1714-Article Text-4661-2-10-20210113
1714-Article Text-4661-2-10-20210113
1714-Article Text-4661-2-10-20210113
Research Article
Abstract: Amazon Germany has formulated a series So far, German Amazon has been the leader among
of marketing strategies based on the shopping habits all e-commerce platforms in Germany because of
of German consumers and it has achieved success. the competitive marketing strategy. This article
This article summarizes the current marketing summarizes the marketing strategies of Amazon in
strategies of Amazon in Germany, and explores the Germany and compares other e-commerce platforms
key factors for the success of this marketing strategy. to analyze the key factors and shortcomings of
By comparing with other e-commerce platforms, Amazon's success in the German market.
this article critically analyzes the innovation and Amazon was founded in 1995 and is headquartered
deficiency of Amazon in Germany. in Seattle, USA. The CEO is Jeff Bezos. In 1997,
Amazon went public in the United States, and now
Keywords: Amazon in Germany; Localization;
it has developed into the world's most influential
Marketing strategy
online retailer with multiple categories such as books,
Publication date: December, 2020 audio and video, home appliances, clothes and shoes,
Publication online: 30 December, 2020 jewelry, home kitchens, and outdoor sports. The
Corresponding author: Xixi Zhu, 13189851987 predecessor of German Amazon was the German
@163.com online bookstore TELEBOOK which was acquired
by Amazon in 1998 and now turns into Germany's
1 Introduction largest e-commerce platform.
Germany play an important role in the development
2 The marketing strategy of Amazon Germ-
of e-commerce in Europe. In 2019, German
consumers spent a total of 68.41 billion euros on
German e-commerce platforms, with 52 million Amazon Germany has positioned itself clearly in the
online consumers and Amazon is their favorite market expansion process while
e-commerce platform in Germany. According to formulated of a series of marketing strategies
"Digital Shopping Index" released by EY-Parthenon, for German market and gradually expanding sales
Amazon and eBay Classifieds account for 66% of the channels and occupying more market shares. Amazon
German e-commerce market share and they are ahead Germany advocates a consumer-centric service
of all other major e-commerce platforms in Germany. concept and formulates suitable German localized
In order to adapt to the consumption habits of marketing strategies based on the consumption habits
German residents and reduce the negative impact of German.
caused by cultural differences, Amazon has 2.1 Low price marketing strategy
implemented a series of localization measures in
terms of marketing strategy after entering the German Low-price marketing is a more advantageous
market. marketing method for e-commerce than physical