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Harmonized System
ASEAN Subheading
(8-digit Subheadings)
To incorporate newly created national Subheadings in the AHTN, proposals
for amendments are made by the concerned ASEAN Member State to the
ASEAN Directors-General of Customs through the ASEAN Secretariat.
The ASEAN Directors-General of Customs is the forum to allow
amendments to the AHTN.
Amendments to the AHTN may be done under the following instances:
When there are amendments to the HS Code;
When there are amendments to the ASEAN Subheadings for purposes of
simplification; and
When there are amendments arising from the requirements of ASEAN
Member Sates to reflect changes in technology, trade patterns,
environmental and social concerns, etc.
The AHTN Supplementary Explanatory Notes
(SEN) was developed as a technical reference to
assist users in determining the proper tariff
classification of goods in the AHTN up to the
eight-digit Subheading level. It serves to
facilitate the understanding and interpretation of
the scope of the ASEAN Subheadings with the
view to furthering the uniform classification of
The updating of the nomenclature from AHTN 2017 to AHTN 2022
DOES NOT involve any modification in the tariff rates, whether MFN
or preferential.
The Tariff Commission started implementing the AHTN 2022 on July
1, 2022 following the approval by the NEDA Board of its adoption on
May 27, 2022.
With the implementation of the AHTN 2022 into our tariff
nomenclature, beginning July 1, 2022, all Advance Rulings on Tariff
Classification issued by the Tariff Commission pursuant to Section
1100 of the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (Republic Act No.
10863) under the AHTN 2017-BASED Philippines tariff nomenclature
are no longer valid.