Card Games
Card Games
Card Games
CARD GAMES Pinochle ........................................................... 21
Rummy ............................................................ 23
Blackjack ......................................................... 24
Streets and Alleys ............................................ 25
Preference ........................................................ 25
Emperor........................................................... 26
Whist ............................................................... 26
Red Dog .......................................................... 27
Boat House Rum .............................................. 28
Tunk ................................................................ 28
Content Presidents ....................................................... 29
Six Card Golf ..................................................... 2
Bridge .............................................................. 29
Crazy Eights ...................................................... 2
Spades with Jokers ........................................... 31
Snap .................................................................. 3
Bull Poker ........................................................ 32
I Doubt It ............................................................ 3
Manila Hold ’™Em ............................................. 33
Spit .................................................................... 4
Wild Widow Poker............................................ 35
Red or Black ...................................................... 4
Indian Poker .................................................... 36
California Jack ................................................... 5
Baseball Poker ................................................ 36
Shasta Sam ....................................................... 5
Guts ................................................................. 37
Conquian ........................................................... 6
KIDS — FAMILY .............................................. 38
Sir Garnet .......................................................... 6
Old Maid .......................................................... 38
Napolean ........................................................... 7
Go Fish ............................................................ 38
Pool Nap ............................................................ 7
Concentration .................................................. 38
Peep Nap ............................................................ 8
Go Boom ......................................................... 39
Agram ................................................................ 8
Pig ................................................................... 39
Pepper ............................................................... 9
Slapjack ........................................................... 39
Forty-Five......................................................... 10
Pitch ................................................................ 40
Sixty-Six ........................................................... 11
Fan Tan ........................................................... 41
Hollywood Eights .............................................. 12
Michigan .......................................................... 41
Six Card Golf ................................................... 12
Accordion ........................................................ 42
Spades with Jokers .......................................... 13
War.................................................................. 42
Egyptian Rat Screw ......................................... 14
Play or Pay ...................................................... 43
500 Rum .......................................................... 15
Snip Snap Snorem........................................... 43
Booray ............................................................. 16
Shasta Sam ..................................................... 44
Rolling Stone ................................................... 16
Quadruple War ................................................ 44
Hearts .............................................................. 17
Authors ............................................................ 44
Euchre ............................................................. 17
Linger Longer .................................................. 45
Spoil Five ......................................................... 18
Bingo ............................................................... 45
Cinch ............................................................... 19
Sir Garnet ........................................................ 20
Six Card Golf Crazy Eights
Adults, Teens, Families, Kids / 2,3,4 Family, Kids, Teens / 2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Snap I Doubt It
Family, Kids, Teens / 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Adults, Teens / 2,3,4,5,6,7,8
How to Win
When a player puts his last card on the table and
either is not doubted or, upon being doubted, is
shown to have announced correctly, he wins the
Spit Cards played from the layout row may immediately
be replaced by a new card from the top of the deck.
Kids, Adults, Teens / 2
Players cannot exceed four cards in their layout
A novice can learn to play Michigan after just a
brief explanation. This makes the game ideal for
groups in which no one game is familiar to all
The players continue to rapidly play cards to the
center and replace cards in their rows until all
players get stuck and cannot make a play. Often
Rank of Cards
several dozen cards can be played before all players
2 decks of cards, A (high of low) K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8,
get stuck. When all players are stuck, they say
7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
Ready, Spit, and again deal new starter cards to the
top of each pile in the center. Play then continues as
The Layout
Each player has his own deck and begins by placing
the top four cards from his deck face up in front of
How to Win
him in a row. There should be lots of empty space
When a player has played all the cards in his deck,
in the middle of the table between the two players.
he must continue play using only the cards left in
(In fact it is best to play on the floor, since cards
his layout (even though he will not have a card to
often go flying once play starts.) Players hold the
Spit with if all players get stuck). When that player
remainder of their deck in one of their hands during
goes out by playing the last card from his layout
row, he wins. If both players have run out their
decks and get stuck before going out, the player
Object of the Game
with the fewest cards left wins.
The winner is the first player to get rid of all his
Red or Black
The Play
There are no turns taken in this game, everyone Kids, Family, Teens, Adults / 2,3,4,5,6,7,8
plays at the same time. When both players are
ready, one of them says spit and immediately each Each player in turn, beginning on the dealer’s left,
player takes the top card from his deck and plays it places any bet up to the limit, and names red or
to the center of the table. These first cards should be black. The Deal
far away from each other, forming two play piles The dealer gives the player five cards face up.
between the players . Players immediately begin
playing their cards from their layout onto the center The Play
piles. A card can be played only if it is one higher If three or more are of the color named, the dealer
or one lower than the card on the top of the pile. pays the bet; if three or more are of the opposite
The card’s suit does not matter, and an ace can be color, the dealer collects the bet.
played high or low.
If all five cards are of the same color, double the bet
Example: is paid or collected.
One could play the a 9 form the layout on the 10
pile since it is one lower in sequence. How to Win
Guess right or count the cards (if you’re a
A player may only use one hand to move a card and professional), but just make sure you’ve picked the
may only play one card at a time. Many times both right color or suite when that dealer starts flipping
players can play a card on the same pile. In that case cards. Oh, and have fun!
the player who gets there first gets the play and the
other player must take back his card. This race to
play out the cards can get very exciting!
California Jack Shasta Sam
Kids, Teens, Family, Adults / 2 Kids, Teens, Family, Adults / 2
Deal cards either one or three at a time, beginning Deal cards either one or three at a time, beginning
with the opponent, until each player has six cards. with the opponent, until each player has six cards.
The remaining cards are squared and turned face up The remaining cards are squared and turned face
in the center of the table, serving as a stock. The top down in the center of the table, serving as a stock.
card is the trump suit for that deal. The top card is the trump suit for that deal.
The winner of each trick draws the top card of the The winner of each trick draws the top card of the
stock, and the loser takes the next card. Since the stock, and the loser takes the next card. When the
top card of the stock is always exposed, an object of stock is exhausted, the last six cards of each
play frequently is to win or lose a trick depending player’s hand are played out until all cards have
on whether the player wishes to draw the top card of been played.
the stock or take a chance on what the next card will
be. When the stock is exhausted, the last six cards How to Win
of each player’s hand are played out until all cards One point each is scored for taking the tricks that
have been played. contain: High (ace of trumps), Low (deuce of
trumps), Jack of trumps, and Game (the greatest
How to Win number of points in counting cards, each ten
One point each is scored for taking the tricks that counting 10 points, each ace 4, each king 3, each
contain: High (ace of trumps), Low (deuce of queen 2, each jack 1).
trumps), Jack of trumps, and Game (the greatest
number of points in counting cards, each ten The first player to score 10 points wins the game. If
counting 10 points, each ace 4, each king 3, each both players reach 10 in the same hand, the points
queen 2, each jack 1). count in order: High, Low, Jack, Game.
Conquian How to Win
The game ends when a player has melded exactly
11 cards. Therefore, a player may have no card left
Adults, Teens / 2
in his hand but still continues to play because he
needs another melded card to go out. Each deal is a
The Pack
separate game, and if the stock is exhausted before
A standard pack of 52 cards with all the tens, nines
either player has melded 11 cards, the next game
and eights removed, leaving a total of 40 cards in
counts double.
the deck.
Bidding Bidding
Each player in turn, beginning to the dealer’s left, Each player in turn, beginning to the dealer’s left,
may make one bid or pass. A bid is the number of may make one bid or pass. A bid is the number of
tricks, out of five, that the player thinks he can win tricks, out of five, that the player thinks he can win
with a particular suit as trump. A bid of all five with a particular suit as trump. A bid of all five
tricks is called Nap tricks is called Nap
Peep Nap The usual way of settling scores is to distribute an
equal number of chips to all players before the
Adults, Teens, Family / 2,3,4,5,6
game and then settle in chips after each deal.
Rank of Cards
A (high), K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. Agram
The Deal Adults, Teens, Families / 2,3,4,5,6
Each player receives five cards, dealt in a round of
three at a time, then a round of two at a time, or first The Pack
two and then three. The kings, queens, jacks and 2s of all suits and the
ace of spades are removed from the deck. The cards
Bidding of each suit rank, from high to low: A, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6,
Each player in turn, beginning to the dealer’s left, 5, 4, 3. Because the ace of spades (called Chief) is
may make one bid or pass. A bid is the number of removed from the deck, the highest card in the
tricks, out of five, that the player thinks he can win spade suit is the 10.
with a particular suit as trump. A bid of all five
tricks is called Nap The Deal
The dealer will deal six cards to each player, three
The Play at a time.
The highest bidder indicates the trump suit by
making the opening lead, which must be a trump. The Play
Other players must follow suit if possible. A player The player to the left of the dealer leads with a card
who cannot follow suit may trump or discard at of their choice. The next player to the left then
will. A trick is won by the highest card played of follows with their card. If possible they must follow
the suit led, or, if it contains a trump, by the highest suit. However, if they cannot, they may play a card
trump. The winner of a trick leads next. of any suit. If the card played does not belong to the
original suit, it has no value. After all players have
Players create a pool (pot) of chips which is won by played their card, the player who has the highest
the first player to successfully take five tricks on a card of the original suit (suit of the leading card of
Nap bid. Each player puts in an equal number of the round) wins the trick. The winner of the trick
chips to begin the pool; and thereafter, each dealer leads any card from his hand to begin the next trick,
in turn adds the same number of chips each hand. playing it face up on top of the pile. Once again, the
The pool may be further increased by requiring a other players must each play a card of the same suit
player revoking to contribute five chips, and for a as the card that was led, if possible. Otherwise they
lead out of turn, three chips. A player bidding Nap may play any card.
and failing to take five tricks must double the pool.
This continues until six tricks have been played.
One card only is dealt to make a widow, usually on Whoever wins the sixth and last trick wins the
the first round. By adding one chip to the pool, any game.
player may peep at this card before bidding or
passing. The highest bidder may take the widow How to Win
card but must discard one card to reduce his hand to Whoever wins the sixth and last trick wins the
five cards before play begins. game.
How to Win
There is no credit for extra tricks won either by the
bidder or by the opponents beyond what was needed
to make or defeat the bid. If the bidder makes the
bid, he collects from all the other players. If the
bidder is defeated, he pays every player.
Pepper fails to make its contract, regardless of the value of
the contract. A team can have a negative score. An
exception to this is the ‘big pepper’ bid. With
Teens, Family, Adults / 2,3,4
this contract, if all the tricks are taken the
contracting side wins 12 points. However, if the
The Pack
contracting side fails to take all six tricks, they are
24 cards containing 9, 10, J, Q, K, and A in each
set back 12 points. The opposing side always scores
one point for each trick taken.
Rank of Cards
The first team to score 30 or more points wins. If
J (of trump suit, or the Right Bower; high), J (of the
both sides reach 30 or more points on the same
other suit of the same color as the trump suit, or the
hand, the side with the higher score wins. If their
Left Bower), A, K, Q, 10, 9 .
scores are equal, the game is a tie.
Cards are dealt one at a time to each player, starting
with the player to the dealer’s left. Each player
receives six cards.
Starting with the player to the dealer’s left, each
player can bid or pass. A bid indicates the number
of tricks that a player (with the help of their partner)
will contract to win if allowed to choose either the
trump suit or no trump. The possible bids are the
numbers from one to five; above five is ‘™little
pepper’™ which is a bid to take six tricks, and the
highest bid of all is ‘™big pepper’ which is also a
bid to take six tricks, but the stakes for that hand are
effectively doubled.
The Play
The highest bidder then makes the opening lead,
and may lead any card. The other players each play
a card (playing clockwise) and must follow suit if
possible. If a player cannot follow suit, they may
play any card. The trick goes to the highest trump
or, if there are no trump cards, to the highest card of
the suit led. The winner of a trick leads to the next
How to Win
Teams scores one point for each trick taken if it
makes at least its contract, but loses six points if it
Forty-Five Object of The Game
The goal is to accumulate the most chips by
winning tricks.
Adults, Teens, Family / 2,4,6
The Play
Rank of Cards
The player on the dealer’s left leads any card. Each
The ace of hearts is always third-best trump. There
player, in turn, must follow suit if possible, or
are 13 trumps when hearts are trump, 14 when any
trump. If unable to follow suit, a player may play
other suit is trump. Rank of spot cards is different in
any card.
red and black suits.
When a lower trump is led, a player is not required
Rank in trump suit:
to follow suit with the five or jack of trumps or the
ace of hearts.
Spades and clubs: 5 (high), J, A, A, K, Q, 2, 3, 4, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10.
A trick containing a trump is won by the highest
trump played. Any other trick is won by the highest
Hearts: 5 (high), J, A, K, Q, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 3, 2.
card of the suit led. The winner of each trick leads
Diamonds: 5 (high), J, A, A, K, Q, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 4,
3, 2.
How to Win
The side taking three or four tricks scores 5 points;
Rank of cards in plain suits (no trump):
five tricks, 10 points. An alternative system is that
each trick counts 5 points, and the score of the side
Spades and clubs: K (high), Q, J, A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
taking the fewest tricks is deducted from that of the
8, 9, 10.
side taking the most tricks. Thus, three tricks count
5; four tricks, 15; five tricks, 25 points; 45 points is
Diamonds: K (high), Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,
Hearts: K (high), Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
There is a misdeal if too many or too few cards are
dealt, if the dealer exposes a card in dealing, if the
The rule to remember is, Low in black, high in red.
deal begins with an uncut pack (provided a new
deal is demanded before the deal is completed), or if
The Deal
the dealer counts the cards on the table or in the
Deal five cards to each player clockwise - three,
pack. If there is a misdeal, the deal passes to the
then two (or two, then three) in rotation, to the left,
player on the original dealer’s left.
beginning with the player on his left. After the deal
is completed, the next card is turned over to indicate
Irregular hand
A hand with an incorrect number of cards is dead,
and the other players continue play. However, if a
Robbing the Trump
player has won three tricks with an irregular hand
The player holding the ace of the trump suit may
before it is discovered, he wins the pot.
exchange any card in his hand for the turned card. If
the player does not choose to make this exchange,
he must ask the dealer to turn down the trump card,
If there is an illegal exposure of a card after any
thus announcing who holds the ace (otherwise that
player has won two tricks, the offender’s hand is
player’s ace becomes lowest trump, even if it is the
dead, and he does not receive cards until the pot in
ace of hearts). If an ace is turned, the dealer may
progress is won. However, he must still add to the
discard at once and take the ace into his hand after
pot when other players do.
the first trick, or may play with his original hand,
announcing this intention.
Sixty-Six leader on each trick must follow suit if possible.
Marriages may still be scored.
Adults, Teens / 2
Either player may close (end the game), when he
The Pack
has the lead, either before or after drawing, by
The standard 52-card pack is stripped of all cards
turning down the trump card. Thereafter, no cards
except the A, K, Q, J, 10, and 9 of each suit, making
are drawn, and the last trick does not score 10
a total of 24 cards.
points. If either player announces during play that
his score is 66 or more, the play immediately stops
Rank of Cards
and the game is closed.
A (high), 10, K, Q, J, 9.
The player who first reaches 66 scores 1 game
The Deal
point. If he reaches 66 before the opponent gets 33
Deal six cards each, three at a time, beginning with
(a schneider), he scores 2 game points; if before the
your opponent. The thirteenth card is turned up for
opponent gets a trick (a schwarz), he scores 3 game
trump and laid beside undealt cards which become
points. If neither player scores 66, or each has
the stock.
scored 66 or more without announcing it, no one
scores in that hand and 1 game point is added to the
Object of the Game
score of the winner of the next hand.
The goal is to score 66 points as follows:
Marriage in trumps (K, Q announced) 40
If a player closing gets 66 or more, he scores the
Marriage in any other suit (K, Q announced) 20
same as if the game had been played out. If the
Each ace (taken in on tricks) 11
player fails, the opponent scores 2 points. If a player
Each ten (taken in on tricks) 10
closes before his opponent has taken a trick, but
Each king (taken in on tricks) 4
fails to score 66, the opponent scores 3 points.
Each queen (taken in on tricks) 3
Each jack (taken in on tricks) 2
The player who scores 7 game points first, wins.
Winning last trick 10
The Play
The non-dealer leads first. No one is obligated to
follow suit. The higher card of the suit led, or a
trump played to a plain-suit lead, wins the trick. The
winner of the trick draws the top card of the stock
(the opponent taking the next card), and leads for
the next trick.
The Play
The game is scored by hands, and the winner must
make a certain number of points which is decided
before the game begins. Five hundred points is
common, but 200 points is suitable for a short
game. The player on the dealer’s left makes the
Egyptian Rat Screw Jokers: when jokers are used in the game, which
should be determined before gameplay begins.
Family, Kids, Teens, Adults / 2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Anytime someone lays down a joker, the pile can be
The Pack
A standard 52 card deck is used and can include
Four in a row: when four cards with values in
consistent ascending or descending order is placed.
Ex: 5, 6, 7, 8 or Q, K, A, 2
The Deal
Deal cards one at a time face down, to each player
Marriage: when a Queen is placed over or under a
until all the cards have been dealt evenly. Without
King Ex: Q, K or K,Q
looking at any of the cards, each player squares up
his hand into a neat pile in front of him.
You must add one or two cards to the bottom of the
pile if you slap the pile when it was not slappable.
The Play
Starting to the left of the dealer players pull the top
Continue playing even if you have run out of cards.
card off their pile and place it face-up in the middle.
As long as you don’t slap at the wrong time, you are
If the card played is a number card, the next player
still allowed to slap in and get cards! Everyone
puts down a card, too. This continues around the
should try to stay in the game until you have a
table until somebody puts down a face card or an
single winner who obtains all the cards
Ace (J, Q, K, or A). When a face card or an Ace is
played, the next person in the sequence must play
How to Win
another face card or an Ace in order for play to
The player who has all of the cards at the end of the
continue. If the next person in the sequence does not
game, wins.
play a face card or an Ace within their allotted
chance, the person who played the last face card or
an Ace wins the round and the whole pile goes to
them. The winner begins the next round of play.
Slap Rules
The Play
Place undealt cards face down in the center of the
table, forming the stock. The top card is turned face
up and is placed beside the stock as the up card to
start the discard pile. The discard pile should be
slightly spread, so that players can readily see all
the cards it contains. Each player, beginning with
the player to the left of the dealer, may draw either
the top card of the stock or any card from the
discard pile.
Cards that are laid off are kept on the table in front
of the player. Sequences may not go round the
corner; thus, A, K, Q or A, 2, 3 may be melded, but
not K, A, 2.
When any player gets rid of all his cards, the play
immediately ends. Each player’™s score is then
Booray Just to clarify, the player who wins the most tricks
wins the pot.
Family, Teens, Adults / 4,5,6,7
Rolling Stone
The Deal
Combine two decks of cards. Shuffle before dealing Family, Teens / 4,5,6
out ten piles of five cards each into rows. The first
four cards of each pile are dealt face down, the top Leave all Thirty-Two cards on the table to win.
cards face up.
The Deal
The Play Combine two decks of cards. Shuffle before dealing
For each deal, players ante to a pot. out ten piles of five cards each into rows. The first
four cards of each pile are dealt face down, the top
Five cards are dealt to each player, one at a time, cards face up.
face down, beginning with the player on the left.
The dealer then turns up the next card, which is The Pack
designated the trump suit, and then he announces For four players, the sixes down through twos are
this suit. removed, leaving a 32-card pack. For five players,
the fours, threes, and twos are removed, leaving 40
Any player, after looking at his cards, may drop out cards. For six players, only the twos are removed.
of the hand and forfeit his ante by placing all five The Deal Deal eight cards to each player, dealt one
cards face down. Otherwise, a player may stay in at a time clockwise, starting with the player to the
and have a chance to win the pot, or perhaps sustain left.
additional losses. Each active player, beginning on
the dealer’™s left, now discards one to four cards The Play
and receives replacements from the deck, or stands The player to the dealer’™s left leads first and may
pat. play any card. The next player must follow suit if
possible. A player who cannot follow suit must pick
When the draw is completed, the player on the up all the cards played so far and add them to his
dealer’™s left leads and the cards are played out in hand. That player then leads any card to start a new
tricks (one card from each player in turn). The round.
leader must lead his highest trump if he has the ace,
king, or queen. To each trick, a player in turn must: If everyone follows suit, the player who played the
highest card collects the trick, but places it in a
1. Follow suit, if possible. waste pile. These cards do not count as part of the
2. Play a higher card than any previously played, if cards in the player’™s hand, so, the only advantage
possible. in winning a trick is that the player may lead the
3. Play a trump, if unable to follow suit. suit of his choice next.
4. Play any card, if unable to follow suit or trump.
How to Win
A trick is won by the highest card of the suit led The player who succeeds in getting rid of all his
unless a trump is played, in which case the highest cards first, wins the game
trump wins. The winner of a trick leads next. The
player may lead any card unless he holds the ace,
king or queen of trumps, in which case one of these
three cards must be led.
How to Win
The goal is to win at least one trick and the primary
object is to win each pot by taking the most tricks.
Hearts player scores zero and each of his opponents score
an additional 26 points.
Adults, Family, Teens / 3,4,5,6,7
The Deal
Deal the cards one at a time, face down, clockwise. Adults, Family, Teens / 4
In a four-player game, each is dealt 13 cards; in a
three-player game, the 2 of diamonds should be Euchre is an offshoot of Juckerspiel, a game that
removed, and each player gets 17 cards; in a five- became widely popular throughout Europe during
player game, the 2 of diamonds and 2 of clubs the Napoleonic era. In the 1800s, it became one of
should be removed so that each player will get 10 the most popular card games in America and
cards. Australia. Euchre (and its variations) is the reason
why modern card decks were first packaged with
The Play jokers, a card originally designed to act as the right
The player holding the 2 of clubs after the pass and left bowers (high trumps).
makes the opening lead. If the 2 has been removed
for the three handed game, then the 3of clubs is led. Special Euchre decks are available, or the standard
Each player must follow suit if possible. If a player 52-card pack can be stripped to make a deck of
is void of the suit led, a card of any other suit may thirty two cards (A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7 of each suit),
be discarded. or 28 cards (7s omitted), or 24 cards (7s and 8s
omitted). In some games, a joker is added.
However, if a player has no clubs when the first
trick is led, a heart or the queen of spades cannot be Rank of Cards
discarded. The highest card of the suit led wins a The highest trump is the Jack of the trump suit,
trick and the winner of that trick leads next. There is called the right bower. The second-highest trump is
no trump suit. The winner of the trick collects it and the Jack of the other suit of the same color called
places it face down. Hearts may not be led until a the left bower. (Ex: If diamonds are trumps, the
heart or the queen of spades has been discarded. right bower is J♦ and left bower is J♥.) The
The queen does not have to be discarded at the first remaining trumps, and also the plain suits, rank as
opportunity. The queen can be led at any time. follows: A (high), K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7. If a joker has
been added to the pack, it acts as the highest trump.
How to Win
At the end of each hand, players count the number The Deal
of hearts they have taken as well as the queen of Beginning to the left of the dealer, each player
spades, if applicable. Hearts count as one point each receives five cards. The dealer may give a round of
and the queen counts 13 points. three at a time, then a round of two at a time. After
the first deal, the deal passes to the player on the
Each heart - 1 point dealer’™s left.
The Q - 13 points
The Turn-Up
The aggregate total of all scores for each hand must After dealing place the rest of the pack in the center
be a multiple of 26. of the table and turn the top card face up. If turn-up
is accepted as trump by any player, the dealer has
The game is usually played to 100 points (some the right to exchange the turn-up for another card in
play to 50). When one player hits the agreed upon his hand.
score or higher, the game ends; and the player with
the lowest score wins. Making the Trump - Starting to the left of the
dealer, each player passes or accepts the turn-up as
When a player takes all 13 hearts and the queen of trump.
spades in one hand, instead of losing 26 points, that
The dealer signifies refusal of the turn-up by
removing the card from the top and placing it (face Partnership or lone hand is euchred, opponents
up) partially underneath the pack; this is called score 2
turning it down.
each; the other 10 points are lost. forming the stock.
Game. Every deal may constitute a game. The The top card of the stock is turned face up and
player who scores the most points wins. becomes the upward. It is placed next to the stock to
start the discard pile.
Alternatively, a match can be played to 1,000
points, playing a series of deals. When one player When two people play, the winner of each hand
has scored 1,000 or more, and the other player less deals the next. When more than two play, the deal
than 1,000, the former wins the game. If at the end passes to next the player on the left.
of the play of any hand each player has 1,000 or
more, play continues for a game of 1,250, even if Object of the Game
one player has, for example, 1,130, while the other Each player tries to form matched sets consisting of
has only 1,000. If both players go over 1,250 at the groups of three or four of a kind, or sequences of
end of the hand, the play continues for a 1,500-point three or more cards of the same suit.
game, and so on. However, this seldom happens
because either player has the right, during the play, The Play
to declare himself out. Beginning with the player to the left of the dealer,
players either draw the top card of the stock or takes
Declaring Out. At any time during the play, a player the top card of the discard pile and adds it to his
may declare out. At that point, play stops and his hand. The player may also lay down on the table,
tricks are counted. If, in fact, the player has 1000 face up, any meld (matched set). If the player does
points or more, he wins the game - even if the not wish to lay down a meld, he discards one card,
opponent has more. If the claimant has fewer than face up, onto the discard pile. If the player has
1,000 points, he loses the game. If the game has drawn from the discard pile, he may not discard the
been increased to 1,250 points, 1,500 points, or a same card on that turn.
higher score, a player may declare out at that figure.
Laying off
A player may add one or more from his hand to any
Rummy matched set already shown on the table. Thus, if
threes are showing, he may add the fourth three; if
Adults / 2,3,4,5,6
10, 9, 8 are showing, he may add J, or Q, J, 7, or 7,
Rummy is still one of the best-known card games in
the United States, though in many regions it has
Going out
been superseded by Gin Rummy and Oklahoma
When a player gets rid of all his cards, he wins the
Gin. Rummy works better than Gin Rummy when
there are more than two players. A pleasing feature
of the game is that it is so simple to play and has
If all his remaining cards are matched, the player
many variations.
may lay them down without discarding on his last
turn. This ends the game and there is no further
Rank of Cards
K (high), Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, A. (In many
forms of Rummy, the ace may rank either high or
If the last card of the stock has been drawn and no
player has gone out, the next player in turn may
either take the top of the discard pile, or may turn
The Deal
the discard pile over to form a new stock (without
Dealer gives one card at a time face down,
shuffling it) and draw the top card. Play then
beginning with the player on the left. When two
proceeds as before.
people play, each person gets 10 cards. When three
or four people play, each receives seven cards;
How to Win
when five or six play, each receives six cards. The
Each player pays to the winner the pip value of the
remaining cards are placed face down on the table,
cards remaining in his hand, whether the cards form whether to stand (not ask for another card) or hit
matched sets or not. Face cards count 10 each, aces (ask for another card in an attempt to get closer to a
1 each, and every other card its pip value. count of 21, or even hit 21 exactly). Thus, a player
may stand on the two cards originally dealt him, or
A player goes rummy when he gets rid of all cards he may ask the dealer for additional cards, one at a
in his hand at once, without previously having put time, until he either decides to stand on the total (if
down or laid off any cards. In this event, every other it is 21 or under), or goes bust (if it is over 21).
player pays him double - twice what his opponents
would otherwise owe. dealer’s Play
When the dealer has served every player, his face-
down card is turned up. If the total is 17 or more, he
Blackjack must stand. If the total is 16 or under, he must take a
card. He must continue to take cards until the total
Adults / 2,3,4,5,6,7,8
is 17 or more, at which point the dealer must stand.
If the dealer has an ace, and counting it as 11 would
With the exception of Poker, Blackjack is the most
bring his total to 17 or more (but not over 21), he
popular gambling card game. Equally well known
must count the ace as 11 and stand.
as Twenty-One, the rules are simple, the play is
thrilling, and there is opportunity for high strategy.
Splitting Pairs
In fact, for the expert player who mathematically
If a player’s first two cards are of the same
plays a perfect game and is able to count cards, the
denomination, such as two jacks or two sixes, he
odds are sometimes in that player’s favor to win.
may choose to treat them as two separate hands
when his turn comes around. The amount of his
Object of the Game
original bet then goes on one of the cards, and an
Counting any ace as 1 or 11, as a player wishes, any
equal amount must be placed as a bet on the other
face card as 10, and any other card at its pip value,
card. The player first plays the hand to his left by
each participant attempts to beat the dealer by
standing or hitting one or more times; only then is
getting a count as close to 21 as possible, without
the hand to the right played.
going over 21.
Doubling Down
The Deal
Another option open to the player is doubling his
When all the players have placed their bets, the
bet when the original two cards dealt total 9, 10, or
dealer gives one card face up to each player in
11. When the player’s turn comes, he places a bet
rotation clockwise, and then one card face up to
equal to the original bet, and the dealer gives him
himself. Another round of cards is then dealt face
just one card, which is placed face down and is not
up to each player, but the dealer takes his second
turned up until the bets are settled at the end of the
card face down. Thus, each player except the dealer
hand. With two fives, the player may split a pair,
receives two cards face up, and the dealer receives
double down, or just play the hand in the regular
one card face up and one card face down.
way. Note that the dealer does not have the option
of splitting or doubling down.
If a player’s first two cards are an ace and a ten-
card (a picture card or 10), giving him a count of 21
When the dealer’s face-up card is an ace, any of the
in two cards, this is a natural or blackjack. If the
players may make a side bet of up to half the
dealer’s face-up card is a ten-card or an ace, he
original bet that the dealer’s face-down card is a
looks at his face-down card to see if the two cards
ten-card, and thus a black jack for the house. Once
make a natural. If the face-up card is not a ten-card
all such side bets are placed, the dealer looks at his
or an ace, he does not look at the face-down card
hole card. If it is a ten-card, it is turned up, and
until it is the dealer’s turn to play.
those players who have made the insurance bet win
and are paid double the amount of their half-bet - a
2 to 1 payoff. When a blackjack occurs for the
The player to the left goes first and must decide
dealer, of course, the hand is over, and the player’s How to Win
main bets are collected - unless a player also has Get those foundations built, if you can.
blackjack, in which case it is a stand-off. Insurance
is invariably not a good proposition for the player,
unless he is quite sure that there are an unusually
high number of ten-cards still left undealt.
Adults / 3,4,5,6,7,8
How to Win
Rank of Cards
Again, counting any ace as 1 or 11, as a player
A (high), K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7.
wishes, any face card as 10, and any other card at its
pip value, each participant attempts to beat the
Rank of Suits
dealer by getting a count as close to 21 as possible,
Hearts is the highest suit, followed by diamonds,
without going over 21.
clubs, and then spades which is low. Hearts is
known as the preference suit.
The Deal
Streets and Alleys Deal cards clockwise in packets of three, face down,
clockwise, to each player. The dealer then deals a
Adults, Teens / 1 widow of two cards, face down, to the center of the
table. Finally, the dealer deals each player a packet
Object of the Game of four cards and another packet of three cards.
The goal is to get all cards built onto the Each player should have a hand of 10 cards, so that
foundations. along with the two-card widow, all 32 cards are
The Deal
A column of four cards is dealt to the center of the Object of the Game
table, slightly to the left. A column of four cards is Each player attempts to make the highest bid and
then dealt to the right of center, leaving room then fulfill it.
between these two columns for another column. All
cards are dealt face up. The player continues Stakes
dealing the cards in columns of four alternately to Chips are used and the players must agree
the left and right, overlapping outward from the beforehand how many chips will be placed in the
center with the cards already dealt. The entire pack pot, how many chips will be paid from the pot to the
is dealt out, so that each row on the left will contain successful bidder, and finally, how many will be
seven cards and each row on the right, six cards. paid to the pot by a bidder who fails to fulfill his
The four aces form the foundations. As each ace is Bidding
released, it is moved into the center between the left The bidding in this game is only for the right to
and right rows that were dealt. The foundations are name the trump suit, not for the number of tricks
built up in suit and sequence. expected to be won.
If the bidder fulfills his bid by taking six or more A king may not be built on an ace, and aces must be
tricks, he receives the agreed-upon amount of chips placed as foundations as soon as possible.
from the pot. If the player fails to take at least six
tricks, he puts an agreed-on number of chips into Foundations are built up in suit and sequence from
the pot. ace through king.
Rank of Cards
A (high), K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. (In Object of the Game
drawing for partners and deal, however, ace is low.) The goal is to be the player with the most chips at
the end of the game.
The Deal
The dealer gives each player one card at a time, face The Ante
down, beginning with the player on his left, until he Chips are distributed to the players, and each player
comes to the last card. The last card is the trump places one chip in the center of the table to form a
card. pool or pot.
A trick is won by the person who played the highest When the player has placed his bet, the dealer turns
trump. Any trick not containing a trump is won by up the top card from the remainder of the pack. If
the person who played the highest card of the suit the player who bet has a card of the same suit and of
led. The winner of each trick leads next. higher rank, he shows the card and takes back the
amount of his bet, plus an equivalent amount from
How to Win the pot. If he has no card that beats the card shown,
Each odd trick (a trick in excess of six) counts one he must show his entire hand, and the amount of his
point for the side winning it. bet is added to the pot. The next player in turn then
places a bet, another card is turned, and the same
procedure is followed until all players, including the
Red Dog dealer, have bet.
Adults / 2,3,4,5,6,7,8
If at any time the pot has no more chips in it
(because a player has bet the pot and won), each
A gambling game that depends a lot on luck, Red
player again puts in one chip to restore the pot.
Dog is not popular in casino play, but is often
played at home just for fun - the stakes are
When every player has had a chance to bet, the turn
to deal passes to the player on the dealer’s left.
Rank of Cards
A (high), K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
How to Win Laying off
Be extremely. A player may add one or more from his hand to any
matched set already shown on the table. Thus, if
threes are showing, he may add the fourth three; if
Boat House Rum 10, 9, 8 are showing, he may add J, or Q, J, 7, or 7,
Adults / 2,3,4,5,6
Going out
Rank of Cards
When a player gets rid of all his cards, he wins the
K (high), Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, A. (In many
forms of Rummy, the ace may rank either high or
If the last card of the stock has been drawn and no
player has gone out, the next player in turn may
The Deal
either take the top of the discard pile, or may turn
Dealer gives one card at a time face down,
the discard pile over to form a new stock (without
beginning with the player on the left. When two
shuffling it) and draw the top card. Play then
people play, each person gets 10 cards. When three
proceeds as before.
or four people play, each receives seven cards;
when five or six play, each receives six cards. The
How to Win
remaining cards are placed face down on the table,
A player pays only for cards in his which does not
forming the stock.
form matched sets. He pays the pip value of all
unmatched cards, with the ace counting as 11 points
The top card of the stock is turned face up and
becomes the upcard. It is placed next to the stock to
A player goes rummy when he gets rid of all cards
start the discard pile.
in his hand at once, without previously having put
down or laid off any cards. In this event, every other
When two people play, the winner of each hand
player pays him double - twice what his opponents
deals the next. When more than two play, the deal
would otherwise owe.
passes to next the player on the left.
The Play either pass (i.e. not play any cards), or play face up
Deuces are wild. Each player in turn must either a card or set of cards which beats the previous play.
draw from the stock or take the top discard,
followed by discarding. Only the player on the A single card is beaten by any higher single card. A
dealer’s left, whose turn comes first, may take the set of cards can only be beaten by a higher set
first upcard. Before discarding, the player may tunk containing the same number of cards. So for
(knock) if his unmatched cards count 5 or less. The example if the previous player played two sixes you
player then spreads his hand, separating matched can beat this with two kings, or two sevens, but not
and unmatched cards. A matched set may have no with a single king, and not with three sevens
more than four cards and must include two natural (though you could play two of them and hang onto
cards. A sequence may be three cards or more. Each the third).
other player then has one turn to draw, take the
discard, meld, lay off on the tunker’s melds, and It is not necessary to beat the previous play just
discard. (If all the tunker’s cards were matched, no because you can - passing is always allowed. Also
one may lay off on his hand.) passing does not prevent you from playing the next
time your turn comes round.
After each player has had his turn, the count of each
player’s unmatched cards is scored against him. (A The play continues as many times around the table
deuce counts only 2 points.) If the tunker does not as necessary until someone makes a play which
have the lowest count, he is charged double his everyone else passes. All the cards played are then
count. When a player’s score reaches 100, he is out turned face down and put to one side, and the player
of the game. Play continues until there is only one who played last (and highest) to the previous trick
player left, who is the winner. starts again by leading any card or set of equal
If the stock is exhausted, the hand is redealt and
there is no score. The first player who is out of cards is awarded the
highest social rank - this is President. The last
How to Win player to be left with any cards is known as the
After each player has had his turn, the count of each Scum.
player’s unmatched cards is scored against him. (A
deuce counts only 2 points.) If the tunker does not How to Win
have the lowest count, he is charged double his The first player who is out of cards is awarded the
count. When a player’s score reaches 100, he is out highest social rank - this is President. The last
of the game. Play continues until there is only one player to be left with any cards is known as the
player left, who is the winner. Scum.
Each bid must name a greater number of odd tricks Winning of Tricks - A trick containing a trump is
than the last bid, or an equal number but in a higher won by the hand playing the highest trump. A trick
denomination. Notrump is the highest not containing a trump is won by the hand playing
denomination, outranking spades. Ex. = Two the highest card of the suit led. The winner of each
Notrump will overcall a bid of Two Hearts, and a trick leads next.
bid of Four Clubs is required to overcall a bid of
Three Notrump. Declarer’s Play - The declarer plays his own cards
and the dummy’s cards, but each in proper turn,
Doubling and Redoubling - Any player may double since the dummy does not take an active part in the
the last preceding bid if it was made by an play.
opponent. Any player may redouble the last
preceding bid if it was made by his side and Played Card - The declarer plays a card from his
doubled by an opponent. own hand when he places it on the table or when it
is named as an intended play. When the declarer
A doubled or redoubled bid may be overcalled by touches a card in the dummy hand, it is considered
any bid which would have been sufficient to played (except when he is merely arranging the
overcall the same contract undoubled. Ex. =Two dummies cards). Alternatively, the declarer may
Spades is doubled and redoubled, it may still be name a card in the dummy and such a card must be
overcalled by a bid of Two Notrump, a bid of Three played. A defender plays a card when he exposes it
Clubs, or by any other higher bid. so that the other defender can see its face. A card
once played may not be withdrawn, except to
Final Bid and the Declarer- When a bid, double, or correct a revoke or other irregularity.
redouble is followed by three consecutive passes,
the bidding is closed. The final bid in the auction Taking in Tricks Won - A completed trick is
becomes the contract. The player who, for his side, gathered and turned face down on the table. The
first bid the denomination named in the contract declarer and one of the defenders should keep all
becomes the declarer. If the contract names a trump tricks won in front of them, and the tricks should be
suit, every card of that suit becomes a trump. The arranged so that the quantity and the order of the
declarer’s partner becomes the dummy, and the tricks played are apparent.
How to Win A vulnerable side is exposed to increased penalties
When the last (13th) trick has been played, the if it fails to fulfill a future bid, but receives
tricks taken by the respective sides are counted, and increased premiums for certain other bids that are
the points earned are then entered to the credit of fulfilled.
that side on the score sheet. Any player may keep
score. If only one player keeps score, both sides are Honors - When there is a trump suit, the ace, king,
equally responsible to see that the score for each queen, jack, and ten of trumps are honors. If a
deal is correctly entered. player holds four of the five trump honors, that
partnership scores 100 above the line; all five
The score sheet is ruled with a vertical line making honors in one hand score 150. If the contract is in
two columns that are headed We and They. The Notrump, a player holding all four aces scores 150
scorekeeper enters all scores made by his side in the above the line for his side. Note that the points for
We column and all scores made by the opponents in honors are the same whether the side is not
the They column. A little below the middle of the vulnerable or vulnerable, and that the defenders can
score sheet is a horizontal line. Scores designated as also score for honors.
trick score are entered below the line; all other
scores are premium scores and and are written Slam Bonuses - Other premium scores are awarded
above the line. for bidding and making a small slam (a bid at the
six-level, such as Six Hearts) or a grand slam (a
Trick Score - If the declarer fulfills his bid by contract at the seven-level, such as Seven Spades or
winning as many or more odd-tricks as the contract Seven Notrump).
called for, his side scores below the line for every
odd-trick named in the contract. Thus, if the Doubled or Redoubled Contract - When the declarer
declarer wins eight tricks and the bid is Two Hearts, makes a doubled contract, a premium bonus is
the score for making two in a bid of hearts would be scored. Making a redoubled contract scores an even
credited, as per the Scoring Table. bigger premium bonus - this is a recent change in
scoring. Note that doubling and redoubling do not
Overtricks - Odd-tricks won by the declarer in affect honor, slam, or rubber bonus points.
excess of the contract are called overtricks and are
scored to the credit of his side as premium score. Unfinished Rubber - If the players are unable to
complete a full rubber and only one side has a
The Game - When a side has scored 100 or more game, that side scores a 300 bonus. If only one side
points below the line, it has won a game. To show has a part score, that side earns a 100 bonus.
this, the scorekeeper draws a horizontal line across
the score sheet, below the score which ended the Back Score - After each rubber, each player’s
game. This signifies that the next game will begin. standing, plus (+) or minus (-), in even hundreds of
A game may be made in more than one deal, such points, is entered on a separate score called the back
as by scoring 60 and later 40, or it may be scored by score. An odd 50 points or more count 100, so if a
making a larger bid and earning 100 or more points player wins a rubber by 950 he is +10, if he wins it
in a single deal. Once the next game begins, if the by 940 the player is +9.
opponents had a score below the line for making a
bid, such as 70, this score does not carry over, and
each side needs the full 100 points to win the next
Spades with Jokers
Adults, Teens, Family / 2,3,4,5
Vulnerable - A side that has won its first game
The Pack
becomes vulnerable, and that side’s objective is to
The standard 52-card pack is used. Two jokers are
win a second game and thus earn a bonus for the
added, the Big Joker and Little Joker.
rubber. When a side scores its second game, the
rubber is over, and the scores are totaled. The
Rank of Suits
winning partnership is the side with the most points.
The Spade suit is always trump.
How to Win
Rank of Cards For making the contract (the number of tricks bid),
Joker, A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. the player scores 10 points for each trick bid, plus 1
point for each overtrick.
Object of the Game is to win at least the number of
tricks bid. For example, if the player’s bid is Seven and he
makes seven tricks, the score would be 70. If the bid
When the two jokers are used, they are the highest- was Five and the player won eight tricks, the score
ranking trump cards. The spade suit is comprised of would be 53 points: 50 points for the bid, and 3
15 cards: the Big Joker outranks the Little Joker points for the three overtricks. (In some games,
which outranks the ace of spades. For the two- and overtricks are called bags and a deduction of 100
four-player games, the deuces of clubs and points is made everytime a player accumulates 10
diamonds should be removed; for the five-player bags. Thus, the object is always to fulfill the bid
game, all four deuces should be removed; and for exactly.)
the three-player game, no cards are removed, as 18
cards are dealt to each person and there are 18 If the player breaks contract, that is, if he takes
tricks. fewer than the number of tricks bid, the score is 0.
For example, if a player bids Four and wins only
The Deal three tricks, no points are awarded. One of the
The first dealer is chosen by a draw for high card, players is the scorer and writes the bids down, so
and thereafter the turn to deal proceeds clockwise. that during the play and for the scoring afterward,
The entire deck is dealt one at a time, face down, this information will be available to all the players.
beginning on the dealer’s left. The players then pick When a hand is over, the scores should be recorded
up their cards and arrange them by suits. next to the bids, and a running score should be kept
so that players can readily see each other’s total
The Bidding points. If there is a tie, then all players participate in
Each player decides how many tricks he will be one more round of play.
able to take. The player to the dealer’s left starts the
bidding and, in turn, each player states how many
tricks he expects to win. There is only one round of
bidding, and the minimum bid is One. Every player
must make a bid; no player may pass. No suit is
Bull Poker
named in the bid, for as the name of the game
Adults / 4,5,6,7,8
implies, spades are always trump.
The Pack
The Play
The standard 52-card pack is used.
The game is scored by hands, and the winner must
make a certain number of points which is decided
before the game begins. Five hundred points is Object of the Game
The goal of each player is to win the pot which
common, but 200 points is suitable for a short
contains all the bets that the players have made in
game. The player on the dealer’s left makes the
any one deal. A player makes a bet in hopes that he
opening lead, and players must follow suit, if
has the best hand, or to give the impression that he
possible. If a player cannot follow suit, he may play
does. In most Poker versions, the top combination
a trump or discard. The trick is won by the player
of five cards is the best hand.
who plays the highest trump or if no trump was
played, the player who played the highest card in
the suit led. The player who wins the trick leads The Deal
For this version of High Low Poker, each player
next. Play continues untilnone of the players have
receives three cards face down. He arranges them in
any cards left. Each hand is worth 13 tricks. Spades
any order desired, but may not thereafter change the
cannot be led unless played previously or player to
lead has nothing but Spades in his hand.
The Play and two 4s.
There is a betting interval. Then each player
receives four face-up cards, one at a time, with a Flush
betting interval after each. Next, each player turns Five cards all of the same suit, but not all in
up his first face-down card, followed by a betting sequence, is a flush. An example is Q, 10, 7, 6, and
interval, and then his second face-down card, 2 of clubs.
followed by the final betting interval. The last card
is then turned up for the showdown. Straight
Five cards in sequence, but not all of the same suit
Poker Hands is a straight. An example is 9♠, 8♣, 7♦, 6♥, 5♦.
Three of a Kind
This combination contains three cards of the same
rank, and the other two cards each of a different
rank, such as three jacks, a seven, and a four.
Two Pairs
This hand contains a pair of one rank and another
pair of a different rank, plus any fifth card of a
different rank, such as Q, Q, 7, 7, 4.
One Pair
This frequent combination contains just one pair
with the other three cards being of different rank.
An example is 10, 10, K, 4, 3.
No Pair
This very common hand contains nothing.none of
the five cards pair up, nor are all five cards of the
same suit or consecutive in rank. When more than
one player has no pair, the hands are rated by the
highest card each hand contains, so that an ace-high
Five of a Kind hand beats a king-high hand, and so on.
This is the highest possible hand and can occur only
where at least one card is wild, such as a joker. How to Win
Examples of five of a kind would be four 10s and a Have the best hand of cards at each round’s closing.
wild card or two queens and three wild cards.
Straight Flush
This is the highest possible hand when only the Manila Hold ’™Em
standard pack is used, and there are no wild cards.
A straight flush consists of five cards of the same Adults / 4,5,6,7,8
suit in sequence, such as 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 of hearts.
The Pack
Four of a Kind The standard 52-card pack is stripped of all cards
This is the next highest hand. An example is four below 7 to make a deck of 32 cards (7,8,9,10,
aces or four 3s. J,Q,K,A)
Full House Object of the Game
This colorful hand is made up of three cards of one The goal of each player is to win the pot which
rank and two cards of another rank, such as three 8s contains all the bets that the players have made in
any one deal. A player makes a bet in hopes that he
has the best hand, or to give the impression that he
does. In most Poker versions, the top combination
of five cards is the best hand.
The Deal
For this version of High Low Poker, each player
receives two cards face down, and one card is dealt
face up to the center of the table.
The Play
There are five betting rounds, with a new card being
dealt face up to the center of the table between each
betting round. The player must use their two hole
cards and three of the five community cards from
the center of the table to make the best hand.
Five cards in sequence, but not all of the same suit
is a straight. An example is 9♠, 8♣, 7♦, 6♥, 5♦.
Three of a Kind
This combination contains three cards of the same
rank, and the other two cards each of a different
rank, such as three jacks, a seven, and a four.
Two Pairs
This hand contains a pair of one rank and another
pair of a different rank, plus any fifth card of a
different rank, such as Q, Q, 7, 7, 4.
One Pair
This frequent combination contains just one pair
with the other three cards being of different rank.
An example is 10, 10, K, 4, 3.
No Pair
This very common hand contains nothing.none of
the five cards pair up, nor are all five cards of the
same suit or consecutive in rank. When more than
one player has no pair, the hands are rated by the
highest card each hand contains, so that an ace-high
hand beats a king-high hand, and so on.
How to Win
Have the best hand of cards at each round’™s
Straight Flush
This is the highest possible hand when only the
Wild Widow Poker standard pack is used, and there are no wild cards.
A straight flush consists of five cards of the same
Adults / 4,5,6,7,8 suit in sequence, such as 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 of hearts.
One Pair
This frequent combination contains just one pair
with the other three cards being of different rank.
An example is 10, 10, K, 4, 3.
No Pair
This very common hand contains nothing. None of
the five cards pair up, nor are all five cards of the
same suit or consecutive in rank. When more than
one player has no pair, the hands are rated by the
highest card each hand contains, so that an ace-high
hand beats a king-high hand, and so on.
Straight Flush
This is the highest possible hand when only the Adults / 2,3,4,5,6,7
standard pack is used, and there are no wild cards.
A straight flush consists of five cards of the same The Pack
suit in sequence, such as 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 of hearts. Standard 52 card deck
Straight Scoring
Five cards in sequence, but not all of the same suit -Aces are high
is a straight. An example is 9♠, 8♣, 7♦, 6♥, 5♦. -Any pair of equal cards beats any two unequal
Three of a Kind -A higher pair beats a lower pair
This combination contains three cards of the same -Between two non-pair hands, the hand with the
rank, and the other two cards each of a different highest card wins
rank, such as three jacks, a seven, and a four. -If two hands have equal high cards, the hand whose
other card is higher wins.
Two Pairs
This hand contains a pair of one rank and another How to Win: The player with the best cards wins
pair of a different rank, plus any fifth card of a the pot.
different rank, such as Q, Q, 7, 7, 4.
KIDS — FAMILY asked must give all the cards requested. If he
doesn’™t have any, he says, Go fish! and the player
who made the request draws the top card of the
Old Maid stock and places it in his hand.
Each player turns up one card face down and one The turn to play rotates to the left and if a person is
card face up. The player with the higher cards takes unable to play in turn, he puts one chip in the pot.
both piles (six cards).
Whoever plays the thirteenth card of a suit may
If the turned-up cards are again the same rank, each choose any card from his hand to begin the next
player places another card face down and turns series.
another card face up.
How to Win
The player with the higher card takes all 10 cards, The first player to get rid of all his cards wins the
and so on. pot.
The first player may play any card. The sequence in (Example: the first card played = 5 Clubs, the next
the suit must be built up until all thirteen cards are card to be played = 5 Hearts, then 5 Diamonds, and
played, and the sequence in the suit is continuous. 5 Spades)
both players reach 10 in the same hand, the points
The turn to play moves to the left. The player who count in order: High, Low, Jack, Game.
plays the fourth card may then choose any card in
his hand for the next series.
Quadruple War
If a player cannot play, he passes and puts one chip
Kids / 2
in the pot. If a player fails to play when he can,
there is no additional penalty.
The Deal
The deck is divided evenly, with each player
How to Win
receiving 26 cards, dealt one at a time, face down.
Be the first player to get rid of all his cards. Hurry!
Anyone may deal first.
You can do it!
Each player places his stack of cards face down, in
Shasta Sam front of him.