240801646511M1 Astha Shinghra 2 8 6 2024 2 12 29 PM

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Order ID : 240801646511M1

UHID : 24090028150 Received On : 06/08/2024 12:17:25 PM

Name : ASTHA SHINGHRA Reported On : 06/08/2024 05:15:50 PM
Gender / Age : Female / 26 Yrs Ref. By : .................................
Sample : EDTA whole blood, Fluoride Plasma, SERUM, Urine

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Ref Interval


Platelet count 149.00 10^3/uL 150 -450

Automated Cell Counter

Dr.Raj Kumar Pachoria

Page No: 1 of 9
Order ID : 240801646511M1
UHID : 24090028150 Received On : 06/08/2024 12:17:25 PM
Name : ASTHA SHINGHRA Reported On : 06/08/2024 05:15:50 PM
Gender / Age : Female / 26 Yrs Ref. By : .................................
Sample : EDTA whole blood, Fluoride Plasma, SERUM, Urine

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Ref Interval


E.S.R. 35 mm/1st hr 0 - 20
Westegren`s Method

Dr.Priyanka Shukla
Page No: 2 of 9
Order ID : 240801646511M1
UHID : 24090028150 Received On : 06/08/2024 12:17:25 PM
Name : ASTHA SHINGHRA Reported On : 06/08/2024 05:15:50 PM
Gender / Age : Female / 26 Yrs Ref. By : .................................
Sample : EDTA whole blood, Fluoride Plasma, SERUM, Urine

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Ref Interval


Malaria - Peripheral Smear for Malaria Parasite (PSMP)

Immunochromatographic AssayÃÂÃÂ

Peripheral Smear for Malaria Parasite (P.S.M.P.)

Investigation Observed Value Biological Reference Interval

EDTA Whole Blood,
(Thick & Thin Smear) Not Seen

1. Parasites are usually seen during febrile episode.
2. Peripheral smear has sensitivity of 86.79% and hence repeated smear examination can be required to rule out false negativity.
3. Peripheral smear examination is a screening test and other methods like QBC (quantitative buffy coat), malaria antigen test and PC should be used for confirmation especially in low
parasitic index.
4. Parasitic index reflects severity of infestation (parasites per 100 RBC).
5. Parasitemia after adequate therapy is indicative of resistant strains.

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Hemoglobin 11.60 gm/dl 12 - 15.6

Spectrophotometry (EDTA blood)

RBC 3.91 10^6/uL 3.9 - 5.2

Impedence (EDTA whole blood)

WBC/TLC 6.11 10^3/uL 3.5 - 10

Impedence (EDTA whole blood)

Absolute Lymphocyte Count(LYMPH) 2.00 10^3/uL 0.9 - 5.2

Automated cell counter

Absolute Granulocyte Count (GRA) 3.44 10^3/uL 2-7

Automated Cell Counter

Mid% 11.00 % 3 - 15
LIS - Automatic Interfacing

Lym% 32.80 % 20 - 44
LIS - Automatic Interfacing

Gran% 56.20 % 50 - 70
LIS - Automatic Interfacing

Platelet Count 150 10^3/uL 150 - 450

Automated Cell Counter

MCV 82.50 fL 83 - 96

MCH 29.70 Pg. 26.4 - 32.3


MCHC 35.90 gm/dl 31.8 - 34.2


RDW-SD 44.10 fL 37 - 56

Dr.Raj Kumar Pachoria

Page No: 3 of 9
Order ID : 240801646511M1
UHID : 24090028150 Received On : 06/08/2024 12:17:25 PM
Name : ASTHA SHINGHRA Reported On : 06/08/2024 05:15:50 PM
Gender / Age : Female / 26 Yrs Ref. By : .................................
Sample : EDTA whole blood, Fluoride Plasma, SERUM, Urine

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Ref Interval


RDW-CV 15.60 % 11.5 - 14.5


HCT 32.30 % 36.4 - 46


MPV 12.40 fL 7.2 - 11.1

Automated Cell Counter

PDW 16.80 fL 9 - 14
Automated Cell Counter

PCT 0.18 % 0.15 - 0.4


P-LCC 66.00 % 44 - 140


P-LCR 44.30 % 15 - 35

Urine Routine - pH, specific gravity, sugar, protein

Color Yellow Pale Yellow

Visual Examination

Transparency Clear Clear

Visual Examination

pH 6.0 4.50 - 8.00

Dipstick(methyl red/bromethylmol blue)

Protein Absent Absent

Dipstick(Tetrabromophenol blue; buffer and non-reactive ingredients)

Specific Gravity 1.020 1.01 - 1.03

Dipstick(bromethylmol blue)

Glucose Absent mg/dl Absent

Dipstick(Glucose Oxidase peroxidase & K+ Iodide)

Pus cells 1-2 /HPF 1-2


RBC'S Not seen /HPF Not seen


Casts Absent Absent


Crystals Absent Absent


Epithelial Cells 1-3 /HPF 0-2


Bacteria Absent Absent


Others Absent Absent


Dr.Raj Kumar Pachoria

Page No: 4 of 9
Order ID : 240801646511M1
UHID : 24090028150 Received On : 06/08/2024 12:17:25 PM
Name : ASTHA SHINGHRA Reported On : 06/08/2024 05:15:50 PM
Gender / Age : Female / 26 Yrs Ref. By : .................................
Sample : EDTA whole blood, Fluoride Plasma, SERUM, Urine

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Ref Interval

A routine urine examination can give critical information to several underlying medical conditions like:

1. Hematuria associated with Kidney stones.

2. Pyuria associated with urinary infections.

3. Eosinophiluria is associated with kidney disorders.

Presence of Red Blood Cells, Pus cells can give details on a variety of diseases. Presence of protein may indicate a heart disease or kidney disorder. Glucose is present in diabetic
conditions. A urinalysis alone usually doesn't provide a definite diagnosis. Depending on the reason your provider recommended this test, you might need follow-up for unusual results.
Evaluation of the urinalysis results with other tests can help your provider determine next steps.

Getting standard test results from a urinalysis doesn't guarantee that you're not ill. It might be too early to detect disease, or your urine could be too diluted.

Dr.Raj Kumar Pachoria

Page No: 5 of 9
Order ID : 240801646511M1
UHID : 24090028150 Received On : 06/08/2024 12:17:25 PM
Name : ASTHA SHINGHRA Reported On : 06/08/2024 05:15:50 PM
Gender / Age : Female / 26 Yrs Ref. By : .................................
Sample : EDTA whole blood, Fluoride Plasma, SERUM, Urine

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Ref Interval


Widal test


1/20 1/40 1/80 1/160 1/320

TYPHY "O" - - - 1/160 -

TYPHY "H" - - 1/80 - -

TYPHY "AH" - - - - -

TYPHY "BH" - - - - -


INTERPRETATION:S/O Recent infection due to Salmonella typhi or Salmonella paratyphi A or B

Antibody Titers:

● Anti-O antibody > 80 (cut-off titer)

● Anti-Salmonella Typhi H antibody > 160 (cut-off titer)

● Anti-Salmonella Typhi AH antibody > 160 (cut-off titer)

● Anti-Salmonella Typhi BH antibody > 160 (cut-off titer)

1. Positive Widal test (antibody titers above cut-off level) is indicative of the presence of antibodies to Enteric fever pathogens. Cut-off levels show geographical variation, depending

on the endemicity of Enteric fever.

2. False negative Widal test is observed in early stage (<1 week) of Enteric fever or with the early administration of antibiotics.

3. False positive Widal test may be observed as an anamnestic response in several febrile illnesses and recent TAB vaccination.

4. Repeat performance of Widal test after a gap of 7-10 days demonstrates a drop in antibody titer, in case of an anamnestic response. In case of Enteric fever, a repeat test shows

rise in antibody titer.

Note: The result should only be interpreted in conjunction with clinical findings and other diagnostic information.

C Reactive Protein CRP (Qualitative, Quantitative)

CRP- Qualitative Positive Negative


CRP is an acute phase reactant which is used in inflammatory disorders for monitoring course and effect of therapy. It is most useful as an indicator of activity in Rheumatoid arthritis,
Rheumatic fever, tissue injury or necrosis and infections. As compared to ESR, CRP shows an earlier rise in inflammatory disorders which begins in 4-6 hrs, the intensity of the rise being
higher than ESR and the recovery being earlier than ESR. Unlike ESR, CRP levels are not influenced by hematologic conditions like Anemia, Polycythemia etc.

Dr.Vidushi Singh
MBBS, (PG-1st Year)
Page No: 6 of 9
Order ID : 240801646511M1
UHID : 24090028150 Received On : 06/08/2024 12:17:25 PM
Name : ASTHA SHINGHRA Reported On : 06/08/2024 05:15:50 PM
Gender / Age : Female / 26 Yrs Ref. By : .................................
Sample : EDTA whole blood, Fluoride Plasma, SERUM, Urine

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Ref Interval


Serum Vitamin B12 64.00 pg/mL 120 - 914

Serum, CLIA

Serum vitamin D 9.59 ng/mL 20 - 100

Serum, CLIA


The assay measures both D2 (Ergocalciferol) and D3 (Cholecalciferol) metabolites of vitamin D.

25 (OH)D is influenced by sunlight, altitude, skin pigmentation, sunscreen use and hepatic function.

Optimal calcium absorption requires vitamin D 25 (OH) levels exceeding 75 mol/L.

It shows seasonal variation, with values being 40-50% lower in winter than in summer.

Levels vary with age and are increased in pregnancy.

Testing for 25(OH)vitamin D is recommended as it is the best indicator of vitamin D nutritional status as obtained from sunlight exposure & dietary intake. For diagnosis of vitamin D
deficiency, it is recommended to have clinical correlation with serum 25(OH) vitamin D, serum calcium, serum PTH & serum alkaline phosphatase.


Vitamin D promotes absorption of calcium and phosphorus and mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency in children causes Rickets and in adults leads to Osteomalacia. It can also
lead to Hypocalcemia and Tetany. Vitamin D status is best determined by measurement of 25 hydroxy vitamin D, as it is the major circulating form and has longer half life (2-3 weeks) than
1,25 Dihydroxy vitamin D (5-8 hrs).

Decreased Levels - Inadequate exposure to sunlight ⢠Dietary deficiency ⢠Vitamin D malabsorption Severe Hepatocellular disease ⢠Drugs like Anticonvulsants â¢
Nephrotic syndrome

Increased levels - Vitamin D intoxication

Thyroid Profile

FT3 2.94 ng/dL 2.5 - 3.9


FT4 0.95 ug/dL 0.61 - 1.12


TSH 2.40 uIU/mL 0.38 - 5.33


TSH Biological Reference Interval (Female)

Non-Pregnant : 0.38-5.33

1st Trimester : 0.5-3.7

2nd Trimester: 0.31-4.35

3rd Trimester: 0.41-5.18


TSH levels are subject to circadian variation, reaching peak levels between 2 - 4.a.m. and at a minimum between 6-10 pm . The variation is of the order of 50%, hence time of the day has
influence on the measured serum TSH concentrations.

Dr.Pragyan Prava Rout

Page No: 7 of 9
Order ID : 240801646511M1
UHID : 24090028150 Received On : 06/08/2024 12:17:25 PM
Name : ASTHA SHINGHRA Reported On : 06/08/2024 05:15:50 PM
Gender / Age : Female / 26 Yrs Ref. By : .................................
Sample : EDTA whole blood, Fluoride Plasma, SERUM, Urine

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Ref Interval

Clinical Use:

Primary hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypothalamic- Pituitary hypothyroidism, Inappropriate TSH secretion, Nonthyroidal illness, Autoimmune thyroid disease, Pregnancy associated
thyroid disorders, Thyroid dysfunction in infancy and early childhood

Urea 15.77 mg/dl 17 - 43

Urease-GLDH (Serum)

Urea formation is influenced by many other factors like Liver function, Protein intake and hydration status other than glomerular filtration rate.

Creatinine 0.61 mg/dL 0.51 - 0.95


Uric acid 3.84 mg/dL 2.6 - 6

Uricase PAP

Total Bilirubin 0.65 mg/dL 0.3 - 1.2


Direct Bilirubin 0.13 mg/dL 0 - 0.2


SGOT - AST 20.50 U/L 0 - 35


SGPT - ALT 41.10 U/L 0 - 35


Total Protein 6.41 gm/dL 6.6 - 8.3


Albumin 3.06 gm/dL 3.5 - 5.2

Spectrophotometry, BCG

Serum alkaline phosphtase - ALP 69.40 U/L 30 - 120

ANP-AMP (Serum)

Glucose - Random 76.58 mg/dL 70 - 150


IRON 30.58 ug/dL 60 - 180


CRP- Quantitative 100.77 mg/L 0-5

Spectrophotometer turbidimetric IA (Serum)

1.Measurement of CRP is useful for the detection and evaluation of infection, tissue injury, inflammatory disorders and associated diseases .

2.High sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) measurements may be used as an independent risk marker for the identification of individual at risk for future cardiovascular disease.

3.Increase in CRP values are non-Specific and should not be interpreted without a complete history.

---End of Report---

Dr.Pragyan Prava Rout

Page No: 8 of 9
Order ID : 240801646511M1
UHID : 24090028150 Received On : 06/08/2024 12:17:25 PM
Name : ASTHA SHINGHRA Reported On : 06/08/2024 05:15:50 PM
Gender / Age : Female / 26 Yrs Ref. By : .................................
Sample : EDTA whole blood, Fluoride Plasma, SERUM, Urine

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Ref Interval

* The provisional report of this patient has been amended by the verifying doctor.

Dr.Pragyan Prava Rout

Page No: 9 of 9

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