Uts Physical Self
Uts Physical Self
Uts Physical Self
Within a day, how many times
do you ask yourself in the
mirror, “Am I beautiful?” “Am
I satisfied with how I look?”
The image you are gazing in the
mirror is your physical self the
body, the concrete and tangible part
of your “self” that can be directly seen
and examined.
2. Gender
• It plays a factor in cognitive maturation in that the boys tend to develop and learn
differently from girls.
• Research suggest that boys have lower level of school readiness than girls
• Specifically
in emotion, means honestly
evaluating and paying attention to how you
• When you feel a certain emotion, you do your
best to understand and explain it
• Youare aware of how your actions and
emotions impact not only yourself, but other
people as well.
• Is
observed that a well-nurtured child does better
than a deprived one and the environment that they
are constantly immersed contributes to this.