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Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 12, No.

1, March 2024
Asia Pacific Journal of
Graduate Tracer Study: Exploring the Management and
Relationship Between Education and Sustainable Development
Vol. 12 No. 1, pp. 108-117
Employment March 2024 Part 1
Maria Cristina M. Ramos, MSCS ISSN: 2782-9332 (Print)
College of Computing, Arts and Sciences,
Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas

Date Received: February 10, 2024; Date Revised: February 22, 2024; Date Accepted: March 3, 2024

Abstract – This research followed the trajectories of contribute to the betterment of society. A key instrument
graduates from the Bachelor of Science in Information for comprehending the intricate dynamics of this
Technology (BSIT) program at Lyceum of the relationship is the Graduate Tracer Study. This
Philippines University - Batangas (Batches 2020- investigative approach involves monitoring the career
2022) using a questionnaire method. A substantial 85 trajectories of graduates to glean insights into their
percent, or 52 out of 61 graduates, participated in the employment outcomes, encompassing aspects like
study, with a focus on assessing job placement employment status, job satisfaction, and earnings.
profiles, identified competencies, acquired work- Graduate Tracer Studies are structured surveys
related values, and the relevance of school-related conducted post-graduation to monitor graduates'
factors to job placements. Notably, 90 percent of the
progress and accumulate valuable data. These studies
respondents are currently employed, with Information
serve as an invaluable source of information for
Technology Skills, Communication Skills, and
Human-Relations Skills identified as the top
deciphering the intricate link between education and
competencies. The top work-related values include employment, enabling higher education institutions to
Love for God, Creativity and Innovativeness, and enhance their programs and services. The successful
Honesty and Love for Truth. The study recommended employment of graduates stands as a pivotal indicator of
continuous enhancement of the BSIT program an institution's commitment to delivering quality
curricula; updating syllabi for both professional and education, contributing to society's acquisition of the
general education courses, providing relevant teacher knowledge, skills, and values vital for economic
training for values integration, conducting values advancement, social progress, and overall community
formation seminars for students, and offering development.
continuous developmental training for faculty and In recognition of the contemporary landscape, the
office personnel to ensure professionalism and Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has taken the
efficiency. These findings served as a foundation for proactive step of conducting Graduate Tracer Studies
improving the BSIT program's responsiveness to (GTS) within select Higher Education Institutions
evolving technology and employment demands. (HEIs) across the country. These GTS aim to compile
Keywords – BS Information Technology, Employability, data to assess whether HEIs are providing pertinent
Information Technology Tracer, LPUB Tracer, Tracer courses and producing graduates whose competencies
align with industry and societal demands. This
Cite this article as: Ramos, M. C. M. (2024). Graduate Tracer information aids CHED in implementing necessary
Study: Exploring the Relationship Between Education and reforms and policies to ensure that both HEIs and their
Employment. Asia Pacific Journal of Management and graduates are adequately prepared to confront the
Sustainable Development, 12(1), 108-117. challenges of 21st-century education [1].
Aligning with these developments, the College of
INTRODUCTION Computer Studies (CCS) at Lyceum of the Philippines
The intricate interconnection between education and University-Batangas (LPU-B) sought to evaluate the
employment is a fundamental aspect of societal progress. employment outcomes of its Bachelor of Science in
Education equips individuals with the requisite Information Technology (BSIT) program graduates.
knowledge and skills essential for success in the This Graduate Tracer Study delved into the intricate
workforce, while employment offers a platform for nexus between education and employment among BSIT
individuals to apply their educational background and graduates of LPU-B from the academic years 2020-
2022. The findings of this study held the potential to
Ramos, Graduate Tracer Study: Exploring the Relationship Between Education and Employment
refine the BSIT program, ensuring that it continues to completed their studies between 2020 and 2022. The
produce graduates equipped to thrive in the ever- primary objectives of this research were as follows: first,
evolving realm of information technology. to provide a comprehensive overview of the employment
LPU–Batangas has progressively expanded its status and profile of these graduates, encompassing
offerings of higher education courses designed to equip aspects such as current employment, employment status,
students with the essential tools for developing nature of employment, primary line of business, and
employability skills, raising their awareness of these workplace locations; second, to determine the usefulness
skills, and enhancing their ability to articulate them. The of the competencies, skills, and work-related values that
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) LPU-B graduates have developed and find valuable in
program is tailored to prepare students to excel as IT addressing the demands of their current occupations;
professionals and researchers, proficient in designing, third, to evaluate the significance of various school-
developing, and employing computing solutions. The related factors, including the general education
program, administered by the College of Computer curriculum, professional subject curriculum, faculty
Studies, encompasses two specialization tracks: Digital quality, instructional methods, student support services,
Animation and Multimedia Technologies. Past tracer institutional organization and administration,
studies affirmed the program's efficacy in producing community engagement, academic partnerships, and
graduates who excel in the business sector. research activities, in relation to the job placements of
The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology these respondents; and finally, to formulate a strategic
program of the College of Computer Studies boasts a plan aimed at enhancing the relevance of the BSIT
PACU-COA Level 3 Reaccredited status, PICAB program and enhancing the employment prospects of its
accreditation, and ABET accreditation. The BSIT graduates.
curriculum undergoes continuous refinement based on
various partnerships, and other stakeholders. The college Research Design
has forged alliances with prominent companies such as Quantitative descriptive research, commonly known
Microsoft, CISCO, Code Chum, and Coursera, among as descriptive research, is a valuable method employed in
others. Its highly qualified faculty members and students the social sciences and various other fields to
actively participate in computing organizations like comprehensively document the characteristics, behaviors,
Philippine Computer Society (PCS), Computer Science or attitudes of a specific group or phenomenon. It focuses
Teachers Association (CSTA), Philippine Society of on collecting and summarizing data, aiming to create a
Information Technology Educators (PSITE), Philippine detailed and clear picture of the subject being studied. Key
Society of Information Technology Students (PSITS), components include the research's purpose, which is to
Junior Philippine Computer Society (JPCS), Integrated provide a comprehensive overview of the subject without
Southern Tagalog of Information Technology Education establishing causal relationships or making predictions.
Data collection involves structured and standardized
(iSITE), and others.
methods such as surveys, questionnaires, observations, or
The research conducted in this study assessed the existing data sources, producing numerical data like counts
significance of the knowledge, values, and skills and percentages. Sampling methods ensure that the selected
acquired by graduates in relation to their work, aligning sample is representative of the larger population under
with the 21st-century skills framework. The results shed study. Variables, often demographic, behavioral, or
light on the sufficiency of the educational training attitudinal, are measured and observed. Quantitative
provided by the institution and the program itself in analysis, involving statistical methods, summarizes and
shaping the overall performance of graduates' careers interprets the data using measures like frequencies,
and the extent to which knowledge, values, and skills percentages, means, and standard deviations. Results are
have been developed. presented using tables, graphs, or charts to provide a clear
and easily understood description of the data. While the
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY findings offer insights into the characteristics of the studied
This scholarly investigation is focused on an in-depth group, they are typically not meant for broad
analysis of the factors influencing the career trajectories generalization. Descriptive research is objective and non-
of graduates holding a Bachelor of Science in intrusive, with researchers observing and reporting without
Information Technology (BSIT) degree from Lyceum of attempting to influence the subject or situation [2].
the Philippines University – Batangas (LPU-B), who This study utilized the quantitative descriptive

Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Development
Volume 12, No 1., March 2024
Ramos, Graduate Tracer Study: Exploring the Relationship Between Education and Employment
research design which covered the employment status and tools were applied to interpret the survey data.
job experiences of the graduates. It is, in part, a curricular Descriptive statistics and frequency distribution were
program evaluation if the graduates had effectively employed to provide an overview of the dataset,
achieved the goal of their respective degree programs. summarizing key features and the distribution of data
Moreover, policy implications and recommendations across categories or intervals. Additionally, percentages
identified were necessary for curricular improvement in the were used to assess the profile of respondents in relation
university. to specific variables. To gauge the extent of respondents'
perception regarding the relevance of their educational
Research Respondents background to their employment status, a weighted mean
The study's participants encompassed the graduates was calculated. Ranking played a pivotal role in
of the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology organizing the items in descending order, reinforcing the
(BSIT) program from the batches of 2020-2022, totaling description of percentages and highlighting the relative
61 individuals. An impressive 85 percent of these importance of each item within the dataset. This
graduates, which translated to 52 individuals, actively approach aided in conveying the significance and
engaged in the study. positions of the various items used in the analysis.
Table 1. Distribution of Graduates and Respondents per Batch
BSIT Batches 2020-2022 A numerical scale ranging from 1 to 5 was adopted,
School Year of Number of Number of Percentage Number of Percentage with 1 representing the lowest significance and 5
Graduation Graduates Traced of Traced Employed of Employed
Graduates Graduates Graduates Graduates
representing the highest. These numerical responses
SY 2019-2020 27 21 78% 19 90% were assigned equivalent weights and accompanied by
SY 2020-2021 0 0 0 0 0
SY 2021-2022 34 31 91% 28 90% corresponding verbal descriptions as follows:
TOTAL 61 52 85% 47 90% Table 2. Likert Scale

Weight Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

Materials and Data 5 4.50-5.00 Very Relevant
Detailed records pertaining to the annual count of 4 3.50-4.49 Relevant
BSIT graduates were sought and acquired from the 3 2.50-3.49 Moderately Relevant
Registrar's Office at LPU-Batangas. 2 1.50-2.49 Sightly Relevant
1 1.00-1.49 Not Relevant
Data Gathering Procedure
The researcher obtained personal information, Ethical Consideration
including the names of alumni, physical addresses, email The primary ethical concern that arose during the
addresses, and phone numbers of the BSIT graduates execution of the tracer study revolved around obtaining
from the 2020-2022 batches through the Registrar's informed consent. There was absolutely no pressure or
Office. To engage with the alumni and discuss the intimidation applied to the participants when requesting
significance of the tracer study, a group chat (GC) was their responses to the tracer questionnaire. Prior to the
established on Facebook Messenger. Within this study, all participants were given the opportunity to
platform, a link was provided to enable alumni to input provide full consent, and they were informed of the
their tracing details. study's objectives. Furthermore, stringent measures were
Regrettably, 9 out of the 61 graduates, amounting to in place to safeguard the privacy of the research
15 percent of the total, were unable to complete the participants.
questionnaire. The reasons behind this may include (1) For data collection, a survey questionnaire was
inactive or invalid contact information, (2) time employed to gather information from graduates who
constraints preventing some respondents from completed their studies at LPU-Batangas between 2020
participating, and (3) a lack of interest in the study. and 2022. The questionnaire was distributed
Consequently, the study utilized responses from 178 out electronically to these graduates and contained inquiries
of the 228 graduates, representing a participation rate of about their employment status, levels of job satisfaction,
78 percent. and career aspirations.


The acquired data underwent a systematic process Using generally accepted statistical tools and principles,
involving classification, tabulation, and ranking in this part discusses the results from the collected data
preparation for analysis. In the analysis phase, statistical using survey. The study attempted to investigate the
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Development
Volume 12, No 1., March 2024
Ramos, Graduate Tracer Study: Exploring the Relationship Between Education and Employment
employment status of Bachelor of Science in (74%), with the first job for 89 percent of respondents
Information Technology graduates of batches 2017- being related to their college course. Additionally, a
2019. swift job placement process is evident, with 81 percent
A. Employment Data landing their first job within 1 to 6 months. Notably,
financial considerations, specifically salaries and
“Table 2.1 Employment Data
benefits, hold paramount influence, being the sole
Are you presently Frequency Percentage motivator for both job acceptance (100%) and job
employed? (%)
YES 47 90
changes (9%). Proximity to residence also plays a role
Present Employment Status in job changes (15%), indicating the importance of
Regular or 31 66
Permanent geographic convenience in employment decisions.
Contractual 9 19 Overall, the data paints a comprehensive picture of a
Self-employed 7 15
Nature of Employment locally-oriented yet globally connected workforce,
Gainfully Employed 35 74
Self-employed 6 13
where financial incentives wield significant influence
Underemployed 6 13 in shaping employment choices.
Major Line of Business
Manufacturing 12 25
Wholesale & Retail 5 11 Table 2.2 Employment Data
Trade, Repair of How long did you stay in your first job?
Motor Vehicles, 1 year to less than 2 10 21
Personal & years
Household Goods 3 years to less than 4 24 51
Transport Storage & 16 34
Communication How did you find your first job?
Education 9 19 Response to an 21 45
Other Community, 5 11 advertisement
Social & Personal As walk-in applicant 8 17
Service Activities Recommended by 9 19
Place of Work someone
Local 37 79 Information from friends 9 19
Abroad 10 21 How long before you found your current/present
Reasons for Staying on the Job job?
Salaries & Benefits 35 74 Less than a month 12 26
Related to Course or 4 9 1 to 6 months 16 34
Program of Study 7 to 11 months 19 40
Proximity to 8 17 Job Level
Residence Rank or Clerical 15 32
Is your first job related to the course you took up in Professional, Technical 32 68
college? or Supervisory
YES 42 89 What is your initial gross monthly earning in your
How long did it take you to land your first job? first job after college?
1 to 6 Months 38 81 P10,000 to less than 22 47
7 to 11 Months 9 19 P15,000
What were your reasons for accepting the job? P15,000 to less than 13 27
Salaries and Benefits 47 100 P20,000
What were your reasons for changing job? P20,000 to less than 12 26
Salaries and Benefits 4 9 P25,000
Proximity to 7 15 Competencies learned in college you found very
Residence useful in your first job
Communication Skills 12 25
Human Relations Skills 8 17
The” survey data reveals a robust employment Entrepreneurial Skills 5 11
landscape among the respondents, with a substantial 90 Information Technology 13 28
percent currently employed. Of these, 66 percent enjoy Problem Solving Skills 5 11
Critical Thinking Skills 4 8
the stability of regular or permanent positions, while 19
percent are engaged in contractual work, and 15 percent
are self-employed, showcasing a diverse range of The data” provides insights into the tenure, job
employment arrangements. The workforce is search methods, duration of job search, job levels,
distributed across various sectors, including initial gross monthly earnings, and the perceived
manufacturing (25%), wholesale & retail trade (11%), usefulness of college-acquired competencies among
transport storage & communication (34%), education respondents. Notably, a majority (51%) stayed in their
(19%), and other community activities (11%). The first job for 3 to less than 4 years, indicating a
majority (79%) work locally, underscoring the significant duration of initial employment. Job
significance of local job opportunities, yet a notable 21 discovery methods vary, with 45 percent responding to
percent engage in international employment. The advertisements, 17 percent applying as walk-ins, and
primary driver for job retention is salaries and benefits 19 percent relying on recommendations or information
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Development
Volume 12, No 1., March 2024
Ramos, Graduate Tracer Study: Exploring the Relationship Between Education and Employment
from friends. The time taken to secure the current job the importance of productivity and effectiveness
ranges from less than a month (26%) to 7 to 11 months in the workplace.
(40%). In terms of job levels, a majority (68%) hold The work-related values exhibited by graduates hold
professional, technical, or supervisory positions. Initial profound importance for educational institutions on
gross monthly earnings are distributed, with 47 percent multiple fronts. These values significantly influence the
earning P10,000 to less than P15,000, 27 percent institution's reputation, as they reflect the caliber of
earning P15,000 to less than P20,000, and 26 percent graduates it produces. Graduates who display positive
earning P20,000 to less than P25,000. Regarding work-related values, such as integrity, professionalism,
competencies, communication skills (25%) and and dedication, enhance the institution's standing in the
information technology skills (28%) are highlighted as eyes of employers, prospective students, and
particularly useful in the first job, underscoring the accreditation bodies. Moreover, these values contribute
importance of these skills in the early stages of the to the employability of graduates, which, in turn, attracts
respondents' careers. These data provide a nuanced new students, reinforces institutional credibility, and
understanding of the respondents' professional ensures long-term sustainability.
trajectories, shedding light on factors influencing job Additionally, an institution's commitment to instilling
tenure, search strategies, and the correlation between and nurturing work-related values aligns with its mission
college-acquired skills and workplace applicability. and vision, emphasizing the preparation of responsible
The findings suggest a notable degree of and ethical professionals. By monitoring the career
employability among Information Technology success and ethical conduct of graduates, institutions can
graduates. The training received through the BSIT identify areas for improvement and realign their
program, encompassing a wide range of business curricula to meet the demands of the job market. Positive
processes, aligns with the majority of graduates work-related values also play a role in alumni
securing employment that directly corresponds to their engagement and fundraising efforts, as successful
specialized skill set. Notably, the Philippines, graduates are more likely to support their alma mater.
recognized as the global social media capital due to the Overall, the work-related values of graduates not only
exceptionally high daily usage time, has witnessed a reflect the quality of education provided by the
surge in individuals leveraging the internet and institution but also influence its reputation, success, and
technology to secure employment opportunities [3]. societal contribution.
This phenomenon underscores the contemporary socio- “Table 3. Work-Related Values Gained
technological landscape and its impact on professional Weighted Verbal
Work-Related Values Rank
pursuits, as elucidated by Bednar and Welch [4]. Mean Interpretation
1. Love for God 4.87 Very Much 1
B. Work-Related Values. 2. Honesty and Love for Truth 4.80 Very Much 3
The provided data on work-related values 3. Punctuality 4.76 Very Much 6
offers a comprehensive perspective on the 4. Obedience to Superior 4.74 Very Much 7
significance of various values in the context of the 5. Perseverance and Hard Work 4.55 Very Much 12
workplace. It is evident that "Love for God" and 6. Creativity and Innovativeness 4.85 Very Much 2
"Creativity and Innovativeness" hold the highest 7. Courage 4.57 Very Much 11
ranks, with verbal interpretations of "Very Much." 8. Professional Integrity 4.49 Much 13
This suggests that individuals value spiritual and 9. Love for Co-workers and Others 4.81 Very Much 4
religious beliefs, ethical behavior, and a strong 10. Unity 4.37 Much 14
emphasis on innovation in their professional lives. 11. Fairness and Justice 4.35 Much 15
Additionally, "Honesty and Love for Truth" and 12. Leadership 4.59 Very Much 10
"Love for Co-workers and Others" are highly 13. Tolerance 4.34 Much 16
regarded, indicating a strong commitment to 14. Effi c iency 4.79 Very Much 5
ethical conduct and a desire for harmonious 15. Supportiveness 4.69 Very Much 8
16. Perseverance 4.65 Very Much 9
workplace relationships. On the other hand, values
17. Nationalism 4.15 Much 17
such as "Nationalism" and "Fairness and Justice"
Composite Mean
rank lower, suggesting that they may not be as Legend: 4.50 – 5.00 = Very Much; 3.50 – 4.49 = Much; 2.50 – 3.49 = Little; 1.50 – 2.49 = Very Little; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not at All”
highly prioritized in the work environment.
"Efficiency" is notably ranked fifth, emphasizing
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Development
Volume 12, No 1., March 2024
Ramos, Graduate Tracer Study: Exploring the Relationship Between Education and Employment
C. School Related Factors to Job Placement. Projects 1 & 2" with a score of 4.71. These courses are
positioned at the top three ranks, emphasizing their
Table 4. Curriculum and Instruction (General Education Courses) importance and relevance in the professional
General Education Weighted Verbal Rank
Courses Mean Interpretation development of individuals.
1. Mathematics 4.51 Very Relevant 1 On the other hand, the courses with lower but still
2. Languages 4.42 Relevant 2 "Relevant" weighted means include "Introduction to
3. Natural Sciences 4.29 Relevant 3
Composite Mean 4.41 Relevant Computing," "Computer Programming 1 & 2," "Data
Legend: 4.50 –5.00 = Very Relevant; 3.50 – 4.49 = Relevant; 2.50 – 3.49 = Moderately Relevant; 1.50 – 2.49 = Slightly Relevant; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Relevant
Structures & Algorithms," and others. Despite slightly
The weighted mean scores for various general lower scores, these courses are considered relevant,
education courses reveal the perceived relevance of suggesting that they provide valuable knowledge and
each course. Mathematics emerges as the most crucial, skills within the professional context. The composite
garnering a weighted mean score of 4.51 and earning mean of 4.46 indicates an overall high level of relevance
the label of "Very Relevant," securing the top rank. across all the listed courses, reinforcing the
Languages follow closely with a score of 4.42, deeming comprehensive nature of the curriculum in addressing
them "Relevant" and securing the second position. key aspects of computing and related disciplines. The
Natural Sciences, with a score of 4.29, also falls under rankings and verbal interpretations provide a clear
the category of "Relevant," placing it at the third rank. hierarchy, helping individuals prioritize their course
The composite mean of 4.41 reinforces the overall selection based on relevance and importance in their
importance of these courses, collectively considered professional journey.
"Relevant." This analysis suggests a consensus among
Table 6. Faculty and Instruction
respondents on the significance of these general Weighted Verbal
education courses, particularly highlighting the Faculty and Instruction Rank
Mean Interpretation
paramount role of Mathematics. 1. Conducts himself in a dignified and 4.37 Relevant 7
professional manner.
Table 5. Curriculum and Instruction (Professional) 2. Has good communication skills 4.48 Relevant 5
Weighted Verbal 3. Teacher has mastery of the subject matter 4.50 Very Relevant 4
Professional Courses Rank
Mean Interpretation 4. Makes use of various teaching aids 4.40 Relevant 6
1. Introduction to Computing 4.13 Relevant 20 5. Relates subjects to other fields and other 4.57 Very Relevant 2
2. Computer Programming 1 & 2 4.37 Relevant 13 life situation
3. Data Structures & Algorithms 4.35 Relevant 14 6. Conducts accurate and objective evaluation 4.56 Very Relevant 3
4. Computer Organization 4.19 Relevant 18 of student performance
5. Accounting Principles 4.15 Relevant 19
7. Quality of instruction is relevant to the 4.67 Very Relevant 1
6. Operating Systems 4.28 Relevant 15
7. Object-Oriented Programming 4.26 Relevant 16 course
8. Ethics 4.54 Very Relevant 9 Composite Mean 4.51 Very Relevant
Legend: 4.50 –5.00 = Very Relevant; 3.50 – 4.49 = Relevant; 2.50 – 3.49 = Moderately Relevant; 1.50 – 2.49 = Slightly Relevant; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Relevant”
9. Information Management 4.63 Very Relevant 5
10. Web Systems & Technologies 4.55 Very Relevant 8
11. Systems Analysis & Design 4.59 Very Relevant 7
12. Human-Computer Interaction 4.48 Relevant 10 The evaluation of faculty and instruction reflects a
13. App Devt. & Emerging Technologies 4.68 Very Relevant 4 high regard for teaching quality and effectiveness. The
14. Discrete Structures 4.40 Relevant 12
15. Computer Troubleshooting & Repair 4.60 Very Relevant 6 composite mean of 4.51, classified as "Very Relevant,"
16. OJT On-the-Job Training 4.84 Very Relevant 1 underscores the overall positive perception of the faculty.
17. Seminars & Field Trip 4.20 Relevant 17 The top-ranking criterion, "Quality of instruction is
18. CISCO Courses 1,2,3,4 4.78 Very Relevant 2
19. Electives 1,2,3,4 4.45 Relevant 11 relevant to the course" with a score of 4.67, signifies a
20. Capstone Projects 1 & 2 4.71 Very Relevant 3 strong consensus among respondents regarding the
Composite Mean 4.46 Relevant paramount importance of instructional relevance. This
Legend: 4.50 –5.00 = Very Relevant; 3.50 – 4.49 = Relevant; 2.50 – 3.49 = Moderately Relevant; 1.50 – 2.49 = Slightly Relevant; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Relevant”
suggests a collective acknowledgment of the crucial role
The given data represent list of professional courses instructors play in ensuring that the content aligns with
along with their corresponding weighted mean scores, the course objectives, enhancing students' learning
verbal interpretations, and ranks based on these scores. experiences.
The courses cover a range of topics in computing and The criteria "Relates subjects to other fields and
related fields. Notably, the courses with the highest other life situations," "Conducts accurate and objective
weighted means and ranked as "Very Relevant" include evaluation of student performance," and "Teacher has
"OJT On-the-Job Training" with a score of 4.84, "CISCO mastery of the subject matter" securing the second, third,
Courses 1,2,3,4" with a score of 4.78, and "Capstone
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Development
Volume 12, No 1., March 2024
Ramos, Graduate Tracer Study: Exploring the Relationship Between Education and Employment
and fourth ranks, respectively, further highlight the
multifaceted expectations from educators. These results The evaluation of student services at LPU-Batangas
indicate a desire for instructors who not only possess a provides a nuanced perspective on the quality and
deep understanding of the subject matter but also effectiveness of various support systems. The composite
demonstrate the ability to connect theoretical concepts to mean of 4.61, labeled as "Very Relevant," indicates an
real-world applications and conduct fair assessments. overall positive perception of the services offered. The
The overall positive ratings across various criteria affirm top-ranking service, the College Dean's Office Services,
the commendable performance of faculty members in stands out with an impressive score of 4.88, reinforcing
maintaining professionalism, effective communication, its critical role in student support and earning the first
and mastery of their respective subjects. position. This highlights a strong endorsement from
LPU-Batangas is characterized by a distinctive respondents regarding the significance and efficacy of
culture that consistently pursues and upholds standards administrative assistance provided by the College Dean's
of quality and excellence. This commitment is palpable Office in ensuring a smooth academic experience for
in the meticulously designed plans and processes students.
implemented to ensure an impartial and thorough Additionally, Health Services and Laboratories
evaluation of student performances, ultimately secure the second and third positions, respectively, with
influencing the caliber of graduates the institution scores of 4.81 and 4.76, both classified as "Very
produces. Embracing the principles of outcomes-based Relevant." This underscores the importance of health and
education (OBE), LPU-Batangas motivates students to laboratory facilities in contributing to the overall well-
strive for excellence, emphasizing the production of being and academic success of students. The rankings
high-quality outputs. According to Rao [5] article on and high scores across various services demonstrate a
Outcomes-Based Education, this educational approach holistic approach to student support, encompassing not
represents a significant departure from traditional only academic aspects but also health and facilities. The
practices, serving as a transformative means to foster composite mean of 4.61 reinforces the consistent
academic success for all students. excellence in these services, emphasizing their collective
Within this framework, not only are students held relevance and effectiveness in enhancing the overall
to high standards, but faculty members also underwent student experience at LPU-Batangas.
Table 8. Organization and Administration
periodic evaluations. This proactive assessment Weighted Verbal
Organization and Administration Rank
mechanism served as a valuable tool in promptly Mean Interpretation
1. The school officers and heads include
identifying and addressing any areas of concern, within their spheres of responsibility, all the 4.68 Very Relevant 2
vital activities of the institution and colleges
ensuring that the teaching staff maintains a high level 2. The organization and administrative set-
up of the institution and colleges are well 4.75 Very Relevant 1
of proficiency and commitment to delivering quality integrated and function efficiently.
education. In essence, LPU-Batangas's dedication to 3. Department heads are effective in
guiding training and development of 4.59 Very Relevant 4
outcomes-based education created a symbiotic students to improve their performances
4. Department heads possess positive
relationship between students and educators, fostering 4.62 Very Relevant 3
attitude towards work, staff, and students
5. The administration ensures that training
an environment that prioritizes continuous programs for students are adequate and 4.52 Very Relevant 6
improvement and excellence in both teaching and well-organized
6. The administration adheres to its vision-
4.58 Very Relevant 5
learning. mission and institutional values.
Table 7. Student Services Composite Mean 4.62 Very Relevant
Legend: 4.50 –5.00 = Very Relevant; 3.50 – 4.49 = Relevant; 2.50 – 3.49 = Moderately Relevant; 1.50 – 2.49 = Slightly Relevant; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Relevant”
Student Services Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Interpretation

1. Library Services 4.39 The assessment of organization and administration

Relevant 7

2. Registrar’s Office Services 4.60 at LPU-Batangas unveils a robust and highly effective
Very Relevant 5

3. College Dean’s Office Services 4.88 Very Relevant 1 administrative structure. The composite mean of 4.62,
4. Office of Student Affairs Services 4.36 Relevant 8
classified as "Very Relevant," indicates an
5. Health Services 4.81 Very Relevant 2
overwhelmingly positive perception of the institution's
6. Counseling and Testing Center 4.63 Very Relevant 4
organizational and administrative aspects. The top-
ranking criterion, "The organization and administrative
7. Physical Plant and Facilities 4.42 Relevant 6
set-up of the institution and colleges are well integrated
8. Laboratories 4.76 Very Relevant 3
and function efficiently," secures a score of 4.75,
Composite Mean 4.61 Very Relevant
solidifying its position as the most crucial aspect. This
Legend: 4.50 –5.00 = Very Relevant; 3.50 – 4.49 = Relevant; 2.50 – 3.49 = Moderately Relevant; 1.50 – 2.49 = Slightly Relevant; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Relevant”
underscores a unanimous consensus among respondents
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Development
Volume 12, No 1., March 2024
Ramos, Graduate Tracer Study: Exploring the Relationship Between Education and Employment
regarding the institution's streamlined and efficient well-rounded approach that integrates academic rigor
administrative setup, emphasizing the pivotal role it with a commitment to societal development. The
plays in ensuring the smooth functioning of various composite mean of 4.70 reinforces the institution's
college activities. overall excellence in community extension, linkages,
Furthermore, the second-ranking criterion, "The and research, emphasizing their collective relevance in
school officers and heads include within their spheres of contributing to a well-rounded and socially responsible
responsibility, all the vital activities of the institution and educational experience at LPU-Batangas.
colleges," with a score of 4.68, reinforces the
Table 10. Proposed Action Plan
comprehensive approach of school officers and heads. Key Result Objectives Strategies Outcomes
This suggests a strategic and inclusive management style Areas
that encompasses all vital aspects of institutional and 1. Curriculum ➢ Align with the dynamic ➢ Consistently monitor ➢ A highly relevant
and Instruction needs of the business and refine the BSIT BSIT program
college activities. The rankings and high scores across (GE) sector and cultivate Program Curriculum, curriculum that
various criteria highlight the positive attitudes, effective graduates equipped to provide ongoing fosters the
excel in the ever- developmental training development of
guidance, and commitment to the vision-mission and evolving cyber sector. for faculty, ensuring intellectually adept
institutional values demonstrated by the administration exposure to the latest and well-trained
IT industry graduates poised to
and department heads. The composite mean of 4.62 advancements, and meet the demands of
underscores the overall excellence in organizational and engage in regular the cyber sector.
consultations with
administrative practices, affirming their pivotal role in stakeholders.
shaping the institutional framework at LPU-Batangas. ➢ Seek accreditation from
recognized IT and
educational accrediting
Table 9. Community Extension, Linkages and Research bodies to validate and
endorse the excellence
Community Extension, Linkages Weighted Verbal of the curriculum.
Rank ➢ Establish strategic
and Research Mean Interpretation partnerships and
1. Community Extension services of alliances with industry
4.56 Very Relevant 3 leaders, ensuring
the college curriculum relevance
2. Linkages with other institutions through continuous
4.89 Very Relevant 1 feedback and
and OJT collaboration.
3. Development of research 2. Curriculum ➢ Synchronize ➢ Continuously monitor ➢ An exceptionally
4.63 Very Relevant 2 and Instruction educational offerings and enhance the BSIT relevant BSIT
activities in the college (Professional) with the evolving Program Curriculum, program curriculum
Composite Mean 4.70 Very Relevant needs of the business offer ongoing that shapes
sector, producing developmental training intellectually adept
Legend: 4.50 –5.00 = Very Relevant; 3.50 – 4.49 = Relevant; 2.50 – 3.49 = Moderately Relevant; 1.50 – 2.49 = Slightly Relevant; 1.00 – 1.49 = Not Relevant
graduates who are for faculty, providing and well-trained
intellectually robust exposure to cutting- professionals, ready
The evaluation of Community Extension, Linkages, and well-prepared for edge developments in to address the
the challenges of the the IT industry, and demands of the
and Research at LPU-Batangas reflects a commitment to cyber sector. conduct periodic dynamic cyber
holistic development and engagement with the broader consultations with sector.
community. The composite mean of 4.70, categorized as ➢ Pursue accreditation
"Very Relevant," signifies an overall positive perception from reputable industry
bodies to affirm the
of the institution's efforts in these domains. The top- program's alignment
ranking criterion, "Linkages with other institutions and with industry standards.

OJT," stands out with an impressive score of 4.89,

earning the first position. This underscores the
institution's strong emphasis on establishing meaningful CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
partnerships and providing students with valuable The detailed analysis of the employment status and
opportunities for on-the-job training, enhancing their experiences of respondents provided a comprehensive
practical skills and industry exposure. snapshot of the professional landscape for BSIT
Moreover, the second and third-ranking criteria, graduates. A substantial majority of respondents (90%)
"Development of research activities in the college" and are presently employed, with 66 percent in regular or
"Community Extension services of the college," with permanent positions. The nature of employment revealed
scores of 4.63 and 4.56, respectively, highlight the that 74 percent are gainfully employed, and the major
institution's dedication to fostering research initiatives line of business spanned various sectors, with 34 percent
and community engagement. These results suggest a in transport, storage, and communication. Notably, 89
percent affirmed that their first job is related to their
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Development
Volume 12, No 1., March 2024
Ramos, Graduate Tracer Study: Exploring the Relationship Between Education and Employment
college course, and 81 percent secured their initial such as the registrar's office, health services, and library
employment within 1 to 6 months. Salaries and benefits facilities. Furthermore, the organization and
were overwhelmingly cited as the primary reason for administration of the institution received a high level of
staying on the job (74%) and accepting the job (100%). perceived relevance (composite mean of 4.62),
Job changes were driven primarily by salary suggesting that the overall structure and leadership
considerations (9%). The majority of respondents (68%) effectively contributed to the students' educational
hold professional, technical, or supervisory positions, experience. Finally, the emphasis on community
reflecting the value of competencies learned in college, extension, linkages, and research (composite mean of
particularly in communication skills (25%), information 4.70) underscored the importance of integrating
technology skills (28%), and human relations skills academic activities with practical applications and
(17%). This thorough exploration offered critical community engagement. The strategic framework
insights into the employment landscape for BSIT outlined for the BSIT program underscored a
graduates, providing a foundation for informed decision- comprehensive approach to ensure its continued
making in shaping educational programs and career excellence and relevance. Aligned with the dynamic
development initiatives. The analysis of work-related needs of the cyber sector, the strategies focus on
values among respondents has provided meaningful continual curriculum refinement, faculty development,
insights into the priorities and virtues they consider accreditation pursuits, and strategic partnerships.
crucial in their professional lives. The top-ranking values Emphasizing the importance of values, the student
include "Love for God," "Creativity and services strategies aimed to instill core principles
Innovativeness," and "Honesty and Love for Truth," through activities and collaborations with community
highlighting the significance of moral and spiritual organizations. Organization and administration
foundations, as well as innovative thinking in the strategies prioritized staff training, accreditation, and
workplace. Notably, competencies learned in college collaboration for ongoing improvement. The community
that were deemed very useful in respondents' first jobs extension, linkages, and research strategies advocated
encompass communication skills, information for sustainable projects, annual tracer studies, and
technology skills, and human relations skills, enhanced ties with community organizations and
underlining the practical importance of these capabilities research institutions. This cohesive plan positioned the
in real-world professional settings. The composite mean BSIT program for success in the evolving IT landscape,
reflected an overall strong emphasis on these work- fostering holistic development, academic excellence,
related values, demonstrating their collective importance and meaningful community engagement. In summary,
in shaping the ethical and productive dimensions of the the holistic assessment of these components provided a
respondents' careers. This nuanced understanding of comprehensive understanding of the educational
work-related values and competencies learned in college environment, offering valuable insights for potential
provided valuable insights for educators and employers improvements and enhancements. The research
alike, facilitating the alignment of educational programs outcomes can serve as a guide for educational
with the evolving needs of the workforce and fostering a institutions to refine their curricula, instructional
workplace culture that emphasized both ethical methods, and support services, ensuring continued
principles and practical skills. The comprehensive alignment with the evolving needs of students and the
analysis of various aspects within the educational broader community.
framework provided valuable insights into the perceived Alignment with industry needs and emerging trends
relevance and effectiveness of different components. in Information Technology. Integrate cutting-edge
Notably, in terms of academic courses, both General technologies and industry-relevant skills into
Education and Professional Courses demonstrated a coursework to enhance graduates' competitiveness in the
strong overall relevance with composite means of 4.41 job market. Implement targeted initiatives to develop
and 4.46, respectively. The faculty and instruction and enhance professional skills among BSIT students.
component also received high relevance scores Introduce specialized training programs, workshops, and
(composite mean of 4.51), emphasizing the importance certifications that align with the demands of the evolving
of teaching quality, subject mastery, and the integration cyber sector, ensuring graduates possess a
of real-world connections in the learning process. comprehensive skill set valued by employers. Foster and
Moreover, student services (composite mean of 4.61) strengthen partnerships with industry leaders, IT
played a crucial role, with notable relevance in areas organizations, and businesses. Collaborate on internship
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Development
Volume 12, No 1., March 2024
Ramos, Graduate Tracer Study: Exploring the Relationship Between Education and Employment
programs, industry projects, and guest lectures to to continuously assess the program's impact on their
provide students with real-world exposure, practical careers. Gather insights into the relevance of their
experience, and networking opportunities, ultimately education, the effectiveness of the curriculum, and areas
improving their employability. Invest in the continuous for improvement to inform ongoing program
development of faculty members, ensuring they stay enhancements.
abreast of the latest advancements in Information
Technology. Encourage participation in industry REFERENCES
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Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Development
Volume 12, No 1., March 2024

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