Dynamically Balance Flexible High Speed Rotors
Dynamically Balance Flexible High Speed Rotors
Dynamically Balance Flexible High Speed Rotors
The procedure described here is generally applicable for all types of rotors of large electric
motors and generators which run above their first bending critical speed and well below their
second bending critical speed.
Detailed instructions are given for electric motors which have 4 correction planes; 2 on the stack
and 2 on balancing rings close to the rotor journals. Sketch of a typical rotor with 4 correction
planes with A, B, C marked for 2 inner planes is given below:-
Best results are achieved by ABRO machines where we use rigid pedestals which simulate site
conditions and avoid having a pedestal resonance within the entire operating speed range of
the test. This fact is clearly brought out by the following two paragraphs of the International
specifications ISO-11342 for flexible rotor balancing.
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ISO-11342: In some cases, it is desirable that the bearing supports in the balancing facility be
chosen to provide similar conditions to those at site so that the modes obtained during site
operation will be adequately represented during the balancing process and hence reduce the
necessity for subsequent field balancing.
ISO-11342: In all cases, there shall be no resonance of the transducer and/or mountings,
which significantly influence vibration measurement within the speed range of the test.
It is recommended that we should do step-by-step balancing by first correcting the rigid mode
unbalance at a low speed which is less than 70% of the first bending critical speed of the rotor.
Next, we should correct the unbalance due to the first flexural eigenmode without disturbing the
rigid mode balance of the rotor. Then we can check for rotor stability by noting the low speed
unbalance and then running to 10% or 15% over speed and again checking unbalance at low
speed. This process is repeated till the change in unbalance by over speeding is less than 25% of
the rigid rotor balancing tolerance as per grade G 2.5 of ISO-1940.
After stabilizing the rotor as explained above, we have to rebalance the rotor to correct both
the rigid mode unbalance and the first flexural eigenmode. Then we can run the rotor to full
speed and measure the ‘PROJECTED UNBALANCE’ which is also referred to as ‘CALCULATED
UNBALANCE’ after dialing a = c = o. Normally, the PROJECTED UNBALANCE is higher than the
rotor unbalance due to the magnification factor which comes into play when Wn2 capacity
(speed weight capacity) of the machine is exceeded.
PROJECTED UNBALANCE should be less than the unbalance allowed as per grade 6.3 of ISO-
1940. Under very exceptional circumstances when we have some loose parts or non-uniform
flexibly mounted parts, we can get higher unbalance and this may be corrected in two outer
planes after ROTOR SPECIFIC CALIBRATION at operating speed. This small correction is not likely
to significantly disturb the balance of the rotor close to the first bending critical speed of the
We can also check the 2f component of the measured force and ensure that it is below our
‘BASE LEVEL’ at the specified speed. This ensures the mechanical stability of the job.
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Now, run the rotor to balancing speed (800 RPM) and make readings ZERO by EREC (Electronic
Compensation). Put the fan on the rotor and balance the rotor at balancing speed (800 RPM)
to a level below the rotor tolerance (60 gms per plane) by adding weight only on the fan. You
may be able to achieve this by one plane or 2 plane correction on the fan. If required you can
select a different programme in the electronics of the machine for the balancing of the fan.
Now, remove the EREC/Compensation and go back to the initial setting and check unbalance
of the rotor. It should normally be less than the tolerance (60 gms per plane). Now, re-balance
the rotor by making correction in the two planes on the rotor STACK to well below the rotor
balancing tolerance (60 gms).
By the above procedure, we have done STAGE BALANCING of the rotor at low speed.
STEP-2 (Balancing for first flexural eigenmode without using the 3 plane/4 plane balancing
Balance for the first flexural eigenmode at a speed of about 90% of the first bending critical
speed of the rotor (say 1800 RPM) without disturbing the rigid mode balance of the rotor at low
speed (800 RPM) as follows:-
• Select 2 plane balancing programme with third display of STATIC UNBALANCE in the
• Dial A/B/C and R1/R2 for the two outside correction planes (balancing discs).
• Run rotor at 800 RPM and ensure that the reading is below 30 gms. If required, add
weights on the balancing discs to achieve this.
• Run to 1800 RPM and note the static reading (say ‘S’ gms). Add ‘S’ gms in the two
central planes at the indicated angle. Also add ‘S’ gms in the two outside planes (discs)
at 180 degrees shifted from the indicated unbalance ‘S’. Run at low speed of 800 RPM
and see if the unbalance on LHS and RHS is below 30 gms. If not, add indicated weights
in outer planes to balance rotor to below 30 gms in each plane.
• Run to 1800 RPM and note the ‘S’ reading. (Suppose it is 0.3S). This means that 0.7S has
been corrected by adding ‘S’ gms. Work out scale factor F = “S/0.7S = 1.43. For future
balancing, we will need to add 1.43 times the indicated static unbalance in the central
planes when balancing at 1800 RPM.
• Now you can do accurate balancing both at 1800 RPM and 800 RPM. Add 1.43 times
the indicated static unbalances in the central planes at the indicated angle of static
unbalance measured at 1800 RPM and add 1.43 times of static unbalances on outer
planes at angle equal to 180 degree plus indicated angle of S. Now, run at 800 RPM and
balance to below 30 gms by adding weights in outer planes. Now run to 1800 RPM and
you should get a reading of less than 60 gms on both LHS and RHS planes. If not, do
further balancing at 1800 RPM without disturbing 800 RPM balance as explained above.
• Now, run to 3000 RPM. Readings should be less than 150 gms per plane as per Grade 6.3
of ISO-1940. If not, do trim balancing by doing rotor specific calibration at 3000 RPM and
by adding weights in outer planes.
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