Ladli Acknowledgement
Ladli Acknowledgement
Ladli Acknowledgement
*`moJXmZ am{e / Contribution Amount : 5000/- `moJXmZ H$s g_`md{Y / Contribution Periodicity: As per Ladli
~r_m am{e / Sum Assured : 1000/- Ad{Y/ Term:18 df© H$s C_« nyar hmoZo VH$/Upto completion of 18 Years of age
h_ ghf© `h ñdrH¥${V XoVo h¢ {H$ D$na ~VmE JE _ZmoZrV J«wn _oå~a "Eg ~r AmB© bmBµ\$ YZam{e' ~r_m `moOZm _| em{_b hþE h¢, {OgHo$ A§VJ©V ~r{_V J«wn _oå~a H$mo D$na ~VmB© JB© ~r{_V am{e Ho$ {bE
~r_m gwajm àXmZ H$s OmEJr, Omo {H$ _mñQ>a nm°{bgr _| ~VmE JE {Z`_m| Ed§ eVm] Ho$ AYrZ hmoJr.
We are pleased to acknowledge that the Group Member designated above has joined ‘SBI Life Dhanrashi ’ Insurance Scheme under which the Insured
Group Members are provided insurance cover for the Sum Assured indicated above, subject to the terms and conditions contained in the Master Policy.
J«wn _oå~a Ho$ {bE ~r_m gwajm Ad{Y Ho$ {bE VWm BgHo$ ewê$ hmoZo H$s VmarI go bmJy hmoJr, O¡gm {H$ D$na Xem©`m J`m h¡ (gXñ` H$s ~r_m gwajm D$na ~VmB© VmarI go ewê$ hmoJr), VWm `h O~ ^r, O¡gm
^r Xo` hmoJm, `moJXmZ Ho$ ^wJVmZ VWm Eg ~r AmB© bmBµ\$ Ûmam Omar D$na ~VmB© _mñQ>a nm°{bgr Ho$ {Z`_mo§ Ed§ eVm] Ho$ AYrZ hmoJr.
The insurance cover for the Group Member shall be valid for the Term and from the Date of Commencement, stated above (The Member's cover starts
from the date mentioned above), subject to the payment of contribution as and when due and fulfilment of other terms and conditions of the Master Policy
stated above, issued by SBI Life.
~m{bH$m Ho$ Zm_ Ho$ A§VJ©V {H$ ^wJVmZ Ho$ {dnarV Z Vmo H$moB© F$U, Z hr AÝ` H$moB© H«o${S>Q> gw{dYm CnbãY H$amB© OmEJr. Bgo Ad{Y go nhbo ^wZm`m Zht Om gH$Vm Z hr Bgo {H$gr Xygao ì`pŠV Ho$ Zm_
{b`m gH$Vm h¡ Am¡a Z hr aH$_ bm¡Q>mB© Om gH$Vr h¡.
No loan or any other credit facility can be provided against contribution made under the name of the girl child. It is a non-transferable, non-refundable and
ineligible for pre-mature encashment.
Bg `moOZm Ho$ A§VJ©V _oå~a{en "bmS>br ñH$s_ {Z`_, 2008' Ho$ {Z`_m| Ho$ AZwnmbZ Ho$ AYrZ h¡.
Membership under this scheme is subject to compliance with ‘Ladli Scheme Rules, 2008'
A{YH¥$V hñVmjar
Authorised Signator
{XZm§H$/ Dated :- 07/10/2024 Eg ~r AmB© bmBµ\$ B§í`moa|g H§$. {b
SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.