Ladli Acknowledgement

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bmS>br `moOZm 2008

_{hbm Ed§ ~mb {dH$mg {d^mJ, {Xëbr>r. gaH$ma.

Eg ~r AmB© bmBµ\$ B§í`moa|g H§$nZr {b{_Q>oS>
a{OñQ>S>© H$m`m©b` : ‘ZQamO,’ E_.dr. amoS , doñQZ EŠgàog Ladli Scheme 2008
hm`do $O§ŠeZ, A§Yar(ny), _w§~B©-400 069.
H$m°nm}aoQ> H$m`m©b` : ‘ZQamO,’ E_.dr. amoS , doñQZ EŠgàog Department of Women & Child Development,Govt. of N.C.T. of . Delhi
hm`do $O§ŠeZ, A§Yoar(ny), _w§~B©-400 069.
AmB© Ama S>r E a{OñQ´>oeZ Z§. 111
SBI Life Insurance Company Limited àmê$n 1.2/Version:1.3
Registered /CorporateOffice: ‘Natraj’, M.V. Road & Western
Express Highway Junction, Andheri (E), Mumbai-400069.
IRDA Registration No. 111
CIN:U99999MH2000PLC129113 AZwH«$_m§H$ /S. No.6862561

àmpßV à{V/Acknowledgment Copy

Eg~rAmB© bmBµ\$ YZam{e/SBI Life Dhanrashi (UIN: 111N048V01)
("bmS>br `moOZm 2008' Ho$ {bE, _{hbm Ed§ ~mb {dH$mg {d^mJ, {Xëbr>r. gaH$ma Ûmam H$m`m©pÝdV)
(For ‘Ladli Scheme 2008’ implemented by Department of Women & Child
Development, Govt. of N.C.T. of Delhi )
_mñQ>a nm°{bgr H$m {ddaU/Master Policy Details
_mñQ>a nm°{bgr YmaH$ H$m Zm_ : _{hbm Ed§ ~mb {dH$mg {d^mJ, {Xëbr,>r. gaH$ma.
Name of the Master Policyholder: Department of Women & Child Development, Govt. of N.C.T. of . Delhi
_mñQ>a nm°{bgr AZwH«$_m§H$ / Master Policy No.:62001000104
J«wn _oå~a H$m {ddaU/Group Member Details
{nVm /Father: Mr. SUNIL KUMAR _mVm/Mother : Mrs. PUSHPA
J«wn _oå~a /Group Member: SHRDHA J«wn _oå~a AmB© S>r / Group Member I.D.: 02GE2122S10199

nVm /Address : E-18/50 GALI NO-1 OÝ_{V{W / Date of Birth : 22/09/2010

nVm /Address _mBbñQmoZ H$moS / Milestone Code : S
eha /City : NEW DELHI ñHy$b H$moS / School Code :
amÁ` / State : DELHI Zd©mMZ joÌ H$moS / Constituency Code 70
{nZ H$moS> /Pin-code : 110094

~r_m gwajm g§~§Yr {ddaU/Cover Details

gwajm ewê$ hmoZo H$s VmarI / Cover Start Date : 01/08/2022 _¡À`mo[aQ>r H$s VmarI / Maturity Date : 22/09/2028

*`moJXmZ am{e / Contribution Amount : 5000/- `moJXmZ H$s g_`md{Y / Contribution Periodicity: As per Ladli
~r_m am{e / Sum Assured : 1000/- Ad{Y/ Term:18 df© H$s C_« nyar hmoZo VH$/Upto completion of 18 Years of age

[Oëhm {ddaU/ District Details

[Oëhm Zm_ / District Name : North East [Oëhm H$moS / District Code : 02
[Oëhm nVm / District Address : Sanskar Ashram, Dilshad Garden,Opposite GTB Hospital,Delhi
*D$na ~VmB© JB© `moJXmZ am{e _| Omo{I_ àr{_`_ ^mJ na àM{bV gauDsa enaD g{d©g Q>¡Šg em{_b h¡ VWm g_`-g_` na bmJy AÝ` d¡Ym{ZH$ H$a _| hmoZo dmbo n[adV©Zm| Ho$ AZwgma
`moJXmZ am{e AbJ-AbJ hmo gH$Vr h¡.
*The contribution amount shown above is inclusive of applicable Goods and Service Tax and the contributions may be varied depending on the changes
in the applicable levies like GST or any other statutory levies that may be imposed from time to time.

h_ ghf© `h ñdrH¥${V XoVo h¢ {H$ D$na ~VmE JE _ZmoZrV J«wn _oå~a "Eg ~r AmB© bmBµ\$ YZam{e' ~r_m `moOZm _| em{_b hþE h¢, {OgHo$ A§VJ©V ~r{_V J«wn _oå~a H$mo D$na ~VmB© JB© ~r{_V am{e Ho$ {bE
~r_m gwajm àXmZ H$s OmEJr, Omo {H$ _mñQ>a nm°{bgr _| ~VmE JE {Z`_m| Ed§ eVm] Ho$ AYrZ hmoJr.
We are pleased to acknowledge that the Group Member designated above has joined ‘SBI Life Dhanrashi ’ Insurance Scheme under which the Insured
Group Members are provided insurance cover for the Sum Assured indicated above, subject to the terms and conditions contained in the Master Policy.

J«wn _oå~a Ho$ {bE ~r_m gwajm Ad{Y Ho$ {bE VWm BgHo$ ewê$ hmoZo H$s VmarI go bmJy hmoJr, O¡gm {H$ D$na Xem©`m J`m h¡ (gXñ` H$s ~r_m gwajm D$na ~VmB© VmarI go ewê$ hmoJr), VWm `h O~ ^r, O¡gm
^r Xo` hmoJm, `moJXmZ Ho$ ^wJVmZ VWm Eg ~r AmB© bmBµ\$ Ûmam Omar D$na ~VmB© _mñQ>a nm°{bgr Ho$ {Z`_mo§ Ed§ eVm] Ho$ AYrZ hmoJr.
The insurance cover for the Group Member shall be valid for the Term and from the Date of Commencement, stated above (The Member's cover starts
from the date mentioned above), subject to the payment of contribution as and when due and fulfilment of other terms and conditions of the Master Policy
stated above, issued by SBI Life.
~m{bH$m Ho$ Zm_ Ho$ A§VJ©V {H$ ^wJVmZ Ho$ {dnarV Z Vmo H$moB© F$U, Z hr AÝ` H$moB© H«o${S>Q> gw{dYm CnbãY H$amB© OmEJr. Bgo Ad{Y go nhbo ^wZm`m Zht Om gH$Vm Z hr Bgo {H$gr Xygao ì`pŠV Ho$ Zm_
{b`m gH$Vm h¡ Am¡a Z hr aH$_ bm¡Q>mB© Om gH$Vr h¡.
No loan or any other credit facility can be provided against contribution made under the name of the girl child. It is a non-transferable, non-refundable and
ineligible for pre-mature encashment.

Bg `moOZm Ho$ A§VJ©V _oå~a{en "bmS>br ñH$s_ {Z`_, 2008' Ho$ {Z`_m| Ho$ AZwnmbZ Ho$ AYrZ h¡.
Membership under this scheme is subject to compliance with ‘Ladli Scheme Rules, 2008'

A{YH¥$V hñVmjar
Authorised Signator
{XZm§H$/ Dated :- 07/10/2024 Eg ~r AmB© bmBµ\$ B§í`moa|g H§$. {b
SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

gm_mÝ` {ZX}e /General Instructions :

• àmWu go AZwamoY h¡ {H$ dh Bg nmdVr agrX H$mo gwa{jV ñWmZ na aIo.
The applicant is requested to keep this Acknowledgement Receipt in his safe custody.
• bmS>br `moOZm _| n§OrH$aU H$admZo Ho$ ~mX, ~m{bH$m O~ H$jm 1, H$jm 6, H$jm 9, H$jm 12 _| àdoe boVr h¡ `m H$jm 10 nmg H$aVr h¡ Vmo àdoe boZo/nmg
H$aZo Ho$ 90 {XZ Ho$ ^rVa Amn nyU© ê$n go ^ar hþB© ZdrZrH$aU nMu Ho$ gmW Bg nmdVr agrX H$mo ñHy$b àYmZ Ho$ g_j àñVwV H$a|. After initial
registration under the scheme, when the girl child takes admission in class I, VI, IX or XII or passes
class X, this acknowledgement receipt should be produced, alongside the renewal slip, duly filled in,
before the Head of the concerned school, for renewal of financial assistance within 90 days of taking
admission in the aforesaid classes/on passing class X.
• AJbr {dÎmr` ghm`Vm Ho$ ZdrZrH$aU H$s {Oå_oXmar _mVm {nVm H$s hmoJr.
The onus of getting the financial assistance renewed at the subsequent stage lies on the applicant.
• bmS>br g_yh gXñ` Ho$ Zm_ na O_m Hw$b am{e ~m{bH$m Ho$ 18 df© H$s Am`w nyU© H$aZo na VWm H$jm 10 {Z`{_V N>mÌm Ho$ ê$n _| nmg H$aZo na/`m H$jm 12
_| àdoe boZo na n[anŠd hmoJr.
The total amount deposited in the name of the Ladli Group member will mature when the Group
member attains the age of 18 years and at least passes class X as a regular student or takes
admission in class XII.
• bmS>br g_yh gXñ` `moOZm Ho$ AÝVJ©V O_m YZam{e Ho$ n[anŠd hmoZo Ho$ 6 _mg nyd© ñQ>oQ> ~¢H$ Am°µ\$ B§{S>`m _| AnZm ImVm ImoboJr Am¡a ImVm Z§. H$s gyMZm
g§~§{YV {Obm g_mO H$ë`mU/_{hbm Ed§ ~mb {dH$mg A{YH$mar H$mo XoJr.
The Ladli Group Member shall open the saving account with any branch of SBI six months before
the maturity date and intimate the account No. to the concerned District Social Welfare/Women &
Child Development Officer.
• n[anŠd am{e H$mo àmßV H$aZo Ho$ {bE bmS>br g_yh gXñ` g§~§{YV {Obm g_mO H$ë`mU/_{hbm Ed§ ~mb {dH$mg A{YH$mar go, Bg nmdVr agrX, bmS>br
`moOZm Ho$ AÝVJ©V {dÎmr` ghm`Vm Ho$ ZdrZrH$aU go g§~§{YV g^r nmdVr agrX|, `{X h¢, H$jm 10 H$s _yb A§H$ Vm{bH$m `m H$jm 12 _| àdoe boZo na
ZdrZrH$aU nMu, {Ogo ñHy$b àYmZ Ûmam à_m{UV {H$`m J`m hmo, Ho$ gmW gånH©$ H$ao. BZ g^r XñVmdoOm| H$s Om±M Ed§ gË`mnZ Ho$ ~mX Eg ~r AmB© Eb n
[anŠd am{e H$m ImVm Xo` M¡H$ CgHo$ Zm_ na O_m H$adm`oJr.
To claim the maturity amount the Ladli Group Member shall contact the concerned District Social
Welfare/Women & Child Development Officer along with this Acknowledgement Receipt, all other
Acknowledgement Receipts in respect of renewals of financial assistance under Ladli Scheme, if
any, original mark sheet of class X or renewal slip duly authenticated by the Head of school on
taking admission in class XII, as the case may be. After these documents are checked and verified,
the Ladli Group Member would be required to open her bank account in any branch of the SBI into
which a/c Payee Cheque of the maturity amount in her name would be deposited by SBIL.
• bmS>br `moOZm 2008 Ho$ A§VJ©V `{X ~m{bH$m {Xëbr Ho$ _mÝ`Vm àmßV ñHy$b _| n‹T>Vr h¡ Vmo, {dÎmr` ghm`Vm H$m ZdrZrH$aU, àË`oH$ ñVa na Bg àH$ma
Financial assistance under Ladli Scheme 2008 would be renewed as follows if the girl child is, at
each stage, studying in a recognized school in :

AdñWm/Stages am{e(én`m| _|)/Amount (in Rs)

H$jm 1 _| àdoe boZo na/On admission in class I 5000/-
H$jm 6 _| àdoe boZo na/On admission in class VI 5000/-
H$jm 9 _| àdoe boZo na/On admission in class IX 5000/-
H$jm 10 {Z`{_V N>mÌm Ho$ ê$n _| nmg H$aZo na/On passing class X as a regular 5000/-
H$jm 12 _| àdoe boZo na/On admission in class XII 5000/-

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