SkinkSpiritSkeletonSword (A5 TRIFOLD) (BW)
SkinkSpiritSkeletonSword (A5 TRIFOLD) (BW)
SkinkSpiritSkeletonSword (A5 TRIFOLD) (BW)
A Skink, a Spirit,
buried all of his treasure deep within, most The Ratcleaver
prized was his sword, The Ratcleaver. In Medium melee (d6+1/d8+2)
time, Blackfur created a spell that Animate While wielded: All rats must succeed a
Skeletons. Shortly after, Almond died but WIL save or flee from you and your allies
his Spirit lives on in the caves.
d6 Almond’s treasure trove
a Skeleton, and
Three Seasons Ago
A large Wombat moved in to the caves to
use them as their den.
1 Bronze spoon (450 pips)
Last Season 2 Bolt mace (250 pips to a knight)
A Skink Warlord, named Gar Maw, and his 3 Golden key (700 pips)
warband found a golden monkey statue
with emerald eyes (7500 pips) and decided
to use the caves as their Secret Hideout.
The skink warband killed the wombat and
took its home as their own. Almond’s Spirit
was roused from his restful slumber.
4 Emerald monkey eye (1500 pips)
5 Chest of d4 x 1000 pips (4 slots)
6 Roll d4 times on Treasures*
*Mausritter pg. 38
A Skink, a Spirit, a Skeleton, and a Sword is an independent production by Matthew Morris. It is
published under the Mausritter Third-Party License and is not affiliated with Losing Games.
Mausritter is copyright Losing Games.
a Sword An adventure for Mausritter
by Matthew Morris
1. Entrance Hall 4. Wombat’s Den
Darkness broken by veiled light piercing the Stone brick walls, cold to the touch; the crunch
8hp, STR 14, DEX 15, WIL 9, Armor 1 • Possible to skirt the perimeter in the 7. Cavern of Treasures
Attack: d10 battle axe, d6 knife shadows. Overwhelming sound of rushing water; blind
Critical: Bite (gives Paralyzed) Down: A dangling rope latter drops into glimmer of endless wealth
Spirit of Almond Blackfur Can move twice as fast as a mouse darkness, the Wombat’s Den (4). Accessible Almond Blackfur’s stockpile of wealth.
from the perimeter. • d6 Random weapons
2hp, STR 9, DEX 11, WIL 17 Wants to amass enough wealth to
fund an invasion force • 2300 pips in various receptacles.
Attack: Petrify/Animate Skeleton
West: Steam flows out to the open air.
Special: Only damaged by Silver
Knows Animate Skeleton
Wombat Skeleton 8 8. Sword’s Resting Place
Wants to rest in peace and protect Glowing lights, vacuum of silence
Warband scale
his remains from the skinks Large bioluminescent mushrooms. Tangled
4hp, STR 12, DEX 8, WIL 4 All artwork is by Fernando Salvaterra. Used with permission. with in is The Ratcleaver.
Attack: d10 stomp
Up: Slippery chimney towards the Tomb (5).