Research Article: Real-Time SLAM Mobile Robot and Navigation Based On Cloud-Based Implementation
Research Article: Real-Time SLAM Mobile Robot and Navigation Based On Cloud-Based Implementation
Research Article: Real-Time SLAM Mobile Robot and Navigation Based On Cloud-Based Implementation
Journal of Robotics
Volume 2023, Article ID 9967236, 17 pages
Research Article
Real-Time SLAM Mobile Robot and Navigation Based on
Cloud-Based Implementation
1,2 1
Jaafar Ahmed Abdulsaheb and Dheyaa Jasim Kadhim
Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
Department of Electronics and Communication, College of Engineering, Uruk University, Baghdad, Iraq
Received 3 January 2023; Revised 10 March 2023; Accepted 15 March 2023; Published 29 March 2023
Copyright © 2023 Jaafar Ahmed Abdulsaheb and Dheyaa Jasim Kadhim. Tis is an open access article distributed under the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
Tis study investigates the feasibility of a mobile robot navigating and discovering its location in unknown environments, followed
by the creation of maps of these navigated environments for future use. First, a real mobile robot named TurtleBot3 Burger was
used to achieve the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) technique for a complex environment with 12 obstacles of
diferent sizes based on the Rviz library, which is built on the robot operating system (ROS) booted in Linux. It is possible to
control the robot and perform this process remotely by using an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance service.
Ten, the map to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) cloud was uploaded. Tis provides a database to display maps
and use them at any time for navigation without the need to redraw the map. Tis map can be accessed by using an authentication
process (username and password) supervised by the cloud server administrator. After that, using the serverless image handler
(SIH), with the aid of this solution, you can change the size of images, change the color of the background, format them, or add
watermarks. Experiment results demonstrated the ability to build a map of an unknown location in a complex environment and
use it for navigation tasks on a real mobile robot via remote control. It also showed the success of the process of storing the map for
future use and the process of modifying the map using SIH.
[5]. Tis work deals with autonomous mobile robots environments that are divided into subdivided maps. Also,
(AMRs), which are needed in many felds to operate in- the whole topological demonstration and necessary in-
dependently of humans. Planning a better path, while formation of the world are saved in cloud structures from
avoiding obstacles, is essential for AMR to move from one a distance by employing fxed ecological tags that consist of
point to another, representing the target in their environ- collections of QR codes as well as AR tags. Tests are being
ment. Tere are several implementations that deal with the done to determine the possibility of selection, adjust the
feld of robotics, such as SLAM, which is abbreviated for sizes, and see if the proposed procedure can be done.
simultaneous localization and mapping, as well as the large Megalingam et al. [11] presented the ROS implementation of
number of sensing and grasping systems that quickly lead SLAM by calculating how long the robot model would take
towards the emergence of large amounts of sensor data. to arrive. Te test is conducted in an Rviz-created virtual
Tese data are difcult to store because most robots have environment. Te travel time is calculated by placing various
limited storage capacity. Cloud robotics (CR) submits so- dynamic obstacles for various destinations on the map. It has
lutions towards saving space within the cloud so that all- been seen that the robot has a good response time and travels
important robot information can be stored inside this cloud from the source to the destination in a reasonable amount of
for future use. Tis feature allows the CR to authorize mobile time, where the amount of time needed increases as the
robotics to access huge datasets such as general localization distance does. Jiang et al. [12] presented SLAM, which was
maps and platforms of the environment [6]. put into practice by using Turtlebot2, a mobile robot, and the
Cloud robotics has become increasingly popular in re- robot operating system’s navigational package. Te Tur-
cent years. Many works have a lot to do with the ways to do tlebot2 is outftted with a notebook, a 3D-LiDAR ranging
research that are talked about in this section. Te study by sensor, an RGB-D camera, and light detection. Tese fea-
Afanasyev et al. [7] presented the SLAM algorithm based on tures are used to help the robot navigate and create a full 3D
ROS for the simulated mobile robot on the Gazebo simu- sight map in addition to a novel 2.5-dimensional map. Te
lator, which is moveable in a three-dimensional pattern of conclusion of the collected results displays a collection of
the actual internal situation that is introduced and is ofered image and scans data able to enhance the performance of
in a 3D model form based on the actual interior environ- mapping using classical approaches. Te study by Arena
ment. Ten, the simulation results of the willow garage et al. [13] describes an innovative robot that looks like
personal robot (PR2) robot are described. Te camera shots a worm and is made of an ionic polymer-metal composite
taken with autodesk’s Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter (IPMC) self-actuated skeleton. It is controlled by cellular
(RBPF) and the data from the PR2 robot’s laser for locali- neural networks (CNNs). Worm locomotion is performed
zation and mapping are used to create an image-based 3D by bending the actuators sequentially from “tail” to “head,”
model of the actual area. In the study by Doriya et al. [8], imitating the traveling wave observed in real-world un-
diferent cloud architectures and how they connect to one dulatory locomotion. Te study by Buscarino et al. [14] looks
another or difer from one another in their ability to solve into and suggests a way to control a group of mobile robots
SLAM problems are discussed and compared. So, every without a central point of control using a dynamical network
framework uses various collections of special protocols model. Te results show that the performance of the system
within the cloud that enable the mobile robot to delegate its can be improved by letting the robots talk to each other over
computational tasks to the cloud. Te researchers confrmed long distances, and a good way to control exploration and
that the framework of Rapyuta is more elastic than other transport is presented. Small-world networks can be highly
frameworks, and because its implementation is open source, clustered, like regular lattices, yet have small characteristic
it can be expanded to include functions of other robots by path lengths, making them “small-world” dynamical systems
several other researchers. Whereas, when they compared it with enhanced signal-propagation speed, computational
to DaVinci, they found that DaVinci was the most suitable power, and synchronizability [15]. Te study by Kajita and
for SLAM. Finally, the cloud framework for cooperative Espiau [16] talks about the history of research on two-legged
tracking and mapping (C2TAM) framework is suitable for robots, the dynamics and control of general two-legged
saving huge amounts of data. robots, the zero-moment point (ZMP), the relationship
Takaya et al. [9] introduced a simulation environment between gaits and stability, and how two-legged robots are
for mobile robots based on ROS and Gazebo. Te code diferent from each other. It also talks about performance
advanced for the simulation procedure can be directly ex- indices like the Froude number and the specifc resistance, as
ecuted on the actual robot without modifcations after well as how things will change in the future. Te authors in
properly creating the models of the robot under the gazebo [17] made a web interface that lets you control and talk to
simulator. Ten, the tasks of autonomous navigation and multiple robots using ROS topic identifcation and regis-
3D-mapping simulation utilizing control programs under tration for autonomous robots. Te Gazebo simulator sends
ROS are ofered. Te results of the simulation and experi- out all robots to interact with a user. To test how well the
ments coincided very well and showed the usability of the system works, the number of robots was increased. Te big O
advanced environment. For this study, the ROS platform representation was used to analyze the running-time
was used to build models of the PeopleBot and Pioneer 3-DX complexity of algorithms. Te experiment result indicated
robots. Limosani et al. [10] proposed a system based on the that the autonomous robot registration was successful and
cloud robotics model that lets automated mobile robots that the communication performance decreased gradually.
move through and observe previously unknown interior Te study by Rashid et al. [18] introduces a new algorithm,
Journal of Robotics 3
called cluster matching, for multirobot localization and 2. Research Methods and Tools
orientation. It involves a distance IR sensor scanning the
robots and estimating the absolute positions and orienta- 2.1. Navigation and SLAM. Te navigation of robotics de-
tions of a number of the team robots without knowing their notes the activity of a robot to control its location in relation
IDs. Te localization and orientation of robots not visible to to a specifc reference and then outline a track to arrive at the
the distance IR sensor are obtained by collecting the in- wanted location. It can contain a set of jobs such as track
formation coming from the on-board sensors and recon- planning, localization, and mapping [19]. Te procedure for
structing a complete map of the team distribution. building a map demands large amounts of storage space and
Simulation scenarios are implemented on tens of robots to is computationally heavy. Moreover, searching for a map
show the performance of the algorithm. demands large quantities of information and data, and this is
Te main problems have been considered and are our a huge challenge, especially when the region of navigation is
motivation to move forward with the suggested oversight large. CR delivers an actual, favorable solution for the up-
strategies. Tese problems are listed sequentially as follows: coming cloud based on navigation. Also, the cloud not only
supplies storage area to save a large quantity of map data but,
(1) Navigation is the frst and main problem for a mobile moreover, supplies processing strength to make it easy to
robot that needs to navigate its unknown environ- quickly build and search the map [20]. A prerequisite for
ment and defne its location so that it can design successfully navigating is the ability to localize and create
a path to other destinations. SLAM technology is maps for unknown environments, which allows the robot to
considered the dominant solution to such problems. navigate in them using SLAM.
(2) Te other challenge with SLAM technology occurs SLAM was frst presented in mid-1986 by Smith and
during navigation in unknown environments since Durrant-Whyte [21]. SLAM is considered one of the AI
the robot takes a long time to explore the whole techniques that benefts from the mobile robot’s navi-
environment to build its map. When another robot gation in an unknown environment to construct a new
has to navigate the same environment, it will rebuild map for this environment. When a mobile robot is placed
a new map. So, we need to save all constructed maps, in an unknown environment, it has to move and acquire
while the storage capacity needs to store the acquired data about landmarks in the environment by using its
data, such as maps, within private or public clouds, sensors, while at the same time, it has to assign its po-
so that it can access them at any time and from sition concerning that created map. Te landmark is
anywhere via the Internet. defned as a symmetrical object that can be easily dis-
Te principal contributions made by this research tinguished from a scanning sensor, and it is utilized to
project are listed as follows: update the evaluated position of the robot [22]. Terefore,
a good identifcation based on good benchmarks is im-
(1) Simulating and implementing the SLAM algorithm portant to support the operation of SLAM, as it cannot
in an unknown environment that is built on the Rviz rely only on the frequently inaccurate odometry ap-
simulator on the ROS. Following that, when the proach, which is the most common technique that is
number of obstacles reaches 12, study and evaluate utilized in robotics to evaluate its present position. Te
a mobile robot platform named TurtleBot3 Burger in odometer function integrates growing information as the
the Rviz simulator and implement the SLAM algo- motion of the wheels relative to the starting position is
rithm for diferent environments based on the Rviz recorded. So, the SLAM problem can be defned as a case
library, which is built on the ROS in the Linux study of a chicken-or-egg problem, since building a map
operating system. Also, control the robot and per- of the environment needs the robot position as well as
form this process remotely. assigning the robot position needs the map of the en-
(2) Simulating an Amazon Web Service (AWS) cloud vironment. Te main problem with SLAM is that the
server to store maps made by robots and to store and measurements that are read from the sensors are always
download diferent required fles (PDF, words, video, noisy and their positions are not always certain because
and photos), which can be accessed through an the robot is moving.
authentication process (username and password)
overseen by the cloud server administrator.
2.2. TurtleBot3 Burger. Te TurtleBot3 Burger is a small
In this study, SLAM is implemented by using a mobile mobile robot that runs on ROS and can be programmed
robot named Turtlebot3 Burger, using gmapping tools in [23]. Te TurtleBot3 burger is one of two robots, with the
ROS based on the Rviz platform, and by placing diferent TurtleBot3 wafe being the other. Te wafe is lower, but it is
objects on the map and in diferent scenarios. Tis article is wider all around. Te robot’s base can move around, thanks
organized as follows: Section 2 discusses navigation and to two wheels and a metal ball that keeps it steady. It can be
simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and de- fully programmed with open source, and the software that
scribes hardware and software tools; Section 3 discusses comes with it is licensed under an Apache 2.0 license.
Modeling of Mobile Robot Navigation, and Section 4 dis- Figure 1 shows the three diferent TurtleBot3 versions, and
plays and discusses the simulation results. Finally, the Figure 2 shows the TurtleBot3 Burger, while Table 1 shows
conclusion of this paper is represented in Section 5. the specifcations of the TurtleBot3 Burger.
4 Journal of Robotics
SIH System
Figure 3: Software architecture. (a) AWS services are used to remotely control (services explained in the next subsection 3.2). (b) A remote
PC is used to control TurtleBot3. (c) Te TurtleBot3 used for SLAM and navigation techniques.
Confgure security group SLAM 3.2. Cloud Services Access (AWS). Te collection of cloud
services ofered by, Inc. is known as AWS
services. It started out in July 2002 by ofering storage and
Create new key pair Save Map
computing services. Since then, it has grown into a fexible
cloud platform with IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS services, as well as
a number of other services.
Create an S3 bucket, upload AWS is dispersed among numerous datacenters located
Connect to windows instance
a map to the S3 bucket in various cities around the globe. Every location is a region,
and each region is made up of physically distinct datacenters
Access any device from a called availability zones. Each service provided distinct
Windows instance. Whenever
Serverless Image Handler availability zones and regions, with some limited to a single
you are, quick and safe.
availability zone and others spanning multiple regions. Some
services also provide replication capabilities across regions
and availability zones. Te following is an explanation of the
Navigation diferent AWS services that are important to this study:
(1) Te simple storage service, also known as S3, is
Figure 4: SLAM technique procedure in ROS.
Amazon’s cloud-based storage service. It allows users
to store standard fles (objects) up to 5 TB in size and
choose the set of services that are best for your needs [22]. As only charges for the storage space actually used. It
far as the features they ofer, IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are dif- uses buckets, each of which may hold an infnite
ferent from each other in the following ways: IaaS gives the number of things and has a name that is globally
most freedom when it comes to hosting custom-built apps unique [29]. A bucket is located in a region and that
and storing data in a general data center. PaaS allows de- region contains numerous places for storing all of its
velopers to spend more time developing applications while data. Trough API requests and the management
6 Journal of Robotics
Security Group
Root Private key
Amazon EBS
Availability Zone
AWS Cloud
complex environments with 12 obstacles of diferent sizes. two levels of security. Te frst is the EC2 user and password,
Tis allows the robot to be controlled from anywhere, and and the second is the user and password for the remote PC
the map is then uploaded to the S3 cloud. Tis provides that controls the TurtleBot3. Te real TurtleBot3 Burger
a database to display maps and use them at any time for robot then starts drawing the map of the unknown envi-
navigation without the need to redraw the map. It also ronment. Figure 10 shows how the EC2 server is monitored
maintains the privacy of the maps in the place in which they while the remote computer is in charge of keeping its re-
are saved, fnally bringing up the map for navigation. All the liability, availability, and performance at a high level. Fig-
detailed steps can be shown in Appendix A: testing slam ure 11 depicts the Real-time SLAM TurtleBot3 control.
techniques, including ros installation, single board computer Figure 12 compares the real environment with twelve ob-
(SBC) setup, OpenCR setup, bringup, teleoperation slam, stacles of diferent dimensions and the environment that is
and navigation; and Appendix B: obstacle detection and drawn by the Rviz platform. Figure 13 shows the upload of
point operation, while EC2 server specifcations can be the environment to AWS s3 and the SIH solution. Figure 14
shown in Table 2. Tis process can be abbreviated as shown shows the navigation process.
in Figure 9. CPU utilization shows how many of the instance’s EC2
First, three levels of security are applied. Te frst is to compute units are being used at any given time; network in
sign in to the AWS account. Ten, the EC2 server connects shows how much incoming network trafc is coming into
to the remote computer and takes control of it with the other the instance; network out shows how much network trafc
8 Journal of Robotics
CPU utilization (%) Status check failed (any) (count) Status check failed (instance) (count) Status check failed (system) (count)
Percent Count Count Count
26 1 1 1
0 0 0 0
21:15 21:30 21:45 22:00 22:15 21:15 21:30 21:45 22:00 22:15 21:15 21:30 21:45 22:00 22:15 21:15 21:30 21:45 22:00 22:15
Network in (bytes) Network out (bytes) Network packets in (count) Network packets out (count)
Bytes Bytes Count Count
7.97 M 9.26 M 12.5 k 12.2 k
0 0 0 0
21:15 21:30 21:45 22:00 22:15 21:15 21:30 21:45 22:00 22:15 21:15 21:30 21:45 22:00 22:15 21:15 21:30 21:45 22:00 22:15
Figure 11: Via AWS EC2: (a) the start of the slam; (b) end of slam.
Journal of Robotics 9
Figure 13: (a) Upload of the environment to AWS S3; (b) the SIH solution.
leaves a particular instance; and status check failed reports In Figure 11, it can be noted by the visual comparison
whether the instance has recently passed the system status that the arena drawn by Rviz is identical to the “real feld,”
check. Table 3 is displaying the Amazon EC2 Monitor. where the robot was able to discover all the obstacles of
Figure 10 shows that the robot is fully controlled by diferent sizes. It is now possible to save the map in AWS S3
AWS EC2. Tis shows the beginning of the process of and use it in the future from the same robot or any other
drawing the map of an unknown place and the end of the robot without having to redraw it by redownloading it from
process. Tis method can allow us to control the robot even AWS S3 and getting the most out of it. Te same principle
if it is in one country and the person in control is in another can be applied to a group of sites, and these maps can be used
country. Te properties of the robot are mentioned in to make a real application that serves those sites, like a large
subsection 2.2. It is possible to control the speed of the store or military application, or to help fnd survivors after
robot so that the maximum speed is 0.22 m/s. Tis is the a disaster.
relationship between the speed of the drawing and the Figure 13 shows the process of uploading the fle in pgm
speed of the robot. format, which is slam, and png format, which is the image
10 Journal of Robotics
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
format that can be used through SIH, where there are destination. Te robot, depending on the available in-
several options shown in fgure (b) to deal with the image formation on the map, chooses the most appropriate route
and clarify it, where this process is a feedback on the nature for itself. Te robot can avoid collisions with fxed and
of the place and clarifcation of the image by the user and moving obstacles, where the distance depends on the lidar
where it is possible to save the image after modifcation in settings and ranges from 0.12 meters to 3.5 meters. Figure 14
S3 as well. shows the process of moving the robot from the starting
After downloading the map, it is now possible to direct point to the point to which it is intended and the path. Te
the robot from one place to another by suggesting the tuning guide for navigation is shown in Table 4.
Journal of Robotics 11
LDS-01 LDS-02
Figure 16: LDS-01 and LDS-02.
12 Journal of Robotics
out: 12.2 k, status check failed 0. After that, the map has been ros-kinetic-move-base ros-kinetic-urdf ros-kinetic-
successfully stored in S3 for future use. Also, the process of xacro \
moving the robot from start to target inside the map was ros-kinetic-compressed-image-transport ros-ki-
tested, and the robot was able to move and avoid collision netic-rqt∗ \
with the obstacles it encounters on the way. From the
ros-kinetic-gmapping ros-kinetic-navigation ros-
foregoing, a person in a certain country can control a robot
located in another country, as this method ofers many
prospects for use in the military, medical, and educational Step 4: Set up the TurtleBot3 packages.
felds. For future work, the extended Kalman flter (EKF) $ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-dynamixel-sdk
algorithm can be used to improve the SLAM, and EKF-- $ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-turtlebot3-msgs
SLAM is used for various unknown environments. Ten,
intelligent optimization algorithms are suggested to improve $ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-turtlebot3
the performance of the mobile robot’s EKF-SLAM path. Step 5: Name your TurtleBot3 model.
$ echo “export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL � burger”
>> ∼/.bashrc
Step 6: Network Confguration.
A. Detailed Steps for ROS in SLAM Figure 15 shows an example of network confgu-
and Navigation ration when ROS Master is running on
a remote PC.
(1) Installing ROS (PC setup)
Use the command below to connect your PC to
Te instructions were tested on Linux with Ubuntu a WiFi device and discover the assigned IP address.
16.04 and ROS Kinetic Kame, which are talked about
$ ifconfg
as follows.
Now, use the command listed in the following to
Step 1: Install ROS on remote PC
update the ROS IP settings after opening the fle.
First, the robotic operating system (ROS) is installed
$ nano ∼/.bashrc
on an Ubuntu Linux OS. Te steps to complete the
installation are clearly shown on the website https:// Place the cursor at the end of the line, then use the ifconfg command to replace localhost’s IP address in
In this work, the version of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is used.
“Te Kinetic” is the codename for the latest ROS
distribution, which is compatible with Ubuntu 16.04. Use the command below to source the bashrc fle.
ROS is put on Ubuntu by using terminal software. To $ source ∼/.bashrc
start the installation, diferent steps were taken. (2) Single Board Computers (SBC) Setup
Step 2: Open the terminal and type each of the Step 1: TurtleBot 3 SBC Image Download For your
following instructions individually. hardware and ROS version, download the appro-
$ sudo apt-get update priate image fle. images using the Kinetic version of
$ sudo apt-get upgrade the Raspberry pi OS (raspbian OS).
$ wget Step 2: Te downloaded picture fle must be
TIS-GIT/robotis_tools/master/ unzipped. Save the .img fle on the local disk after
being extracted.
$ chmod 755./
Step 3: Burn the image fle. Tere are many image-
$ bash./
burning tools available (the Linux disks utility and
Step 3: Install the required packages for ROS. raspberry pi imager are two examples).
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-joy ros-kinetic- Step 4: Te raspberry pi should start up.
teleop-twist-joy \
(a) Connect the HDMI cable from the monitor to
ros-kinetic-teleop-twist-keyboard ros-kinetic-
the raspberry pi’s HDMI port
laser-proc \
(b) Attach input devices to the USB port on the
ros-kinetic-rgbd-launch ros-kinetic-depthimage-to- raspberry pi
laserscan \ (c) Insert your microSD card
ros-kinetic-rosserial-arduino ros-kinetic-rosserial- (d) To start the raspberry pi, connect the power
python \ (either using USB or OpenCR)
ros-kinetic-rosserial-server ros-kinetic-rosserial-client Step 5: Confgure the Raspberry Pi
ros-kinetic-rosserial-msgs ros-kinetic-amcl ros-ki-
(a) Connect to the Wi-Fi network linked to the PC
netic-map-server \
once raspbian OS is up and running
14 Journal of Robotics
(b) Use the following command to determine the Step 1: Utilize the micro-USB connection to join the
raspberry pi’s assigned ip address. Te wlan0 OpenCR and the raspberry pi
section is typically where you will fnd the Step 2: To upload the OpenCR frmware, install the
raspberry pi’s wireless IP address necessary packages on the raspberry pi
$ ifconfg
$ sudo dpkg--add-architecture armhf
(c) Open the terminal on your PC, enter the ip
address of the raspberry pi, and connect. tur- $ sudo apt-get update
tlebot has been set as the default password $ sudo apt-get install libc6:armhf
$ ssh pi@{IP_ADDRESS_OF_RASPBERRY_PI} Step 3: Choose between the names Burger and Wafe
(d) After logging in, run the following commands on for the OPENCR MODEL depending on the
the raspberry pi to get the time in sync platform
$ sudo apt-get install ntpdate
$ export OPENCR_PORT � /dev/ttyACM0
$ sudo ntpdate
(e) Open the confguration interface for the $ export OPENCR_MODEL � burger
raspberry pi $ rm-rf./opencr_update.tar.bz2
$ sudo raspi-confg Step 4: After downloading the loader and frmware,
(f ) Expand the fle system by choosing advanced extract the fle.
options, then click Exit.
(g) ROS network confguration $ wget
$ nano ∼/.bashrc Binaries/raw/master/turtlebot3/ROS1/latest/
(h) Modify the ip addresses for ROS MASTER URI opencr_update.tar.bz2
and ROS HOSTNAME at the fle’s end $ tar-xvf opencr_update.tar.bz2
export ROS_MASTER_URI � http://{IP_AD- Step 5: Uploading frmware to OpenCR
DRESS_OF_REMOTE_PC}:11311 $ cd./opencr_update
(i) After saving the document, close the nano editor $OPENCR_MODEL.opencr
(j) Apply modifcations using the following (4) Bringup
command (1) Run Roscore on a computer
$ source ∼/.bashrc $ roscore
Step 6: Confguration new lds-02 (2) Bringup TurtleBot3
Te TurtleBot3 LDS has been replaced by the LDS-02 Step 1: On a computer, launch a new terminal and
in models made in 2022. To use TurtleBot3’s SBC, use the raspberry pi’s ip address to connect.
adhere to the following directions. Te two cate- $ ssh pi@{IP_ADDRESS_OF_RASPBERRY_PI}
gories of leaders are shown in Figure 16.
Step 2: Bring up basic packages to start TurtleBot3
(a) Install the TurtleBot3 package update and the applications
LDS-02 driver $ roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup
$ sudo apt update turtlebot3_robot.launch
$ sudo apt install libudev-dev
$ cd ∼/catkin_ws/src (5) Teleoperation
$ git clone -b develop Diferent remote controllers can be used to teleo-
ROBOTIS-GIT/ld08_driver.git perate the TurtleBot3 (Keyboard, RC100, PS3 Joy-
$ cd ∼/catkin_ws/src/turtlebot3 && git pull stick, XBOX 360 Joystick, Wii Remote). Verify that
$ rm-r turtlebot3_description/turtlebot3_teleop/ SBC and ROS versions support the required ROS
turtlebot3_navigation/turtlebot3_slam/ packages. In this study, keyboard teleoperation is
turtlebot3_example/ used. For keyboard teleoperation, start the Tur-
$ cd ∼/catkin_ws && catkin_make tleBot3 teleop key node from the remote PC. You
(b) Te LDS MODEL should be exported to the should substitute the name of your model, such as
bashrc fle. Use LDS-01 or LDS-02 depending on burger, wafe, or wafe pi, for the $TB3 MODEL
the model of LDS. parameter.
$ echo ‘export LDS_MODEL � LDS-01’ >> $ export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL �
∼/.bashrc ${TB3_MODEL}
(c) Use the command below to make the $ roslaunch turtlebot3_teleop
modifcations. turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch
$ source ∼/.bashrc
Te following set of instructions will appear in the
(3) OpenCR Setup terminal window if the node is successfully launched
Journal of Robotics 15
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