IQ Imbalance Correction in Wideband Software Defined Radio Transceivers
IQ Imbalance Correction in Wideband Software Defined Radio Transceivers
IQ Imbalance Correction in Wideband Software Defined Radio Transceivers
IQ Imbalance Correction
in Wideband Software Defined Radio Transceivers
Borisav JOVANOVIC 1,2, Srdan MILENKOVIC 1,2
Dept. of Electronics, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, Niš, Serbia
Lime Microsystems, Surrey Tech Centre, Occam Road, Guildford GU2 7YG, Surrey, UK
Submitted July 5, 2023 / Accepted September 21, 2023 / Online first October 17, 2023
Abstract. A method for compensation of frequency- that even with careful RF transceiver design only 30 to
selective (FS) in-phase/quadrature (IQ) imbalance of 40 dBc of image suppression can be achieved [1], [3].
a wideband transceiver is proposed in the paper. It is dedi-
The utilization of a static IQ imbalance (IQI) mitiga-
cated for implementation in software defined radio (SDR)
tion method is sufficient for calibration of narrowband
cellular base stations. Both transmitter (TX) and receiver
transceivers. When wideband waveforms are transmitted
(RX) IQ impairments are corrected by complex valued
the IQI becomes frequency selective (FS) and more com-
finite impulse response (FIR) filters which are designed
putationally complex methods are required for compensa-
based on previously found imbalance correction models.
tion. The IQI mitigation is an important part of fifth gener-
The compensation performance is assessed after the
ation (5G) transceiver design. Imbalance deteriorates the
method was implemented in the SDR platform capable of
error vector magnitude (EVM) for which the 5G standards
transmitting signals at different central frequencies. At
have strict requirements [4].
frequencies higher than 3 GHz measured IQ gain and
phase error functions exhibit asymmetrical characteristic. This paper presents a novel IQI reduction method
In order to reduce the level of asymmetry, adopted IQ gain which is dedicated to wideband transceivers. Both receiver
correction model incorporates odd polynomial elements and transmitter IQI are corrected. The method is imple-
while the phase correction model includes even polynomial mented in a software defined radio (SDR) board. The uti-
parts. Regardless of utilized central frequency IQ impair- lized SDR supports different multi communication stand-
ments are efficiently compensated. The advantage of the ards, frequency carriers and channel bandwidths. The par-
proposed method is low complexity. The method doesn't ticular requirement of the SDR is to transmit modulation
require specialized hardware for calibration, instead, it waveforms having 100 MHz bandwidth while operating at
uses the RF loopback. At central frequency of 3.5 GHz, 3.5 GHz central frequency. Initial SDR board measure-
transmitter image rejection ratio (IRR) is increased from ments revealed significant IQ imbalance and emphasized
20 dBc to 45–50 dBc by applying the proposed method. the necessity for efficient IQI compensation method. Novel
After receiver imbalance is compensated, the improvement IQI reduction method is developed, realized using complex
in IRR of more than 25 dBc is achieved. valued digital filters which are added to the digital base-
band processing blocks. Steps for IQI mitigation are thor-
oughly described, starting from mathematical models to
a complete realization in the SDR.
This paper is organized as follows. Related work is
Frequency selective IQ imbalance, transmitter, re- given in the following section. In Sec. 3, the method is
ceiver, software defined radio, IQ calibration described. In Sec. 4, implementation is presented followed
by measured results. Section 5 is dedicated for discussion.
The conclusion is drawn in the last section.
1. Introduction
In ideal case, quadrature mixing in radio frequency
(RF) transceivers completely suppresses image frequency
2. Related Work
components [1], [2]. In-phase/quadrature (IQ) imbalances, The IQI includes the contributions from the analogue-
caused by degraded symmetry between I and Q signal to-digital converter (ADCs), digital-to-analogue converters
paths, reflect in the path's unequal frequency responses. (DACs), the analogue low-pass filters (LPFs), as well as
Uneven amplitudes of quadrature mixer local oscillator the signal paths [3]. Refs. [5–7] investigate the mismatches
(LO) signals, and their phase shift, which is not equal to 90 between LPFs of I and Q signal paths as a source of the FS
degrees, additionally contribute the imbalance. It is proven imbalance. In order to equalize the LPF frequency re-
DOI: 10.13164/re.2023.0479
sponses, additional feedback path, consisting of ADC, is been equipped with an additional RF signal generator pro-
embedded to the transceiver design. The feedback path ducing single tone test signals. Reference [21] utilizes the
returns the transmitter output signal to the baseband pro- cross-power spectrum between I and Q signals to cancel
cessing unit for IQI identification [6], [7]. The imbalance is the linear phase IQI consisting of the time delay deviation
mitigated using digital filters which are added to the digital and the LO phase offset. The IQ amplitude mismatch and
baseband processing blocks [5], [7]. In [7] the test se- phase mismatch are reduced separately. The previous work
quence is transmitted and fed back, while the operations [22] is based on memory polynomial DPD which jointly
are performed at transceiver start-up. The least squares compensates transmitter IQI and PA nonlinearities. Trans-
(LS) optimization method is employed to minimize the mitted signal bandwidth is limited by DPD operation which
difference between the desired filter response and the requires that the DAC/ADC sampling frequency is at least
measured one. The reference [6] extends the operation of five times greater than the signal bandwidth. The maximum
IQI correction circuits of [7] in order to be adaptive. Also, signal bandwidth of 20 MHz is achieved [22].
the imbalance is neutralized during transceiver operation.
The methods found in literature are mostly validated
In [8], [9] the LS time domain approach is used for trans-
in laboratory using test equipment that relies on high-
mitter impairments identification. The impairments are
performance instruments and state-of-the-art transceiver
reduced in the baseband using complex-valued finite im-
development boards. Also, the captured signals are im-
pulse response (FIR) filters.
ported to MATLAB where algorithms are carried out.
The IQI is detrimental to the digital predistortion
The main contributions of the proposed method are:
(DPD) performance [10]. Many publications combine the
IQI reduction with DPD power amplifier (PA) lineariza- • IQ imbalance calibration method, dedicated for wide-
tion. Such methods extend the parallel Hammerstein struc- band transceivers, utilizes the test tones and has ad-
ture [11], Volterra series model [12] and asymmetrical vantage that both transmitter and receiver are com-
complexity-reduced Volterra series model [13] to reduce pensated in the same process.
both the transmitter IQ imbalance and PA nonlinearities.
Impairments are cancelled using the complex-valued filters • Beside the IQ imbalance compensation, amplitude
and DPD monitoring paths [10–13]. Although efficient, responses are flattened. Impairments are compensated
methods suffer from an increase in computational com- for 100 MHz signal bandwidth.
plexity of complex-valued filters compared to independent • The method was successfully implemented in a SDR
IQI compensation [14]. board capable of transmitting waveforms at different
The IQI calibration algorithms can be divided into LO frequencies. The measured results showed that at
training sequence methods and blind methods according to frequencies higher than 3 GHz the IQ gain and phase
whether the test signals are generated during calibration. error functions exhibit asymmetrical characteristic.
Blind calibration does not require special test signals. In- The imbalance is mitigated using complex-valued fil-
stead, it exploits the inherent characteristics of the received ters [9], [19]. Regardless of selected LO frequency,
signal to calculate the imbalance parameters. Blind calibra- and the level of asymmetry in IQ imbalance func-
tion can be based on blind source separation (BSS) tech- tions, the IQ impairments are efficiently compensated.
niques [15] and on signal statistical characteristics [15], [16]. • The method doesn't require specialized hardware for
The authors of [17] proposed a new adaptive algo- calibration; it uses the RF loopback instead.
rithm for imbalance neutralization of receivers, which is
based on backward blind source separation (BBSS) struc-
ture and the fast Newton transversal filter (FNTF) tech- 3. Method for IQ Imbalance Correc-
nique. In [18] a blind calibration method is applied for
receiver’s imbalance reduction. The frequency-domain
statistical characteristics of the received signal are used for
the construction of the classification rule that estimates the 3.1 The Polynomial Models of Gain, IQ Gain
imbalance parameters. A real-valued digital filter is added
to I component path to cancel the IQI. For method valida-
and Phase Imbalance
tion the gain and phase imbalances are generated using Exposed to the source of IQI, the complex-valued
mismatched data. Reference [19] corrects the IQ impair- signal x(n), composed of quadrature components xI(n) and
ments of an arbitrary waveform generator. The solution is xQ(n), is transformed into y(n), consisting of components
based on a complex-valued filter whose structure is denoted with yI(n) and yQ(n):
adopted from [9]. Method performance is assessed by la-
boratory measurements where the RF signal is acquired by xI (n) ⋅ GI (ω ) cos(ω n + ϕI (ω )),
yI ( n ) = (1)
high-performance oscilloscope and uploaded to a PC for xQ (n) ⋅ GQ (ω ) sin(ω n + ϕQ (ω )).
yQ (n) =
IQI estimation. Reference [20] presents the IQ calibration
method for ultra-wideband SDR zero-IF receivers, based We denote the gain of the I and Q channels as GI(ω)
on utilization of complex valued filters. The receiver has and GQ(ω), respectively. φI(ω) and φQ(ω) are correspond-
ing channel phases. ω is the normalized angular frequency come this, the operation of complex-valued filters is re-
given by: quired [9].
fC The amplitude response g(ω) of the circuit with real
ω = 2π (2) valued components is modeled by even function:
g (ω ) =
a0 + a2ω 2 + a4ω 4 . (6)
where fC is the signal carrier frequency and fS is the sam-
pling frequency. Transceiver’s amplitude response should Symmetric form for IQI gain is given by:
be a constant value, at least in the pass-band of interest.
γ even (ω ) =
b0 + b2ω 2 + b4ω 4 . (7)
The amplitude function GI(ω) is taken for a gain function,
denoted with g(ω). With the increase of signal bandwidth, The asymmetric gain IQI function γ(ω) is:
and also, with the increase of the transceiver's LO central
frequency, the g(ω) becomes frequency dependent and γ (ω ) =b0 + b1ω + b2ω 2 + b3ω 3 + b4ω 4 . (8)
improvement of g(ω) flatness is required. The symmetric phase imbalance function is modeled
The IQI is described via imbalance gain and phase with odd polynomial:
functions. The IQI gain function γ(ω) is defined by [1]: ϕodd (ω ) =c0 + c1ω + c3ω 3 . (9)
G (ω )
γ (ω ) = I . (3) The phase IQI model is modified to have asymmetric
GQ (ω ) form:
ϕ (ω ) =c0 + c1ω + c2ω 2 + c3ω 3 + c4ω 4 . (10)
The phase imbalance φ(ω) is defined as the difference
between I and Q component phases [1] The coefficients with index zero in the polynomials
ϕ (ω ) = ϕI (ω ) − ϕQ (ω ). (4) given by (6–10) represent the static gain and phase values.
While static gain IQI is taken into account by desired am-
The imbalance has a significant impact on the trans- plitude responses, static phase imbalance is omitted from
ceiver performance, which leads to the incomplete image desired phase responses and is cancelled by a static phase
signal rejection. For quantification of IQI effects the image correction block.
rejection ratio (IRR) can be used. The IRR is defined as the In order to find the g(ω), γ(ω) and φ(ω) coefficients
ratio between the intermediate-frequency (IF) signal ampli- sets of measurements are performed at angular frequencies
tude, produced by the desired input frequency and signal ωi, i = 0,1,...,N, uniformly distributed over baseband band-
amplitude generated by the image frequency. For a given width range. The frequency values are selected on both
γ(ω) and φ(ω), the IRR is equal to [1]: sides around the DC. For each ωi, the values for gi, γ i and
φi are determined. The method for gi, γi and φi calculation
1 + γ (ω ) + 2γ (ω ) cos ϕ (ω )
IRR (ω ) = 10 log . (5) will be explained later in detail in the implementation sec-
1 + γ (ω ) − 2γ (ω ) cos ϕ (ω )
tion. Based on measured values gi, γi and φi, the polynomial
coefficients are calculated after mean square error (MSE) is
With increase of signal bandwidth, γ(ω) and φ(ω) be- minimized between measured data and polynomial models.
come FS and IQI must be neutralized in the baseband using The g(ω) coefficients are found after the following system
digital filters. This is the approach we follow. However, of equations is solved:
the filter design can be simplified when polynomial models
for g(ω), γ(ω) and φ(ω) are designed first. Namely, many s0 s2 s4 a0 T
s N N N
points of the desired filter amplitude and group delay re- 2 s4 s6 a2 = ∑ gi ∑ giωi2 ∑ giωi4 . (11)
sponses will not be measured. Instead, they are calculated s4
= i 0=i 0 =i 0
s6 s8 a4
based on previously found models g(ω), γ(ω) and φ(ω).
The advantage of this approach resides in reduced number The elements sj are defined as:
of measurement points which speeds up the filter design N
and whole calibration process. s j = ∑ ωi j . (12)
i =0
The circuits with real valued components have posi-
tive symmetrical amplitude response around the DC, and Similarly, the γ(ω) and φ(ω) coefficients are found
also, negative symmetrical phase response [2]. In this case, after systems of equations given by (13), (14) are solved:
γ(ω) is constrained to be an even polynomial of ω, while T
φ(ω) (after removal of the DC phase offset) an odd poly- [ sk +l −2 ]k ,l =1,...,5 b j −1 j =1,...,5 = ∑ γ iωi j −1 , (13)
nomial. The correction circuits can be constructed using i =0 j =1,...,5
two real valued digital filters which are positioned in I and T
Q signal paths. However, in the RF, the symmetry may be T N
degraded. It was seen by measurements that utilized SDR [ sk +l −2 ]k ,l =1,...,5 c j −1 j =1,...,5 = ∑ ϕiωi j −1 . (14)
i =0 j =1,...,5
transceiver reveals asymmetric γ(ω) and φ(ω). To over-
H diff (ω =
) K ⋅ jω (15)
cos (π ( n − α ) )
K ,n ≠α
hdiff ( n ) = n −α (16)
0, n = α
where α = (M − 1)/2. In an effort to improve amplitude
response linearity the filter coefficients from (16) are modi-
fied by the Hamming window function [23].
In IQI analysis we assume that the signals at the in-
puts XI and XQ (given in Fig. 1) are equal to cos(ω0n) and
Fig. 2. The frequency components of a) the FIR_IQ input,
sin(ω0n) and the K is a positive value. Also, we assume b) the FIR_IQ output, c) FIR_QI input and d) FIR_QI
that the filters FIR_II and FIR_QQ are bypassed (their output.
outputs are delayed for the delay of FIR filters and not
K(ω) is calculated by:
changed in gain and phase).
Using Euler’s complex expansion of cosine and sine b1 + b3ω 2
K (ω ) = . (19)
functions, the signals XI and XQ can be represented as 2 + b1ω + b3ω 3
a sum of two components positioned at ω0 and −ω0:
The asymmetrical φeven(ω) is corrected by a phase im-
1 1 balance produced by a time delay between FIR_IQ and
X=I cos (ω0 n=
) exp ( jω0 n ) + exp ( − jω0 n ) ,
2 2 (17) FIR_QI impulse responses. Namely, when impulse re-
j j sponse of FIR_QI is delayed relative to the response of
X Q = sin (ω0 n ) = exp ( − jω0 n ) − exp ( jω0 n ) . FIR_IQ, the signal at I path output is given by:
2 2
YI = cos (ω n ) + ω K (ω ) cos(ω n − 2πω ⋅ delay ) =
The FIR_IQ modifies XI into XIQ, while the FIR_QI
produces at its output XQI. The graphical representation of cos (ω n ) ⋅ (1 + ω K (ω ) cos(2πω ⋅ delay )) + (20)
XI, XQ, XIQ and XQI decomposition is shown in Fig. 2. The
sin (ω n ) ⋅ ω K (ω ) sin(2πω ⋅ delay ).
XIQ components amplitudes are 0.5Kω0 and −0.5Kω0, at ω0
and −ω0. In the case of XQI they are both equal to 0.5Kω0. The introduced phase shift neutralizes the φeven(ω):
The FIR_QI increases the gain in I path by 0.5Kω0 while
the Q path gain is reduced by the same amount. The gain ϕeven (ω ) = c2ω 2 + c4ω 4 =
imbalance is (1 + Kω0) / (1 − Kω0).
ω K (ω ) ⋅ sin ( 2πω ⋅ delay ) (21)
The gain imbalance, induced by FIR_IQ and FIR_QI, arctan .
is equalized with the odd gain imbalance function γodd(ω): 1 + ω K (ω ) ⋅ cos ( 2πω ⋅ delay )
denoted with Hsinc(ω, delay). The FD filter and digital 3.3 Amplitude and Phase Response, the
differentiator share the same filter length. Group Delay of FIR Filter
The impulse response hsinc(n, delay) is given by [23]: The transfer function of M tap FIR filters is given by:
hsinc ( n, delay ) = M −1
H ( z ) = ∑ hk z − k . (29)
sin (π ( n − α − delay ) ) (22) k =0
, n − α − delay ≠ 0,
n − α − delay The frequency response of the filter has the form:
1, n − α − delay = 0.
( ω ) R ( ω ) − jI ( ω ) ,
H= (30)
The amplitude response K(ω) from (21) is approxi-
mated by an FIR filter named FIR_K. The desired ampli- while the real and imaginary parts are calculated as:
tude and phase responses of FIR_K are specified by: M −1
R (ω ) = ∑ hk cos ( kω ),
AFIR _ K (ω ) = K (ω ), k =0 (31)
ϕFIR _ K (ω ) = 0, (23) M −1
I (ω ) = ∑ hk sin ( kω ).
τ FIR _ K (ω ) = 0. k =0
The FIR_IQ and FIR_QI are produced by convolution The amplitude and phase of the complex function are:
of three filters: the digital differentiator, FIR_K and FD:
A (ω ) R (ω ) + I (ω ) ,
2 2
H FIR_IQ (ω , delay ) =jω ∗ K (ω ) ∗ H sinc (ω , 0), (32)
(24) I (ω )
H FIR_QI (ω ) =jω ∗ K (ω ) ∗ H sinc (ω , delay ). ϕ (ω ) = arg H (ω ) = − arctan .
R (ω )
The odd function φodd(ω) is compensated by FIR_II
whose amplitude response contains the inverse of g(ω). Finally, the normalized group delay is given as:
The FIR_II filter is described by: ∂ϕ (ω ) R (ω ) Rk (ω ) + I (ω ) I k (ω )
τ (ω ) =
− =
− , (33)
R (ω ) + I (ω )
2 2
g FIR_II (ω )
= = , ϕ FIR_II (ω ) ϕodd (ω ) . (25) ∂ω
g (ω )
M −1
g FIR_QQ (ω ) = ,
g (ω ) (26)
3.4 Iterative Procedure for Coefficients
ϕFIR_QQ (ω ) = 0.
Splitting the operations for correction of γeven(ω) and Identical numerical optimization procedures are used
φodd(ω) between FIR_II and FIR_QQ relaxes filter specifi- for construction of FIR_K, FIR_II and FIR_QQ. The coef-
cation, and consequently, reduces the number of filtering ficients are determined under two constraints. In the first,
taps. By substituting γeven(ω) and φodd(ω), the FIR_II ampli- the amplitude response A(ω) from (32) should approximate
tude and group delay become: AFIR_K(ω), AFIR_II(ω) and AFIR_QQ(ω) for filters FIR_K,
1 FIR_II and FIR_QQ, respectively. The second constraint
AFIR_II (ω ) = , considers the group delay τ(ω) from (33) which is made to
a0 + a2ω 2 + a4ω 4 (27) be as close as possible to τFIR_K(ω), τFIR_II(ω) and
1 dϕdI (ω ) c1 + 3c3ω 2 τFIR_QQ(ω).
τ FIR_II (ω ) =
− = .
In the signal pass band, P frequency points are se-
Ts dω 2π
lected. Ps − 1 out of band frequency points are chosen as
Similarly, the FIR_QQ amplitude and group delay are well and the desired amplitude response is constrained for
specified by: A(ω). Out-of-band amplitude constraint prevents the result-
ing amplitude response to have large out-of-band gain
b0 + b2ω 2 + b4ω 4
AFIR_QQ (ω ) = , which may produce data overflow when the filter is im-
a0 + a2ω 2 + a4ω 4 (28) plemented. An arbitrary weighting function Aw(ω) is used
τ FIR_QQ (ω ) = 0. to control the approximation accuracy in certain frequency
bands. For example, out-of-band Aw(ω) can be set to a very
small value which in turn improves in-band amplitude The matrix I(i) is updated with [24]:
response approximation.
∆h∆h T I ( i ) ∇g∇g I ( i )
The following BB frequencies are selected for meas- to the target RX_fLO + fi. The image signal is minimized by
urement points fi [MHz] = {−50, −45, −40, −30, −20, −10, employing the RX static IQ corrector. For each fi, the fol-
10, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50}. The angular frequency values ωi, lowing corrector codes are acquired: rxGain_3_Ii,
i = 0,1, …,11, are derived after fi values are divided with rxGain_3_Qi and rxAlpha_3i. The rx_γi and rx_φi are cal-
sample rate values. For the transmitter, the sample rate is culated by (44), (45). The rx_gi is derived from the ampli-
245.76 MS/s while the receiver sample rate is equal to tude of the signal positioned at fi..
122.88 MS/s. The calibration operations can be divided in
phases designated as 1, 2 and 3. The calibration results are
txGain _ 3 _ Qi (44)
rx _ γ i = ,
the values for gain - gi and IQI parameters - γi and φi, txGain _ 3 _ I i
which are obtained for each ωi. The phases are explained
txAlpha _ 3i (45)
as follows. rx _ ϕi = 2 ⋅ arctan .
The calibration phase 1 is the preparation step for
phase 2. In phase 1 the receiver is calibrated. The test tones The gi, γi and φi values, gained for RX and TX at fi,
are generated by transmitter LO. At the beginning of are used for calculation of the g(ω), γ(ω) and φ(ω) (using
phase 1, the RX LO frequency is fixed to target TX LO (11–14)). The mathematical background for conversion of
frequency (the target TX fLO) and is not changed further the g(ω), γ(ω) and φ(ω) into the coefficients of FIR filters
during phase 1. The RX DC offset is corrected. (the RX and TX FIR_II, FIR_QQ, FIR_K) is described in
the previous section.
The DC correction codes rxDC_1_I and rxDC_1_Q
are calculated and programmed in the RX static IQ correc-
tor (shown in Fig. 4). In each point, the test tone is gener- 4.2 Transmitter Measurement
ated by tuning the TX LO to the frequency equal to target
TX_fLO+fi, where target TX_fLO is a constant. After the RF The method performance is estimated in cases when
loopback is established and data is read, a spectral analysis transmitter is tuned to different LO frequencies: TX_fLO =
is performed over the received data. A desired signal com- {2.0 GHz, 2.3 GHz, 2.6 GHz, 2.9 GHz, 3.2 GHz and
ponent, observed at f = fi, is accompanied by an undesired 3.5 GHz}. The calibration is performed for all fLO from the
image, positioned at f = −fi. The image signal amplitude is set. The routines, described in Sec. 4.1, are executed for
un-calibrated and calibrated transmitter in order to calcu-
minimized by changing the parameters of the RX static IQ
late the TX IQ gain and phase errors. The TX IQ gain and
corrector. The phase 1 outputs, which correspond to fi, are
phase imbalance values are determined by (42) and (43).
the RX gain (rxGain_1_Ii, rxGain_1_Qi) and phase
(rxAlpha_1i) correction codes. The described operations Normalized amplitude response, as a function fLO and
are repeated for all fi. fBB, is given in Fig. 5. The curve labeled as “Meas.” is
obtained by measured data before the proposed method is
In phase 2 the transmitter is calibrated. The test tones
applied. The results, which are labeled as “Corr.” curves,
are generated by TX NCO located in the static TX IQ cor-
represent corrected results, derived after the IQI is mini-
rector block (Fig. 4). At phase 2 beginning, the TX and RX
mized. When amplitude response is considered, the results
LO are set to target TX_fLO. Then, the TX DC offset is
presented in the figure prove that the corrected amplitude
calibrated. In each measurement point, the NCO frequency
response is flatter than the measured one. However, the
is set to fi and RX IQ correction codes rxGain_1_Ii,
corrected results are not ideally flat because only even
rxGain_1_Qi, rxAlpha_1i are loaded into the RX IQ correc-
polynomials are compensated.
tor. The RF loopback is formed and the amplitudes of sig-
nals positioned at fi, and −fi are measured. The image sig- Measured and corrected IQI phase values are shown
nals are reduced by adjusting the TX static IQ corrector. in Fig. 6. In the most challenging case, when TX_fLO =
The phase 2 results are correction codes for TX IQ gain 3.5 GHz, the phase imbalance ranges from 8 degrees, ob-
(txGain_2_Ii, txGain_2_Qi) and phase (txAlpha_2i). The tained for fBB = −50 MHz, up to 16 degrees, gained for
IQI parameters tx_γi and tx_φi are calculated by (42), (43). fBB = 50 MHz. As it can be seen from the figure, the cor-
The tx_gi is found as the amplitude of the signal positioned rected phase IQI is efficiently minimized, regardless of
at fi, normalized to the amplitude maximum. tuned TX_fLO.
txGain _ 2 _ Qi (42) The gain IQI results, measured at different TX_fLO,
tx _ γ i = ,
txGain _ 2 _ I i are given in Fig. 7. At lower TX_fLO frequencies (up to
2.6 GHz) the measured IQI curves are symmetrical. When
txAlpha _ 2i (43) TX_fLO is increased, the symmetry is degraded. After the
tx _ ϕi = 2 ⋅ arctan .
2048 method is applied, the gain IQI is efficiently reduced; the
corrected values are very close to the ideal case.
In phase 3, the RX IQI calibration procedure is re-
peated. The operations are similar to those executed in The IRR results are acquired by measurements in
phase 1. The transmitter LO is again used as a tone genera- which single tone test signals are generated by SDR
tor. The RX LO is now tuned to the target RX fLO. The RX transmitter NCO. The baseband signal is in the range
DC offset is calibrated. In each point, the TX LO is tuned fBB = [−50 MHz, 50 MHz]. The transmitter output is observed
1.2 1.2
Meas. 2.0GHz Corr. 2.3GHz Meas. 2.0GHz Corr. 2.3GHz
Corr. 2.0GHz Meas. 2.6GHz 1.15 Corr. 2.0GHz Meas. 2.6GHz
Normalized ampl. []
IQ gain error []
0.9 1
0.7 0.85
-40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40
Baseband frequency [MHz] Baseband frequency [MHz]
a) a)
Meas. 2.9GHz Corr. 3.2GHz 1.2
Meas. 2.9GHz Corr. 3.2GHz
Corr. 2.9GHz Meas. 3.5GHz
1.1 1.15 Corr. 2.9GHz Meas. 3.5GHz
Normalized ampl. []
IQ gain error []
0.9 1
0.8 0.95
-40 -20 0 20 40 0.85
Baseband frequency [MHz] -40 -20 0 20 40
b) Baseband frequency [MHz]
Fig. 5. Transmitter normalized measured and corrected
amplitude response obtained at a) 2.0 GHz, 2.3 GHz, Fig. 7. Transmitter IQ gain imbalance at: a) 2.0 GHz,
2.6 GHz, b) 2.9 GHz, 3.2 GHz and 3.5 GHz. 2.3 GHz, 2.6 GHz, b) 2.9 GHz, 3.2 GHz, 3.5 GHz.
Meas. 2.0GHz Corr. 2.3GHz 10
Meas. 2.0GHz Corr. 2.3GHz
25 Corr. 2.0GHz Meas. 2.6GHz 0 Corr. 2.0GHz Meas. 2.6GHz
Image suppression [dBc]
IQ phase error [deg]
15 -20
-5 -70
-40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40
Baseband frequency [MHz] Baseband frequency [MHz]
a) a)
Meas. 2.9GHz Corr. 3.2GHz 10
25 Corr. 2.9GHz Meas. 3.5GHz Meas. 2.9GHz Corr. 3.2GHz
IQ phase error [deg]
-10 Meas. 3.2GHz Corr. 3.5GHz
15 -20
10 -30
5 -40
0 -50
-40 -20 0 20 40 -70
Baseband frequency [MHz] -40 -20 0 20 40
b) Baseband frequency [MHz]
Fig. 6. Measured and corrected transmitter phase IQI
functions acquired at: a) 2.0 GHz, 2.3 GHz, 2.6 GHz, Fig. 8. TX IQI image level suppression at: a) 2.0 GHz,
b) 2.9 GHz, 3.2 GHz and 3.5 GHz. 2.3 GHz, 2.6 GHz, b) 2.9 GHz, 3.2 GHz and 3.5 GHz.
-10 Meas. 2.3GHz Corr. 2.6GHz Reduction of FIR filter length enables savings of
-20 FPGA resources, which makes the method suitable for
realization in FPGA. It is worth mentioning that beside the
proposed FS IQ corrector, the other digital blocks are also
required in transmitter paths, such as crest factor reduction
-50 (CFR) and post-CFR FIR filters. For implementation of
-60 these digital blocks, significant amount of FPGA resources
-70 is spent [27]. Moreover, the hardware is optimized to
-40 -20 0 20 40 occupy minimum resources on FPGA for transceiver 2×2
Baseband frequency [MHz]
a) MIMO operation.
When gain and phase imbalance functions are sym-
10 metrical a real-valued digital filter can be utilized for FS IQ
Meas. 2.9GHz Corr. 3.2GHz
0 Corr. 2.9GHz Meas. 3.5GHz mitigation. However, when these criteria are not fulfilled,
Image suppression [dBc]
-10 Meas. 3.2GHz Corr. 3.5GHz a complex filter is required. As measured results proved, at
-20 central frequencies greater than 3 GHz, the TX and RX
gain imbalance functions are asymmetrical. In order to
reduce the asymmetry, compared to the symmetrical form
-40 given by (7), the adopted γ(ω) is designed to incorporate
-50 odd polynomial elements with exponents equal to 1 and 3
-60 (8). The results showed that the receiver φ(ω) becomes
asymmetrical at fLO greater than 3 GHz. At same frequen-
-40 -20 0 20 40 cies the TX φ(ω) doesn't possess this property. Compared
Baseband frequency [MHz]
b) to the symmetric form given in (9), the implemented φ(ω)
(10), includes even polynomial parts whose exponents are
Fig. 12. The RX IQ image suppression at a) 2.0 GHz, 2.3 GHz, equal to 2 and 4.
2.6 GHz; b) 2.9 GHz, 3.2 GHz and 3.5 GHz.
The complex filter is designed based on previously
The RX image suppression level is shown in Fig. 12.
determined IQ imbalance models. It consists of four real
Single tone signals are produced by RF signal generator
valued FIR filters. Two FIR filters are positioned in I and
starting from RX_fLO −50 MHz to RX_fLO +50 MHz with
Q paths. The others are located in cross paths (see Fig. 1).
the increment step of 5 MHz. The amplitude of test signals
Digital differentiator and fractional delay FIR filters are
is equal to −30 dBm. The signals are then fed to the input
used for realization of cross path filters. They cancel the
of SDR receiver which LO is tuned to RX_fLO. At each fBB,
asymmetric portion of IQI. Specifically, the gain of cross
the amplitudes of the main test tone, positioned at
path filters compensates the odd part of γ(ω). The even part
RX_fLO+ fBB, and the image component, positioned at
of φ(ω) function is neutralized by the phase difference
RX_fLO − fBB are determined.
which is introduced by the delay between cross path filter
impulse responses.
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About the Authors ...
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series model. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Dept. of Electronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
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