What is Cross Pollination? Cross Pollination - It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of one plant to the stigma of another different plant.
In simpler terms, it is the place where pollination occurs in 2 different plants.
There are many advantages as well as disadvantages to cross pollution.
Advantages and Disadvantages Of Cross Pollination ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES
1. The offspring are healthier. 1. The pollination is not always certain
because the pollinating agents are 2. The seeds produced are abundant and unpredictable. viable. 2. The pollen has to be produced in large quantity because there is a wasteage of 3. New varieties may be produced by cross pollen. pollinating 2 different varieties of the 3. The process is uneconomical for the same species or even 2 distinct species. plant because the flowers have to be large, colored, scented, and have to produce nectar. Pictures :) These pictures are to explain in further detail and to bless our audience with further knowledge. You may thank us after class. (Chocolates are accepted) Nature Favours Cross- Pollination Unisexuality In some plants, either the male or female parts are absent. This prevent self pollination (you need both male and female parts to proceed with pollination), limiting reproduction through cross-pollination means. Dichogamy In some plants, its anthers and stigma develop at different times.
If the anther matures before the
stigma, it is known as protandry.
If the stigma matures before the
anther, it is known as protogyny. Self-Sterility In some plants, although the pollen of a plant is able to reach the stigma, it fails to develop normally. However, pollen from different plants can effectively develop into fruits. Herkogamy In some flowers, the pollen is unable to reach the stigma of its own flower, disabling self pollination. Heterostyly In many flowers, the stigma and anther grow at different heights. This makes the stigma inaccessible to the pollen produced by the anther, discouraging self- pollination. Thank you :)