Intro and Def
Intro and Def
Intro and Def
Videos link: (striker 2) (striker 2advertisment) (F35 hmd 2014 collins)
Components design:
Basic Components :
o Mounting Platform/helmet :
o Image source Cameras /sensors:
o Relay Optics
o Head Tracker
o Night vision camera to embed on display
o 3d terrain mapping on display
Head Tracker :
Head tracking is a software application that monitors a user's head position
and orientation. ... Head tracking is often used to simulate the experience
of freely looking around in virtual (VR) or augmented reality (AR), allowing
the user to experience an immersive and natural way to look around in
virtual environments.
accuracy - what is the angular error between the pilot's line-of-sight and
the derived measurement?
slew rate - what is the maximum angular rate at which the pilot can slew
his helmet and the system still produce an accurate measurement ?
field of regard - what is the angular range over which the sight can still
produce a suitably accurate measurement ?
weight and balance - how heavy is the helmet and sight assembly,
where is its centre of gravity, how will it affect pilot fatigue levels in high
G manoeuvre, and does it pose a safety problem during ejection ?
optical characteristics - is the pilot's sighting reticle focussed at infinity ?
How accurately can the sight be calibrated ? Is the symbology sharp ?
robustness - can the design handle the wear and tear of day to day
combat squadron operations ?
safety - how easily can the helmet be disconnected from the aircraft's
systems during an ejection ?
flexibility - can the design be used for other purposes, like the display of
symbology and imagery ?
cost - how expensive is the HMS/HMD and its supporting electronics and
the integration of these into the aircraft's weapon system.