CBL in Basic Medical Sciences
CBL in Basic Medical Sciences
CBL in Basic Medical Sciences
Objectives: To assess students’ opinion regarding group working, quality of learning and assessment in newly
introduced case based learning at Army Medical College, Pakistan.
Study Design: Descriptive study
Place and Duration of Study: Army Medical College, 03 months.
Subjects and Methods: In this study, students from the second year MBBS class at Army Medical College were
given a questionnaire on completion of their second year of medical school (2012) regarding their opinion about
CBL. The questionnaire used in this study consisted of 18 statements with Likert-type responses ranging from
Strongly Agree (1) to Strongly Disagree (5). Statements were grouped using 3 categories: Group working, Quality
of Learning and Assessment.
Results:Process of learning through group work and problem solving as a learning tool was appreciated by
>80%of students.Also, >84%acknowledged that CBL has prompted them to come well prepared in the session
and has helped them in improving their understanding of key concepts.>83% students opine that their efforts in
CBL discussions are being evaluated fairly.
Conclusion: Feedback from the students clearly asserts superiority of CBL in imparting knowledge, cultivating
the habit of self-learning and inculcating skills of group discussions which is in consistence with the published
literature. At the same time, weak points highlighted by the students need rectification.
Keywords: Assessment, CBL, Group working, Quality of learning, Students’ opinion.
Effectiveness of CBL Pak Armed Forces Med J 2014; 64 (4):564-8
Effectiveness of CBL Pak Armed Forces Med J 2014; 64 (4):564-8
productive and the facilitatorcreated a supportive discussion while 44.4% disagreed and 5.6%
Table-1: Questionnaire used to assess student satisfaction with the process of CBL.
Group working
I usually have a meaningful interaction with the group.
There are students in my group who hesitate to participate but there percentage is low.
Most of the time, some students dominate the discussion preventing others from participating.
CBL session mostly becomes a tutorial in which teacher keeps asking questions which students
have to answer.
Most of the time students only repeat bookish knowledge.
Most of the time students over-rely on teachers for generating discussion and solving problems.
All students in my group respect each other and do not ridicule any one during discussion.
Quality of learning
CBL is a better way to learn course contents than lectures.
Group discussions help me improve my concepts of various medical concepts better than
Group discussions help me in retention of key facts about the topic under discussion.
Most of the time, I prepare the topic to be discussed before the session which has improved my
understanding of the subject.
Most of the time, I take help of various books present in college library to prepare the topic.
Most of the time, I take help of material available on internet to prepare the topic.
Most of the students come well prepared and generate a discussion which elaborates various
aspects of the problem under discussion.
Assessment of my contribution in the discussion is done fairly.
Quiz tests are relevant to the problem and marked fairly.
As the CBL session is assessed, it motivates me to prepare well and participate enthusiastically.
All teachers assess according to the same criteria so it does not matter which teacher is
supervising the session.
environment without dominating the discussion remained neutral15. To avoid this predicament, it
and kept them focused on the task15. In Dow is suggested that instructors should intervene in a
Medical College, students evaluated PBL was positive manner to ensure maximum active
significantly higher than LBL (p<0.05) in terms participation of all the students. Second, a few
of interest in method of learning and stimulation students tend to memorize the bookish
for further study as a result of productive group knowledge and just repeat the same (72.08%
discussions. However, there was no significant either agree or strongly agree). If quality of
difference (p>0.05) in perception of the problem given to the students is improved
instructor’s role in either PBL or LBL16. further, it will stimulate the students to discover
The weak points identified by our students basic scientific and clinical mechanisms, think
include domination of the discussion by some critically, evaluate ideas and share pertinent
students (72.67% either agree or strongly agree) information.This will enhance the problem
while a few others are hesitant to participate solving skills of the students and drift them away
(76.74% either agree or strongly agree). In the from traditional approach of memorizing
study done in RMC, 50% of the students reported things.**
equal participation of all students in group
Effectiveness of CBL Pak Armed Forces Med J 2014; 64 (4):564-8
Majority of our students (66.27% either agree Students at RMC highly appreciated PBL as
or strongly agree) think that CBL is a better way a learning tool which facilitated their
of learning as compared to the lectures. It helps understanding of the subject (78% either agree or
Table-2: Students’ response to the questionnaire.
A. Group working
Question no. Strongly agree Agree Confused Disagree Strongly disagree
1 39 (22.67%) 98 (56.97%) 10 (5.81%) 11 (6.39%) 14 (8.13%)
2 52 (30.23%) 80 (46.51%) 11 (6.39%) 23 (13.37%) 6 (3.48%)
3 3(1.74%) 27 (15.69%) 17 (9.88%) 79 (45.93%) 46 (26.74%)
4 5 (2.90%) 39 (22.67%) 12 (6.97%) 53 (30.81%) 63 (36.62%)
5 1 (0.58%) 39 (22.67%) 8 (4.6%) 75 (43.60%) 49 (28.48%)
6 9 (5.23%) 33 (19.18%) 11 (6.39%) 81 (47.09%) 38 (22.09%)
7 41 (23.83%) 94 (54.65%) 10 (5.81%) 8 (4.6%) 19 (11.04%)
B. Quality of learning
Question no. Strongly agree Agree Confused Disagree Strongly disagree
1 62 (36.04%) 52 (30.23%) 28 (16.27%) 17 (9.88%) 13 (7.55%)
2 78 (45.34%) 25 (14.53%) 27 (15.69%) 30 (17.44%) 6 (3.48%)
3 40 (23.25%) 91 (52.90%) 6 (3.48%) 23 (13.37%) 12 (6.97%)
4 46 (26.74%) 87 (50.58%) 1 (0.58%) 28 (16.27%) 10 (5.81%)
5 22 (12.79%) 34 (19.76%) 17 (9.88%) 69 (40.11%) 30 (17.44%)
6 45 (26.16%) 74 (43.02%) 5 (2.90%) 24 (13.95%) 24 (13.95%)
7 23 (13.37%) 98 (56.97%) 12 (6.97%) 29 (16.86%) 10 (5.81%)
C. Assessment
Question no. Strongly agree Agree Confused Disagree Strongly disagree
1 18 (10.46%) 114 (66.27%) 2 (1.16%) 31 (18.02%) 7 (4.06%)
2 31 (18.02%) 120 (69.76%) 11 (6.39%) 10 (5.81%) Nil
3 46 (26.74%) 78 (45.34%) 20 (11.62%) 16 (9.30%) 12 (6.97%)
4 40 (23.25%) 100 (58.13%) 15 (8.72%) 12 (6.97%) 5 (2.90%)
them to understand the topic in better way and strongly agree). However, in contrast to our
retain the key facts. Most of our students (77.32% study, students relying on non-electronic library
either agree or strongly agree) come prepared in sources slightly dominated the internet users
the CBL session which shows their interest to (52.3% and 49.9% respectively)15. Students of
actively participate in the discussion and Dow Medical College also favoured PBL against
contribute positively to the process of learning. LBL (p<0.05) regardingtime spent in self-study,
This aspect is mostly missing in the lecture based number of books consulted, time spent on
teaching and is therefore one of the biggest internet search, time spent in library, amount of
advantages of CBL. Students rely more on the group discussion and depth of knowledge
internet (69.18% either agree or strongly agree) as gained16. Similar comparison made in Isra
compared to the books (32.55% either agree or University depicted greater autonomy and in-
strongly agree) which underlines the need for depth approach of learning as compared to
ready access to library and computer facility for traditional curriculum (p<0.001). Majority of
effective CBL as stressed by Pelzer and co- students (p<0.001) rated the experience of CBL as
workers17. Also, the students must be guided excellent due todemocraticlearning environment
beforehand about the internet sites with reliable while traditional learning was dubbed as
scientific medical information. boring18. While evaluating CBL, students at
Effectiveness of CBL Pak Armed Forces Med J 2014; 64 (4):564-8