Paper 1
October/November 2006
2 hours 30 minutes
Additional Materials: Answer Booklet/Paper
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The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
1 a) When a new piece of software is being planned it is necessary for the analyst to collect
information about the present system.
State three ways of collecting information about the present system and give an advantage
of each. [6]
2 A large factory employs many thousands of workers. The workers’ times of arrival and departure
are noted. At the end of each week the pay for each worker is calculated by a computer system
and the pay slips are produced.
(a) Explain why this is an example of batch processing and give reasons why batch processing
is sensible. [4]
(ii) State two reasons why a sequential file is a sensible choice of file type in this case. [2]
(c) Give an example of a computer application which would need to be processed in real time.
Justify your choice. [2]
3 (a) INPUT A, B
IF B = 0 THEN C = A
ELSE C = A ÷ B
(i) A = 8, B = 2 [2]
(ii) A = 6, B = 0 [2]
(b) An automatic fan is designed so that it turns on only when a person is in the room AND the
temperature is above a set value (D).
1. A motion sensor which returns a value (M) dependent upon a person being sensed in
the room.
2. A thermistor (electronic thermometer) which returns the temperature in the room (T).
Produce an algorithm to control the fan. Your algorithm may be expressed in any form. [6]
(b) An analyst needs to design the human computer interface (HCI) for a control room in a
manufacturing plant.
Describe the factors that the analyst should consider when designing the interface. [6]
(i) Simplex.
(iii) Serial.
(b) Explain how buffers and interrupts are used in the transfer of data from primary memory to a
hard drive. [6]
(c) State two of the modes of data transmission mentioned in part (a) which would be used to
transfer data from primary memory to a hard drive. Give reasons for your answers. [4]
Authors send books to a publishing company. At this stage books are text documents with any
illustrations being added at the end of the publishing process.
6 When a book is sent to the company by an author, it is sent in hard copy form as well as on a
disk. It is read and, if accepted, is then sent electronically to a person called a copy editor. The
copy editor reformats the text to make it suitable for publication.
(b) The copy editors employed by the company work from home.
Give an advantage and a disadvantage of working from home from the point of each of
7 The communications system used by the company uses circuit switching for the transmission of
data between head office and the copywriters.
(a) Explain the difference between circuit switching and packet switching, giving an advantage of
each method. [4]
(b) When texts are transferred large amounts of data are transmitted.
(ii) During transmission data can be corrupted. Check sums and parity checks can be
carried out on the data.
Explain how check sums and parity checks are used to detect transmission errors. [4]
8 The company needs all the copy editors to be using the same software for preparing the finished
books. A decision has to be made between using custom-written software and off-the-shelf
Describe the difference between the two types and explain why the company would choose to
use an off-the-shelf software package. [4]
9 State the purpose of each of the following pieces of utility software and say how each would be
used by the copy editors.
[Total 90]
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