Literacy Narrative
Literacy Narrative
Literacy Narrative
ENGL 1010-E02
05 February 2024
My literary journey started from childhood when I was only five years old. I sit on my bench
with other kids and just listen to my teacher, miss Sophia my Class teacher. She teaches us things
like A for airplane, B for bicycle, and we all repeated the same thing after our teacher, this is
where I started reading and writing. My home country is India, and people with diverse cultures
living in India with different languages but our native language is Hindi. I face a lot of struggles
in learning a different language other than my native language, because in my primary school we
do not have English as a source of speaking rather we only have English as a subject. When my
school change from primary to high, I have difficulty in speaking English language because the
rules of that school are different from my earlier school, their rule was that when we talk to
teachers and classmates, we must talk in English. But with practice, and with the help of my
teachers, I learn and understand good English. My English teacher helped me a lot to learn
English, she told me to start using English in my daily life. I start learning one unfamiliar word
Moreover, schools start giving priority to English language, they try their best to supply the best
knowledge for English language, this language helps to build our confidence to live in this
modernized world. I got good support from my parents; my parents are not well-educated, but
they want to educate me, my brother. My parents provide me and my brother with everything
that we need for our studies, they give it to us even before we ask. Also, the environment of our
house is very friendly. Whatever is in my daily schedule, I share everything with my mother and
when I told her that I am learning English she asked me that she also want to speak in English.
We both had the same passion for learning this language and my mamma start leaning the basic
English language too. My daddy and mamma wish for us to be successful in our careers and they
never pressure us to do anything. They leave this matter to us. My father told me that whatever
you do, do it as per your interest and then give your best at it. My parents always support me for
my interest in reading and writing and I feel incredibly lucky that my parents are always with
My interest in reading and writing is developing day by day. I started reading books from the
library. I love reading APJ Abdul Kalam books and he is one of my favorite authors. He has a
book called “TURNING POINTS a journey through challenges” this book was written by him,
who inspire every citizen of the country. He discusses seven turning points in his life, and how
There was also a turning point in my life when I decided to study in the United States and my
struggle journey started from the time, I took this decision. My parents always support me in
everything but when I share this with my parents, they don’t allow me to send me so far for
studies. I tell them how studying from United States helps to build my career and it also gives me
practical experience of real-world challenges along with my studies. They were worried about
me, how I adjust in a new country with different people. I didn’t take this thing seriously at that
time because I was extremely excited to study abroad. My fantasies about studying abroad are
different from reality. I got permission to study abroad from my parents. After this, I fulfilled
As “Deborah Brandt” writes in Writing about Writing, edited by Elizabeth Wardle and Doug
Dawns, 4th edition, 2017 on page number 244 (para2) that “people do not become literate on
their own; rather, literacy is sponsored by people, institutions, and circumstances that both make
it possible for a person to become literate”. I want to introduce America as a literacy sponsor for
me after my parents because this country teaches me lot of things and the sponsor can be anyone,
My struggle for myself began when I arrived in the United States. My own belief is that I am
particularly good at English. I can speak well, write well, and listen well. But whenever I try to
talk to someone my confidence starts breaking. I will never forget this incident that happened in
my life when I came here. That was, I was at the airport and looking for a taxi and did not see
any taxis around me. When I asked someone, they told me that you must book your taxi online,
and I have a phone but without an internet connection, I do not understand what I do next. But I
never lose my hope, I start praying and I saw a police officer, to whom I asked for help. I told
him that I need some help with my taxi, and I want to go to this address. He asked me a lot of
things to know more about me and I am unable to answer him in the same way he asked. The
main reason was that I did not understand him. I was amazed that I know English so why I am
not able to understand his English. But he understands me, that I am an international student
whose native language is not English. He booked my taxi and after that I reached my room.
When I am in my room, I look at myself in the mirror and tell myself that you need to learn more
English to survive in this country. I start taking help from online YouTube videos to improve my
I also found here that American people have different accent, Chinese people have different
accent and Indian people have their own accent to speak English. We all speak the same
language and same words but with different pronunciations or accents. I have difficulty
understanding advanced English, but day by day I start improving mine English with practice. As
“Vershawn Ashanti Young” writes in Writing about Writing, edited by Elizabeth Wardle and
Doug Dawns, 4th edition, 2017 on page number 328 (para 7) that “we hear that background in
the speech, and it’s often expressed in the writing too. It’s natural”. I appreciate that American
people never make fun of other people when we speak English with our accent. I heard one thing
that in British countries people make fun of us if we don’t speak in their accent. As Young
mentioned in his writing, speaking with your own accent is natural because you can’t change
your culture and beliefs. So, it depends on us to adapt to diverse ways of speaking. I improved
My literacy has developed in many ways by reading books, adapting to separate ways to speak
English language. My interest in reading and writing started boosting when I was in college. I
start getting books from the library and then read that at home. I always have time for my books
like I have my studies, work, and some housework too but I manage my time properly for my
books. Reading books improves my vocabulary and pronunciation to a proficient level. My craze
for reading books is the same as before, I face some difficulties, but those difficulties are for
some time. This country makes me an organized person, fluent speaker. I am not fully fluent yet;