Class 10 Science Combined Notes Ajinkya Solunke
Class 10 Science Combined Notes Ajinkya Solunke
Class 10 Science Combined Notes Ajinkya Solunke
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Downloaded From: Telegram ID @ajinkyasolunke
YouTube Channel Ajinkya Solunke Instagram ID ajinkya_solunke
Hybrid definition a new form of organism Hence father (man or husband) is responsible
arising due to cross of different varieties of for the gender of the baby (boy or girl) which
the organism is known as hybrid. is born.
Monohybrid Crossing Monohybrid crossing All children will inherit an X chromosome from
is a type of breeding in which we cross two their mother regardless of whether they are
individuals that differ in respect of a single boys or girls. Thus, the sex of the children will
gene i.e. differ by a single trait. be determined by what they inherit from their
Dihybrid Crossing Dihybrid crossing is a father. A child who inherits an X chromosome
type of breeding in which we cross two from her father will be a girl, and one who
individuals that differ in respect of a two gene inherits a Y chromosome from him will be a
i.e. differ by two traits. boy.
Mendel choose Pea Plant because:
o Generation time of it is less.
o Easy to get pure breed plant through
o Have good excellent disease
o Flowers of it have bisexual
o It is very easy to grow it
2All rights reserved. Do not copy or transmit this material in any form without express permission of author.
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Downloaded From: Telegram ID @ajinkyasolunke
YouTube Channel Ajinkya Solunke Instagram ID ajinkya_solunke
F1 Generation
a) Phenotype ratio:
No ratio
b) Genotype ratio
No ratio
F2 Generation
a) Phenotype ratio:
b) Genotype ratio:
1All rights reserved. Do not copy or transmit this material in any form without express permission of author.
Legal action will be taken in case of violation of the copyright.
Downloaded From: Telegram ID @ajinkyasolunke
YouTube Channel Ajinkya Solunke Instagram ID ajinkya_solunke
F1 Generation
a) Phenotype ratio:
No ratio
b) Genotype ratio
No ratio
F2 Generation
a) Phenotype ratio:
b) Genotype ratio:
1All rights reserved. Do not copy or transmit this material in any form without express permission of author.
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