Contempo Prelims
Contempo Prelims
Contempo Prelims
Increased economic activity and Disadvantages of Globalization
job creation resulting from
globalization can help reduce INCOME INEQUALITY:
poverty in many developing
countries by providing Globalization can exacerbate income
employment opportunities and inequality within and between
income growth. countries. While some individuals
and regions benefit from increased
economic opportunities, others may
ACCESS TO FOREIGN INVESTMENT: be left behind or face wage
Developing countries can attract stagnation.
foreign direct investment (FDI) from
multinational corporations, which
can stimulate economic development
and infrastructure improvement.
"country", since a country does not need to Three International Monetary System:
have a predominant national or ethnic group.)
● The Gold Standard
Nation-states are often characterized by the ● The Bretton Wood System
following: ● The European Monetary System (EMS)
● A shared sense of national identity, which may
be based on language, culture, religion, The Gold Standard
ethnicity, or history. -functions as a fixed exchange rate regime, with
● A common territory, with defined borders. gold as the only international reserve and
● A centralized government that claims participating countries determine the gold
sovereignty over the territory and its people. content of national currencies (Benczes, 2014)
● A monopoly on the legitimate use of force
within the territory. -is a monetary system where a country’s
currency or paper money has a value directly
Boyer and Drache (1996) state that the role of linked to gold. In this system, countries agreed
nation-states as manager of the national to convert paper money into a fixed amount of
economy is being redefined by globalization. gold. A country that uses the gold standard sets a
Although such is the case, nation-states still act fixed price for gold and buys and sells gold at
as buffer to negative effects of globalization. that price. That fixed price is used to determine
the value of the currency.
In support, Brodie (1996) calls the government
as the “midwives” of globalization. It means that
nation-states are still relevant despite assuming a Bretton Woods System
global perspective and act as mediators between -a set of unified rules and policies that provided
the effects of globalization and the national the framework necessary to create fixed
economy. Government policies and regulation international currency exchange rates. The
either permit or deny the smooth connection Bretton Woods Agreement was negotiated in
among world economies. July 1944 by delegates from 44 countries at the
United Nations Monetary and Financial
2. Global Corporations Conference held in Bretton Woods, New
On the other hand, some experts claim that the
actors are now the global corporations. Ohmae -Under the Bretton Woods System, gold was the
(1995) argues that the nation-state has ceased to basis for the U.S. dollar and other currencies
exist as the primary economic organization unit were pegged to the U.S. dollar’s value. The
in the global market. Bretton Woods System effectively came to an
end in the early 1970s when President Richard
3. International Monetary System (IMS) M. Nixon announced that the U.S. would no
-refers to internationally agreed rules, longer exchange gold for U.S. currency.
conventions, and institutions for facilitating
international trade, investments, and flow of -the US dollar was the only convertible
capital among nation-states. currency. Thus, it was agreed by 44 countries to
adopt the gold-exchange standard. Also, two
International Monetary System (IMS) financial institutions were established: the
International Bank for Reconstruction (IBRD) countries rely on developed countries for
and the IMF. The former, now known as the employment and income while the latter relies
World Bank, is responsible for post-war on the former for raw and services like labor.
reconstructions while the latter aims to promote
international financial cooperation and On the other hand, some observers of economic
strengthen international trade globalization believe that it divides the world
further. First, one might observe that the sources
European Monetary System (EMS) of goods and services are exploited, since these
economically poor nationstates depend on
-It came about after the collapse of the Bretton industrialized countries for employment and
Woods System. EMS was successful in the income, these industrialized countries
stabilization process of exchange rates. It then compensate their labor with cheap cost.
prompted the foundation of a new European
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). These industrialized countries even source
National currencies were abandoned, and materials from natural resources of poor nation-
member states delegated monetary policy onto a states as another form of exploitation. Some
supranational level administered by even destroy nature without doing anything to
the European Central Bank (European rehabilitate it.
Commission, 2008). Second, economic globalization does not benefit
-The development of international trade and all nations (World Bank, 2002). There is an
trade policy is also a form of such economic uneven experience among nations. Workers in
integration. Trade patterns must not be stagnant. TNCs are paid less compared to their
Flow of goods must be voluntary but restricting counterparts in the companies’ home countries.
it might affect the relationship between and This shows how cheap labor is in the
among states. Philippines.
Third, Wallerstein (2005) claims that capitalism
Does economic globalization divide or unite created the different levels of wages in the
the world? economic arena of world systems. It further
divides the world for it leads to inequality
With the nation-states, global corporations and
according to expertise, experience and skills.
international monetary systems as actors of
economic globalization, the world is now
confronted with a number of ongoing debates as
to whether economic globalization unites or
divides the world. Benczes (2014) believes that borderless world. Its
economic globalization fosters universal important players are the nation-states, global
economic growth and development. corporations, and the international monetary
As foreign countries are in need of workforce
and human capital, Filipino nurses become Though some people believe that economic
overseas workers; they go to Europe and other globalization brings unity of all economic
foreign countries to support their families in the movements, others believe that globalization
Philippines. Lastly globalization creates mutual furthers the separation among nation-states
dependence between developing and developed around the world.
countries (Arrighi, 2005). Some developing
Colonialism and imperialism rose as the new products and services to each individual local
ways of putting order to the economic market.
interrelationships among countries. Equity,
corporate ownership, management subsidiaries, • Global companies have investments and are
and central headquarters which supply and present in many countries. They typically market
distribute goods and services were established their products and services to each individual
through colonialism. The Spanish government in local market.
the 1600s, for instance, made use of its colonies • Transnational companies (TNCs) are more
like the Philippines and Mexico as suppliers of complex organizations that have investments in
its resources for trade. foreign operations, have a central corporate
facility but give decision-making, research and
The integration of the global market started development, and marketing powers to each
when big American corporations began to individual foreign market.
emerge after the Second World War with the
rise of new conglomerates. American corporations operating internationally
were at a great advantage after the war for they
International Telephone and Telegraph bought had no competition. They had the capacity to
Avis Rent- a-Car, Continental Banking, produce, organize, and distribute products
Sheraton Hotels, and Hartford Fire Insurance because America was not devastated by the war.
(American History, 2018). Later, Japan and Literatures officially traced the start of the
Europe followed suit. Japanese global contemporary market integration from the return
automobile corporations like Toyota, Nissan and of the Japanese and European corporations to the
Isuzu took off after the giant American global market. It was acknowledged in 1974 that
companies flourished. These companies the major global economic actors were MNCs.
prospered as the primary and global makers of
trucks for the Japanese military (Dower, 1992). Collectively, they were described to be a
Renault automobiles, a French multinational particular corporate form to dominate global
automobile manufacturer, was also used to help production and exchange (Neubauer, 2014).
in the military post-war operations. The rise of Caroll (2003) termed the emergence of
American, Japanese, and European global international, multinational, global and
corporations paved the way for the further transnational companies in the United States
development of international trade. (US), the European Union (EU), and Japan as
the triad-the major economies of the world.
Iwan (2012) identifies the differences among
international, multinational, transnational, and
global companies: Structural Periods of Global Corporations
• International companies are importers and
The United Nations Conference on Trade and
exporters with no investment outside their home
Development (UNCTAD) defines FDIs as
funding made to acquire lasting interest in
• Multinational companies (MNCs) have
enterprises operating outside the economy of the
investments in other countries, but do not have a
investor in which their purpose is to gain an
coordinated product offering in each country.
effective voice in the management of the
They are more focused on adapting their
enterprise (UNCTAD, 2011).