Applying Safety Measures in Farm Operations W2
Applying Safety Measures in Farm Operations W2
Applying Safety Measures in Farm Operations W2
• Accident - an unexpected and unfortunate incident that occurs accidentally and causes hurt,
damage, or injury.
• Agricultural Chemicals – are chemical agents that are used to control cropharming organisms (like:
fungi, nematodes, mites, insects, and rodents) or viruses (refers to "diseases and pests") in the farm
such as fungicides and insecticides.
• Cleaning - the act or process of removing dirt from tools, containers and farm facilities.
• Chemicals - means the interaction between substances. It can be in the form of liquid, solid or gas.
It can be from any pure substance or a mixture of different substances.
• Disinfection Chemicals - refers to the chemical used in cleaning which has the ability to kill
microorganisms especially pathogens.
• Hazard - can potentially harm or injure workers. In any workplace, hazard exists.
• Over fatigue, improper posture while harvesting the crops, and using unguarded machineries are
some of the common hazards.
• Near Miss - refers to an unanticipated event that almost harms persons or property but does not
cause any injury or damage.
• Occupational Safety – are safe practices related to production and work process in the workplace.
• Safety - the physical or environmental conditions of work which comply with the prescribed
Occupational Health Safety (OHS) standards and which allow the workers to perform his or her job
without or within acceptable exposure to hazards
• Safety Measures – is an action, or procedure that is designed to lower the occurrence or risk of
injury, loss and danger to persons, property or the environment.
• Unsafe Acts - are activities or behaviors that depart from established safety norms, such as
disobeying safety guidelines or failing to properly employ personal protection equipment.
• Unsafe Conditions - include physical aspects within the workplace that have the potential to cause
harm, such as poor housekeeping, insufficient lighting or ventilation, malfunctioning equipment, or
inappropriate handling of hazardous products.
Occupational Safety When in the Farm – safety practices set by farm owners that involves production
and work process of farmworkers. Farmers should always take extra measures to ensure their safety
while working in the farm.
Hazards and Risk in the Farm - farmers are exposed to a lot of risk, which can lead to major accidents
or injuries. Risk is the possibility of a hazard to exist. It may cause injury or health problems. It is
important that workers are properly trained and properly guided by the management.
Types of Hazards:
Hazard can potentially harm or injure workers. In any workplace, hazard exists. Over fatigue, improper
posture while harvesting the crops, and using unguarded machineries are some of the common
• Physical Hazard – it includes weak platform, slippery stairs or floorings, falling objects, excessively
loud music, prolonged vibration, poor ventilation, extreme temperatures, and poor air quality.
• Mechanical Hazard – is caused by electrically operated machineries or devices that can cause electric
shock or electrocution. Pressure vessels, tractors, and cranes are all used in farm operations. Source:
• Chemical Hazard – are typical of hazardous chemicals that can cause fire and explosion that came
from pesticides, cleaning agents, acids, and poisons. Exposure to certain chemicals or improper
handling and use of those chemicals, can cause acute or long-term adverse health effects. Main
classifications of chemical hazards include: asphyxias’, corrosives, irritants, sensitizers, carcinogens,
mutagens, teratogens, reactants, and flammables. Long term exposure to chemical hazards such as
silica dust, engine exhausts, tobacco smoke, and lead may result to increase risk of heart disease,
stroke, and high blood pressure. Use of protective personal equipment (PPE) is advised because it may
reduce the risk of damage from contact with hazardous chemicals and materials. Source:
• Biological Hazard – includes bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew, insects, and vermin, among others.
• Psychosocial Hazard – is the stresses that farmers get from work, family, or even among friends.
• Ergonomic Hazard- refers to any physical condition that can be experienced in the workplace due to
incorrect body movement/s that can cause injury or other health concern that may affect
musculoskeletal system causing aches and sprains that may appear not too serious at first but may
develop into serious health problem which can cause permanent damage to the body.
Chemicals and Hazardous Tools and Equipment Used for Farm Work
1. Spraying Chemicals - The use of fertilizers and pesticides are common in farming. These are
used to control pests, weeds, and mollusks. Spraying is the most common method of applying
chemicals. Farm owners consult local agriculturist for the appropriate chemicals to use in their
Here are some important things to remember when using chemical for the crops:
Do not attempt to spray if there is a strong wind and its direction is towards the body
of water or a house.
Never wash the spray equipment with water running down into open drains or
towards a dam or a canal
Refrain from using used chemical containers.
To reduce the risk of hazardous chemicals, do the following:
Appropriate PPE must be used.
Store the chemicals in locked cabinets or storage area.
Know the first aid procedures.
Provide a list of hazardous chemicals used in the farm.
2. Land Preparation using Heavy Equipment and Implements – the use of mechanical
equipment for land preparation like tractor might involve risks such as a person being run over
by it. The tractor also has the tendency to overturn, especially if it is running too fast, or the
operator makes a sharp turn, sudden swerve, or sudden stop.
Here are some things to remember when using heavy farm implements:
Do not use a tractor for transportation. It is not a passenger vehicle.
Use a seatbelt when driving a tractor.
Use of PPE can save the operator from serious injuries.
To avoid possible hazard and risks in the farm PPE is advised.
Safety is the physical environmental condition of work which complies with Occupational
Health Safety (OHS) standards and which allows the farmers to perform their job without or
within acceptable exposure to hazards. One of the basic requirements to maintain these
standards is the provision of PPE. This can reduce the number and severity of farmers related
injuries and illnesses.
Farm Respiratory Protection - Since farmers use fertilizers and other chemicals, it is necessary
for them to use respirators to protect themselves from inhaling mold spores and chemicals.
Respirators must be properly selected, worn, and maintained to ensure maximum protection.
Eye Protection - This is used to protect farmers’ eyes from possible flying objects, liquid
sprays, or other elements that may enter their eyes. There are several types of eye protectors
like goggles and glasses with safety shields, among others.
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Foot Protection - A farmers’ feet is one of the most exposed parts of the body during work.
Wearing appropriate footwear protects the farmer from stepping on sharp objects or animal
bites. It can also protect him/her from slipping. Source:
Hand Protection - Farmers use gloves to protect their hands from hazardous elements such
as holding chemicals or removing infested crops. Use disposable gloves when dealing with
infested crops. Source:
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Head Protection - Since farmers are commonly exposed to heat of the sun, it is important for
them to wear a hat. This is also necessary to protect their head from slip or fall. Source:
Body Protection - It comes in many forms, depending on the job. Farmers often wear long
sleeve clothes and jeans. This is necessary to protect them from harmful elements.
Basic First Aid during emergency situation and accidents in the farm Shock
1. Do not give the victim anything to eat or drink.
2. Lay the victim on his/her back but do not move him/her if there is a neck or back injury.
3. Make sure that the victim gets adequate air.
4. Keep the victim warm.
5. Raise the victim’s feet and legs with a pillow.
6. If the victim vomits, roll the victim on his/her side and keep the windpipe clear.
Bleeding and Wounds
1. Place a clean cloth or gauze over the wound. Apply firm, steady pressure for at least 5
2. Elevate an injured arm or leg above the level of the victim’s heart if possible.
3. When bleeding stops, secure the cloth with a bandage. Do not lift the cloth from the wound
to check if the bleeding has stopped. Be sure that the bandage is not too tight.
4. Check the victim for shock.
5. Use torniquet only when you cannot control the bleeding.
1. Ordinarily, fainting victims immediately regain consciousness after. If this does not happen,
the victim should immediately be brought to the emergency room.
2. For the first aid, the victim should be laid down on their back and allow plenty of fresh air.
Apply cold compress in the forehead and if the victim vomits, keep the windpipe clear by
rolling him to his/her side.
Heat Stroke
1. Heat stroke is life-threatening so this should never be taken for granted. Flush, hot and dry
skin, rapid pulse, very minimal perspiration, and unconsciousness are signs of heat stroke.
2. You need to bring the victim to a cooler place and lie him/her on the back with feet up, then
loosen clothing and remove footwear. Apply cold compress or wet towel on the forehead,
neck, armpit, and extremities to cool the victim. Treat the victim for shock or bring the victim
to the nearest hospital.