders;
that nations must give up their freedom and
3. uphold sustainable development based on
submit to a larger system of laws that is
balanced economic growth and price stability;
embodied by common international principles.
4. combat social exclusion and discrimination;
He believed that a form of global government is
5. promote scientific and technological progress;
needed to create and enforce these laws.
6. enhance economic, social, and territorial
cohesion and solidarity among member
On the other hand, Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-
1872) assumed that nationalism and
7. respect cultural and linguistic diversity; and
international cooperation complemented each
8. establish an economic and monetary union-
other. He believed that cooperation among
nation- states is essential. Equally, US President
World Trade Oraganization (WTO) Woodrow Wilson (1856 – 1924) thought that
It has 164 member-states. It is the sole IGO that nations were subject to the universal laws of
caters to rules of trade on a global scale. Its God that could be discovered through reason. He
objective is to ensure that trade runs as adopted the principles of self determination,
smoothly, predictably, and freely as possible. It democratic government, collective security,
also encourages trade by lowering trade barriers international law, and a league of nations in his
that may hinder how products and services flow concept of internationalism.
from nation to nation.
Socialist internationalism, on the other hand,
Some other examples of IGOs are: contradicts liberal internationalism. This form of
1. International Criminal Court (ICC) internationalism is based on the view that
2. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) capitalism is a global system and that the
3. Organization of Petroleum Exporting working class must unite as a global class to
Countries (OPEC). forward the struggle against capitalism. The
-All IGOs serve purposes based on the common notion of socialist internationalism is linked to
interest of their member-states that is deemed the goal of a world revolution – to end class
beneficial to all parties involved. struggle globally.

The Second International (1889-1916), the

original socialist international, was an
organization of labor and social parties
established in Paris 1889. It is best known for
declaring the International Worker’s Day (May
1) and International Women’s Day (March 8)
and for initiating the campaign for the eight-
hour work day.

On the other hand, globalism emerged as an

attitude that seeks to understand all the
interconnections of the modern world and to
highlight patterns that underlie them. It pursues
to describe and explain a world that is
characterized by a network of connections that
span multicontinental distances.

Overall, the global interstate system is a facet of

contemporary political globalization that seeks
to form collaboration among nation-states
through the establishment of intergovernmental
organizations. It is rooted on the idea of
internationalism. Experts on interstate relations
cannot discount the numerous effects of
neoliberalism on the rise of new communication
networks utilized by governments.

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