Vacation Assignment
Vacation Assignment
Vacation Assignment
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Nicholson Secondary School Creditors….. Rs. 20 0000
Loan………. Rs. 300000
Debtors………… Rs. 500000
Best of luck
Nicholson Secondary School a. Skin cancer is caused by ultraviolet.......
Sallaghari, Bhaktapu b. Cataract generally occurs at young age.....
First Terminal Examination 2081Terminal c. The development of cataract is difficult process.....
d. Eye problem can cause cataracts.........
Subject: - Com. English (Eng. 004) FM: 50 e. Infection is the major cause of blindness........
Grade – XII Time: 1:30 hrs. PM: 20
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as 2. Write short answers to the following questions. (4X2=8)
practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
a. Why were the people in the neighbourhood surprised at the role of
Attempt all questions
the young man and his wife within their family? (Neighbours)
b. How was Gouvernail different from Mrs. Baroda’s expectation? (A
1. Read the text and complete the tasks that follow. 10
Respectable Woman)
Cataract is the major cause of blindness, which is also caused by damage
c. What, according to the speaker, is a day? (A Day)
to the cornea. It occurs more often in old age. As one starts growing old, the
d. What are the six dimensions of normative marriage in America?
lens of the eye hardens, loses its transparency and becomes opaque. It
(Marriage as Social Institution)
obstructs the light rays from entering the eye.
The onset of cataract blurs the vision. Sometimes, the cataract patient
3. Write long answers to the following questions. (2X5=10)
sees multiple images instead of a single object image. Because of the gradual
a. Sketch the character of Famous Actress. How is she different from
development of cataract, the afflicted person loses his/her vision and the
Earnest Young Woman? (A Matter of Husbands)
world becomes dark to him/her.
b. Discuss “Every Morning I wake” as prayer to the God.
The development of cataract is a complex process. However, the
following factors can be attributed to its formation. Cataract generally 4. Write a short autobiography featuring your childhood life using the
develops in old age but sometimes, children are born with cataract because following guidelines. (7)
of hereditary defect. Eye injuries too, can cause cataracts. Date and place of birth Family background
People exposed to sun rays for longer periods develop cataract earlier Daily life School life
than others. Researchers opine that the smoke inhaled while smoking carries Special event of childhood days, etc.
substances internally damaging the eyes.
Ultraviolet radiation, invisible to the human eye, is linked to skin 5. Write an email to your uncle who is in USA informing him about
cancer. The victim loses vision and the world becomes dark to him. your study. (7)
A. Answer the following questions: (5) 6. Do as indicated in the brackets and rewrite the sentences. (5X1=5)
(a) What is the major cause of blindness? a. I’m going to tell you something very important, so please listen
(b) Why does the lens of the eye become opaque in old age? …………... . (Complete the sentence with an appropriate adverb.)
(c) How does cataract affect its victim ultimately? b. The old man died …………. a heart attack. (Put the correct
(d) How does one detect cataract in early stages? preposition in the blank.)
(e) Give any two factors which are responsible for the formation of cataract. c. More than one person …………. going to have to find a new job.
(Put the correct verb in the blank.)
B. Write true or false to the sentences given below. (5)
d. You'll …………. (has to/have to/must/had to) tell the police that
your house was broken into. (Choose the correct option from the
bracket to complete the sentence.)
e. …………. the AC was on, the room was not cool. (Put a correct
conjunction in the blank to complete the sentence.)
The End
Nicholson Secondary School
Sallaghari, Bhaktapur
First Terminal Examination 2081
Class: XII F.M.: 50
Subject: Business Studies Time: 1:30 Hrs. P.M.: 20
The Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as
practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Group B
(Short Answer Questions) (4*5= 20)
7. What are the characteristics of management? Explain any 5 points.
8. Why planning is needed for successful operation of organization?
Explain with suitable points.
9. What are the types of decision making? Explain.
10. Explain the importance of controlling.
Group C
(Long Answer Question) (3*8=24)
11. What do you mean by administrative management theory?
12. Define the meaning of line and staff organizational structure and explain
its advantages and disadvantages.
13. How leader plays the important role in organization? Explain his
personal qualities.
Nicholson Secondary School
Sallaghari, Bhaktapur
First Terminal Examination 2081
Sallaghari, Bhaktapur 7. a) Expand the binomial power (2x – 3y)5, by using binomial theorem. [2]
lim x4 – 3x3 + 2
First Terminal Examination 2081 b) Evaluate x → 1 3 [3]
2x – 5x2 + 3x
Class: XII F.M.: 50 8. a) There are 5 roads connected from city A to city B, and 8 road from
Subject: Basic Mathematics Time: 1:30 Hrs. P.M.: 20 city B to city C. If a traveler wants to start travelling from city A to B
and then B to C and again return from C to B and B to A. But he does
Group A (6×1=6) not want to repeat any roads. So in how many different ways can he
accomplish his travel? [2]
Multiple choice questions from Q. No. (1) to (6). Choose the correct answer. b) Differentiate with respect to x: [1+2=3]
1. Which of the following defines Euler’s Number?
x i) log sinh a ii) sinh-1x
lim 1 lim 1/x
a) x → ∞ 1 + x c) x → ∞ (1 + x)
1·2 2·3 3·4
9. a) Sum to infinity the series: 1! + 2! + 3! + … [2]
∞ r ∞ x
x r b) Express the following complex numbers into polar form: [2]
b) Σ r! d) Σ r!
r=0 r=0 i) 3 + i ii) 2 2 e
2. In how many ways 3 balls can be selected out of 10 balls? c) Find the value by using De Moivre’s Theorem, if z = 2(cos 15° + i sin
a) 720 b)120 c) 10³ d) 310 15°), then z² + z³ = ? [2]
3. If S = (1 + x)n, where and n ϵ ℤ + then, which one of the following statements 10. Find the slope of the tangent to the curve
is true a) 2x² + 3y² + 8x + 3 = 0 at (-1,1). [2]
a) S has n terms c) S has n + 1 terms b) x² + y² = 25 at (-3, 4). [2]
b) S has ∞ terms d) Degree of S is n + 1
4. If z = 8(cos 60° + i sin 60°), then its Euler’s form is
a) z = 8 eiπ b) z = 8 eiπ/3 c) z = 8 e60i d) z = 8 eiπ/6. Group C (3×8=24)
5. If C(n, r) = 120, then what is the value of C(n, n – r) ?
a) 240 b) 120 c) 180 d) Insufficient Condition 1
11. a) Find the term independent of x in the expansion of 2x + 3x² [2]
6. Which of the following represents 3rd term of binomial series(1 – x)– n ,
where n is any real number. lim x – sin x cos x
b) Evaluate: x → 0 [3]
n(n –1) x² n(n +1) x² x³
a) c) c) Two concentric circles are expanding in such a way that the radius of
2! 2!
n(n – 1)(n – 2) x3
n(n + 1)(n + 2) x3 the inner circle is increasing at the rate of 10 cm/sec and that of the
b) d) outer circle at the rate of 7cm/sec. At a certain time, the radii of the
3! 3!
inner and the outer circles are respectively 24 cm and 30 cm. At what
time, is the area between the circles increasing or decreasing? How
fast? [3]
1 1·4 1·4·7
12. a) Show that: 1 + 4 + 4·8 + 4·8·12 + … to ∞ = 22/3 [2]
b) If 1, ω and ω² are cube roots of unity, prove that: [2]
a + bω + cω² a + bω + cω²
aω + bω² + c + aω² + b + cω = – 1
c) Find the nth term and then the sum of the first n terms: [2]
1·3 + 2·4 + 3·5 + …
x² y²
d) Show that the equation of the tangent to the curve a² + b² = 1 at the
x y
point (a, b) is a + b = 2 . [2]
The End