SpeechBlubs Autism Ebook v8 1

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Autism Spectrum

Disorder (ASD): An
All-in-One Guide for
Proudly presented by
Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech
development app available for Android and iOS devices.
The e-book was made by speech therapists, kids, parents,
and teachers.

For more resources on how to encourage speech

development, visit speechblubs.com, or
download the app.

Download now

Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

We are the makers of Speech Blubs, the #1 educational
app, and Reading Blubs, which teaches kids to read. This
is who we are:

Everything we do, we do to make an impact. We prize

courage over professionalism. We don’t publish content until
we measure it, and most importantly, our motto is:
“We. Together. Strong.”

Speech Blubs was created to help autistic kids. That’s why

we use video modeling, where kids teach kids speech. This
science-based method is known in autism therapy circles.
Our app teaches kids to form sounds, words, and then

Our global community is growing and includes therapists,

teachers, and parents on four continents, many of whom
contributed to this e-book. The blog section of our website is
also a helpful resource.

Thanks for downloading this e-book. To learn more about

our apps, check out: Speech therapist advice for using
Speech Blubs or Speech Blubs’ User’s Guide. They have tips
and tricks to get you started.

For more resources on speech development, visit speechblubs.com, or download the app. 3
Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

We hope you will find valuable information in this e-book!

Connect with us on social media, share your feedback and
suggestions. We are always glad to hear from you!

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For more resources on speech development, visit speechblubs.com, or download the app. 4
Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Foreword . �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������3

Introduction ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7

Common Myths about ASD ������������������������������������������������������8

Recognizing the Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder11

Developmental Regression ������������������������������������������������������ 16

More than 100 words in 6 months with Speech Blubs!������ 17

Diagnosing ASD ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19

The Causes of Autism �������������������������������������������������������������� 23

ASD and Heredity �������������������������������������������������������������������� 29

ASD and Severe Morning Sickness ��������������������������������������� 32

Features . . �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 33

ASD Therapy and Tools ����������������������������������������������������������� 35

Floortime Play Therapy �����������������������������������������������������������40

IEP Goals for Autism ����������������������������������������������������������������� 42

Video Modeling and Autism �������������������������������������������������� 46

For more resources on speech development, visit speechblubs.com, or download the app. 5
Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Autism and Speech ������������������������������������������������������������������ 49

ASD and Speech Delay ����������������������������������������������������������� 54

Nonverbal Autism ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 58

Benefits of the app for autistic kids �������������������������������������� 59

Ways to Encourage Speech Development at Home ��������� 61

PECS and Autism ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 69

How to Customize PECS for Your Child �������������������������������72

Stimming Behavior ���������������������������������������������������������������������75

Oral Stimming ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 80

Sensory Issues ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 83

Synesthesia and Autism ����������������������������������������������������������� 86

Food Aversions and Autism ��������������������������������������������������� 89

Resources, Books and Magazines on Autism for Parents�� 93

Get your answer from a Speech Therapist �������������������������� 95

For more resources on speech development, visit speechblubs.com, or download the app. 6
Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

The term autism is not what it once was. ‘Autism’ originally
described a severe set of schizophrenia symptoms in 1911 by
a German psychiatrist named Eugen Bleuler. This miscon-
ception continued until the 1960s when child psychology
became a science.

Today, the term autism is known as ‘Autism Spectrum Dis-

order’ (ASD). It’s used to describe a complex developmental
disorder affecting communication and social skills first ap-
pearing in childhood. When speaking about ASD, it’s import-
ant to separate myths from facts. Also, for reasons of space
this paper will use ‘autism’ and ‘ASD’ interchangeably.

Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Common Myths about ASD

1. Autism is curable.

• Fact: Autism is not curable. It’s a lifelong developmen-

tal disorder.

2. Individuals with autism cannot live an independent

and successful life.

• Fact: People with autism can live full, happy, and suc-
cessful lives with the help of speech and occupational

3. The cause of autism is bad parenting.

• Fact: There is no known single cause to autism. Stud-

ies suggest the development of autism occurs before

4. Individuals with autism do not speak.

• Fact: Autism is complex. Some people develop

speech normally, while others communicate with a
combination of words, gestures, and communicative

For more resources on speech development, visit speechblubs.com, or download the app. 8

Individuals with ASD are often keen to make

Kids with ASD avoid social contact.
friends, but may find this difficult.

Given appropriate education, many will

Individuals w/ASD cannot lead independent
grow up to be successful contributors to
and successful lives.

Evidence shows that autism is caused from

ASD is the result of bad parenting. a difference in the way the brain develops
before the child is born.

Everyone with ASD has special talents or c. 10% of individuals w/ASD may have
“savant” skills. special abilities.

There is currently no cure for autism.

Individuals w/ASD respond very well to
ASD can be cured.
structured early intervention, education,
and vocational placements.

When relaxed and confident with the

People with ASD do not make eye contact. communication partner, eye contact can be
quite spontaneous.

Some will develop speech almost

People with ASD cannot talk. easily, while others require assistance to

Children do not outgrow autism, but

ASD can be outgrown. symptoms may lessen or change as they
receive appropriate interventions.

Kids w/ASD can show affection, but its

People with ASD don’t have feelings, so
display may appear different than what is
they can’t show affection.
Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

These common misconceptions about ASD only show the

need for more awareness about this disorder. That’s why
April is Autism Awareness Month. To better understand
this developmental disorder, parents need to know how to
recognize this disorder that affects 1 out of 110 children.

Autism Awareness Month: Spreading

the Word

Robert McKenzie READ MORE

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Recognizing the Early Signs

of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism is a complex disorder in which no two children or
adults display the same signs and symptoms. It is also a
disorder affecting different areas of a person’s life. While
one area may be greatly affected, another area may ex-
hibit no signs of autism. For example: A child may strug-
gle with sensory issues, but is able to talk in back and forth

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.


• Cannot self-regulate emotions

• Trouble adjusting to a new environment

• Can only focus on one task at a time

• Does not respond to questions correctly or even at all

• Cannot communicate in back and forth conversation

• Trouble relating to others


• Loss of language previously acquired around the age

of three

• First words are nouns (objects) instead of proper

nouns (names) and verbs (actions)

• Noncommunicative gestures and expressions are de-

layed the first year (waving goodbye or pointing)

• Repeats words immediately after being heard. Also

known as ‘echolalia.’ Delayed echolalia also occurs in
which a child repeats words heard for hours, days, or

• Limited eye contact with others

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

• Speech may be robotic and words may not flow


• Does not understand social norms of communication

like the volume of voice or speaking over someone

• Trouble understanding humor or sarcasm

• Craves structure and predictability

• Little to no fear

• Unable to plan or organize tasks

• Poor problem-solving skills

• Does not use toys appropriately or for their intended


• Repetitive play

Behavior and Emotional Regulation

• Cannot handle changes in routine

• Trouble applying learned skills

• Uses objects differently or develops an attachment to

certain objects or toys

• Stimming behavior (rocking, chewing, hand flapping)

• Unusual ways of expressing emotions (aggressive be-

havior, meltdowns, tantrums, running away)

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

• Repetitive and strict patterns of play, interests, and


• Cannot self-manage well

Sensory and Eating

• Overreacts or under reacts to environmental stimuli

like light, sounds, and social situations

• Plays by themselves

• Particular about food choices because of sensory


• Prefers a limited amount of food choices

Speech Blubs is an insanely

fun app designed to
develop kids’ speech!

Download now

For more resources on speech development, visit speechblubs.com, or download the app. 14
Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Stacie Bennett READ MORE

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Developmental Regression
Developmental regression occurs when a child loses an ac-
quired skill. A potty-trained toddler starts having accidents
again. A talkative child reverts to babbling or using non-
sense words. For many children, a developmental regres-
sion is only temporary and may be the result of mastering a
new skill or a major life change.

But for some children, they are experiencing a regression

due to the onset of autism symptoms. For the first year,
many children who are later diagnosed with autism devel-
op normally. It is possible for a child under one to show no
signs of autism. However, once the child reaches the age of
two, many parents notice autism signs that the child had not
displayed before.

If a child experiences a developmental regression not related

to mastering a new milestone or a major life change, an eval-
uation or screening for autism needs to be conducted.

For more resources on speech development, visit speechblubs.com, or download the app. 16
More than 100 words in 6
months with Speech Blubs!
Elliot actually started using the Speech Blubs app when I
had initially downloaded it for his older brother to help him
with practice because he has hearing loss.

Elliot was diagnosed with autism two months before turning

3. Pre-diagnosis he had about 15 words. We started using
Speech Blubs almost daily. He was motivated by seeing
other kids and the fun filters! Elliot is now 3.5 and has well
over 100 words and is using 2-3 words together.

We are so thankful that we had Speech Blubs to continue

helping Elliot make progress during this year (when all
therapists were shut down). We recommend it to everyone!
It’s fun without feeling like the kids are “working.”

Melissa Wang, mom of two amazing boys

Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Developmental Regression in Toddlers

Liz Talton READ MORE

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Diagnosing ASD
Once a child displays signs of autism or a developmental re-
gression, an evaluation for ASD should be conducted. Some
children are diagnosed as early as 18 months. For most chil-
dren, a diagnosis of ASD occurs after the age of two years.

Although every child should be screened for ASD at 9, 18,

and 24 or 30 months by a pediatrician, signs of ASD can still
be missed. Some children with a higher risk of developmen-
tal disorders may need to attend additional appointments for
further screening.

The diagnosis process for ASD is a three-step process.

Step 1: Screening

Before a child is diagnosed, he or she must undergo an initial

screening. This process takes roughly 15 minutes and in-
volves a discussion and observation of a child’s acquired and
delayed milestones and skills. For a child, this initial screen-
ing is stress-free. All a child has to do is play. The doctor will
observe and engage with the child in play to see how the
child speaks, learns, and behaves.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Step 2: Developmental Pediatrician

If the doctor from the initial screening feels further evalu-

ations need to be done, the doctor will refer the child to a
developmental pediatrician, or a doctor specializing in child-
hood development. They can identify a multitude of behav-
ioral and developmental disorders in children.

Developmental pediatricians are also able to help:

• Advocate for school planning and services needed

• Prescribe medications

• Initiate medical evaluations

• Provide long-term monitoring for a child’s devel-

opment in educational programs and behavior

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Step 3: Full Comprehensive Evaluation

After a child is seen by a developmental pediatrician, a full

comprehensive evaluation is conducted. This type of evalua-
tion is a more thorough process involving a child neurologist,
a speech and language pathologist, and a child psycholo-
gist. All these professionals combined will help determine if a
child has ASD.

In order to determine if a child displays signs of ASD, four

tests are used:

1. Autism Diagnosis Interview – Assesses a child or

adult in three main areas of behavior (social interac-
tion, communication/language, and restricted and
repetitive interests and behaviors.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

2. Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule – Exam-

ines social interaction, play, communication, and how
imaginative a child is with materials.

3. Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) – Only used

for children over the age of two years old and takes an
in-depth look into behavior, abilities, and the charac-
teristics of a child.

4. Gilliam Autism Rating Scale – Suitable for diagnosis in

children over three years old and tells parents, teach-
ers, and clinicians the severity of the disorder.

How Is Autism Spectrum Disorder


Stacie Bennett READ MORE

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

The Causes of Autism

Although there are many myths about the causes of autism,
there is not one single factor known to cause autism. In-
stead, science is finding that autism is caused by a variety of

So far, there are seven factors attributed to a child devel-

oping autism.

1. Role of Genetics

Each family unit stands a likelihood

of 1 in 68, or has a 1.5% chance of
having a child with autism. But since
family members have a similar ge-
netic makeup, families who have one
child with autism are at a 20% greater
risk of having another child with autism. The risk then in-
creases to 30% if a family already has two or more children
with autism.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Swedish researchers found connections between a fami-

ly’s history of mental and neurological disorders like ADHD,
schizophrenia, or depression, and the odds of having a child
with autism.

The results concluded:

• Children with a parent or sibling with mental and neu-

rological disorders had 4.7 times greater risk

• Children with a family with mental and neurological

disorders stood a 7.6 times greater risk of developing
autism and intellectual disability.

Other studies yield similar results as well, contributing an in-

crease in autism if a sibling has attention-deficit hyperactivi-
ty (ADHD) or a parent has depression, anxiety, bipolar disor-
der, or schizophrenia.

2. Birth Complications

The American Journal of Perinatology found children were

at an increased risk for developing ASD if they experienced
birth complications. The birth complications found with the
highest connection to ASD include:

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

• Preeclampsia

• Placenta separation from the uterus

• Breech or transverse birth

• Oxygen deprivation during labor (birth asphyxia)

• Prolapse or exposed umbilical cord

While not one single birth complication pin-

points if a child will have ASD or not, children
who experienced the above complications
do have an increased risk of developing ASD,
according to the research.

3. Genetic Disorders

Although it is rare, genetics may play a large factor in the risk

and development of ASD. Both Rett Syndrome and Frag- ile
X Syndrome have been found to place a child at a higher risk
of developing ASD.

However, it should be noted that both disorders are ex-

tremely rare and are the result of genetic mutations.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

4. Born to Older Parents

Research studies from Denmark, Israel, Sweden, and Cali-

fornia have found men over 40 years old are at a six-fold in-
crease in the odds of having a child with autism. Researchers
suspect that men who have children when they are over 40
years old may carry ASD traits that lead to delays in romantic
partnerships and having children.

Other studies found different results that could debunk this

theory. While being born to older parents cannot be elimi-
nated as a cause of ASD, it is still considered a theory with
no concrete research to support it.

5. Low Birth Weight

Low birth weight is anything below 5.5

pounds. When a child is born with low
weight and/or prematurely, they may be
missing proper fetal growth to help them
develop. The Center for Disease Control
found children born less than 5.5 pounds
had a 2.3-fold risk of autism. The same study also found girls
born underweight had a 3-fold greater risk of autism.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

6. Environmental Toxin Exposure

Heavy metals and environmental toxins are thought to be

one of the contributing factors for causing ASD. But this is
simply a theory. As of today, there is no significant research
to back up the theory.

The Children’s Environmental Health Center lists 10 common

toxins and chemicals suspected of causing ASD. So, preg-
nant women should limit their exposure to the following
10 environmental toxins:

1. Perfluorinated compounds

2. Endocrine disruptors !
3. Methylmercury


Organophosphate pesticides
6. PCB’s

7. Organochlorine pesticides

8. Brominated flame retardants

9. Lead

10. Automotive exhaust

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

7. Viral Infections

According to research from the American Society for Mi-

crobiology, pregnant women with active infections doubled
their risk of having a child with ASD. More specifically, cer-
tain viral infections have been found by research to be linked
to the development of ASD.

These six viral infections at the time of pregnancy double a

woman’s chance of having a child with ASD:

• Cytomegalovirus

• Measles

• Epstein-Barr Virus

• Rubella

• Human Herpes Virus 6

• Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2

Science is pointing to a mix of biology and environmental

factors in combination that contribute to the development of
autism. Not just one single factor. With increased research
into the causes, it’s about finding a specific or “right” com-
bination of different factors that directly influences autism

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

ASD and Heredity

Since we know the role of genetics can play a part in the
cause of autism debate, it’s important to discuss some com-
mon characteristics of heredity and an autism diagnosis.

• Those with a family member with ASD are more likely

to be diagnosed as well

• Boys are diagnosed with ASD more than girls

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

• Vaccinated versus nonvaccinated children are equally

at risk of an autism diagnosis

• Children with older parents tend to be at an increased

risk of autism

• Premature babies born before 26 weeks show a great-

er risk of autism

While there’s no specific cause to autism, many profession-

als in the field of treating and diagnosing autism believe ge-
netics and environment combined play a role. It’s believed
other genes may affect a child’s brain development or how
the brain cells communicate. It could also be that specific
genes determine how mild or severe autism symptoms will

Although these are simply theories up for debate, the role of

genetics, heredity, and environment are all key factors in de-
termining the possible cause of autism.

Once your child is making sounds, the app uses

entertaining and educational videos to help them
make words and then sentences.

Try it now

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Is Autism Hereditary?

Stacie Bennett READ MORE

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

ASD and Severe Morning

Along with examining genetics and environment, the de-
bate about severe morning sickness, or hyperemesis grav-
idarum, and autism needs to also be looked at as a possible
cause. Severe morning sickness is categorized by excessive
vomiting and nausea. The cause of severe morning sick-
ness is thought to be hormonal changes and high levels of
hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin hormone) during early

Although the exact cause of severe morning sickness is still

unknown, symptoms tend to appear between the 4th and
6th week. Many pregnant women find relief from symptoms
at around 14 to 20 weeks. Still, 20% of women still require
care for severe morning sickness for the rest of their

For more resources on speech development, visit speechblubs.com, or download the app. 32
One activity section in our app that a LOT of kids on the
spectrum play with, and that parents find helpful, is the
“What a Feeling” section. Here kids can find appropriate
situational responses for daily emotions they may feel. “I’m
sad,” or “I’m excited” shows kids in situations where they
might be feeling these emotions, and then presents a kid
‘expert’ saying the response appropriately. Kids learn the
situational cues, the correct response, and then practice
saying that response. The use of video modeling engages
kids and encourages them, because other kids are doing the

Another section is “We Are Family,” which teaches the vo-

cabulary, language, and names of various members of the
members of families of all kinds. Your child will point less
often, and have more words to use for different people who
come and go in your lives.
Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

The Southern California Research and Evaluation Center

found in a recent study that pregnant women with severe
morning sickness were 53% more likely to have a child diag-
nosed with ASD. The study further found:

• Mothers with severe morning sickness diagnosed

in the first and second trimesters put them at an in-
creased risk of having a child with ASD. But no in-
creased risk for mothers who were diagnosed in the
third trimester

• The severity of severe morning sickness did not in-

crease the risk of autism

• Severe morning sickness and autism was higher

among mothers of girls than boys and more prevalent
in Caucasian and Hispanics than Pacific Islanders and
African Americans

• Medications for treating severe morning sickness were

not related to developing autism

Another study in 2018 conducted by the Telethon Kids Insti-

tute found pregnant women with hCG levels that were too
high or too low raised their risk of having a child with autism.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

While both studies found a link between the risk of autism

and severe morning sickness, it doesn’t mean that it is the
cause of autism. More research needs to be done to find or
rule out the cause of autism, including the severity of morn-
ing sickness during pregnancy.

The app uses video recordings of a child “expert”

performing a desired behavior. Children observe
other kids in videos, which triggers their mirror
neurons, which starts the imitation process.

Start Learning

ASD Therapy and Tools

After your child receives a diagnosis of ASD, it is overwhelm-
ing to think about doctor’s appointments, therapies, and
changes at home. But the best part about autism therapy is
it is not a “one size fits all.” Every therapy doesn’t work for
every child. So, all the different types of therapies are cus-
tomized to meet your child’s needs. When treating children
with autism, there are three therapies typically used.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

1. Applied Behavior Analysis

This type of therapy is best suited for children who have

been diagnosed with autism under the age of five. Applied
behavior analysis is considered the “gold standard” for treat-
ing autism because it changes bad behaviors and reinforces
good ones with a reward and consequences system. A ther-
apist may want to observe and treat the child in a daycare,
home, or playground where challenging behavior typically

While a “natural setting” is used for changing behaviors like

meltdowns and tantrums, it’s also used for reinforcing or
teaching imaginative skills or empathy through reward. This
therapy is great for addressing challenging behavior but is an
intensive therapy often requiring 20-40 hours per week.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

2. Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)

This therapy focuses on critical thinking, communication

skills, and social interactions with the people closest to the
child. Instead of the therapy focusing solely on the child,
RDI includes the involvement of those closest to a child (par-
ents and teachers).

Parent involvement is key with this therapy! You become

your child’s therapist. Although it’s a new therapy, RDI yields
promising results. To see success in your child with RDI, you
need to be in regular contact with a program consultant and
receive extensive therapy information that includes watching
instructional videos and conferences.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Relationship Development Intervention has six objections:

1. Emotional Referencing: Learning from the emotional

experiences of others

2. Social Coordination: Observing and controlling be-

havior to be involved in social situations

3. Declarative language: 3.The use of non-verbal

commun- ication and language to show curiosity, help
interaction, share feelings and thoughts, and coordi-
nate actions with others

4. Flexible Thinking: Adapt and change plans when situ-

ations change

5. Relational Information Processing: Solve problems

without clear solutions and solve situations that don’t
have a “right or wrong” solution

6. Foresight and Hindsight: Think about past experienc-

es and foresee future possibilities in situations based
on those past experiences

3. Sensory Integration Therapy

Sensory integration therapy is all about decreasing sensory

sensitivities whether it be light, texture, noise, or touch. This
therapy is mostly play-based and involves focusing on the

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

things your child is most overly sensitive about. For exam-

ple, if a child is overly sensitive to touch, a therapist will inter-
act with the child by touching the back of his/her hand with
different textures in hopes to desensitize him/her over time.
Sensory integration is a form of occupational therapy and
studies show it’s an effective intervention for those with au-
tism ages four to 12.

Along with sensory integration therapy, your child may

also need speech and language therapy. The main goal
of speech therapy is a focus on communication and so-
cial interaction. Speech-language pathologists help a
child communicate through the use of electronic talkers,
sign language, picture boards, social skills development,
pragmatic skills, sounds, and rhymes. These are all funda-
mental in helping a child increase verbal and non-verbal

For more resources on speech development, visit speechblubs.com, or download the app. 39
Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Floortime Play Therapy

Another form of therapy utilized by occupational and speech
therapists is floortime play therapy. This type of therapy fo-
cuses on building into a child’s strengths by getting to their
level of play. Instead of focusing on guiding a child through
an activity, the child is the one leading all aspects of play.

Floortime play therapy is built upon six milestones:

1. Self-regulation and interest in the world around them

2. Emotional thinking

3. Emotional ideas

4. Back-and-forth communication

5. Complex communication

6. Intimacy and relationship engagement

To meet these milestones, a therapist or parent interacts

with the child by following what the child is doing in a calm
environment. If a child is playing with cars on the floor, a
therapist or parent will sit on the floor and play with the cars.
These play sessions normally last anywhere from two to five
hours a day.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Over time, the interactions between the therapist and child

become more complex. For instance, as a child plays with
a toy car, toy planes are introduced with added language to
create a game. Floortime play encourages your child to re-
spond to questions and interact with the therapist.

In 2011, independent researchers in Thailand and Canada

discovered floortime play therapy was “significantly im-
proving emotional development and reducing autism’s core

Floortime Play Therapy for Autism Kids

Stacie Bennett READ MORE

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

IEP Goals for Autism

Since the bulk of your child’s therapy will come from speech
therapy, you may be curious about the goals of speech and
language skills for a child on the autism spectrum. These
same goals are not only for speech therapy but for your
child’s IEP (Individualized Education Program). The follow-
ing goals for IEP’s are only examples. Every child with au-
tism requires different needs, therefore your child’s IEP goals
will be specific to him/her.

Joint Attention

Joint attention refers to a child’s ability to focus on multi-

ple things at once. This is essential when your child begins
school. Your child needs to be able to focus on multiple
tasks at once. While many children with autism struggle
with joint attention, your child’s IEP can focus on specific
areas of joint attention.

Speech Blubs constantly updates its activities in

25 themed sections. We work hard to provide screen
time that won’t annoy or worry you.

Download now

For more resources on speech development, visit speechblubs.com, or download the app. 42
Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Here are some joint attention goals for your child’s IEP:

• Responding to the teacher’s voice

• Showing understanding through both eye contact and


• Being able to recognize and describe the emotions of

him/herself and others

Social Reciprocity

Social reciprocity is key for interacting with other people. It

involves the back-and-forth interaction between two people.
Children with autism spectrum disorder experience issues
with social reciprocity like starting interaction, respond-
ing to interaction by others, maintaining conversations, and
turn-taking verbal communication.

To help your child with social reciprocity, here are some

goals for an IEP:

• Maintaining interactions

• Initiating conversations

• Engaging in topic maintenance

• Recognizing and attempting to repair communication


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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Language and Related Cognitive Goals

Language is more than speaking. It’s understanding and

using the native language with both verbal and nonverbal
communication. Pointing, waving, and facial expressions are
all examples of nonverbal communication.

Some examples of language and related cognitive goals

for your child’s IEP can include:

• Using gestures

• Turning pages in a book while pointing at pictures

• Using words and gestures to share intentions

• Problem-solving

• Understanding event sequences (sequences in stories,

alphabet letters)

• Using and combining words in creative combinations

Behavioral and Emotional Regulation

This area of a child’s IEP goals remains one of the hardest ar-
eas to master for children with autism. Behavioral and emo-
tional regulation involves understanding emotions, process-
ing emotions, communicating their feelings, and coping with
difficult emotions.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Some examples for behavioral and emotional regulation

goals for an IEP include:

• Asking for a soothing activity when upset

• Expressing emotions

• Talking through transitions in activities

• Perceiving and predicting social behavior in others to

self-monitor behavior

Speech and Language Goals for Kids on

Autism Spectrum

Stacie Bennett READ MORE

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Video Modeling and Autism

Video modeling is another form of therapy recently intro-
duced. But video modeling first appeared in 1982 by Stein-
born and Knapp by using a combination of behavioral train-
ing with a classroom-based environment to teach traffic and
pedestrian skills to children within the autism spectrum.

Today, video modeling is considered a go-to method for

teaching social skills and helping speech delay with au-
tism. The therapy is now advanced even further with the
help of scientific studies about mirror neurons.

Mirror neurons are sensory-motor cells in the brain that trig-

ger or activate when…

• An individual performs an action

• Sees another person perform the same action

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

These types of neurons are thought to be linked to social be-

haviors, especially empathy and imitation, possibly explain-
ing social cognition in humans. To take advantage of mirror
neurons video modeling for social skills is used for children
with autism. Speech Blubs takes video modeling a step fur-
ther by having children speak or model behaviors and skills.
All your child has to do for video modeling is watch Speech
Blubs videos and copy the word or action demonstrated by
other children.

The Speech Blubs app and video modeling will give your
child the following benefits:

1. Confidence to perform copied tasks and speech in

daily life

2. Learn faster by seeing other children perform the


3. Increase memory of learned behaviors through fun

activities and games

All of the content, that includes voice-controlled

exercises, videos, mini-games, and more is based on
suggestions and feedback provided by 100s of kids,
parents, teachers, and speech therapists.

Try It now

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Teaching Kids with Video Modeling

Robert McKenzie READ MORE

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Autism and Speech

One speech disorder affecting 65% of children with autism
is speech apraxia. Although there are many forms of aprax-
ia, speech apraxia directly affects the tongue, lips, mouth,
and jaw in producing clear speech sounds. On top of words
sounding unclear, the same word may sound differently
each time it’s spoken leading to inconsistent speech sounds.
If a child shows signs of a communication disorder, it can be
hard to distinguish whether the speech issue is due to aprax-
ia or autism. So, an evaluation from a speech-language pa-
thologist should be conducted.

Some areas a speech-language pathologist will examine

for diagnosing speech apraxia are:

• Errors with consonants and vowels – A child may say

the same word different each time.

• Problems moving from sound to sound or syllable to

syllable – This results in long pauses between words
and troubles repeating a string of words.

• Unusual emphasis on certain parts of speech – A

child may emphasize all the syllables of a word or sen-
tence resulting in a “flat or robotic” tone of speech.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Other symptoms of apraxia of speech used for diagnosis


• Minimal babbling as a baby

• Troubles forming and saying long words

• Repeated attempts to pronounce a word

• Excessive use of nonverbal communication

• Removing consonants at the beginning or end of a


• Problems making words

The evaluation will also examine your child’s hearing, start-

ing and responding to instructions, and verbal and nonverbal
communication skills.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

To help you child with the skills above, here are 7 at-home
speech activities to start today:

1. Model words with examples

Grab your child’s favorite toy and hold it next

to your mouth and say the word of the toy
clearly and slowly. This helps your child see
your mouth movements.

2. Find ways to amplify or change your voice

This is a way to foster back and forth imitation. Use an emp-

ty paper towel roll or voice-change app to make different

3. Offer two items

While holding two objects near your mouth,

clearly say the words of the objects and ask
which item he/she would like. Once your
child points or says a word to respond, re-
peat the word of the object again.

For example: “Would you like an apple or an orange?”

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

After your child points or says a word, repeat “You would

like the orange.”

4. Add excitement to your words

Change the tone of your voice by emphasizing sound at the

beginning and ends of words. This will keep your child’s at-
tention and help with imitation.

5. Make sound effects

Add sound effects to books or while playing with toys during

floortime play.

6. Repeat “core words” in simple sentences

Keep “core words” simple and your sentences short, while

focusing on emphasizing the core words. If you’re blowing
bubbles, try core words like “bubble” or “pop.”

7. Encourage imitation with songs

Use music to engage your child with imi-

tating your mouth movements. Songs like
“If You’re Happy and You Know It” and
“Itsy Bitsy Spider.” Combine these songs
with the actions and movements to go along with them.

For more resources on speech development, visit speechblubs.com, or download the app. 52
Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Can Children on Autism Spectrum have

Apraxia of Speech?

Stacie Bennett READ MORE

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

ASD and Speech Delay

When a child has a speech delay, parents often wonder
whether the speech delay is due to autism. Although a
speech delay is a sign of autism, symptoms of a speech de-
lay and autism are very different. If you suspect your child
has a speech delay, it’s important to either diagnose or rule
out autism as the cause of a speech delay.

A speech-language pathologist can identify if your child is

experiencing a speech delay but cannot diagnose autism.
Only a developmental pediatrician can diagnose autism. To
help you better understand the difference between speech
delay and autism here are the signs and symptoms of both.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Signs and symptoms of autism:

• Delayed speech

• Lack of eye contact or brief eye contact

• Easily upset over minor changes in routine

• Reactions to certain sounds, lights, touch, smells, or


• Difficulty understanding other’s emotions

• Focused on a small range of interests or objects

• Engages in repetitive behavior like spinning or rocking

• Does not respond to his/her name by 12 months

• Does not point at distant objects by 14 months

TIP 1: To get you started, we have some great

interactive guides, but feel free to try some activities
from those most frequently chosen by children in the
Sing-along, Animal Kingdom, Yummy Time, and Toy
Box sections.

Start Learning

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Signs and symptoms of a speech delay:

• Saying simple words clearly or unclearly by 12-15


• Not using nonverbal gestures like pointing and waving

by 12 months

• Prefers to use gestures over words to communicate by

18 months

• Troubles imitating sound by 18 months

• Understanding simple words by 18 months

• Troubles understanding simple requests

• Only imitates speech or actions, but doesn’t produce

words or phrases by 2 years

• Says some sounds or words repeatedly by 2 years

• Cannot use language to communicate needs by 2


• Cannot follow simple instructions by 2 years

• Unusual tone of voice (raspy/nasal sounding) by 2


• Talks in short sentences by 3 years

• Telling a story by 4-5 years

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

If My Child Has Speech Delay Does

That Mean They Have Autism?

Stacie Bennett READ MORE

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Nonverbal Autism
While it’s not an official diagnosis within the autism spec-
trum, nonverbal autism is used to describe any child that
does not use verbal communication. Roughly 40% of chil-
dren are considered nonverbal and there is no known cause
of nonverbal autism. Societal misconceptions often associ-
ate nonverbal autism with low intelligence. However, non-
verbal autism does not mean a lack of intelligence.

In 2015, Cambridge University found those with autistic

traits are more likely to pursue careers in technology, engi-
neering, science, and math. All of which require high intelli-
gence. Another study holds promising results for future ver-
bal communication for nonverbal children with autism.

The Center for Autism and Related Disorders studied re-

cords of children with autism between the ages of 8 to 17.
All the participants’ experienced language delays of either
being nonverbal or only speaking simple words or phrases.

For more resources on speech development, visit speechblubs.com, or download the app. 58
Benefits of the app for
autistic kids
Firstly, the app uses video modeling to elicit responses from
kids. This is where a child user watches a short video clip of
another child teaching a word or phrase. In watching this,
the child user’s ‘motor neurons’ trigger, and they want to im-
itate what they see. This method is a known, go-to approach
in speech therapy circles. As well, doing this gives children
the opportunity to practice imitating what they see in the
real world, so they get better at it. They are then encouraged
to do this kind of learning outside of the app in real life.

It should be noted that this approach, in the mind of an au-

tistic child, is a safe way of learning this skill. It’s not a parent
or therapist pushing them to “say it like your older brother,”
or “come on, you can do it.” The child can safely, and in their
own time choose to repeat and practice a specific skill as
much as (s)he sees fit. In our experience, this approach helps
them learn MUCH faster. It’s also fun because the app in-
cludes games, fun face filters, and interesting facts, and is a
way to practice speech therapy at home. We know that get-
ting an appointment with a speech therapist can be difficult.
Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

The study found the following positive results:

1. 70% of participants eventually spoke in simple


2. 47% of participants became fluent speakers

3. Most participants had higher IQ’s then once thought

4. Repetitive behaviors (rocking or spinning) and intense

interests didn’t affect language development

Will My Nonverbal Autistic Child Ever


Liz Talton READ MORE

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Ways to Encourage Speech

Development at Home
If your child has nonverbal autism, working with a
speech-language pathologist is essential for increasing
communication with your child. However, there are simple
things you can do at home to strengthen your child’s speech

1. Focus on nonverbal communication

Add nonverbal communication by modeling it for your child.

Increase eye contact. Nod or shake your head when say-
ing yes or no. Point to objects you’re referring to. Learning
these types of nonverbal cues increases communication of
your child’s needs.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

2. Shorten your speech

If your child struggles with following directions, it could be

because of a short attention span and your directions are
too long. Try focusing on “core words,” shortening phrases,
and using simpler words. This will lessen confusion for your

Example: “Don’t stand on the chair!”

Shorten this phrase to: “Sit please.”

3. Imitate behavior

Play with your child by copy sounds or actions he/she does.

Imitation is a vital part of development and research sus-
pects it can predict language outcomes. The benefits of
imitation include sharing emotions, understanding turn-tak-
ing, increasing attention, and helping a child take an interest
in others socially.

Speech Blubs encourages children aged 1-6 to

generate new sounds using facial and speech
recognition technology. Activities inspire imitation
of the kid “experts” in the app. So, kids teach kids.

Get Started

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

4. Use visual tools

Many children with nonverbal autism require visual aids to

help further understanding and communicate wants and
needs. There are many apps like Speech Blubs that will help
with speech development through imitation. A picture ex-
change communication system (PECS) is also essential for
expressing needs and wants for a nonverbal child.

5. Encourage play and social interaction

Studies show children learn language best through play-

based activities. Try singing songs, turn-taking activities,
and gentle rough-housing. The most important part of play-
based activities is being down at eye level with your child.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

6. Leave “space” for your child to talk

Sometimes parents are too quick to answer for their child

or they immediately ask a follow-up question. This may not
leave enough “space” for your child to respond. Even if a
nonverbal child responds with a gesture, it’s still communi-
cation. Over time, 15-20 seconds of space in between your
questions can lead to an answer from your child.

7. Follow your child’s interests

It’s best to follow your child’s interests and focused attention

on whatever he/she is doing. If your child is dumping out
Legos on the floor, say “Dump Lego” and join in on the fun.
This will help identify the action and increase language with
short phrases and “core words.”

TIP 2: Fill out the in-depth questionnaire. Gain

insight on which areas your child could improve!
100k+ kids are screened every month! This might
give you the first solid information about your child’s
communication skills.

Start Your Free Trial

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

7 Ways to Help Your Child with

Nonverbal Autism Speak

Stacie Bennett READ MORE

4 Ways To Help A Child With Nonverbal

Autism Talk

Liz Talton READ MORE

For more resources on speech development, visit speechblubs.com, or download the app. 65
My son just turned 3, was diagnosed with Autism, and is still non-
verbal. He loves Speech Blubs and he made the first animal sounds
ever with the app. I love that even though his services got cut off
during this pandemic, that I can help him learn with your Speech
Blubs App! Thank you!

Heather Fromme, Mom

I am a caregiver for a 6-year-old who has autism with developmental

delay. My daughter is just learning to repeat gestures, sounds and
facial expressions so when she sees the kids acting as animals she
lights up. I’ve seen her grow in just the short time we’ve used the
app. Thank you so much for such a great resource in helping children

Tabetha Garcia, Mom

Just two years ago, my son was nonverbal, and with a diagnosis of
severe autism. I could never explain with words the incredible hard
work my child put in, for 60 hours a week or more, getting therapy
every waking hour. He loves to practice with Speech Blubs!

Mom of a Superstar
My son is 6 years old. He was diagnosed with autism. He has speech
delays but has the language. He loves Speech Blubs! It’s a fun app,
really engaging and it’s great that it’s other kids speaking rather than
adults! He goes around the house extending the words he has heard!
It’s an amazing app and it never feels like work to him!

Claire McCarthy, Mom

I am a Behavioural Interventionist for children with ASD. I work with

children aged 2-5. Children enjoy it a lot! It’s great for engagement
and following directions.

Crystal Lavis, SLP

I use your app with kids with autism. They have difficulty with
imitation and speech sounds. Video modeling makes it motivating!!!

Heather Magyar, SLP

I use Speech Blubs with students with autism. The kids love it, and
my non-verbal students are vocalizing to get the camera stickers.
Great App!

Joncee McFarland, SLP

I use this app to elicit verbal imitation utterances. I use this app with
students who have autism. I get lots of smiles, intently interested
stares, and some (not all) verbal attempts.

Joan Hart, SLP

Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

PECS and Autism

The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is a
way for nonverbal children to communicate without words.
For children with autism and other developmental disabili-
ties, PECS gives them a “voice” to communicate their needs
and wants. Since the 1980s, PECS has been helping chil-
dren and caregivers for short and long-term use for develop-
ing verbal speech.

Research found children understand pictures better after the

age of three. Therefore, PECS is recommended for children
three and older. Like any visual aid tool, the overall goal of
PECS is the development of verbal speech. Some children
progress through all six phases of the system and acquire
verbal language. Other children continue to use this visual
aid for communicating simple needs and wants.

Over one million parents from over 50 countries

already trust us with their child’s development and
have downloaded Speech Blubs.

Download now

For more resources on speech development, visit speechblubs.com, or download the app. 69
Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

For the PECS system to work correctly a child needs to be

an “intentional” communicator. This means he/she displays a
need to communicate needs. A child who is an “intentional”
communicator may lead an adult by the hand to something
he/she wants.

Here’s how the 6 phases of PECS work:

Phase 1: Learn how to communicate

This phase helps a child communicate his/her needs through

pictures by using motivating factors like a favorite toy. For
example: If your child loves trains, use a picture of a toy train
to motivate him/her to exchange the picture for a train.

Phase 2: Learn persistence and picture distancing

Phase one builds upon phase two. A child will exchange

pictures for a need, but picture distancing is also included.
Picture distancing involves a child having to retrieve a card
from far away to fulfill a need or want.

Phase 3: Making choices

This phase involves making choices. Two pictures are intro-

duced, and a child needs to point or hand the card he/she
chooses. This works best with motivating factors.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Phase 4: Express feelings and needs

This phase combines pictures and words to make short sen-

tences. A child must combine “I want,” “I need,” or “I feel”
cards with a picture of the desired object or feeling. Some
children will only reach phase four in the PECS system.

Phase 5: Answering a question

Phase 5 builds upon phase 4 by using cards to answer ques-

tions. A child will combine a sentence card with a picture
card to give the answer.

Phase 6: Comment on a question

Phase 6 involves elaborating upon phase 5 by commenting

on questions.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

How to Customize PECS for

Your Child
Every child is different. Therefore, a PECS needs to be cus-
tomized to meet your child’s unique needs, wants, likes, and
dislikes. To customize PECS, you can either purchase pre-
made picture cards or make your own. If you’re making your
own, keep the following tips in mind!

The more you follow your child’s interests the more opportunities
you’re creating for speech development in your child.

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Tips for customizing the PECS for your child:

• Focus on an area of need – These are pictures your

child needs help with communicating the most. If
your child needs help communicating he/she is hun-
gry then focus on cards representing hunger. For
example: Picture cards showing breakfast, lunch, and
dinner foods, or your child’s favorite foods.

• Follow your child’s interests – A child will show more

interest in PECS if there are cards with their favorite
toys, foods, activities, and more.

• Cartoon versus real photos – PECS is either used

with cartoon or real images. The best way to see how
your child responds to one or the other is by creating
some favorite images with both cartoon and real pho-
tos. Then, see which one your child prefers to com-
municate with.

• Choose how to display PECS – How you choose to

display PECS cards depends on the patience level of
your child, his/her understanding, and if you choose
to create a schedule with the cards. If you create a
schedule, schedules will need to be displayed some-
where easily accessible.

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Here are some other ways to display and store PECS cards:

• In a storage binder

• Laminated and held together by a keyring

• A schedule board with Velcro

• A communication book (this includes long Velcro

strips to make sentences with picture cards)

For a parent’s perspective on customizing PECS read

Customize A Picture Exchange

Communication System For Your Child

Liz Talton READ MORE

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

Stimming Behavior
Stimming behavior is a sign of autism. But individuals who
do not have autism also engage in stimming behavior. Stim-
ming behavior may occur in any who is anxious or nervous
and takes the form of nail-biting, foot jiggling, knuckle crack-
ing, and more. While some with autism may engage in these
common stimming behaviors, stimming in children with au-
tism looks different because he/she is unable to stop.

A child with autism may engage in the following stims:

• Rocking back-and-forth

• Hand flapping

• Bouncing

• Spinning

• Walking on tiptoes

• Repetitive blinking

• Rearranging or lining up objects

• Staring at ceiling fans or lights

• Sniffing people and objects

• Licking or rubbing objects

• Repeating words and phrases

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Proudly presented by Speech Blubs, a speech development app available for Android and iOS devices.

It’s important to note a child can engage in one behavior or

in multiple behaviors and each is done repetitively. While
the list above are typical behaviors for children with autism,
some children will display stims that cause physical harm.

Stimming behavior leading to physical harm include:

• Punching or biting

• Headbanging

• Excessive skin scratching

• Scab or sore picking

• Swallowing small objects

Although science is unsure what causes stimming in autism,

there are multiple theories to this behavior:

1. To stimulate or decrease the sensory system

2. A way to adapt to an unfamiliar environment

3. To calm him/herself

4. Show frustration

5. Avoid activities or expectations

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While your child’s stimming may worry you, the behavior
doesn’t need to be controlled unless it interferes with learn-
ing, causes social isolation, is dangerous or causes issues for
other family members. If you are worried about the stim-
ming behavior, there are simple ways to manage it.

How to manage stimming behavior:

• Sensory toys - Squeeze toys, sensory balls, moldable

toys, fidget toys, etc.

• Eliminate medical conditions - Certain medical con-

ditions like headaches, ear infections, and pain may
be the cause or make stimming worse. Talk with your
child’s doctor to ensure it’s not caused by other medi-
cal conditions.

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• Provide a calm environment - Stimming becomes

worse under stressful situations. Try to avoid situa-
tions where your child may be easily overwhelmed.

• Try exercise - Research shows physical activity releas-

es tension to reduce stimming. It also provides stimu-
lation for those needing it most.

• Teach self-regulation of emotions - This involves

expressing emotions in a positive way compared to
stimming, especially stimming behavior resulting in

For more on stimming behavior, read “All About Stimming in

Autism Kids.”

All About Stimming in Autism Kids

Stacie Bennett READ MORE

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For a parent’s perspective of stimming behavior, read the

article “Stimming Behavior and Autism.”

Stimming Behavior and Autism: What it

is, Causes And How To Manage It

Liz Talton READ MORE

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Oral Stimming
Similar to common repetitive motion seen in children with
autism, oral stimming involves taste-testing, chewing, and/
or swallowing objects. Children who oral stim are often seen
with clothing, toys, paper, sensory balls, pencils/pens, and
other inanimate objects in their mouth.

But with oral stimming, there are potential dangers to

watch out for.

1. Small objects can be swallowed causing health issues

2. Chewing on hard objects causes tooth damage

3. Objects can cause chocking

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If your child is a “chewer” there are ways to manage and

remove potential chewing hazards.

• Inspect household objects frequently - Frequently

check toys, books, and clothing for missing pieces or
any signs of chewing.

• Offer chewy snacks - To provide a healthy outlet for

oral sensory needs, offer chewy snacks like dry cereal,
granola, popcorn, veggie chips, carrots, celery, ap-
ples, dried fruit, and fruit snacks.

• Try chewable jewelry - Bracelets, necklaces, and

pencil toppers made specifically for children with oral
sensory needs.

• Use redirection - If your child begins to chew on

something he/she is not suppose to, redirect the
chewing behavior to a “safe” object like sensory balls
and chewable jewelry.

• Offer drinks with straws - Drinking through straws

may fulfill the oral sensory need your child is craving.

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5 Management Tips for Oral Stimming

Liz Talton READ MORE

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Sensory Issues
Children with autism typically display signs of sensory pro-
cessing disorder. Within sensory processing disorder, there
are two times: Sensory avoider (hypersensitive) and senso-
ry seeker (hyposensitive). Whether your child is a senso-
ry seeker or sensory avoider, each type presents different
symptoms. But children can display symptoms of both.

A child who is a sensory avoider struggles to process envi-

ronmental stimuli and becomes easily overwhelmed, there-
fore they are overly sensitive to their environment. A sensory
seeker is under-stimulated by his/her environment resulting
in a child seeking out sensory stimulation.

Sensory avoider symptoms:

• Distracted by background noise (normally not notice-

able to others)

• Avoids touch (hugs and cuddling)

• Appears clumsy (bumping into things)

• Doesn’t tolerate loud noises

• Becomes frightened easily by sudden loud noises

• Very particular about clothing

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• Avoids crowds due to loud noise or the possibility of

being touched

Sensory seeker symptoms:

• High pain tolerance

• Chews on inanimate objects (oral stimming)

• Stands too close to others

• Jumps, runs, and crashes into things

• Doesn’t understand his/her own strength

• Makes loud noises

• Stimming behavior (rocking, spinning)

• Explores the world through touch

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Is Your Child A Sensory Seeker Or


Liz Talton READ MORE

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Synesthesia and Autism

Synesthesia is a rare condition affecting 1% percent of the
population. It is a neurological condition where one sense
is simultaneously perceived by one or more other senses.
Although many people are born with the condition, it’s also
possible to develop synesthesia later in life. Initial research
indicates synesthesia may be genetically inherited.

People with synesthesia may…

• See the word “plane” as mint green

• Picture a skyscraper, but taste blueberries

• Read the number two, but see red

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While there’s no specific way to diagnose synesthesia, Rich-

ard Cytowic, MD and leading synesthesia researcher creat-
ed specific guidelines for doctors to determine if a child has

Synesthesia guidelines for diagnosis:

• Involuntary – Perceptions are not actively thought

about, they just happen.

• Projected – Instead of seeing things like a color in the

“mind’s eye,” a person will see the color outside their

• Durable and generic – The perceptions must be con-

sistent each time. For instance, when someone hears
a particular song, he/she tastes chocolate.

• Memorable – The synesthetic perception is remem-

bered over the primary perception. For example, if
someone associates the name “Laura” with the color
purple, he/she will remember purple and not “Laura.”

Research is now pointing to a connection between autism

and synesthesia. Individuals with autism and synesthesia
report higher levels of sensory sensitivity. Further research
also reports synesthesia tends to appear in individuals with
autism who have abilities in memory, art, arithmetic as well
as high intelligence.

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Although synesthesia doesn’t present any problems for a

child, if you suspect your child may have synesthesia it’s im-
portant to get he/she diagnosed to better understand how
your child views the world along with autism.

Is There a Link Between Synesthesia

and Autism?

Stacie Bennett READ MORE

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Food Aversions and Autism

Picky eating is common among children. But for children
with autism, picky eating turns into food aversions. Research
studies found children with autism are five times more likely
to have fewer food selections, more mealtime tantrums, and
ritualistic eating. Autism Parenting Magazine reports chil-
dren with autism often limit food options to less than five

While the specific cause of food aversion and autism is un-

known, it’s suspected that sensory issues related to food
are to blame. Brightly colored food may lead to sensory
overload causing specific foods like peppers to be avoided

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Food aversions are challenging for parents with an autistic

child. Although your child may be extremely picky about
his/her food choices, there are things you can do to help ex-
pose your child to new foods to increase food selection.

5 Tips for introducing new food

1. Don’t pressure

Don’t try and convince your child to “clear their

plate.” This will only lead to further food aver-
sions. Instead, each time a new food item is in-
troduced, simply leave it on the plate and allow
your child to decide to eat it or not.

2. Don’t intermix foods

Foods that are intermixed may lead to

sensory overload. That sensory over-
load will only result in food aversions
and mealtime tantrums. To avoid this,
keep each food item separate. For in-
stance, if you have pasta with broccoli,
cheese, and chicken, separate each ingredient. Don’t try
and ‘hide’ food ingredients in hopes your child won’t notice.

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3. Combine new and old favorites

Always combine a new food item with one of

your child’s favorite foods. If you would like
to introduce green beans, pair it with his/her
favorite like chicken nuggets. This will give
your child the choice to eat the green beans
or not while ensuring he/she eat something
during mealtime.

4. Eat the same new food

Children with autism learn best through vi-

sualization. Show your child the new food
item is tasty by eating it yourself. Over time,
your child will see the new food item being
eaten over and over and may start eating it

5. Allow them to explore

Instead of keeping your child from playing with his/her food,

encourage it! For children with sensory issues, play is key for
introducing new foods. Allow your child to taste, smell, and
feel the food to get use to it.

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Autism And Food Aversions: 5 Tips For

Introducing New Food

Liz Talton READ MORE

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Resources, Books and

Magazines on Autism for

Autism Parenting Magazine

The prime resource for parents of kids with autism, Autism

Parenting Magazine, recently included us in their Helpful
Links section! To be endorsed by this noted authority on how
to survive and thrive as parents of kids on the Autism Spec-
trum is an honor, indeed. For even more information about
where to find resources for dealing with this challenging dis-
order, also see Autism Resources for Parents – The Ultimate
New Guide.

FREE professional PECS cards and images

Professional, printable and customizable PECS cards.

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National Autism Resources

Find resources for sensory items and classroom.

Autism Speaks

Leading authority on all information related to autism.


Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complicated diagnosis.

There’s no specific cause to its existence and each child dis-
plays very different symptoms and severities. This makes it
challenging for parenting a child with autism.

Children with autism need extra time to develop at their own

rate with the help of doctors, therapy, tools, and a loving and
patient parent like yourself! If you believe your child may
have autism, an early diagnosis is key. The earlier the signs
and symptoms of autism are recognized and diagnosed, the
sooner your child will receive the necessary therapy to flour-
ish and reach his/her full potential!

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Get your answer from a

Speech Therapist.
If you want to get a personal answer from our speech
therapist, write to ask-a-therapist@speechblubs.com!

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