Unit 7
Unit 7
Unit 7
Integrated Personality
Characteristics of a Well-integrated Personality
Factors Influencing Integrated Personality Development
Teacher's Role in Integrated Personality Development
7.6.1 Physical Development
7.6.2 Mental Development
7.6.3 Emotional Development
7.6.4 Moral Development
7.6.5 Social Development
Let Us Sum Up
Unit end Exercises
in our everyday life we come across various kinds of persons. Some are amicable, some
shy, some emotional/cold, some irritable and angry, some immoral, some antisocial, some
'beautiful, some handicapped, some aggressive and the list can go on.
The question is
Do these aspects describe the personality of an individual?
What is meant by personality of an individual?
Should one focus on physical or emotional or social aspects or should one generally club
them all together?
Since the future of the nation is being shaped in the classrooms of today, the olassrooms
may be considered as a fertile area for helping in the growth of individual.
W e having tea, one uses the right proportion of milk, water, sugar and tea leaves. Likewise
we should aim at helping our children to be physically fit, mentally alert, emotionally
stable, socially acceptable, and morally upright, i.e. a balanced and integrated personality.
In this unit you will study the meaning of .the term 'Integrated Personality' and its
characteristics. You will also understand the factors that influence the development of an
integrated peisonality and the measures that are helpful in its development.
-- - - - -
Are thes& different aspects watertight compartments? Or do these exist only for the
convenieqce of our analysis and study?
The dIffewnt aspects of development are not really separate entities. Each aspect is dependent
on others b d in turn intluences one another. All the aspects are interrelated. We look at
the child ris an integrated, unified, whole personality. The very aim of education is to help
a person to develop a proper co-ordination and harmony among the various faculties of the
body, min4 and spirit for an all round development or in other words development of a
harmoniolls and integrated personality.
You have come pcross a number of children. You feel some of them have well-integrated
personalities, while the others do not.
How do you differentiate between them?
What characteris/ticsof a well-integrated personality can you infer from Uiis?
Integrated PersQnalityChecklist
Show the extenn to which you tee1 the student you are rating displays each of the
characteristics by putting a tick mark ( d ) in the appropriate column to the right.
Develop~nentof an
Integrated Personality
a) They maintain good health practices a) Arun is always shabbily dressed and
with regard to nutrition, sleep, rest, doesn't care to file his nails.
physical activity, personal cleanliness
and hygiene, which promote healthful
b) They have some insight into and b) Rhagya is a popular student in the
understanding of their motives, school; much above average in
desires, weaknesses and strong points. academic achievement; and very well
They can evaluate their behaviour behaved. When she was asked to
objectively and can accept their represent the school in an inter school
shortcomings and weaknesses. essay contest she refused to do so. She
realizes that she is not good at
e) They have faith in their ability to e) Edward has been coming late to school
succeed. They solve their problems for the past four months. Inspite of the
largely by their own initiative and repeated warnings from his teachers
effort. They feel confidel~tin dealing and suggestions from his friends, he
with the problems of every day life continues to be late. Once he arrives I
g) They have developed the capacity to g) Gautam- has been planning for quite
tolerate the frustration and sometime to have a tea party at home
disappointment in daily life. for some of his fiends on his birthday.
His parents explain their financial
difficulty to him. He reahly says that
he would be satisfied with a packet of
chocolates for distribution in the class.
wlth q e welfate of all. leave the remaining two pieces for his
brother and sister. Kaul relished the
26 - I
Characteristics of a well Integrated Lkvdopment d an
Illustrative cases where the characteristic Integrated Perrolullty
Personality is present or not present
p) They have a sense of humour and can P) n~akesa mistake that makes the
laugh at themselves. others laugh. She realises her mistake
and joins in the laughter.
r! How does personality develop? Is it developing on its own? Isn't there any control over it?
Aren't there any external influences on it? Let us see.
a) Most Americans have blue eyes and blonde hair. Most I~dianshave black eyes and
black hair.
a) Uma is very weak and falls sick now and then. All she takes at home is rice and
buttermilk every day.
b) Karim often commits silly mistakes in his class work and does not concentrate on tbe
lessons. He spends the whole day in school and due to economic problems he has been
forced to take up a night job simultaneously.
c) Roopinder is fat, dull and restless. She is from a rich family and well fed. She always
moves about in a car.There are servants at home to do all the work. She is not allowed
to play with the other children.
d) Mary is highly irritated even at the slightest provocation. Her motber insists that she
should spend the whole evening in doing homework and studying. She is not allowed
to play or watch TV or read any magazine.
The personality of the above four children are definitely affected. There are facton that
influence the personality and attitude of others. Nutrition, sleep, physical activity and
relaxation are some of the otber factors.
Let us look at a few more examples.
Basic Issues in a) Neshma bites her nails all the time and looks tense. Her mother and father are quarrelling
Child Developnient ekery day.
b) E/arry is scared of each and every thing. His father is very strict; dictates what his son
should do and should not do; punishes him harshly even for petty mistakes.
c) Mohan plays truant in school. His father is a business magnate and his mother, a busy
sbcial worker. They have no time to care for their son.
d) Heter always disappears from the Sanskrit classes but is very regular in attending other
cjlasses. The Sanskrit teacher is authoritarian.
e) Maya is not only good at studies, but takes interest in tenilis and debates. Her school is
&ell known for sports training and organises a whole lot of extra-curricular activities.
f) john, a student in class VII, has already taken to smoking. He comes from a slum full
df drunkards and smokers.
g) Avinash is the only boy who has opted for batik printing, while his friends have chosen
tppewriting. Avinash comes from a community in which mbst of the men and women
Have taken to weaving, dyeing and embroidery.
Thus we see that other than the physical factors of the environment, PSYCHOLOGICAL
ZFACTORS also greatly influence the personality. These factors arise from home, school or
Parerjts play a very significant role in the development of well integrated personalities of
their Children. The children do various kinds ofthings to seek approval from parents, which
is verp,important for them. At times they can even do some negative things to have attention
Eocu+ed on them. The response of parents to what the child does is of vital importance for
the dlxelopment of the child. If parents over-indulge their children, they become very
Seenia leads a very sheltered life; whenever she has to go out, her father sends a car and a
driver. She has never gone out alone. Once when she had to go to college after school and
the diiver and car were not available, Seema broke down and just could not travel alone.
If pattents do not give enough time, don't shower love and affection, the child may seek bad
company and may develop bad habits.
Sureqh'sparents were very much involved in their business. He felt uncared for and unwanted.
He \anted to commit suicide. He got into bad company and became a drug addict.
These are some responses of the parents that do not help in the development of a well-
integfated personality like too many or too little restriction, over-criticism, over-indulgence,
lack bf involvqment, etc.
If p#ents shower their children with love and affection, spend time with them, encourage
8nd tjdce part in their activities at home and school, encourage them to be independent, take
the4 out for recreation, make a conscious effort to know them, he with them, then these
f a c e s greatly enhance the development of the child.
Vickp has a fixed time schedule for all his activities. His weekdays are busy with schoolwork
and bne hour of play. Every Friday night Vicky and his parents go out for dinner or some
play. Saturdays Vicky can watch T.V. till 11.30pm as next day is Sunday. Sunday afternoon
Vic@'s father plays Cricket with him. When Vicky stood l* in class, they gave him a
lovely den set. Vicky feels he leads a very good life, he feels loved, wanted and cared for.
11) A teachcs has no control ovrr the ................ l'actors affecting hislher
iii) Thc personality of an individual is the result ol'an inler play of v:uious aspccls
ot dcvelopment.
I 1
II:n 111gless l~ciglll1ha11one's triends could lead Lo low belt-e\Lee~n.
[ ick mark Ihc akppropriatc answer.
I ij hcrcdi(y only.
I1 ii) Iic~reclityand cnvironlncnt.
i ~ i ) environ1ne111only.
L iv) kunily and cul(urc.
An important aspect of develop~neiltin the child is the physical growth. A child grows
rapidly from infancy; histher growth slows down in middle childhood and is resumed again
in adolescence. In h e primarylelementary school years facial features change, changes in
height'and weight :re brought about, face becomes leaner as excess fat fades from the
cheeks, the forehead becolrles smaller. Between age 6-8 years baby teeth are lost.
Some aspects of physical growth can be looked after by certain activities in the school
which include:
a) Mid-day meals or milk could be served atleast to Ule poor and needy.
c) There should be adequate physical activities. Garncs, sports and exercise could be
organized regularly in tune with the maturity and development stages of the children.
Basic Issues in d) The school day should not be crammed with serious studies alone. There should be
ChildDevelopme~~t time for relvation and recreation. Activities like singing, dancing, painting, etc., should
be included.
e) Schools should arrange routine medical check-up and whenever necessary immunisation
programmes should be arranged.
Health edocation is very important at this stage. They should be taught cleanliness
and hygienic habits. In addition, there should be periodic physical checking of the
cleanliness of their nails, teeth, dress and so on.
Toys that allow child's to use his imagination is e r J m to him.
b) Teachers should inculcate in the children right attitudes, interests and skills.
c) The classroom atmosphere should be free from tension so that adequate learning can
take place.
d) Learning activities should be related to the daily life and experiences of the children
in order to evoke interest in them for learning.
b) The reacher should inculcate desirable values like honesty, sense of right and wrong
and the will to do Ule right thing in Ihe children.
c) Epics and stories of great leaders could be told to the students. Stories of persons who
are honest, have performed good deads and helped others, could be told to students.
Certain activities which may facilitate social development are suggested below:
a) Team games, group projects and excursions should be arranged to promote co-operation
and adjustment among the students.
b) Teachers should study the isolates and the neglectees in the class and help them to
I make friends.
d) Citizenship training is also necessary. The students should be taught civic
responsibilities, value of public property and so on.
- -
i) physical, psychological
ii) herediatary