New 0510
New 0510
New 0510
5. Cosmic deuterium
A Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Haystack Obser-
vatory team led by A Rogers has detected radio emission
from deuterium in space for the first time. Deuterium is
difficult to observe due to its small amount and because its
spectral lines are close to those of hydrogen. Registering
deuterium is of great interest for the theory of nucleosynth-
esis in the early Universe because its amount is a sensitive
indicator of physical processes taking place during nucleo-
synthesis. In particular, by knowing the amount of deuter-
ium, the average density of baryonic matter can be
evaluated, thus providing a more accurate estimate of the
amount of dark matter (or unseen mass) in the Universe.
Further data accumulation and analysis will allow more
accurate determination of these quantities.
Compiled by Yu N Eroshenko