Sundry Creditor
Sundry Creditor
Sundry Creditor
Place the Ledgers accounts of all Trade Creditors/suppliers (even if any ledger accounts has Debit
balance at some point of time due to advance payment etc.). If you sale to or purchase from same party,
create only one ledger account and place under sundry Debtors or Sundry Creditors Group (as
Posting is made from Purchase Day Book, Purchase Returns Book, Cash Book, Bills Payable Book
and Journal Proper for the transactions affecting the accounts of Creditors.
Note:- You need not open two accounts for the same party – one under Sundry Creditors and another
under Sundry Debtors. Tally restricts opening of two identical ledger accounts.
E.G:- 1.
Purchase A/C-Dr-1000
DD.Store A/C-Cr-1000 {DD.Store. Under- Sundry Creditor}
Purchase A/C-Dr-1000
To DD.Store A/C-1000.
Advance Payment
It contains numerous accounts of customer Accounts (even if Opening Balance is Credit). If you sale to or
purchase from same party, create only one ledger account and place under Sundry Debtors or Sundry
Creditors Group. Advances received from customers should also be included in customer’s Account,
under Sundry Debtors group.
In this ledger, the accounts of all Debtors for goods are maintained. Posting is made from Sales
Day Book, Sales Returns Book, Cash Book, Bills receivable Book and Journal Proper for the transactions
affected the accounts of Debtors.
E.G:- 1.
RR.Store A/C-Dr-2000
Sale A/C-Cr-2000 {RR.Store. Under- Sundry Debtor}
RR.Store A/C-Dr-2000
To Cash A/C-2000.
Advance Received