A Laboratory Investigation of Permeability of Coal To Supercritical CO
A Laboratory Investigation of Permeability of Coal To Supercritical CO
A Laboratory Investigation of Permeability of Coal To Supercritical CO
DOI 10.1007/s10706-015-9882-8
Received: 4 January 2015 / Accepted: 8 April 2015 / Published online: 11 April 2015
Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
Abstract The kinetics of gas–coal interaction during were varied between 11 and 15 MPa at a range of
coalbed methane (CBM) recovery and/or carbon 16–24 MPa confinements, and N2 was used as a
dioxide sequestration in coal has been subject of relatively neutral medium to estimate the loss in
investigation over past few years. Swelling of coal permeability due to supercritical CO2 flow. The results
matrix due to gaseous phase CO2 injection is now well indicate that high adsorption of supercritical CO2 in
established through laboratory experiments and field coal led to significant reduction in permeability. On
validations. Further, fluid exchange or flow in coal increasing the confining pressure, further decline in the
alters effective stresses in the underground environ- permeability was recorded. CO2 becomes liquid-like
ment. These significantly affect the permeability with increasing confining pressures and the coal–fluid
characteristics of coal and therefore influence the gas interactions change, causing high sorption and matrix
recovery/injection projects. Most research works on swelling, leading to reduced permeability in coal. This
coal seam sequestration have been carried out for gas or explains why substantial decline in the injection rate of
liquid phase CO2. Considering the pressure–tem- CO2 was observed progressively in most CO2 sinks.
perature conditions of deep seated coal, studies are
now being done on supercritical CO2 flow and Keywords Supercritical carbon dioxide
adsorption in coal. A newly developed experimental Permeability Carbon sequestration Bituminous
set up was utilized to replicate the underground coal India
conditions in laboratory to investigate the (1) initial
N2 permeability of coal, (2) supercritical CO2 perme-
ability of coal, (3) effects of CO2 sorption on N2 1 Introduction
permeability of coal. The temperature of the set up was
maintained at 33 °C while CO2 injection pressures India has one of the largest expanses of coal deposits in
the world. The lower Gondwana stratigraphic se-
quence of Permian age contains coal rich Raniganj and
V. Vishal (&) Barakar measures, and account for the majority of coal
Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of
Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, Uttarakhand, reserves in India. Raniganj, Barakar and Jharia coal-
India fields are large coalfields with huge reserves of good
e-mail: vikram12july@gmail.com quality coal. Production of CBM from these coalfields
has started, and a fairly high amount of gas is being
T. N. Singh
Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of produced from these coalfields. Recent numerical
Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India simulation studies on Indian coal have indicated
1010 Geotech Geol Eng (2015) 33:1009–1016
possibilities of CO2 injection for enhanced recovery of Carboniferous coals (approx. 99 %) and Tertiary
methane (Vishal et al. 2013a, 2015a). Few studies have coals. The Permo-Carboniferous coals have a high
also been carried out on shale from this region, also gas content and have mostly been explored for their
using numerical modelings (Vishal et al. 2015b). Deep CBM potential. Most of these coals are located closer
seated coal deposits are also being viewed as potential to the large point sources of emission of anthropogenic
locales for storage of CO2 for greenhouse gas mitiga- CO2 and may be potential targets for storage of the
tion. Inferior grade/non-mineable coals, with a suitable greenhouse gases (GHG), with or without enhanced
trapping mechanism, are prime targets for CO2 storage. CBM recovery. There are coalfields where coals occur
It is important to understand the coal–fluid interaction at relatively shallow depths, which allow for open cast
at such depths for long term, safe and secure disposal of mining of the commodity, while at other places, the
greenhouse gases. coal seams are quite deep. The depth range may vary
At depths greater than 800 m, injected CO2 is likely from 100 m to over 1000 m. It is believed that the
to behave like supercritical fluid inside the coal seam. coal-seam sequestration of CO2 may be targeted in
The transition of CO2 from a subcritical to supercritical coals ranging from 300 m and deeper. If the potential
state occurs at 7.38 MPa and 31.8 °C (Suehiro et al. or sink capacity of coal seams deeper than 1200 m
1996). The fluid behaviour as well as the response of (below the current limit of mining) is established, the
coal to supercritical CO2 is quite different, and hence, deeper seams could offer huge sink space to the
research based on real term down-hole conditions for anthropogenic greenhouse gas.
CO2 sequestration in coal mass must be encouraged. It is The coal samples in this study were collected from
expected that coal matrix swelling over longer satura- Barakar Formation of Jharia basin. It is a sickle shaped
tion period under supercritical CO2 will influence its coalfield truncated with a major boundary fault on the
permeability. Several field results have revealed the southern flank. It is a part of the East–West aligned
decline in CO2 permeability with time and this Damodar–Koel group of Gondwana basins of India.
highlights the need of understanding coal response About a 3000 m thick succession of Lower Gondwana
under various scenarios of CO2 injection. Field test rocks are preserved that outcrop over an area of nearly
results from Ishikari basin in Japan showed a reduction 465 km2. The sedimentary succession unconformably
of nearly 70 % of injected CO2, from the first year to the overlies the Archaean basement, beginning with the
second year of injection (Fujioka et al. 2010). A similar Talchir Formation, followed upward by fluvial and
scenario was observed in Williston basin coal seam in fluvio-lacustrine successive sediments of Barakar,
North Dakota, where in coal matrix swelling had led to Barren Measures and Raniganj Formations deposited
approximately a 10 time-decline in CO2 permeability within an intracratonic extensional setting. The
(Botnen et al. 2009). The CO2 injection rate reduced by geological map of Jharia basin is shown in Fig. 1. A
nearly 50 % during the initial years of CO2 injection in brief geological outline of Jharia is mentioned in
the San Juan Basin (USA) (Reeves 2001). If the Table 1 (after Chandra 1992). The litho-units are
disposition of these target coal seams were worked almost horizontal with a dip amount varying up to 8°.
out, it would indicate that the variation in coal perfor- Coal samples from seam no. XIII were collected as
mance depends not only on coal characteristics but also drill cores and used for permeability tests. The core
on the fact that CO2 transits from one phase to another sample with a length to diameter ratio of 2 was
during sequestration. Studies related to supercritical polished and prepared for tests as shown in Fig. 2.
CO2 permeability in coal are few and there are not many
published literature on such behaviour of Indian bitu-
minous coal, which otherwise offers considerable CO2 3 Experimental Methodology and Permeability
storage potential at varying depths. Estimation
Geotech Geol Eng (2015) 33:1009–1016 1011
Fig. 1 Geological map of Jharia Basin highlighting the study area (Chandra 1992)
sample was loaded in a holder and confining pressure pressure (or lowering the downstream pressure). This
was applied. The system was then charged with test pulse decays over time as the differential pressure
gas (N2 and CO2) and adequate time was given to causes fluid to flow through the sample. Data was
allow upstream and downstream pressures to equili- recorded throughout the process and used in conjunc-
brate. A pulse was then created by raising the upstream tion with known system volumes to calculate gas flow
1012 Geotech Geol Eng (2015) 33:1009–1016
Geotech Geol Eng (2015) 33:1009–1016 1013
16 11 5
12 7
13 9
14 11
15 13
20 11 –
12 Fig. 4 P–T Phase diagram for carbon dioxide
Downstream pressure development began almost
instantly and the permeability of coal was determined
for all cases of injection. It was observed that N2
24 11 –
permeability of coal increased with increasing injec-
tion pressure. N2 has extremely low adsorption in coal
and does not induce swelling in coal matrix (Harpalani
and Chen 1995). Therefore, injection of N2 at higher
pressures caused a reduction in effective stresses
which eventually led to the widening of fractures and
the resultant high permeability. N2 permeability tested
be established when tested after the flow of CO2 at 16 MPa confining pressure, increased from
through the coal. Figure 5 shows the initial N2 0.0071 mD at 5 MPa injection pressure to
permeability of coal at different injection pressures. 0.0088 mD at 12 MPa injection pressure.
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