NASAs LunaRecycle Phase 1 Rules 1

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NASA’s LunaRecycle Challenge

Phase 1 Challenge Rules

September 30, 2024
Table of Contents

Definition of Terms .....................................................................................................................................................................4

Challenge Problem Statement ................................................................................................................................................5

Challenge Goals ............................................................................................................................................................................5

Challenge Background ...............................................................................................................................................................5

Waste in Space .................................................................................................................................................................................................5
The Promise of Digital Twins .....................................................................................................................................................................6
Potential Intersection of Space and Terrestrial Applications......................................................................................................7

Challenge Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................8

Competition Structure ..................................................................................................................................................................................8
Phase 1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................9
Prize Purses (U.S. Winners) ........................................................................................................................................................................9
Recognition of International Teams .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Competition Timeline ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10

Mission Scenario ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Overview .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Mission Conditions and Activities ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Waste Categories and Items .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Waste Item Commercial Equivalents .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Available Resources .................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Additional Considerations ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Desirable End Products ............................................................................................................................................................................. 19

Phase 1 Registration and Submissions ............................................................................................................................ 21

Registration (Both Tracks) ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Phase 1 Submission (Digital Twin Track) ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Phase 1 Submissions (Prototype Build Track) ................................................................................................................................ 21

Judging Criteria ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22

Legal Requirements................................................................................................................................................................. 25
In General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Eligibility to Compete ................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Eligibility to Compete and Win Prizes from NASA......................................................................................................................... 26
Team Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................................................... 27

Intellectual Property Rights .................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Insurance and Indemnification .............................................................................................................................................................. 28
Use of Names, Trademarks, and Insights ........................................................................................................................................... 29
Delay, Cancellation or Termination ..................................................................................................................................................... 29

Appendix A: Phase 1 Submission Instructions (Digital Twin Track) ................................................................... 30

Instructions..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Required Sections and Topics ................................................................................................................................................................. 31

Appendix B: Phase 1 Submission Template (Prototype Build Track) ................................................................. 37

Instructions..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Required Sections and Topics ................................................................................................................................................................. 38

Appendix C: Expectations for Phase 2 .............................................................................................................................. 44

Definition of Terms

Concept of Operations: A description of the operations of a system from a user’s

perspective, through a complete production cycle, including cleanup and any activities
required to prepare for the following production cycle.

Digital Twin: A digital twin is a set of virtual information constructs that mimics the
structure, context, and behavior of a natural, engineered, or social system (or system-
of-systems); is dynamically updated with data from its physical twin; has a predictive
capability; and informs decisions that realize value.1 In this challenge, a physical system
for recycling on the lunar surface does not yet exist; therefore, teams will design a
digital twin that mimics an intended future physical system and includes data for the
intended system and the expected bidirectional interaction between the digital twin and
the intended system.

Judging Panel: A panel of professionals and subject matter experts from government,
academia, and industry who will evaluate and score all submissions.

Manufacturing of End Products: In this challenge, manufacturing of end products is a

process that may be separate from the recycling process and results in a finished end
product similar to a commercially available product.

Mission Scenario: A hypothetical scenario based on a real-world lunar mission. In this

challenge, the Mission Scenario imagines a holistic set of waste management needs
and conditions on the lunar surface.

Phase: A stage of the challenge representing a key step in the development of the
technologies. This challenge will have up to two phases.

Recycling: In this challenge, recycling includes the processes to convert waste items
into feedstocks that can be used to manufacture end products for science, future
exploration, and commercial use.

Resource Inputs: In this challenge, resource inputs are defined as the electricity,
water, chemicals, minerals, and any other inputs, including crew time, required to
operate and maintain the recycling system and manufacturing of end products.

Solid Waste: Waste that will be addressed in this challenge. Solid waste does not
include biological waste, hazardous waste, gaseous waste, or metabolic waste.
Solid waste categories and items that have accumulated in the hypothetical Mission
Scenario are defined in Table 4.

“Foundational Research Gaps and Future Directions for Digital Twins,” National Academies, accessed
June 23, 2024,

Team: An individual, group of individuals, or a group of individuals represented by an
entity that have officially registered and are approved to compete in the challenge.

Unusable Outputs: In this challenge, unusable outputs include any materials or

substances extracted from waste items that are not processed into a feedstock or end
product, as well as wastewater, excess chemicals, hazardous materials, or any other
substance that is left over from and unusable in the recycling process.

Waste Items Not Recycled: In this challenge, teams may choose to ignore one or
more waste items in the waste category or categories they choose. If an entire waste
item is ignored and not processed in any way, it will be characterized as a Waste Item
Not Recycled instead of an Unusable Output.

Challenge Problem Statement

In this Challenge, NASA seeks to incentivize the design and development of innovative,
sustainable recycling solutions that can address the types of solid waste expected to
accumulate during longer-term missions on the lunar surface.

Challenge Goals

In this Challenge, NASA seeks recycling solutions for the lunar surface that maximize
the percentage of waste that can be recycled from a list of waste categories and items
that are relevant to a hypothetical 365-day lunar mission. NASA is seeking designs that
minimize resource inputs; unusable outputs; and the mass and/or volume of hardware
components and systems needed for recycling. For the Digital Twin track, NASA is also
seeking highly innovative and imaginative solutions that harness the full potential of a
digital twin.

Challenge Background

Waste in Space

NASA is committed to sustainable space exploration.2 As NASA prepares for future

human space missions, there will be a need to consider how various waste streams,
including solid waste, can be minimized as well as how waste can be stored, processed,
and recycled in a space environment so that little or no waste will need to be returned to

2“NASA’s Space Sustainability Strategy,” National Aeronautics and Space Administration, accessed
June 23, 2024,

Recent NASA directives have specifically addressed the need for sustainability in these
areas. NASA’s Moon to Mars Strategy identifies Maintainability and Reuse (RT-5) and
Responsible Use (RT-6) as critical strategies fundamental to achieving long-term
sustainability of space operations, as well as independence from Earth.3 More
specifically, the strategy includes explicit operational goals to “demonstrate the
capability to use commodities produced from planetary surface or in-space resources to
reduce the mass required to be transported from Earth” (OP-11) and “minimize the
disturbance to the local environment, maximize the resources available to future
explorers, and allow for reuse/recycling of material transported from Earth (and from the
lunar surface in the case of Mars) to be used during exploration” (OP-12).4

In addition, NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD), which leads the
development and demonstration of transformational technologies, has identified a
number of research areas requiring further investment to meet future exploration,
science, and other mission needs. These include topics such as trash management for
habitation, in-space and on-surface manufacturing from recycled materials, and digital
transformation technologies for terrestrial, in-Space, on-Surface manufacturing and
operations—all of which may be addressed through this challenge.

By utilizing open innovation strategies in this area, NASA has the opportunity to
incentivize novel solutions to the challenges of waste in space and ensure the
sustainability of future space exploration, industrial activities, and habitats.

The Promise of Digital Twins

According to a 2024 National Academies report, digital twin technologies hold “immense
promise” in accelerating scientific discovery and revolutionizing a wide variety of
industries. Digital twins typically include bi-directional interaction between a physical
system and its virtual twin, creating a dynamic decision-making tool “that goes beyond
what has been traditionally possible with modeling and simulation.” 5 Specifically, by
enabling predictive insights and effective optimizations and simulating dynamic system
behavior, digital twins have the potential to “enhance operational efficiency, optimize
production strategies, reduce time-to-market, and unlock new avenues for scientific and
industrial growth and innovation.”6

The concept of a digital twin was born at NASA and increasingly represents a critical
tool for designing and building physical systems and components that must operate in

3 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA’s Moon to Mars Strategy and Objectives
Development (Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2023),
4 Ibid.
5 “Foundational Research Gaps and Future Directions for Digital Twins,” National Academies.
6 Ibid.

extreme environments like those found on the Moon. Digital twin technologies can
significantly improve the development process by enabling development of
breakthrough innovations, numerous virtual design iterations and configurations, and
eliminating the need for makeshift physical prototypes, saving substantial time and

Potential Intersection of Space and Terrestrial Applications

As of 2018, solid waste streams (similar to those that will be addressed in this
challenge) made up just over 50 percent of municipal solid waste in the U.S. This waste
includes paper and cardboard (23%); plastics (12%); metals (9%); textiles (6%); and
glass (4%).7 However, among these waste streams, only about 40% of waste is
recycled. Moreover, that percentage is made up mostly of paper and cardboard;
approximately 70% of paper and cardboard is recycled, while for textiles (18%), plastics
(8%), and metals (3%) the percentages are much smaller.8

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has identified several issues9 that impede
successful recycling in the U.S. These include:

● Technology and Innovation: Recycling infrastructure is not always designed to

handle the latest materials, packaging, and products, and communication
between manufacturers and recyclers is lacking.10

● Economics: Historically, a significant portion of recycled materials have been

exported internationally, but in 2018, China and other countries limited or
stopped accepting U.S. recyclables. As a result, large recyclers have higher
volumes of waste and fewer buyers for it, leading to the companies charging
exponentially increased prices to U.S. municipalities.11

● Marketing and Consumer Education: Recycling rules vary by state and local
jurisdictions, and it can be confusing and time consuming for consumers to
properly recycle even simple items. Many consumers engage in “wishcycling”
(disposal of waste in a recycling bin with the hope that it will be recycled, when it

7 “National Overview: Facts and Figures on Materials, Wastes and Recycling,” U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, accessed June 23, 2024,
8 Ibid.
9 “The U.S. Recycling System,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, accessed June 23, 2024,
11 Michael Corkery, “As Costs Skyrocket, More U.S. Cities Stop Recycling,” The New York Times, March

16, 2019,

cannot or is unlikely to be recycled),12 which results in contamination of the
recycling stream.

● Policy and Regulation: Standards vary by state and locality regarding

misleading or deceptive recycling symbols, and the U.S. government has been
slow to update rules and guidelines.13

● Measurement and Data: More consistent, standardized measurement

methodologies are needed to measure recycling system performance, create
realistic goals, and track progress.14

This challenge will focus on recycling approaches for materials on the lunar surface that
are very similar to materials that are difficult to recycle terrestrially. The challenge has
the potential to highlight entirely novel approaches to recycling; processes that improve
energy efficiency and water efficiency; processes that reduce unusable outputs and
toxic emissions; and smaller-scale solutions that could be deployed in communities in a
more distributed way than recycling facilities today. Each of these has the potential to
influence and inspire better approaches and outcomes for terrestrial recycling in the

Challenge Overview

The LunaRecycle Challenge is a $3 million, two track, two-phase competition focused

on the design and development of recycling solutions that can reduce solid waste and
improve the sustainability of longer-term lunar missions. In this document, NASA has
provided a Mission Scenario with technical requirements that teams must address in
their solutions.

Competition Structure

The LunaRecycle Challenge will have two competition tracks:

● Digital Twin track, focused on designing a digital twin of a complete system for
recycling one or more solid waste categories on the lunar surface and
manufacturing one or more end products. Teams in this track must include the
manufacturing of one or more finished end products in their design.

12 “Wishcycling,” Wikipedia, accessed June 23, 2024,

Ellie Borst, “EPA Looks to Toss ‘Deceptive’ Plastics Recycling Symbol,” E&E News, May 15, 2023,
14 “The U.S. Recycling System,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

● Prototype Build track, focused on designing and developing hardware
components and systems for recycling one or more solid waste categories on the
lunar surface. Teams in this track may—but are not required to—include the
manufacturing of one or more end products in their design. Teams in this track
may end their process with the production of one or more commodities, fuels, or
feedstocks instead of one or more finished end products.

Teams may compete in either or both competition tracks. Each track is expected to
have two phases.

Phase 1 Overview

This document details the challenge rules for Phase 1 of each track. The initiation of
Phase 2 is contingent on the emergence of promising submissions in Phase 1 that
demonstrate viable approaches to addressing the challenge. Additional details and rules
for Phase 2 will be released if and when NASA launches Phase 2 for either or both
tracks. General expectations for Phase 2 (both tracks) can be found in Appendix C.

In Phase 1, teams in the Digital Twin track will design a preliminary (low fidelity) digital
twin and visualization of their solution. Teams will use a template (see Appendix A) to
provide explanations, analyses, and data (as applicable) for their solution.

In Phase 1, teams in the Prototype Build track will develop a detailed design of their
solution. Teams are not required to build or submit any hardware in Phase 1. Teams will
use a template (see Appendix B) to provide explanations, analyses, and data (as
applicable) for their solution.

A judging panel will review the submissions and determine the Phase 1 winners for
each track according to the judging criteria described below.

Prize Purses (U.S. Winners)

The LunaRecycle challenge will have a total prize purse of up to $3 million, including a
total of up to $1 million available during Phase 1. Prizes are expected to be distributed
as summarized in Table 1 and Table 2. Teams must meet the eligibility requirements in
order to receive a prize from NASA.

Table 1. LunaRecycle Challenge Total Available Prizes Across Phases

Digital Twin Prototype Build TOTAL

Track Track

Phase 1 $400K $600K $1.00M

Phase 2 $600K $1.40M $2.00M

TOTAL $1.00M $2.00M $3.00M

Table 2. Phase 1 Planned Prize Purse Distribution

Digital Twin Prototype Build

Track Track

Number of U.S. Winners Up to 8 Up to 8

Prize Per U.S. Winner $50K $75K

Total Phase 1 Prizes Up to $400K Up to $600K

Recognition of International Teams

Up to three (3) top scoring International Teams in each track will be recognized as
winners. International Teams must meet the eligibility requirements to participate in the
challenge and to be recognized as winners. International Teams are not eligible to be
awarded prize money.

Competition Timeline

For both tracks, Phase 1 is expected to last eight (8) months, including six (6) months
for registration and submission. An expected competition calendar for Phase 1 is
summarized in Table 3.

Table 3. Phase 1 Competition Calendar

Expected Date Activity

September 30, 2024 Phase 1 registration begins

October 2024 - Webinars and team recruitment activities

March 2025 Judges webinar/training

March 31, 2025 Deadline for registration (both tracks)

March 31, 2025 Deadline for Phase 1 submission (both tracks)

May 2025 Phase 1 winners announced (both tracks)

TBD Phase 2 rules announced

Note: All deadlines are at 4:00 PM Eastern on the specified date.

Mission Scenario


This Mission Scenario is a hypothetical example of the potential waste management

needs of future NASA missions. This Mission Scenario contains information that is
relevant for both competition tracks. Please see the specific questions for each track in
the submission templates (Appendix A and Appendix B, respectively).

Mission Conditions and Activities

In this Mission Scenario, a crew of eight (8) people has been living on the lunar surface
for 365 Earth days. During this time, they have accumulated 4,200 kg (42 m3) of solid
waste across six categories and including 17 different waste items (see Table 4). NASA
is seeking recycling systems that can recycle this waste into commodities, fuels, and
feedstocks and/or finished end products that are similar to commercially available

Recycling systems to address this waste may be located outside on the lunar surface
and/or inside a pressurized habitat. If a system is designed for outside operation, it
must be designed to take into account the outside gravity, atmospheric pressure, and
temperature range described below. If a system is designed for inside operation, it must

be designed for the inside gravity, atmospheric pressure, temperature range, air
composition, and volume constraints described below.

● Outside, on the lunar surface:

○ Gravity is 1.625 m/s2
○ Atmospheric pressure is 0.3 nanopascal (nPa)
○ Temperatures range from 50 K to 250 K

● Inside a pressurized habitat:

○ Gravity is 1.625 m/s2
○ Atmospheric pressure is 57.2 kilopascals (kPa)
○ Temperatures range from approximately 18°C to 27°C
○ Air composition is approximately 34% oxygen and 66% nitrogen and water
○ Volume: The solution must fit within the space used by four (4) EXPRESS
(EXpedite the PRocessing of Experiments to the Space Station) Rack
double lockers; each EXPRESS Rack double locker is 48.26 cm height by
41.91 cm width by 24.13 cm depth.

Waste Categories and Items

Table 4 describes six waste categories and 17 waste items. In both tracks, teams must
choose one or more waste categories to recycle. Teams are not required to recycle all
items in the category or categories that they choose. If a team chooses to ignore an
item, it will be considered a Waste Item Not Recycled, per the definition above. Teams
are also not required to recycle 100% of any item that they choose to recycle. The
leftover amount of material not recycled will be considered an Unusable Output, per the
definition above. Teams will be judged (among several other criteria) on the Net Waste
Recycled in each category they choose, as described below in the Judging Criteria

Table 4. Solid Waste Categories and Items

Difficulty Waste Total Total Waste Item Key Materials Approx. % of % of

Factor Category Mass Volume Moisture Item by Item by
(kg) (m3) Content Mass Volume

3 Foam 1000 10 Zotek F30 Zotek F30 100% ~0% 100% 100%

2 EVA 100 1 Cargo Transfer Bags Nomex 92% ~0% 100% 100%
Waste (CTBs) Nylon 3%
Polyester 2%

2 Fabrics 1000 10 Clothing Cotton/cellulose 56% 4% 77% 59%

Nylon 6%
Polyester 38%

Wash cloths Cotton/cellulose 100% 5% 21% 39%

Disinfectant Wipes Cotton/cellulose 100% 69% 2% 2%

2 Food 1000 10 Overwrap Polyester 13% ~0% 29% 29%

Packaging Polyethylene 15%
Aluminum 30%

Rehydratable Pouch Nylon 41% 4% 39% 40%

Polyethylene 33%
Ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) 11%

Drink Pouch Aluminum 24% 3% 8% 8%

Polyethylene 65%
Polyethylene Terephthalate 11%

Thermal pouch Nylon 13% 1% 24% 24%
Polyester 13%
Polypropylene 56%
Aluminum 18%

2 Structural 1000 10 Aluminum Aluminum >90% ~0% 90% 90%

Elements structure/struts

Polymer matrix Thermoset or thermoplastic plastic ~0% 10% 10%

composites resin 40%
Carbon fiber 60%

1 Other 100 1 Air Cushion Polyethylene 100% ~0% 4% 2%

and Gloves
Bubble Wrap Filler Polyethylene 100% ~0% 1% 2%

Reclosable bags Polyethylene 100% ~0% 9% 2%

Anti-Static Bubble Polyethylene 100% ~0% 9% 2%

Wrap Bags

Plastazote LD45R Polyethylene 100% ~0% 36% 68%

Nitrile Gloves Nitrile 100% 2% 41% 22%

Waste Item Commercial Equivalents

Table 5 provides examples of a commercial equivalent, manufacturer, and image for

each of the waste items described in Table 4 above.

This information is being provided so that teams may understand the typical form
factors of each waste item and procure commercially equivalent items to aid in design
and testing, if they choose. None of the references in Table 5 should be construed as a
NASA endorsement of the item or manufacturer, nor do they imply that NASA plans to
use any item or manufacturer for any actual mission or activity.

If the item listed here includes a container or packaging, teams do not need to address
the container or packaging in their recycling system.

Table 5. Waste Item Commercial Equivalents

Waste Item Example Link to Example Example Image

Commercial Manufacturer

Zotek F30 Zotek F30 https://www.zotefoam

Cargo Transfer Bags Magid NOM10 https://www.magidglo

(CTB) Nomex White Hood15

Although this example commercial equivalent is a different shape than a cargo transfer bag (CTB), it
approximates the material most used in CTBs.

Clothing Hanes Men’s
Undershirt m/hanes-men-s-

Towels/Wash Cloths R&R Textile Wash

Cloth com/product/R-R-

Disinfectant Wipes Virox PreEmpt Wipes


Overwrap Glenroy White Ready https://www.glenroy.c

Seal 225 om/flexible-

Drink Pouch Kraft Heinz Capri https://www.krafthein


16 Teams should disregard the straw included in this example commercial equivalent; the straw is not
included as part of the item to be recycled.

Rehydratable Pouch Winpak Multi- https://www.imperiald
Purpose Forming
Film (MB225PL) uct-detail/multi-

Aluminum Uline Aluminum

Structure/Struts Steam Table Pan /Product/Detail/S-

Polymer matrix True Composites https://truecomposite

composites Carbon Fiber and
Resin Kit composites-carbon-

Air cushion Uline Air Pillow Film


Bubble wrap filler Office Depot Brand https://www.officedep

Small Bubble
Cushioning 3338/Office-Depot-

Reclosable bags CEL Scientific Kynar https://www.celscienti
gas sampling bags
(any size) ml

Anti-Static Bubble Uline Anti-Static

Wrap Bags Bubble Bags /BL_7651/Anti-Static-
(any size) Bubble-Bags

Plastazote LD45 FR Zotefoams Plastazote https://www.zotefoam

LD45 FR (Flame-
Retarded Low content/uploads/2016
Density Polyethylene /03/LD45FR-
Foam) December-2017.pdf

Nitrile gloves Med Pride Medical https://www.medpride

Examination Nitrile .com/product/nitrile-
Gloves gloves/

Available Resources

In this Mission Scenario, teams may assume the following with regard to resources:

● Electricity is available continuously for the recycling process. Teams should not
propose any solutions for their own electricity generation, transmission, or energy
storage separate from the recycling process; for example, teams should not
propose a separate standalone solar system with battery storage as a way to
power their system.
● Water is available for use in the recycling process. However, teams should seek
to minimize their use of water in the recycling process.
● Outputs from the Recycling Process, such as waste heat, wastewater, or
other outputs may be converted and/or re-used as inputs to the recycling process
to increase process efficiency.

● Crew are available to operate, monitor, and maintain the recycling system, if
necessary. However, teams are encouraged to minimize crew time needed for
the recycling process.
● Lunar regolith is available for use in the recycling process. Lunar regolith in this
Mission Scenario is defined as LHS-1 Lunar Highlands Simulant, the
specifications for which can be found at:
content/uploads/sites/23/2019/02/Spec_LHS-1.pdf. This document will also be
made available on the challenge website. Teams may assume that any amount
of regolith with these characteristics is available at the site of the recycling
process. Teams do not need to address how the regolith is excavated or
transported to the site of the recycling process; they must only address how it
would be used in the recycling process (if they choose to use it).

Additional Considerations

Teams should also consider the following:

● Waste cannot be burned or incinerated.

● Teams should avoid the release of any toxic emissions or other harmful/toxic
byproducts. If the recycling or manufacturing process will result in any hazardous
emissions or materials, the team must disclose them in their submission.
● Teams should avoid the release of any per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
(PFAS). If the recycling or manufacturing process will result in any PFAS, the
team must disclose them in their submission.
● Teams should avoid the creation of any microplastics, including in any
wastewater from the recycling or manufacturing process. If the recycling or
manufacturing process will result in any microplastics, the team must disclose
them in their submission.

Desirable End Products

NASA will have a need for a variety of end products that may wholly or partially utilize
materials created from the recycling process. Table 6 highlights a number of examples
of end products that would be desirable in a lunar settlement. Teams are also
encouraged to imagine other useful end products that might be created through their
proposed processes and solutions.

Table 6. Examples of End Products Made from Recycled Materials that are
Desirable in a Lunar Settlement

Product Key Characteristics

Utensils -Safe and non-toxic (able to be used to prepare

and consume food)
-Durable (will not break easily)

Towels -Safe and non-toxic (able to be used without

irritation to the skin)
-Durable (can be used repeatedly/over a
specific period of time)

Small storage containers for food -Safe and non-toxic (able to be used for food

Large storage containers for water, -Safe (to operate)

chemicals, or gasses -Avoids leaks or contamination of contents
-Durable (can safely store a commodity for a
significant period of time)

Nitrile gloves -Safe and non-toxic (able to be worn without

irritation to the skin)
-Protective (protect the skin)

Tools (for example cable ties, -Safe (for a crew member to use)
straps, strap holders, harness -Durable (can be used repeatedly/over a
hardware, wrench, driver specific period of time)
replacements, screws)

“Simple Luxury Item” that would Defined by the team/specific to the item
improve crew quality of life but not
otherwise be transported to the

Other Items imagined by the team… Defined by the team/specific to the item

Phase 1 Registration and Submissions

Registration (Both Tracks)

All interested teams must register for the challenge by March 31, 2025, 4:00PM Eastern
Daylight Time (EDT) and meet the Legal Requirements explained below.

NASA has partnered with the University of Alabama as the Allied Organization to help
execute the LunaRecyle Challenge. The registration process will be administered by the
University of Alabama. Registration will take place through challenge website:

As part of registration, teams must submit the following:

● Team Information; and

● Team Agreement and other legal documentation, as described in the Legal
Requirements section below.

Additional details regarding the process for registration will be available on the
challenge website.

Phase 1 Submission (Digital Twin Track)

For the Digital Twin Track, teams must submit the following three (3) items:

1. A presentation file saved as a PDF using the template provided in Appendix A;

2. A recorded presentation/explanation of the presentation file; and
3. A stand-alone animation, visualization, and/or simulation that mimics the
behavior of a real-world system.

For the Digital Twin Track, each team may only have one (1) entry. Teams must submit
their materials on the challenge website by March 31,
2025, 4:00PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Phase 1 Submissions (Prototype Build Track)

For the Prototype Build Track, teams must submit the following two (2) items:

1. A document file saved as a PDF using the template in Appendix B; and

2. A short pitch video (no more than 2 minutes) describing their team and solution.

For the Prototype Build Track, each team may have multiple entries. Teams must
submit their materials on the challenge website by March
31, 2025, 4:00PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Judging Criteria

The following is a summary of the Phase 1 judging criteria for both tracks. Teams in
both tracks will be judged on Completeness; Net Waste Recycled; and Additional
Criteria, as described below. To be eligible for a Phase 1 award, teams must receive
the following minimum scores:

● A “Pass” score on COMPLETENESS

● A minimum score of 2 points on NET WASTE RECYCLED
● A minimum score of 60 points (out of 100 points) on the ADDITIONAL CRITERIA

COMPLETENESS will be judged on a Pass/Fail basis. All teams will be judged on

Completeness. In order to receive a “Pass” score for completeness, teams must
address all of the sections of the submission template for their respective track.
PLEASE NOTE: Submissions that receive a “Fail” score for completeness will not be
judged and will not be eligible for a prize.

NET WASTE RECYCLED will be calculated according to the methods described below.
All teams will be judged on Net Waste Recycled. Teams will score higher or lower
based on the percentage of waste they can recycle; the difficulty level of the waste
category or categories they choose; and the number of waste categories they choose.
The judging panel will also assess the credibility of the percentages that teams submit,
based on the explanations and data included in the submission. If the judging panel
deems the percentages not credible, they may reduce the total net waste recycled

First, for each waste category that a team recycles, they will receive a number of points
based on the percentage of net waste recycled, as follows:

Percentage of Points
Net Waste Recycled

0% to 9% recycled 0 points

10% to 25% recycled 1 point

26% to 50% recycled 2 points

51% to 75% recycled 4 points

76% to 99% recycled 8 points

100% recycled 10 points

Then, for each waste category that a team chooses to recycle, their point total will be
multiplied by a difficulty factor, as follows:

Difficulty Factor Bonus

(as noted in Table 4)

1 0%

2 50%

3 100%

The total NET WASTE RECYCLED score will be the sum of the points assigned for the
percentage of each waste category recycled plus any bonus.

For example:

● Team A recycles 60% of the Fabrics category (Difficulty 2). They receive 4 points
for the percentage recycled plus 2 points bonus for a total net waste recycled
score of 6.

● Team B recycles 55% of the Fabrics category (Difficulty 2) and 70% of Other
Packaging (Difficulty 1). They receive 4 points for the percentage recycled of the
first category and 4 points for the percentage recycled of the second category
plus 2 points bonus for a total net waste recycled score of 10.

● Team C recycles 80% of the Zotek category (Difficulty 3). They receive 8 points
for the percentage recycled plus 8 points bonus for a total net waste recycled
score of 16

ADDITIONAL CRITERIA will be assessed and scored by the judging panel. Each judge
will assign points based on an evaluation of the team’s submission. A total of 100 points
for ADDITIONAL CRITERIA are available in each track. The available points for each
criterion in each track are described in Table 7.

Some Additional Criteria apply to both tracks (Innovation, Estimated Mass and Volume,
and Efficiency of the Recycling Process). Some Additional Criteria apply only to the
Digital Twin Track (Digital Twin Architecture, Digital Twin Characteristics, and Quality of
Digital Twin Visualization), and some Additional Criteria apply only to the Prototype
Build Track (Feasibility of the Solution and Development Plan for System Fabrication
and Testing).

Table 7. Summary of Phase 1 Judging Criteria

Criteria Description Digital Prototype

Twin Build

COMPLETENESS Did the team address all requirements Pass/ Fail Pass/ Fail
and provide detailed descriptions and
robust supporting data/analysis?

NET WASTE What is the percentage of net waste Calculated Calculated

RECYCLED recycled? What is the difficulty level of
the waste category or categories that
will be recycled?


Innovation How innovative is the approach and Up to 20 Up to 15

proposed systems? How does it points points
compare to recycling solutions already
used terrestrially? How does it
leverage advanced technologies?

Estimated Mass What is the estimated mass and Up to 20 Up to 20

and Volume of volume of the system? Have both points points
System mass and volume been optimized to
enable transport to and operation on
the lunar surface?

Efficiency of What is the expected energy efficiency Up to 20 Up to 20

Recycling Process and water efficiency of the proposed points points
process? How well does it minimize
additional resource inputs and
unusable outputs? How well does it
minimize crew time?


Digital Twin Is the design approach technically Up to 20

Architecture sound? Does it address all the points
necessary elements of a Digital Twin?
Does it include all of the necessary
engineering data and information?

Digital Twin Does the design address each of the Up to 10
Characteristics required Digital Twin characteristics? points
How well does it address these

Quality of Digital How well does the visualization Up to 10

Twin Visualization represent the overall Digital Twin? points


Feasibility of the How feasible will the design be to build Up to 25

Solution and implement—both during the points
challenge and in a future NASA
mission? How well does the team
understand and articulate potential
technical risks and how they may be

Development Plan How well has the team planned for Up to 20

for System actually developing, building, and points
Fabrication and testing hardware if they move onto
Testing Phase 2 of the challenge? How well
have they planned for the necessary
personnel, budget, and other
development needs?

TOTAL Up to 100 Up to 100

points points

Legal Requirements

In General
Teams are responsible for understanding and complying with these Requirements.

Eligibility to Compete

NASA welcomes applications from individuals, groups of individuals, and/or

organizations or entities that meet the eligibility requirements provided below.

In order to participate in the Challenge, each individual, whether acting alone or as part
of a Competitor Team must identify their nationality.

No Team member shall be a citizen of a country on the NASA Export Control Program
list of Designated Countries List Category II: Countries determined by the Department of
State to support terrorism. The current list of designated countries can be found at Please check the link for the latest updates. This
includes individuals with dual citizenship unless they are a U.S. citizen or a lawful
permanent U.S. resident (green card holder).

While China is not a Category II designated country, pursuant to Public Law 116-6,
Section 530, NASA is prohibited from participating, collaborating, or coordinating
bilaterally in any way with China or any Chinese-owned entity. Team members who are
citizens of China but not affiliated with a Chinese entity may be permitted to participate
on a Team.

Subject to the conditions set forth herein, foreign nationals and foreign national teams
can participate in the Challenge. However, they are not eligible for a cash prize and
must acknowledge acceptance of this by signing and submitting a Foreign Participant
Acknowledgement Form.

Eligibility to Compete and Win Prizes from NASA

In order to be eligible to win a prize from NASA:

● Individuals must be U.S. citizens OR permanent residents of the United States,

AND over the age of 18.
● Organizations must be an entity incorporated in AND maintaining a primary place
of business in the United States.
● Teams must be comprised of otherwise eligible individuals or organizations AND
led by an otherwise eligible individual or organization.
● Team Leader must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

A Team may include foreign nationals and be eligible to win prize money as long as the
foreign national signs and delivers a disclosure wherein they disclose his/her citizenship
and acknowledge that he/she is not eligible to win a prize from NASA, AND the foreign
national is:

● An employee of an otherwise eligible U.S. entity participating in the Challenge,

● An owner of such entity, so long as foreign citizens own less than 50% of the
interests in the entity,
● A contractor under written contract to such entity, OR
● A full-time student who, during the time of the Challenge, (1) is enrolled in an
accredited institution of higher learning, (2) has a valid student visa and (3) is
otherwise in compliance with all local, state, and U.S. Government laws and
regulations regarding the sale and export of technology.

Team Members must furnish proof of eligibility (including proof of citizenship or
permanent resident status, for individuals, and proof of incorporation and primary place
of business, for entities) which proof must be satisfactory to NASA in its sole
discretion. A Team’s failure to comply with any aspect of the eligibility requirements will
result in the Team being disqualified from winning a Prize from NASA.

U.S. government employees may enter the competition, or be members of prize-eligible

teams, so long as they are not acting within the scope of their Federal employment, and
they rely on no facilities, personnel, hardware, access, knowledge, information
previously developed, or other resources that are available to them as a result of their
employment except for those resources available to all other Teams on an equal basis.

U.S. government employees participating as individuals, or who submit applications on

behalf of an otherwise eligible organization, will be responsible for ensuring that their
participation in the Challenge is permitted by the rules and regulations relevant to their
position and that they have obtained any authorization that may be required by virtue of
their government position. Failure to do so may result in the disqualification of them
individually or of the entity which they represent or in which they are involved.
Teams will be ineligible to win the Prize if any Team Member is a U.S. Government
entity or employee acting within the scope of their employment. This includes any U.S.
Government organization or organization principally or substantially funded by the U.S.
Government, including Federally Funded Research and Development Centers,
Government-owned, contractor operated (GOCO) facilities, and University Affiliated
Research Centers. Any such entity or individual will obtain prior written approval from
their cognizant ethics officer that such participation does not violate federal personnel
laws or applicable agency policy. A copy of this approval to participate in the Challenge
will promptly be provided to the University of Alabama.

Participants may not use Federal funds from a grant award, cooperative agreement, or
other transaction award to develop their challenge submissions or to fund efforts in
support of their challenge submissions.

Current employees, consultants, and students of the University of Alabama may only
participate as Team Members on a Team when that Team is not competing for the Prize
from NASA. Participation of such parties as Team Members on a Team will make a
Team ineligible for any Prize award from NASA.

Team Roles and Responsibilities

Each Team will designate a Team Leader. The Team Leader will be responsible for
compliance with the rules, including prize eligibility rules, by all members of their Team.
Prize funding will be released only to the Team Leader.

Intellectual Property Rights

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these rules, NASA and the University of
Alabama claim no intellectual property (IP) rights from the Team. All trade secrets,
copyrights, patent rights, and software rights will remain with each respective Team.

To the extent the Team owns IP resulting from its participation in the Challenge, the
Team agrees to negotiate in good faith with NASA for a grant of a nonexclusive,
nontransferable, irrevocable license to practice or have practiced for or on behalf of the
United States, the intellectual property throughout the world, at reasonable
compensation, if NASA chooses to pursue such a license.

Insurance and Indemnification

Each Team Member agrees to assume any and all risks and waives claims against the
University of Alabama and the U.S. Government and its related entities, except in the
case of willful misconduct, for any injury, death, damage, or loss of property, revenue, or
profits, whether direct, indirect, or consequential, arising from each Team Member’s
participation in the Challenge, whether such injury, death, damage, or loss arises
through negligence or otherwise. For the purposes of this section, the term “related
entity” means a contractor or subcontractor at any tier, and a supplier, user, customer,
cooperating party, grantee, investigator, or detailee.

Team agrees to obtain any and all insurance policies and coverage as stated in the
Team Agreement and required by its local, state, or Federal governments to conduct
any and all activities related to or required by participation of Team and the Team
Members in the Challenge. In addition, Teams are required to obtain liability insurance
in the amount of $5,000 USD minimum that covers each Team Member or otherwise
demonstrate financial responsibility for that amount. The Team’s liability insurance will
provide coverage for all claims by (A) a third party for death, bodily injury, or property
damage, or loss resulting from an activity carried out in connection with participation in
the Challenge, with the U.S. Government and the University of Alabama named as an
additional insured under the Team’s insurance policies; and (B) the U.S. Government,
the University of Alabama, and its contractors for damage or loss to Government or the
University of Alabama property resulting from or related to Challenge activities. The
Team and all Team Members jointly and severally agree to indemnify the U.S.
Government and the University of Alabama against third-party claims for damages
arising from or related to Challenge activities. Should an onsite activity be held all the
University of Alabama insurance requirements must be met.

Proof of insurance in such form as reasonably required by University of Alabama shall

be provided to University of Alabama by the Submission Deadline as outlined in Exhibit
C of the Team Agreement. Alternatively, if Team intends to fulfill this requirement by
demonstrating financial responsibility in the requisite amount, Team shall submit to
University of Alabama in writing such information as demonstrates to University of

Alabama, in University of Alabama’s reasonable discretion, that Team has sufficient
financial responsibility to cover the potential claims cited in the requisite minimum
amount as outlined in Exhibit C of the Team Agreement.

Use of Names, Trademarks, and Insights

Team may not use the name, trademark or insignia of University of Alabama, its
contractors, collaborators, or NASA on its printed materials related to the participation of
Team in the Challenge without University of Alabama’s or its contractor's, collaborator's,
or NASA’s prior written consent, whichever Party is applicable.

Team agrees that unauthorized use of such names, trademarks, and insignias shall
result in elimination from participation in the Challenge if Team continues unauthorized
use after being notified to cease and desist by University of Alabama or NASA, as

Delay, Cancellation or Termination

The Competitor Team acknowledges that circumstances may arise that require the
Challenge to be delayed indefinitely or canceled. Such delay or cancellation, and/or the
termination of the Challenge, shall be within the full discretion of NASA, and the Team
accepts any risk of damage or loss due to such delay, cancellation, and/or termination.

Appendix A: Phase 1 Submission Instructions (Digital Twin Track)


In General:

● The submission must address each required section and topic described below.
Teams should maintain all numbered section headings in their submission.
PLEASE NOTE: Any submission that does not address all of the requirements
will receive a “Fail” score for completeness, will not be judged, and will not be
eligible for a prize.


● The presentation must be a PDF file and may include no more than 30 slides.
Judges will not review any materials beyond 30 slides. This instruction section
does not count toward the page limit and may be deleted prior to submission.
● The text on slides must be no smaller than 16-point font (Arial or Times New
Roman recommended). Teams should use a standard size slide with 4:3 aspect
● Each section includes a recommended length for the answer. These
recommendations are intended to provide guidance on NASA’s expectations for
the length and quality of the answer, but teams are not required to adhere to
these recommendations. Teams may allocate space to different sections as they
see fit.
● The recorded presentation may be no longer than 30 minutes. Judges will not
review the presentation beyond 30 minutes.

Visualization File:

● The animated visualization must be submitted as a separate file and may not be
longer than 10 minutes. Judges will not review the visualization beyond 10

Required Sections and Topics

1. Team Information (1 slide suggested)

1.1 Team Name: (Teams are encouraged to use a creative team name. This
name may be used in promotional materials related to the challenge.)

1.2 Team Lead:

1.3 Team Affiliations/Organizations (if applicable):

1.4 Relevant Past Work (if applicable):

1.5 Geographic Location (City and State/Territory):

1.6 One Sentence Description: (Provide a one-sentence description of your

solution that may be used in promotional materials related to the challenge. Do
not reference any confidential elements of your solution in this description.)

2. Vision and Innovation (3-4 slides suggested)

2.1 What specifically is innovative about your approach?

2.2 How is it different from and/or better than recycling approaches currently
used terrestrially?

2.3 How is it different from and/or better than recycling approaches currently
contemplated for space applications?

2.4 How does your approach leverage advanced technologies or advanced

manufacturing methods?

2.5 How does it address the conditions and activities of the hypothetical lunar
settlement described in the Mission Scenario? Please specifically address: a)
whether your system will be located outside on the lunar surface and/or inside a
pressurized habitat; and b) how your system will be designed for the lunar
conditions relevant to its location (as described in the Mission Scenario).

2.6 Teams are not required to design solutions to operate in lunar dust
conditions. However, please describe how your solution might be adapted to
operate in lunar dust conditions in the future and/or whether/how it might be
inherently dust resistant.

2.7 This challenge is focused on recycling systems for the lunar surface.
However, please describe how your solution might have application, or be
adapted to have application, to recycling systems on Earth.

3. Recycling and Manufacturing Process (8-9 slides suggested)

3.1 What waste category/categories will your process address? Within each
waste category, what waste items will your process address? Please provide
details about the estimated amounts (% by mass and % by volume) and
materials that will be recycled.

3.2 Describe the usable outputs produced from your process, including the
types and amounts (kg) of feedstocks and any finished end products (kg or

3.3 What are the systems and components that make up your process? Please
provide detailed descriptions, schematics, and other relevant data for these
systems and components.

3.4 What is your concept of operations? Please describe: a) a full production

cycle of your process, including the duration; and b) how many full production
cycles will be required to recycle the estimated amounts and materials that you
described in question 3.1 and produce the usable outputs that you described in
question 3.2. In addition, please note whether operation of your system will
require crew, and if so, what operational activities they will need to perform.

3.5 What maintenance for your system will be needed during your process or
after your process has completed one or more full production cycles? Please
describe any maintenance activities and whether the activities require crew.

3.6 Describe the resource inputs needed for your process (consistent with
sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 above) including the total electricity, water,
chemicals, minerals, and any other inputs, including crew time. Include the
following RESOURCE INPUTS TABLE in your presentation for each waste
category that you are addressing. If your recycling process addresses more than
one waste category simultaneously, you may provide one table for multiple waste


Waste Category Resource Input Total amount required for your process

(Name of the Electricity –Peak demand over a specific time period

Waste Category, (kW)
from Table 4 in –Total electricity consumed (kWh)
the challenge –Net electricity consumed, if any electricity is
rules) produced in the recycling process (kWh)

Water kg

Chemicals/ kg
Resource Inputs

Crew Time to # of crew and hours per crew member

Operate the

Crew Time needed # of crew and hours per crew member

for Maintenance

3.7 Describe the types and amounts (kg) of any unusable outputs that will result
from your process. Unusable outputs are defined in the Definitions section

3.8 Use the following NET WASTE RECYCLED TABLE to show the net waste
recycled. In Phase 1 of the challenge, net waste recycled for each waste
category is equal to the sum of the percentage recycled (by mass) of each waste
item in a category.

For example, Team A has chosen the Fabrics category. Their process will
recycle (by mass) 70% of the clothing, 80% of the towels, and none of the
disinfectant wipes. Team A will multiply the percentage recycled by the total % by
mass of each item, as listed in Table 4. Therefore, Team A’s net waste recycled
is: (70% X 77%) + (80% X 21%) + (0% X 2%) = 71%.

Please use one row for each waste category that your process will address and
one column for each waste item in the category. You may add additional rows

and columns to this template as appropriate. Percentages should be rounded to
whole numbers.


Waste Waste Item 1 Waste Item 2 Waste Item 3 Net Waste

Category (% recycled (% recycled (% recycled Recycled
by mass) by mass) by mass) (%)

(Team A 54% 17% 0% 71%


4. Digital Twin Architecture (8-10 slides suggested)

4.1 Describe the architecture of your digital twin

4.1.1 What is your design approach? Describe the physics-based models,

simulation, and visualization you will use to create a virtual representation
of an intended future physical system.

4.1.2 Describe the level of fidelity and resolution that demonstrates how
closely the digital representation matches the real-world system.

4.1.3 Describe the sensors and observing systems and the data
acquisition and data integration approaches.

4.1.4 Describe any automated control and decision-making capabilities.

4.1.5 Describe any artificial intelligence, machine learning, and empirical

modeling capabilities.

4.1.6 Describe your expected approach to virtual prototyping and testing

to test performance and functionality in a simulated environment.

4.1.7 Describe your validation approach for computer models (e.g., how
accurately the model's predictions or outputs align with real-world intended
future systems).

4.1.8 Describe how the digital twin would communicate with physical
assets that would be part of the intended future physical system.

5. Digital Twin Key Characteristics (4 slides suggested)

5.1 Describe how your Digital Twin Prototype addresses the following key

5.1.1 Accuracy, defined as the degree to which the digital representation

reflects the real-world physical asset in data fidelity, model fidelity, and
predictive capability.

5.1.2 Cohesion, defined as how closely coupled the different parts of the
digital representation (e.g., model/simulation) are and how the
model/simulation adheres to the laws of physics the same way the
physical twin does.

5.1.3 Flexibility, defined as the ability of the digital representation to adapt

and change to reflect the real-world physical asset and handle increasing
complexity as the technologies or physical asset evolves.

5.1.4 Predictive Capabilities, defined as the ability of the digital model to

anticipate the future behavior and performance of the physical asset.

5.1.5 Repeatability, defined as the ability to consistently create and

operate digital twins that are reliable, can be replicated, and function as
expected across multiple scenarios.

5.1.6 Usability, defined as the ease with which users can interact with,
understand, and leverage the digital representation of a physical asset.
NASA is seeking a digital twin that is user-friendly and enables efficient

5.1.7 Verification and Validation, defined as how the digital twin meets
specifications and requirements, including: a) How the various models will
be assembled/integrated together; b) What are the analysis,
demonstration, and test approaches for verification and validation; and c)
What is the process for determining the degree to which a model is an
accurate representation of the real world asset.

6. Digital Twin Visualization (2 slides suggested)

6.1 Describe what is included or addressed in the visualization provided in your


6.1.1 How was the visualization created?

6.1.2 What engineering data does it incorporate?
6.1.3 What does it show?

Appendix B: Phase 1 Submission Template (Prototype Build Track)


In General:

● The submission must address each required section and topic described below.
Teams should maintain all numbered section headings in their submission.
PLEASE NOTE: Any submission that does not address all of the requirements
will receive a “Fail” score for completeness, will not be judged, and will not be
eligible for a prize.

Submission Document:

● The submission must be a PDF file and may include no more than 20 pages.
Teams must adhere to this limit. Judges will not review any materials beyond 20
pages. This instruction section does not count toward the page limit and may be
deleted prior to submission.
● A “page” is defined as 8” X 11” size paper with 11-point font (Arial or Times New
Roman), 1-inch margins, single spaced. Any text included in tables, figures, or
captions may be as small as 10-point font.
● Each section includes a recommended length for the answer. These
recommendations are intended to provide guidance on NASA’s expectations for
the length and quality of the answer, but teams are not required to adhere to
these recommendations. Teams may allocate space to different sections as they
see fit.

Pitch Video:

● Teams must also submit as a separate file a short pitch video (no more than 2
minutes) describing their team and solution. Judges will not review the video
beyond 2 minutes.

Required Sections and Topics

1. Team Information (1 page suggested)

1.1 Team Name: (Teams are encouraged to use a creative team name. This
name may be used in promotional materials related to the challenge.)

1.2 Team Lead:

1.3 Team Affiliations/Organizations (if applicable):

1.4 Relevant Past Work (if applicable):

1.5 Geographic Location (City and State/Territory):

1.6 One Sentence Description: (Provide a one-sentence description of your

solution that may be used in promotional materials related to the challenge. Do
not reference any confidential elements of your solution in this description.)

2. Vision and Innovation (2-3 pages suggested)

2.1 What specifically is innovative about your approach?

2.2 How is it different from and/or better than recycling approaches currently
used terrestrially?

2.3 How is it different from and/or better than recycling approaches currently
contemplated for space applications?

2.4 How does your approach leverage advanced technologies or advanced

manufacturing methods?

2.5 How does it address the conditions and activities of the hypothetical lunar
settlement described in the Mission Scenario? Please specifically address: a)
whether your system will be located outside on the lunar surface and/or inside a
pressurized habitat; and b) how your system will be designed for the lunar
conditions relevant to its location (as described in the Mission Scenario).

2.6 Teams are not required to design solutions to operate in lunar dust
conditions. However, please describe how your solution might be adapted to
operate in lunar dust conditions in the future and/or whether/how it might be
inherently dust resistant.

2.7 This challenge is focused on recycling systems for the lunar surface.
However, please describe how your solution might have application, or be
adapted to have application, to recycling systems on Earth.

3. Recycling and Manufacturing Process (8-10 pages suggested)

3.1 What waste category/categories will your process address? Within each
waste category, what waste items will your process address? Please provide
details about the estimated amounts (% by mass and % by volume) and
materials that will be recycled.

3.2 Describe the usable outputs produced from your process, including the
types and amounts (kg) of feedstocks and any finished end products (kg or
number), if applicable to your process.

3.3 What are the systems and components that make up your process? Please
provide detailed descriptions, schematics, and other relevant data for these
systems and components.

3.4 What is your concept of operations? Please describe: a) a full production

cycle of your process, including the duration; and b) how many full production
cycles will be required to recycle the estimated amounts and materials that you
described in question 3.1 and produce the usable outputs that you described in
question 3.2. In addition, please note whether operation of your system will
require crew, and if so, what operational activities they will need to perform.

3.5 What maintenance for your system will be needed during your process or
after your process has completed one or more full production cycles? Please
describe any maintenance activities and whether the activities require crew.

3.6 Describe the resource inputs needed for your process (consistent with
sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 above) including the total electricity, water,
chemicals, minerals, and any other inputs, including crew time. Include the
following RESOURCE INPUTS TABLE in your presentation for each waste
category that you are addressing. If your recycling process addresses more than
one waste category simultaneously, you may provide one table for multiple waste


Waste Category Resource Input Total amount required for your process

(Name of the Electricity –Peak demand over a specific time period

Waste Category, (kW)
from Table 4 in –Total electricity consumed (kWh)
the challenge –Net electricity consumed, if any electricity is
rules) produced in the recycling process (kWh)

Water kg

Chemicals/ kg
Resource Inputs

Crew Time to # of crew and hours per crew member

Operate the

Crew Time needed # of crew and hours per crew member

for Maintenance

3.7 Describe the types and amounts (kg) of any unusable outputs that will result
from your process. Unusable outputs are defined in the Definitions section

3.8 Use the following NET WASTE RECYCLED TABLE to show the net waste
recycled. In Phase 1 of the challenge, net waste recycled for each waste
category is equal to the sum of the percentage recycled (by mass) of each waste
item in a category.

For example, Team A has chosen the Fabrics category. Their process will
recycle (by mass) 70% of the clothing, 80% of the towels, and none of the
disinfectant wipes. Team A will multiply the percentage recycled by the total % by
mass of each item, as listed in Table 4. Therefore, Team A’s net waste recycled
is: (70% X 77%) + (80% X 21%) + (0% X 2%) = 71%.

Please use one row for each waste category that your process will address and
one column for each waste item in the category. You may add additional rows
and columns to this template as appropriate. Percentages should be rounded to
whole numbers.


Waste Waste Item 1 Waste Item 2 Waste Item 3 Net Waste

Category (% recycled (% recycled (% recycled Recycled
by mass) by mass) by mass) (%)

(Team A 54% 17% 0% 71%


4. Hardware and Components (2-3 pages suggested)

4.1 Preliminary Schematics: Provide assembly-level CAD models showing

envelopes and key dimensions for your solution.

4.2 Equipment List and Mass/Volume Estimates: Use the following EQUIPMENT
TABLE to provide a draft master equipment list, including mass and volume
estimates for each major component or system. Please add as many rows as
necessary to the template.


Description of Estimated Mass Estimated Volume Expected

Equipment (kg) (cm3) Allowable Ranges
for Temperature
and Atmospheric

5. Development Planning (2-3 pages suggested)

● Development Plan: Describe your plan for further developing your solution into a
functional prototype during Phase 2. Teams should address the technical steps
necessary for hardware development and testing; success criteria for testing;
personnel and other resources; and expected timeline/schedule.

● Risk Assessment: Describe the technical and other risks associated with
developing your solution in Phase 2. For each risk, include an assessment of the
risk (such as high, medium, low) and your proposed risk mitigation strategy.

● Development Budget: Use the following BUDGET TABLE to estimate the budget
necessary to execute your Development Plan in Phase 2. In this challenge,
NASA is not focused on comparing the overall cost of solutions; rather this
section is intended to assess how well the team has thought through the budget
necessary to build their solution, if they are chosen to move onto Phase 2. In the
“Expected funding sources” column, teams should address whether you will
already have funds in place to support work during Phase 2, and if not, how you
will work to secure the necessary funds. You may assume the Phase 1 prize
purse in your budget.


Type of Description Estimated budget Potential funding

cost for developing source(s)
your solution in
Phase 2 ($)





Other (if

Appendix C: Expectations for Phase 2

The initiation of Phase 2 is contingent on the emergence of promising submissions in

Phase 1 that demonstrate viable approaches to addressing the challenge. Additional
details and rules for Phase 2 will be released if and when NASA launches Phase 2 for
either or both tracks.

Generally, in Phase 2, NASA expects that teams will focus on more advanced versions
of recycling solutions for the lunar surface. Typically, Phase 2 is open to any eligible
team, whether or not they competed in Phase 1. The duration of Phase 2 may be up to
24 months.

In Phase 2 of the Digital Twin track, NASA expects that teams will focus on developing
a high-fidelity digital twin that incorporates the data and capabilities necessary to
virtually model and demonstrate a recycling system that fully mimics an intended future
physical system.

In Phase 2 of the Prototype Build track, NASA expects that teams will develop hardware
components and/or systems for recycling. NASA may conduct site visits to see and
verify progress and/or hold one or more testing and demonstration events at NASA or
other similar facilities during Phase 2.

In either/both tracks, NASA may offer one or more milestone prize purses, in addition to
a grand prize purse. Total prize purses across both tracks in Phase 2 are expected to
be up to $2 million.

Additional details and the challenge rules for Phase 2 will be released if and when
NASA launches Phase 2 for either or both tracks.


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